arcgis.features module

The arcgis.features module contains types and functions for working with features and feature layers in the GIS .

Entities located in space with a geometrical representation (such as points, lines or polygons) and a set of properties can be represented as features. The arcgis.features module is used for working with feature data, feature layers and collections of feature layers in the GIS. It also contains the spatial analysis functions which operate against feature data.

In the GIS, entities located in space with a set of properties can be represented as features. Features are stored as feature classes, which represent a set of features located using a single spatial type (point, line, polygon) and a common set of properties. This is the geographic extension of the classic tabular or relational representation for entities - a set of entities is modelled as rows in a table. Tables represent entity classes with uniform properties. In addition to working with entities with location as features, the system can also work with non-spatial entities as rows in tables. The system can also model relationships between entities using properties which act as primary and foreign keys. A collection of feature classes and tables, with the associated relationships among the entities, is a feature layer collection. FeatureLayerCollection are one of the dataset types contained in a Datastore.


Features are not simply entities in a dataset. Features have a visual representation and user experience - on a map, in a 3D scene, as entities with a property sheet or popups.


class arcgis.features.Feature(geometry=None, attributes=None)

Entities located in space with a set of properties can be represented as features.

# Obtain a feature from a feature layer:

# Query a Feature Layer to get a Feature Set
>>> feature_set = feature_layer.query(where="OBJECTID=1")
# Assign a variable to the list of features in the Feature Set
>>> feature_list = feature_set.features
# Get an individual feature
>>> feature = feature_list[0]

# Verify the object type
>>> type(feature)
# Print the string representation of the feature
>>> feature
{"geometry": {"x": -8238318.738276444, "y": 4970309.724235498, "spatialReference": {"wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857}},
"attributes": {"Incident_Type": "Structural-Sidewalk Collapse", "Location": "927 Broadway", "Borough": "Manhattan",
"Creation_Date": 1477743211000, "Closed_Date": null, "Latitude": 40.7144215406227, "Longitude": -74.0060763804198,
"ObjectId": 1}}
property as_dict

Retrieves the feature layer as a dictionary.


The feature as a dictionary

property as_row

Retrieves the feature as a tuple containing two lists:

List of:


row values

the specific attribute values and geometry for this feature

field names

the name for each attribute field


A tuple of two lists: row values and field names

property attributes

Get/Set the attribute values for a feature




Required dict.


A dictionary of feature attribute values with field names as the key

#Example to set attribute values

>>> feat_set = feature_layer.query(where="1=1")
>>> feat_list = feat_set.features
>>> feat = feat_list[0]
>>> feat.attributes = {"field1 : "value", field2 : "value"}
property fields

Retrieves the attribute field names for the feature as a list of strings


A list of strings

classmethod from_dict(feature, sr=None)

Creates a Feature object from a dictionary.


A Feature

classmethod from_json(json_str)

Creates a Feature object from a JSON string.


A Feature

property geometry

Get/Set the geometry of the feature, if any.




Required string. Values: ‘Polyline’ | ‘Polygon’ | ‘Point’


Setting this value will override the current geometry dictionary if already present.


The feature’s geometry as a dictionary.

# Get the current geometry
>>> feat_set = feature_layer.query(where="1=1")
>>> feat_list = feat_set.features
>>> feat = feat_list[0]
>>> feat.geometry
{'x': -8238318.738276444,
 'y': 4970309.724235498,
 'spatialReference': {'wkid': 102100, 'latestWkid': 3857}}
property geometry_type

Retrieves the geometry type of the Feature as a string.


The geometry type of the Feature as a string


Retrieves the value for a specified field name.




Required String. The name for each attribute field.


feature.fields will return a list of all field names.


The value for the specified attribute field of the Feature

set_value(field_name, value)

Sets an attribute value for a given field name.




Required String. The name of the field to update.


Required. Value to update the field with.


A boolean indicating whether field_name value was updated (True), or not updated (False).

# Usage Example

>>> feat_set = feature_layer.query(where="OBJECTID=1")
>>> feat = feat_set.features[0]
>>> feat.fields
>>> feat.get_value("NAME")
'Original Name'
>>> feat.set_value(field_name = "NAME", value = "New Name")


To save edits from the above snippet, use edit_features() with feat_set in a list as the updates argument.


class arcgis.features.FeatureLayer(url, gis=None, container=None, dynamic_layer=None)

The FeatureLayer class is the primary concept for working with Feature objects in a GIS.

User objects create, import, export, analyze, edit, and visualize features, i.e. entities in space as feature layers.

Feature layers can be added to and visualized using maps. They act as inputs to and outputs from feature analysis tools.

Feature layers are created by publishing feature data to a GIS, and are exposed as a broader resource (Item) in the GIS. Feature layer objects can be obtained through the layers attribute on feature layer Items in the GIS.

append(item_id=None, upload_format='featureCollection', source_table_name=None, field_mappings=None, edits=None, source_info=None, upsert=False, skip_updates=False, use_globalids=False, update_geometry=True, append_fields=None, rollback=False, skip_inserts=None, upsert_matching_field=None, upload_id=None, layer_mappings=None, *, return_messages=None, future=False)

The append method is used to update an existing hosted FeatureLayer object. See the Append (Feature Service/Layer) page in the ArcGIS REST API documentation for more information.


The append method is only available in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1+




Optional string. The ID for the Portal item that contains the source file. Used in conjunction with editsUploadFormat.


Required string. The source append data format. The default is featureCollection. Values: ‘sqlite’ | ‘shapefile’ | ‘filegdb’ | ‘featureCollection’ | ‘geojson’ | ‘csv’ | ‘excel’


You can find the Feature Layer’s supported formats by checking the property.


Required string. Required even when the source data contains only one table, e.g., for file geodatabase.

# Example usage:
source_table_name=  "Building"


Optional list. Used to map source data to a destination layer. Syntax: field_mappings=[{“name” : <”targetName”>,

“sourceName” : < “sourceName”>}, …]

# Example usage:
field_mappings=[{"name" : "CountyID",
                "sourceName" : "GEOID10"}]


Optional dictionary. Only feature collection json is supported. Append supports all format through the upload_id or item_id.


Optional dictionary. This is only needed when appending data from excel or csv. The appendSourceInfo can be the publishing parameter returned from analyze the csv or excel file.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the edits needs to be applied as updates if the feature already exists. Default is false.


Optional boolean. Parameter is used only when upsert is true.


Optional boolean. Specifying whether upsert needs to use GlobalId when matching features.


Optional boolean. The parameter is used only when upsert is true. Skip updating the geometry and update only the attributes for existing features if they match source features by objectId or globalId.(as specified by useGlobalIds parameter).


Optional list. The list of destination fields to append to. This is supported when upsert=true or false.

["fieldName1", "fieldName2",....]


Optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the upsert edits needs to be rolled back in case of failure. Default is false.


Used only when upsert is true. Used to skip inserts if the value is true. The default value is false.


Optional string. The layer field to be used when matching features with upsert. ObjectId, GlobalId, and any other field that has a unique index can be used with upsert. This parameter overrides use_globalids; e.g., specifying upsert_matching_field will be used even if you specify use_globalids = True. Example: upsert_matching_field=”MyfieldWithUniqueIndex”


Optional string. The itemID field from an upload() response, corresponding with the appendUploadId REST API argument. This argument should not be used along side the item_id argument.


Optional list of dictionaries. This is needed if the source is featureService. It is used to map a source layer to a destination layer. Only one source can be mapped to a layer.

Syntax: layerMappings=[{“id”: <layerID>, “sourceId”: <layer id>}]


Optional Boolean. When set to True, the messages returned from the append will be returned. If False, the response messages will not be returned. This alters the output to be a tuple consisting of a (Boolean, Dictionary).


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A boolean indicating success (True), or failure (False). When return_messages is True, the response messages will be return in addition to the boolean as a tuple. If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example

>>> feature_layer.append(source_table_name= "Building",
                        field_mappings=[{"name" : "CountyID",
                                        "sourceName" : "GEOID10"}],
                        upsert = True,
                        append_fields = ["fieldName1", "fieldName2",...., fieldname22],
                        return_messages = False)
calculate(where, calc_expression, sql_format='standard', version=None, sessionid=None, return_edit_moment=None, future=False)

The calculate operation is performed on a FeatureLayer resource. calculate updates the values of one or more fields in an existing feature service layer based on SQL expressions or scalar values. The calculate operation can only be used if the supportsCalculate property of the layer is True. Neither the Shape field nor system fields can be updated using calculate. System fields include ObjectId and GlobalId.




Required String. A where clause can be used to limit the updated records. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed.


Required List. The array of field/value info objects that contain the field or fields to update and their scalar values or SQL expression. Allowed types are dictionary and list. List must be a list of dictionary objects.

Calculation Format is as follows:

{“field” : “<field name>”, “value” : “<value>”}


Optional String. The SQL format for the calc_expression. It can be either standard SQL92 (standard) or native SQL (native). The default is standard.

Values: standard, native


Optional String. The geodatabase version to apply the edits.


Optional String. A parameter which is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version. The sessionid is a GUID value that clients establish at the beginning and use throughout the edit session. The sessonid ensures isolation during the edit session. This parameter applies only if the isDataBranchVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional Boolean. This parameter specifies whether the response will report the time edits were applied. If true, the server will return the time edits were applied in the response’s edit moment key. This parameter applies only if the isDataBranchVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.

This applies to 10.8+ only


A dictionary with the following format:

{ ‘updatedFeatureCount’: 1, ‘success’: True }

If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example 1:

print(fl.calculate(where="OBJECTID < 2",
                   calc_expression={"field": "ZONE", "value" : "R1"}))
# Usage Example 2:

print(fl.calculate(where="OBJECTID < 2001",
                   calc_expression={"field": "A",  "sqlExpression" : "B*3"}))
property container

Get/Set the FeatureLayerCollection to which this layer belongs.




Required FeatureLayerCollection.


The Feature Layer Collection where the layer is stored

property contingent_values

Returns the define contingent values for the given layer. :returns: Dict[str,Any]

delete_features(deletes=None, where=None, geometry_filter=None, gdb_version=None, rollback_on_failure=True, return_delete_results=True, future=False)

Deletes features in a FeatureLayer or Table




Optional string. A comma separated string of OIDs to remove from the service.


Optional string. A where clause for the query filter. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed. Features conforming to the specified where clause will be deleted.


Optional SpatialFilter. A spatial filter from arcgis.geometry.filters module to filter results by a spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.


Optional Boolean. Optional parameter that indicates whether a result is returned per deleted row when the deleteFeatures operation is run. The default is true.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A dictionary if future=False (default), else If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

>>> gis = GIS("pro")
>>> buck ="owner:"+
>>> buck_1 =buck[1]
>>> lay = buck_1.layers[0]

>>> la_df = lay.delete_features(where = "OBJECTID > 15")
>>> la_df
{'deleteResults': [
{'objectId': 1, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 2, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 3, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 4, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 5, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 6, 'uniqueId': 6, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 7, 'uniqueId': 7, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 8, 'uniqueId': 8, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 9, 'uniqueId': 9, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 10, 'uniqueId': 10, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 11, 'uniqueId': 11, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 12, 'uniqueId': 12, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 13, 'uniqueId': 13, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 14, 'uniqueId': 14, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 15, 'uniqueId': 15, 'globalId': None, 'success': True}]}
edit_features(adds=None, updates=None, deletes=None, gdb_version=None, use_global_ids=False, rollback_on_failure=True, return_edit_moment=False, attachments=None, true_curve_client=False, session_id=None, use_previous_moment=False, datum_transformation=None, future=False)

Adds, updates, and deletes features to the associated FeatureLayer or Table in a single call.


When making large number (250+ records at once) of edits, append should be used over edit_features to improve performance and ensure service stability.




Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be added.


Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be updated.


Optional FeatureSet/List. string of OIDs to remove from service


Optional boolean. Instead of referencing the default Object ID field, the service will look at a GUID field to track changes. This means the GUIDs will be passed instead of OIDs for delete, update or add features.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to apply edits. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.


Optional boolean. Introduced at 10.5, only applicable with ArcGIS Server services only. Specifies whether the response will report the time edits were applied. If set to true, the server will return the time in the response’s editMoment key. The default value is false.


Optional Dict. This parameter adds, updates, or deletes attachments. It applies only when the use_global_ids parameter is set to true. For adds, the globalIds of the attachments provided by the client are preserved. When useGlobalIds is true, updates and deletes are identified by each feature or attachment globalId, rather than their objectId or attachmentId. This parameter requires the layer’s supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds property to be true.

Attachments to be added or updated can use either pre-uploaded data or base 64 encoded data.





List of attachments to add.


List of attachements to update


List of attachments to delete

See the Apply Edits to a Feature Service layer in the ArcGIS REST API for more information.


Optional boolean. Introduced at 10.5. Indicates to the server whether the client is true curve capable. When set to true, this indicates to the server that true curve geometries should be downloaded and that geometries containing true curves should be consumed by the map service without densifying it. When set to false, this indicates to the server that the client is not true curves capable. The default value is false.


Optional String. Introduced at 10.6. The session_id is a GUID value that clients establish at the beginning and use throughout the edit session. The sessonID ensures isolation during the edit session. The session_id parameter is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version.


Optional Boolean. Introduced at 10.6. The use_previous_moment parameter is used to apply the edits with the same edit moment as the previous set of edits. This allows an editor to apply single block of edits partially, complete another task and then complete the block of edits. This parameter is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version.

When set to true, the edits are applied with the same edit moment as the previous set of edits. When set to false or not set (default) the edits are applied with a new edit moment.


Optional Integer/Dictionary. This parameter applies a datum transformation while projecting geometries in the results when out_sr is different than the layer’s spatial reference. When specifying transformations, you need to think about which datum transformation best projects the layer (not the feature service) to the outSR and sourceSpatialReference property in the layer properties. For a list of valid datum transformation ID values ad well-known text strings, see Using spatial references. For more information on datum transformations please see the transformation parameter in the Project operation documentation.





Integer. Ex: datum_transformation=4326


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation={“wkt”: “<WKT>”}


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation=```{‘geoTransforms’:[{‘wkid’:<id>,’forward’:<true|false>},{‘wkt’:’<WKT>’,’forward’:<True|False>}]}```


Optional Boolean. If the FeatureLayer has supportsAsyncApplyEdits set to True, then edits can be applied asynchronously. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A dictionary by default, or If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example 1:

feature = [
    'attributes': {
        'ObjectId': 1,
# Usage Example 2:

adds = {"geometry": {"x": 500, "y": 500, "spatialReference":
                    {"wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857}},
        "attributes": {"ADMIN_NAME": "Fake Location"}
# Usage Example 3:

property estimates

Returns up-to-date approximations of layer information, such as row count and extent. Layers that support this property will include infoInEstimates information in the layer’s properties.

Currently available with ArcGIS Online and Enterprise 10.9.1+


Dict[str, Any]

export_attachments(output_folder, label_field=None)

Exports attachments from the FeatureLayer in Imagenet format using the output_label_field.




Required string. Output folder where the attachments will be stored. If None, a default folder is created


Optional string. Field which contains the label/category of each feature.


Nothing is returned from this method

property field_groups

Returns the defined list of field groups for a given layer.



classmethod fromitem(item, layer_id=0)

The fromitem method creates a FeatureLayer from an Item object.




Required Item object. The type of item should be a Feature Service that represents a FeatureLayerCollection


Required Integer. the id of the layer in feature layer collection (feature service). The default for layer_id is 0.


A FeatureSet object

# Usage Example

>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

>>> gis = GIS("pro")
>>> buck ="owner:"+
>>> buck_1 =buck[1]
>>> buck_1.type
'Feature Service'
>>> new_layer= FeatureLayer.fromitem(item = buck_1)
>>> type(new_layer)
<class 'arcgis.features.layer.FeatureLayer'>
generate_renderer(definition, where=None)

Groups data using the supplied definition (classification definition) and an optional where clause. The result is a renderer object.


Use baseSymbol and colorRamp to define the symbols assigned to each class. If the operation is performed on a table, the result is a renderer object containing the data classes and no symbols.




Required dict. The definition using the renderer that is generated. Use either class breaks or unique value classification definitions. See Classification Objects for additional details.


Optional string. A where clause for which the data needs to be classified. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the dynamic layer/table is allowed.


A JSON Dictionary

# Example Usage
    definition = {"type":"uniqueValueDef",
                  "fieldDelimiter": ",",
                      "type": "esriSFS",
                      "style": "esriSLSSolid",
                        "algorithm": "esriHSVAlgorithm"
    where = "POP2000 > 350000"

The get_html_popup method provides details about the HTML pop-up authored by the User using ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop.




Optional string. Object id of the feature to get the HTML popup.


A string

get_unique_values(attribute, query_string='1=1')

Retrieves a list of unique values for a given attribute in the FeatureLayer.




Required string. The feature layer attribute to query.


Optional string. SQL Query that will be used to filter attributes before unique values are returned. ex. “name_2 like ‘%K%’”


A list of unique values

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

>>> gis = GIS("pro")
>>> buck ="owner:"+
>>> buck_1 =buck[1]
>>> lay = buck_1.layers[0]
>>> layer = lay.get_unique_values(attribute = "COUNTY")
>>> layer
property manager

The manager property is a helper object to manage the FeatureLayer, such as updating its definition.


A FeatureLayerManager

# Usage Example

>>> manager = FeatureLayer.manager
property metadata

Get the Feature Layer’s metadata.


If metadata is disabled on the GIS or the layer does not support metadata, None will be returned.


String of the metadata, if any

property properties

The properties property retrieves and set properties of this object.

query(where='1=1', out_fields='*', time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, return_geometry=True, return_count_only=False, return_ids_only=False, return_distinct_values=False, return_extent_only=False, group_by_fields_for_statistics=None, statistic_filter=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, object_ids=None, distance=None, units=None, max_allowable_offset=None, out_sr=None, geometry_precision=None, gdb_version=None, order_by_fields=None, out_statistics=None, return_z=False, return_m=False, multipatch_option=None, quantization_parameters=None, return_centroid=False, return_all_records=True, result_type=None, historic_moment=None, sql_format=None, return_true_curves=False, return_exceeded_limit_features=None, as_df=False, datum_transformation=None, time_reference_unknown_client=None, **kwargs)

The query method queries a FeatureLayer based on a sql statement.




Optional string. SQL-92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources. Some data sources have restrictions on what is supported. Hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise running on a spatiotemporal data source only support a subset of SQL-92. Below is a list of supported SQL-92 with spatiotemporal-based feature services:

( ‘<=’ | ‘>=’ | ‘<’ | ‘>’ | ‘=’ | ‘!=’ | ‘<>’ | LIKE ) (AND | OR) (IS | IS_NOT) (IN | NOT_IN) ( ‘(’ ( expr ( ‘,’ expr )* )? ‘)’ ) COLUMN_NAME BETWEEN LITERAL_VALUE AND LITERAL_VALUE


Optional list of fields to be included in the returned result set. This list is a comma-delimited list of field names. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the query results include all the field values.


If specifying return_count_only, return_id_only, or return_extent_only as True, do not specify this parameter in order to avoid errors.


Optional string. The object IDs of this layer or table to be queried. The object ID values should be a comma-separated string.


There might be a drop in performance if the layer/table data source resides in an enterprise geodatabase and more than 1,000 object_ids are specified.


Optional integer. The buffer distance for the input geometries. The distance unit is specified by units. For example, if the distance is 100, the query geometry is a point, units is set to meters, and all points within 100 meters of the point are returned.


Optional string. The unit for calculating the buffer distance. If unit is not specified, the unit is derived from the geometry spatial reference. If the geometry spatial reference is not specified, the unit is derived from the feature service data spatial reference. This parameter only applies if supportsQueryWithDistance is true.

Values: `esriSRUnit_Meter | esriSRUnit_StatuteMile |

esriSRUnit_Foot | esriSRUnit_Kilometer | esriSRUnit_NauticalMile | esriSRUnit_USNauticalMile`


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds. Syntax: time_filter=[<startTime>, <endTime>] ; specified as, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds


Optional from filters. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of out_sr. If out_sr is not specified, max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the layer.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional Integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries returned by the query operation. This applies to X and Y values only (not m or z-values).


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true. If this is not specified, the query will apply to the published map’s version.


Optional boolean. If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true.


Optional boolean. If true, it returns distinct values based on the fields specified in out_fields. This parameter applies only if the supportsAdvancedQueries property of the layer is true. This parameter can be used with return_count_only to return the count of distinct values of subfields.


Make sure to set return_geometry to False if this is set to True. Otherwise, reliable results will not be returned.


Optional boolean. Default is False. If true, the response only includes an array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. When object_ids are specified, setting this parameter to true is invalid.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the count (number of features/records) that would be returned by a query. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. The default is false. This option supersedes the returnIdsOnly parameter. If returnCountOnly = true, the response will return both the count and the extent.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the extent of the features that would be returned by the query. If returnCountOnly=true, the response will return both the count and the extent. The default is false. This parameter applies only if the supportsReturningQueryExtent property of the layer is true.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


If specifying return_count_only, return_id_only, or return_extent_only as True, do not specify this parameter in order to avoid errors.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the values need to be grouped for calculating the statistics. example: STATE_NAME, GENDER


Optional list of dictionaries. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated.



“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field1”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name1”

}, {

“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field2”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name2”




Optional StatisticFilter instance. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics can be added, e.g. statisticType, onStatisticField, or outStatisticFieldName.


sf = StatisticFilter() sf.add(statisticType=”count”, onStatisticField=”1”, outStatisticFieldName=”total”) sf.filter


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is False.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional x/y footprint. This option dictates how the geometry of a multipatch feature will be returned.


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th). This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property. This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional dict. Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.


Optional boolean. Used to return the geometry centroid associated with each feature returned. If true, the result includes the geometry centroid. The default is false. Only supported on layer with polygon geometry type.


Optional boolean. When True, the query operation will call the service until all records that satisfy the where_clause are returned. Note: result_offset and result_record_count will be ignored if return_all_records is True. Also, if return_count_only, return_ids_only, or return_extent_only are True, this parameter will be ignored.


Optional string. The result_type parameter can be used to control the number of features returned by the query operation. Values: None | standard | tile


Optional integer. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the layer is archiving enabled and the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property is set to true. This property is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional boolean. When set to true, returns true curves in output geometries. When set to false, curves are converted to densified polylines or polygons.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter which is true by default. When set to true, features are returned even when the results include ‘exceededTransferLimit’: True.

When set to false and querying with resultType = tile features are not returned when the results include ‘exceededTransferLimit’: True. This allows a client to find the resolution in which the transfer limit is no longer exceeded without making multiple calls.


Optional boolean. If True, the results are returned as a DataFrame instead of a FeatureSet.


Optional Integer/Dictionary. This parameter applies a datum transformation while projecting geometries in the results when out_sr is different than the layer’s spatial reference. When specifying transformations, you need to think about which datum transformation best projects the layer (not the feature service) to the outSR and sourceSpatialReference property in the layer properties. For a list of valid datum transformation ID values ad well-known text strings, see Coordinate systems and transformations. For more information on datum transformations, please see the transformation parameter in the Project operation.





Integer. Ex: datum_transformation=4326


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation={“wkt”: “<WKT>”}


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation=```{‘geoTransforms’:[{‘wkid’:<id>,’forward’:<true|false>},{‘wkt’:’<WKT>’,’forward’:<True|False>}]}```


Optional dict. Optional parameters that can be passed to the Query function. This will allow users to pass additional parameters not explicitly implemented on the function. A complete list of functions available is documented on the Query REST API.


A FeatureSet containing the features matching the query unless another return type is specified, such as return_count_only, return_extent_only, or return_ids_only.

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> feat_set = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID= 1")
>>> type(feat_set)
>>> feat_set[0]
<Feature 1>
# Usage Example of an advanced query returning the object IDs instead of Features

>>> id_set = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID1",
                                   out_fields = ["FieldName1, FieldName2"],
                                   distance = 100,
                                   units = 'esriSRUnit_Meter',
                                   return_ids_only = True)

>>> type(id_set)
>>> id_set[0]
# Usage Example of an advanced query returning the number of features in the query

>>> search_count = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID1",
                                   out_fields = ["FieldName1, FieldName2"],
                                   distance = 100,
                                   units = 'esriSRUnit_Meter',
                                   return_count_only = True)

>>> type(search_count)
>>> search_count
# Usage Example with "out_statistics" parameter

>>> stats = [{
        'onStatisticField': "1",
        'outStatisticFieldName': "total",
        'statisticType': "count"
>>> feature_layer.query(out_statistics=stats, as_df=True) # returns a DataFrame containting total count
# Usage Example with "StatisticFilter" parameter

>>> from arcgis._impl.common._filters import StatisticFilter
>>> sf1 = StatisticFilter()
>>> sf1.add(statisticType="count", onStatisticField="1", outStatisticFieldName="total")
>>> sf1.filter # This is to print the filter content
>>> feature_layer.query(statistic_filter=sf1, as_df=True) # returns a DataFrame containing total count
query_3d(where=None, out_fields=None, object_ids=None, distance=None, units=None, time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, gdb_version=None, return_distinct_values=None, order_by_fields=None, group_by_fields_for_statistics=None, out_statistics=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, historic_moment=None, sql_format=None, format_3d_objects=None, time_reference_unknown_client=None)

The query3D operation allows clients to query 3D object features and is based on the feature service layer query operation. The 3D object feature layer still supports layer and service level feature service query operations.




Optional string. SQL-92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources. Some data sources have restrictions on what is supported. Hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise running on a spatiotemporal data source only support a subset of SQL-92. Below is a list of supported SQL-92 with spatiotemporal-based feature services:

( ‘<=’ | ‘>=’ | ‘<’ | ‘>’ | ‘=’ | ‘!=’ | ‘<>’ | LIKE ) (AND | OR) (IS | IS_NOT) (IN | NOT_IN) ( ‘(’ ( expr ( ‘,’ expr )* )? ‘)’ ) COLUMN_NAME BETWEEN LITERAL_VALUE AND LITERAL_VALUE


Optional list of fields to be included in the returned result set. This list is a comma-delimited list of field names. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter to return all fields in the result.


Optional string. The object IDs of this layer or table to be queried. The object ID values should be a comma-separated string.


There might be a drop in performance if the layer/table data source resides in an enterprise geodatabase and more than 1,000 object_ids are specified.


Optional integer. The buffer distance for the input geometries. The distance unit is specified by units. For example, if the distance is 100, the query geometry is a point, units is set to meters, and all points within 100 meters of the point are returned.


Optional string. The unit for calculating the buffer distance. If unit is not specified, the unit is derived from the geometry spatial reference. If the geometry spatial reference is not specified, the unit is derived from the feature service data spatial reference. This parameter only applies if supportsQueryWithDistance is true.

Values: `esriSRUnit_Meter | esriSRUnit_StatuteMile |

esriSRUnit_Foot | esriSRUnit_Kilometer | esriSRUnit_NauticalMile | esriSRUnit_USNauticalMile`


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds. Syntax: time_filter=[<startTime>, <endTime>] ; specified as, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds


Optional from filters. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true. If this is not specified, the query will apply to the published map’s version.


Optional boolean. If true, it returns distinct values based on the fields specified in out_fields. This parameter applies only if the supportsAdvancedQueries property of the layer is true. This parameter can be used with return_count_only to return the count of distinct values of subfields.


Make sure to set return_geometry to False if this is set to True. Otherwise, reliable results will not be returned.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


If specifying return_count_only, return_id_only, or return_extent_only as True, do not specify this parameter in order to avoid errors.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the values need to be grouped for calculating the statistics. example: STATE_NAME, GENDER


Optional list of dictionaries. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated.



“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field1”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name1”

}, {

“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field2”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name2”




Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th). This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property. This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the layer is archiving enabled and the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property is set to true. This property is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional string. Specifies the 3D format that will be used to request a feature. If set to a valid format ID (see layer resource), the geometry of the feature response will be a 3D envelope of the 3D object and will include asset maps for the 3D object. Since formats are created asynchronously, review the flags field in the asset map to determine if the format is available (conversionStatus is COMPLETED). If conversionStatus is INPROGRESS, the format is not ready. Request the feature again later.

If a feature does not have the specified format, the feature will still be returned according to the query parameters (such as the where clause), but the asset mapping will be missing.

Values: “3D_dae” | “3D_dwg” | “3D_fbx” | “3D_glb” | “3D_gltf” | “3D_ifc” | “3D_obj” | “3D_shapebuffer” | “3D_shapebufferg” | “3D_usdc” | “3D_usdz”


Optional boolean. Setting time_reference_unknown_client as True indicates that the client is capable of working with data values that are not in UTC. If its not set to true, and the service layer’s datesInUnknownTimeZone property is true, then an error is returned. The default is False

Its possible to define a service’s time zone of date fields as unknown. Setting the time zone as unknown means that date values will be returned as-is from the database, rather than as date values in UTC. Non-hosted feature services can be set to use an unknown time zone using ArcGIS Server Manager. Setting the time zones to unknown also sets the datesInUnknownTimeZone layer property as true. Currently, hosted feature services do not support this setting. This setting does not apply to editor tracking date fields which are stored and returned in UTC even when the time zone is set to unknown.

Most clients released prior to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 will not be able to work with feature services that have an unknown time setting.


A dictionary containing the feature, asset map, and asset information for the layer.

USAGE EXAMPLE: Query 3D objects

# Import the required modules
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

# Connect to your GIS
gis = GIS(profile="your_enterprise_profile")

# Search for the feature layer
search_result ="3D Object Feature Layer", "Feature Layer")
feature_layer = search_result[0]

# Create a FeatureLayer object
layer = FeatureLayer(feature_layer.url, gis)

# Query the 3D objects
result = layer.query_3d(where="OBJECTID < 10", out_fields="*", format_3d_objects="3D_dae")
query_analytics(out_analytics, where='1=1', out_fields='*', analytic_where=None, geometry_filter=None, out_sr=None, return_geometry=True, order_by=None, result_type=None, cache_hint=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, quantization_param=None, sql_format=None, future=True, **kwargs)

The query_analytics exposes the standard SQL windows functions that compute aggregate and ranking values based on a group of rows called window partition. The window function is applied to the rows after the partitioning and ordering of the rows. query_analytics defines a window or user-specified set of rows within a query result set. query_analytics can be used to compute aggregated values such as moving averages, cumulative aggregates, or running totals.


See the query method for a similar function.

SQL Windows Function

A window function performs a calculation across a set of rows (SQL partition or window) that are related to the current row. Unlike regular aggregate functions, use of a window function does not return single output row. The rows retain their separate identities with each calculation appended to the rows as a new field value. The window function can access more than just the current row of the query result.

query_analytics currently supports the following windows functions:
  • Aggregate functions

  • Analytic functions

  • Ranking functions

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are deterministic function that perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. They are used in the select list with optional HAVING clause. GROUP BY clause can also be used to calculate the aggregation on categories of rows. query_analytics can be used to calculate the aggregation on a specific range of value. Supported aggregate functions are:

  • Min

  • Max

  • Sum

  • Count

  • AVG


  • VAR

Analytic Functions

Several analytic functions available now in all SQL vendors to compute an aggregate value based on a group of rows or windows partition. Unlike aggregation functions, analytic functions can return single or multiple rows for each group.




  • LEAD

  • LAG




Ranking Functions

Ranking functions return a ranking value for each row in a partition. Depending on the function that is used, some rows might receive the same value as other rows.

  • RANK





Partitions are extremely useful when you need to calculate the same metric over different group of rows. It is very powerful and has many potential usages. For example, you can add partition by to your window specification to look at different groups of rows individually.

partitionBy clause divides the query result set into partitions and the sql window function is applied to each partition. The ‘partitionBy’ clause normally refers to the column by which the result is partitioned. ‘partitionBy’ can also be a value expression (column expression or function) that references any of the selected columns (not aliases).




Required List. A set of analytics to calculate on the Feature Layer.

The definitions for one or more field-based or expression analytics to be computed. This parameter is supported only on layers/tables that return true for supportsAnalytics property.


If outAnalyticFieldName is empty or missing, the server assigns a field name to the returned analytic field.

The argument should be a list of dictionaries that define analystics. An analytic definition specifies:

  • the type of analytic - key: analyticType

  • the field or expression on which it is to be computed - key: onAnalyticField

  • the resulting output field name -key: outAnalyticFieldName

  • the analytic specifications - analysticParameters

See Overview for details.

# Dictionary structure and options for this parameter

    "onAnalyticField": "Field1",
    "outAnalyticFieldName": "Out_Field_Name1",
    "analyticParameters": {
         "orderBy": "<orderBy expression",
         "value": <double value>,// percentile value
         "partitionBy": "<field name or expression>",
         "offset": <integer>, // used by LAG/LEAD
         "windowFrame": {
            "type": "ROWS" | "RANGE",
            "extent": {
               "extentType": "PRECEDING" | "BOUNDARY",
               "PRECEDING": {
                  "type": <"UNBOUNDED" |
                          "NUMERIC_CONSTANT" |
                   "value": <numeric constant value>
                "BOUNDARY": {
                 "start": "UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING",
                 "startValue": <numeric constant value>,
                 "end": <"UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING" |
                         "NUMERIC_FOLLOWING" |
                 "endValue": <numeric constant value>
# Usage Example:

>>> out_analytics =
        [{"analyticType": "FIRST_VALUE",
          "onAnalyticField": "POP1990",
          "analyticParameters": {
                                 "orderBy": "POP1990",
                                 "partitionBy": "state_name"
          "outAnalyticFieldName": "FirstValue"}]


Optional string. The default is 1=1. The selection sql statement.


Optional List of field names to return. Field names can be specified either as a List of field names or as a comma separated string. The default is “*”, which returns all the fields.


Optional String. A where clause for the query filter that applies to the result set of applying the source where clause and all other params.


Optional from arcgis.geometry.filter. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional boolean. If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


Optional string. The result_type parameter can be used to control the number of features returned by the query operation. Values: None | standard | tile


Optional Boolean. If you are performing the same query multiple times, a user can ask the server to cache the call to obtain the results quicker. The default is False.


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property.


Optional dict. Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional Boolean. This determines if a Future object is returned (True) the method returns the results directly (False).


A Pandas DataFrame (pd.DataFrame)

query_date_bins(bin_field, bin_specs, out_statistics, time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, bin_order=None, where=None, return_centroid=False, in_sr=None, out_sr=None, spatial_rel=None, quantization_params=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, return_exceeded_limit_features=False)

The query_date_bins operation is performed on a FeatureLayer. This operation returns a histogram of features divided into bins based on a date field. The response can include statistical aggregations for each bin, such as a count or sum, and may also include the aggregate geometries (in other words, centroid) for point layers.

The parameters define the bins, the aggregate information returned, and the included features. Bins are defined using the bin parameter. The out_statistics and return_centroid parameters define the information each bin will provide. Included features can be specified by providing a time extent, where condition, and a spatial filter, similar to a query operation.

The contents of the bin_specs parameter provide flexibility for defining bin boundaries. The bin_specs parameter’s unit property defines the time width of each bin, such as one year, quarter, month, day, or hour. Fixed bins can use multiple units for these time widths. The result_offset property defines an offset within that time unit. For example, if your bin unit is day, and you want bin boundaries to go from noon to noon on the next day, the offset would be 12 hours.

Features can be manipulated with the time_filter, where, and geometry_filter parameters. By default, the result will expand to fit the feature’s earliest and latest point of time. The time_filter parameter defines a fixed starting point and ending point of the features based on the field used in binField. The where and geometry_filter parameters allow additional filters to be put on the data.

This operation is only supported on feature services using a spatiotemporal data store. As well, the service property supportsQueryDateBins must be set to true.

To use pagination with aggregated queries on hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise, the supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries property must be true on the layer. Hosted feature services using a spatiotemporal data store do not currently support pagination on aggregated queries.




Required String. The date field used to determine which bin each feature falls into.


Required Dict. A dictionary that describes the characteristics of bins, such as the size of the bin and its starting position. The size of each bin is determined by the number of time units denoted by the number and unit properties.

The starting position of the bin is the earliest moment in the specified unit. For example, each year begins at midnight of January 1. An offset inside the bin parameter can provide an offset to the starting position of the bin. This can contain a positive or negative integer value.

A bin can take two forms: either a calendar bin or a fixed bin. A calendar bin is aware of calendar-specific adjustments, such as daylight saving time and leap seconds. Fixed bins are, by contrast, always a specific unit of measurement (for example, 60 seconds in a minute, 24 hours in a day) regardless of where the date and time of the bin starts. For this reason, some calendar-specific units are only supported as calendar bins.

# Calendar bin

>>> bin_specs= {"calendarBin":
                  {"unit": "year",
                    "timezone": "US/Arizona",
                    "offset": {
                        "number": 5,
                        "unit": "hour"}

# Fixed bin

>>> bin_specs= {"fixedBin":
                  "number": 12,
                  "unit": "hour",
                  "offset": {
                    "number": 5,
                    "unit": "hour"}


Required List of Dicts. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated:

 "statisticType": "<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>",
 "onStatisticField": "Field1",
 "outStatisticFieldName": "Out_Field_Name1"


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds.


Optional from filters. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional String. Either “ASC” or “DESC”. Determines whether results are returned in ascending or descending order. Default is ascending.


Optional String. A WHERE clause for the query filter. SQL ‘92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources.


Optional Boolean. Returns the geometry centroid associated with all the features in the bin. If true, the result includes the geometry centroid. The default is false. This parameter is only supported on point data.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the input geometry.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional String. The spatial relationship to be applied to the input geometry while performing the query. The supported spatial relationships include intersects, contains, envelop intersects, within, and so on. The default spatial relationship is intersects (esriSpatialRelIntersects). Other options are esriSpatialRelContains, esriSpatialRelCrosses, esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects, esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects, esriSpatialRelOverlaps, esriSpatialRelTouches, and esriSpatialRelWithin.


Optional Dict. Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.

# upperLeft origin position

{"mode": "view",
 "originPosition": "upperLeft",
 "tolerance": 1.0583354500042335,
 "extent": {
     "type": "extent",
     "xmin": -18341377.47954369,
     "ymin": 2979920.6113554947,
     "xmax": -7546517.393554582,
     "ymax": 11203512.89298139,
     "spatialReference": {
         "wkid": 102100,
         "latestWkid": 3857}

# lowerLeft origin position

{"mode": "view",
 "originPosition": "lowerLeft",
 "tolerance": 1.0583354500042335,
 "extent": {
    "type": "extent",
    "xmin": -18341377.47954369,
    "ymin": 2979920.6113554947,
    "xmax": -7546517.393554582,
    "ymax": 11203512.89298139,
    "spatialReference": {
        "wkid": 102100,
        "latestWkid": 3857}

See Quantization parameters JSON properties for details on format of this parameter.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsCoordinateQuantization property is true.


Optional Int. This parameter fetches query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record. The default is 0.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsPagination property is true.


Optional Int. This parameter fetches query results up to the value specified. When result_offset is specified, but this parameter is not, the map service defaults to the layer’s maxRecordCount property. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the maxRecordCount property. The minimum value entered for this parameter cannot be below 1.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsPagination property is true.


Optional Boolean. When set to True, features are returned even when the results include "exceededTransferLimit": true. This allows a client to find the resolution in which the transfer limit is no longer exceeded withou making multiple calls. The default value is False.


A Dict containing the resulting features and fields.

# Usage Example

>>> flyr_item ="*", "Feature Layer")[0]
>>> flyr = flyr_item.layers[0]

>>> qy_result = flyr.query_date_bins(bin_field="boundary",
                                                   "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
                                                   "offset": {"number": 8,
                                                              "unit": "hour"}
                                     out_statistics=[{"statisticType": "count",
                                                      "onStatisticField": "objectid",
                                                      "outStatisticFieldName": "item_sold_count"},
                                                     {"statisticType": "avg",
                                                     "onStatisticField": "price",
                                                     "outStatisticFieldName": "avg_daily_revenue "}],
                                     time=[1609516800000, 1612195199999])
>>> qy_result
    "features": [
        "attributes": {
          "boundary": 1609516800000,
          "avg_daily_revenue": 300.40,
          "item_sold_count": 79
        "attributes": {
          "boundary": 1612108800000,
          "avg_daily_revenue": null,
          "item_sold_count": 0
    "fields": [
        "name": "boundary",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDate"
        "name": "item_sold_count",
        "alias": "item_sold_count",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger"
        "name": "avg_daily_revenue",
        "alias": "avg_daily_revenue",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
    "exceededTransferLimit": false

The query_related_records operation is performed on a FeatureLayer resource. The result of this operation are feature sets grouped by source layer/table object IDs. Each feature set contains Feature objects including the values for the fields requested by the user. For related layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the feature set. For related tables, the feature set does not include geometries.


See the query method for a similar function.




Required string. The object IDs of the table/layer to be queried


Required string. The ID of the relationship to be queried.


Required string. the list of fields from the related table/layer to be included in the returned feature set. This list is a comma delimited list of field names. If you specify the shape field in the list of return fields, it is ignored. To request geometry, set return_geometry to true. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the results will include all the field values.


Optional string. The definition expression to be applied to the related table/layer. From the list of objectIds, only those records that conform to this expression are queried for related records.


Optional boolean. If true, the feature set includes the geometry associated with each feature. The default is true.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of the outSR. If out_wkid is not specified, then max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.


Optional integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries.


Optional Integer. The spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer queried is true.


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional Integer/datetime. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property of the layers being queried is set to true. This setting is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.

Syntax: historic_moment=<Epoch time in milliseconds>


Optional boolean. Optional parameter that is false by default. When set to true, returns true curves in output geometries; otherwise, curves are converted to densified Polyline or Polygon objects.


Dictionary of the query results

# Usage Example:

# Query returning the related records for a feature with objectid value of 2,
# returning the values in the 6 attribute fields defined in the `field_string`
# variable:

>>> field_string = "objectid,attribute,system_name,subsystem_name,class_name,water_regime_name"
>>> rel_records = feat_lyr.query_related_records(object_ids = "2",
                                                 relationship_id = 0,
                                                 out_fields = field_string,

>>> list(rel_records.keys())
['fields', 'relatedRecordGroups']

>>> rel_records["relatedRecordGroups"]
[{'objectId': 2,
  'relatedRecords': [{'attributes': {'objectid': 686,
     'attribute': 'L1UBHh',
     'system_name': 'Lacustrine',
     'subsystem_name': 'Limnetic',
     'class_name': 'Unconsolidated Bottom',
     'water_regime_name': 'Permanently Flooded'}}]}]
query_top_features(top_filter=None, where=None, objectids=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, geometry_filter=None, out_fields='*', return_geometry=True, return_centroid=False, max_allowable_offset=None, out_sr=None, geometry_precision=None, return_ids_only=False, return_extents_only=False, order_by_field=None, return_z=False, return_m=False, result_type=None, as_df=True)

The query_top_features is performed on a FeatureLayer. This operation returns a feature set or spatially enabled dataframe based on the top features by order within a group. For example, when querying counties in the United States, you want to return the top five counties by population in each state. To do this, you can use query_top_features to group by state name, order by desc on the population and return the first five rows from each group (state).

The top_filter parameter is used to set the group by, order by, and count criteria used in generating the result. The operation also has many of the same parameters (for example, where and geometry) as the layer query operation. However, unlike the layer query operation, query_top_feaures does not support parameters such as outStatistics and its related parameters or return distinct values. Consult the advancedQueryCapabilities layer property for more details.

If the feature layer collection supports the query_top_feaures operation, it will include “supportsTopFeaturesQuery”: True, in the advancedQueryCapabilities layer property.


See the query method for a similar function.




Required Dict. The top_filter define the aggregation of the data.

  • groupByFields define the field or fields used to aggregate

your data.

  • topCount defines the number of features returned from the top

features query and is a numeric value.

  • orderByFields defines the order in which the top features will

be returned. orderByFields can be specified in either ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order, ascending being the default.

Example: {“groupByFields”: “worker”, “topCount”: 1,

“orderByFields”: “employeeNumber”}


Optional String. A WHERE clause for the query filter. SQL ‘92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources.


Optional List. The object IDs of the layer or table to be queried.


Optional Datetime. The starting time to query for.


Optional Datetime. The end date to query for.


Optional from arcgis.geometry.filter. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional String. The list of fields to include in the return results.


Optional Boolean. If False, the query will not return geometries. The default is True.


Optional Boolean. If True, the centroid of the geometry will be added to the output.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of out_sr. If out_sr is not specified, max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the layer.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional Integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries returned by the query operation. This applies to X and Y values only (not m or z-values).


Optional boolean. Default is False. If true, the response only includes an array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the extent of the features that would be returned by the query. If returnCountOnly=true, the response will return both the count and the extent. The default is false. This parameter applies only if the supportsReturningQueryExtent property of the layer is true.


Optional Str. Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is False.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional String. The result_type can be used to control the number of features returned by the query operation. Values: none | standard | tile


Optional Boolean. If False, the result is returned as a FeatureSet. If True (default) the result is returned as a spatially enabled dataframe.


Default is a pd.DataFrame, but when `as_df=False` returns a FeatureSet. If `return_count_only=True`, the return type is Integer. If `return_ids_only=True`, a list of value is returned.

property renderer

Get/Set the Renderer of the Feature Layer.




Required dict.


When set, this overrides the default symbology when displaying it on a webmap.


`InsensitiveDict`: A case-insensitive dict like object used to update and alter JSON A varients of a case-less dictionary that allows for dot and bracket notation.

property time_filter

The time_filter method is used to set a time filter instead of querying time-enabled map service layers or time-enabled feature service layers, a time filter can be specified. Time can be filtered as a single instant or by separating the two ends of a time extent with a comma.


The time_filter method is supported starting at Enterprise 10.7.1+.




Required Datetime/List Datetime. This is a single or list of start/stop date.


A string of datetime values as milliseconds from epoch


The update_metadata updates a FeatureLayer metadata from an xml file.




Required String. The path to the .xml file that contains the metadata.


A boolean indicating success (True), or failure (False)

validate_sql(sql, sql_type='where')

The validate_sql operation validates an SQL-92 expression or WHERE clause. The validate_sql operation ensures that an SQL-92 expression, such as one written by a user through a user interface, is correct before performing another operation that uses the expression.


For example, validateSQL can be used to validate information that is subsequently passed in as part of the where parameter of the calculate operation.

validate_sql also prevents SQL injection. In addition, all table and field names used in the SQL expression or WHERE clause are validated to ensure they are valid tables and fields.




Required String. The SQL expression of WHERE clause to validate. Example: “Population > 300000”


Optional String. Three SQL types are supported in validate_sql
  • where (default) - Represents the custom WHERE clause the user can compose when querying a layer or using calculate.

  • expression - Represents an SQL-92 expression. Currently, expression is used as a default value expression when adding a new field or using the calculate API.

  • statement - Represents the full SQL-92 statement that can be passed directly to the database. No current ArcGIS REST API resource or operation supports using the full SQL-92 SELECT statement directly. It has been added to the validateSQL for completeness. Values: where | expression | statement


A JSON Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

Oriented Imagery Layer

class arcgis.features.OrientedImageryLayer(url, gis=None, container=None, dynamic_layer=None)
append(item_id=None, upload_format='featureCollection', source_table_name=None, field_mappings=None, edits=None, source_info=None, upsert=False, skip_updates=False, use_globalids=False, update_geometry=True, append_fields=None, rollback=False, skip_inserts=None, upsert_matching_field=None, upload_id=None, layer_mappings=None, *, return_messages=None, future=False)

The append method is used to update an existing hosted FeatureLayer object. See the Append (Feature Service/Layer) page in the ArcGIS REST API documentation for more information.


The append method is only available in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1+




Optional string. The ID for the Portal item that contains the source file. Used in conjunction with editsUploadFormat.


Required string. The source append data format. The default is featureCollection. Values: ‘sqlite’ | ‘shapefile’ | ‘filegdb’ | ‘featureCollection’ | ‘geojson’ | ‘csv’ | ‘excel’


You can find the Feature Layer’s supported formats by checking the property.


Required string. Required even when the source data contains only one table, e.g., for file geodatabase.

# Example usage:
source_table_name=  "Building"


Optional list. Used to map source data to a destination layer. Syntax: field_mappings=[{“name” : <”targetName”>,

“sourceName” : < “sourceName”>}, …]

# Example usage:
field_mappings=[{"name" : "CountyID",
                "sourceName" : "GEOID10"}]


Optional dictionary. Only feature collection json is supported. Append supports all format through the upload_id or item_id.


Optional dictionary. This is only needed when appending data from excel or csv. The appendSourceInfo can be the publishing parameter returned from analyze the csv or excel file.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the edits needs to be applied as updates if the feature already exists. Default is false.


Optional boolean. Parameter is used only when upsert is true.


Optional boolean. Specifying whether upsert needs to use GlobalId when matching features.


Optional boolean. The parameter is used only when upsert is true. Skip updating the geometry and update only the attributes for existing features if they match source features by objectId or globalId.(as specified by useGlobalIds parameter).


Optional list. The list of destination fields to append to. This is supported when upsert=true or false.

["fieldName1", "fieldName2",....]


Optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the upsert edits needs to be rolled back in case of failure. Default is false.


Used only when upsert is true. Used to skip inserts if the value is true. The default value is false.


Optional string. The layer field to be used when matching features with upsert. ObjectId, GlobalId, and any other field that has a unique index can be used with upsert. This parameter overrides use_globalids; e.g., specifying upsert_matching_field will be used even if you specify use_globalids = True. Example: upsert_matching_field=”MyfieldWithUniqueIndex”


Optional string. The itemID field from an upload() response, corresponding with the appendUploadId REST API argument. This argument should not be used along side the item_id argument.


Optional list of dictionaries. This is needed if the source is featureService. It is used to map a source layer to a destination layer. Only one source can be mapped to a layer.

Syntax: layerMappings=[{“id”: <layerID>, “sourceId”: <layer id>}]


Optional Boolean. When set to True, the messages returned from the append will be returned. If False, the response messages will not be returned. This alters the output to be a tuple consisting of a (Boolean, Dictionary).


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A boolean indicating success (True), or failure (False). When return_messages is True, the response messages will be return in addition to the boolean as a tuple. If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example

>>> feature_layer.append(source_table_name= "Building",
                        field_mappings=[{"name" : "CountyID",
                                        "sourceName" : "GEOID10"}],
                        upsert = True,
                        append_fields = ["fieldName1", "fieldName2",...., fieldname22],
                        return_messages = False)
calculate(where, calc_expression, sql_format='standard', version=None, sessionid=None, return_edit_moment=None, future=False)

The calculate operation is performed on a FeatureLayer resource. calculate updates the values of one or more fields in an existing feature service layer based on SQL expressions or scalar values. The calculate operation can only be used if the supportsCalculate property of the layer is True. Neither the Shape field nor system fields can be updated using calculate. System fields include ObjectId and GlobalId.




Required String. A where clause can be used to limit the updated records. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed.


Required List. The array of field/value info objects that contain the field or fields to update and their scalar values or SQL expression. Allowed types are dictionary and list. List must be a list of dictionary objects.

Calculation Format is as follows:

{“field” : “<field name>”, “value” : “<value>”}


Optional String. The SQL format for the calc_expression. It can be either standard SQL92 (standard) or native SQL (native). The default is standard.

Values: standard, native


Optional String. The geodatabase version to apply the edits.


Optional String. A parameter which is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version. The sessionid is a GUID value that clients establish at the beginning and use throughout the edit session. The sessonid ensures isolation during the edit session. This parameter applies only if the isDataBranchVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional Boolean. This parameter specifies whether the response will report the time edits were applied. If true, the server will return the time edits were applied in the response’s edit moment key. This parameter applies only if the isDataBranchVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.

This applies to 10.8+ only


A dictionary with the following format:

{ ‘updatedFeatureCount’: 1, ‘success’: True }

If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example 1:

print(fl.calculate(where="OBJECTID < 2",
                   calc_expression={"field": "ZONE", "value" : "R1"}))
# Usage Example 2:

print(fl.calculate(where="OBJECTID < 2001",
                   calc_expression={"field": "A",  "sqlExpression" : "B*3"}))
property container

Get/Set the FeatureLayerCollection to which this layer belongs.




Required FeatureLayerCollection.


The Feature Layer Collection where the layer is stored

property contingent_values

Returns the define contingent values for the given layer. :returns: Dict[str,Any]

delete_features(deletes=None, where=None, geometry_filter=None, gdb_version=None, rollback_on_failure=True, return_delete_results=True, future=False)

Deletes features in a FeatureLayer or Table




Optional string. A comma separated string of OIDs to remove from the service.


Optional string. A where clause for the query filter. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed. Features conforming to the specified where clause will be deleted.


Optional SpatialFilter. A spatial filter from arcgis.geometry.filters module to filter results by a spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.


Optional Boolean. Optional parameter that indicates whether a result is returned per deleted row when the deleteFeatures operation is run. The default is true.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A dictionary if future=False (default), else If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

>>> gis = GIS("pro")
>>> buck ="owner:"+
>>> buck_1 =buck[1]
>>> lay = buck_1.layers[0]

>>> la_df = lay.delete_features(where = "OBJECTID > 15")
>>> la_df
{'deleteResults': [
{'objectId': 1, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 2, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 3, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 4, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 5, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 6, 'uniqueId': 6, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 7, 'uniqueId': 7, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 8, 'uniqueId': 8, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 9, 'uniqueId': 9, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 10, 'uniqueId': 10, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 11, 'uniqueId': 11, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 12, 'uniqueId': 12, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 13, 'uniqueId': 13, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 14, 'uniqueId': 14, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 15, 'uniqueId': 15, 'globalId': None, 'success': True}]}
edit_features(adds=None, updates=None, deletes=None, gdb_version=None, use_global_ids=False, rollback_on_failure=True, return_edit_moment=False, attachments=None, true_curve_client=False, session_id=None, use_previous_moment=False, datum_transformation=None, future=False)

Adds, updates, and deletes features to the associated FeatureLayer or Table in a single call.


When making large number (250+ records at once) of edits, append should be used over edit_features to improve performance and ensure service stability.




Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be added.


Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be updated.


Optional FeatureSet/List. string of OIDs to remove from service


Optional boolean. Instead of referencing the default Object ID field, the service will look at a GUID field to track changes. This means the GUIDs will be passed instead of OIDs for delete, update or add features.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to apply edits. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.


Optional boolean. Introduced at 10.5, only applicable with ArcGIS Server services only. Specifies whether the response will report the time edits were applied. If set to true, the server will return the time in the response’s editMoment key. The default value is false.


Optional Dict. This parameter adds, updates, or deletes attachments. It applies only when the use_global_ids parameter is set to true. For adds, the globalIds of the attachments provided by the client are preserved. When useGlobalIds is true, updates and deletes are identified by each feature or attachment globalId, rather than their objectId or attachmentId. This parameter requires the layer’s supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds property to be true.

Attachments to be added or updated can use either pre-uploaded data or base 64 encoded data.





List of attachments to add.


List of attachements to update


List of attachments to delete

See the Apply Edits to a Feature Service layer in the ArcGIS REST API for more information.


Optional boolean. Introduced at 10.5. Indicates to the server whether the client is true curve capable. When set to true, this indicates to the server that true curve geometries should be downloaded and that geometries containing true curves should be consumed by the map service without densifying it. When set to false, this indicates to the server that the client is not true curves capable. The default value is false.


Optional String. Introduced at 10.6. The session_id is a GUID value that clients establish at the beginning and use throughout the edit session. The sessonID ensures isolation during the edit session. The session_id parameter is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version.


Optional Boolean. Introduced at 10.6. The use_previous_moment parameter is used to apply the edits with the same edit moment as the previous set of edits. This allows an editor to apply single block of edits partially, complete another task and then complete the block of edits. This parameter is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version.

When set to true, the edits are applied with the same edit moment as the previous set of edits. When set to false or not set (default) the edits are applied with a new edit moment.


Optional Integer/Dictionary. This parameter applies a datum transformation while projecting geometries in the results when out_sr is different than the layer’s spatial reference. When specifying transformations, you need to think about which datum transformation best projects the layer (not the feature service) to the outSR and sourceSpatialReference property in the layer properties. For a list of valid datum transformation ID values ad well-known text strings, see Using spatial references. For more information on datum transformations please see the transformation parameter in the Project operation documentation.





Integer. Ex: datum_transformation=4326


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation={“wkt”: “<WKT>”}


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation=```{‘geoTransforms’:[{‘wkid’:<id>,’forward’:<true|false>},{‘wkt’:’<WKT>’,’forward’:<True|False>}]}```


Optional Boolean. If the FeatureLayer has supportsAsyncApplyEdits set to True, then edits can be applied asynchronously. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A dictionary by default, or If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example 1:

feature = [
    'attributes': {
        'ObjectId': 1,
# Usage Example 2:

adds = {"geometry": {"x": 500, "y": 500, "spatialReference":
                    {"wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857}},
        "attributes": {"ADMIN_NAME": "Fake Location"}
# Usage Example 3:

property estimates

Returns up-to-date approximations of layer information, such as row count and extent. Layers that support this property will include infoInEstimates information in the layer’s properties.

Currently available with ArcGIS Online and Enterprise 10.9.1+


Dict[str, Any]

export_attachments(output_folder, label_field=None)

Exports attachments from the FeatureLayer in Imagenet format using the output_label_field.




Required string. Output folder where the attachments will be stored. If None, a default folder is created


Optional string. Field which contains the label/category of each feature.


Nothing is returned from this method

property field_groups

Returns the defined list of field groups for a given layer.



classmethod fromitem(item, index=0)

The fromitem method returns the layer at the specified index from a layer Item object.




Required Item. An item containing layers.


Optional int. The index of the layer amongst the item’s layers


The layer at the specified index.

# Usage Example

>>> layer.fromitem(item="9311d21a9a2047d19c0faaebd6f2cca6", index=3)
generate_renderer(definition, where=None)

Groups data using the supplied definition (classification definition) and an optional where clause. The result is a renderer object.


Use baseSymbol and colorRamp to define the symbols assigned to each class. If the operation is performed on a table, the result is a renderer object containing the data classes and no symbols.




Required dict. The definition using the renderer that is generated. Use either class breaks or unique value classification definitions. See Classification Objects for additional details.


Optional string. A where clause for which the data needs to be classified. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the dynamic layer/table is allowed.


A JSON Dictionary

# Example Usage
    definition = {"type":"uniqueValueDef",
                  "fieldDelimiter": ",",
                      "type": "esriSFS",
                      "style": "esriSLSSolid",
                        "algorithm": "esriHSVAlgorithm"
    where = "POP2000 > 350000"

The get_html_popup method provides details about the HTML pop-up authored by the User using ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop.




Optional string. Object id of the feature to get the HTML popup.


A string

get_unique_values(attribute, query_string='1=1')

Retrieves a list of unique values for a given attribute in the FeatureLayer.




Required string. The feature layer attribute to query.


Optional string. SQL Query that will be used to filter attributes before unique values are returned. ex. “name_2 like ‘%K%’”


A list of unique values

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

>>> gis = GIS("pro")
>>> buck ="owner:"+
>>> buck_1 =buck[1]
>>> lay = buck_1.layers[0]
>>> layer = lay.get_unique_values(attribute = "COUNTY")
>>> layer
property manager

The manager property is a helper object to manage the FeatureLayer, such as updating its definition.


A FeatureLayerManager

# Usage Example

>>> manager = FeatureLayer.manager
property metadata

Get the Feature Layer’s metadata.


If metadata is disabled on the GIS or the layer does not support metadata, None will be returned.


String of the metadata, if any

property properties

The properties property retrieves and set properties of this object.

query(where='1=1', out_fields='*', time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, return_geometry=True, return_count_only=False, return_ids_only=False, return_distinct_values=False, return_extent_only=False, group_by_fields_for_statistics=None, statistic_filter=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, object_ids=None, distance=None, units=None, max_allowable_offset=None, out_sr=None, geometry_precision=None, gdb_version=None, order_by_fields=None, out_statistics=None, return_z=False, return_m=False, multipatch_option=None, quantization_parameters=None, return_centroid=False, return_all_records=True, result_type=None, historic_moment=None, sql_format=None, return_true_curves=False, return_exceeded_limit_features=None, as_df=False, datum_transformation=None, time_reference_unknown_client=None, **kwargs)

The query method queries a FeatureLayer based on a sql statement.




Optional string. SQL-92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources. Some data sources have restrictions on what is supported. Hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise running on a spatiotemporal data source only support a subset of SQL-92. Below is a list of supported SQL-92 with spatiotemporal-based feature services:

( ‘<=’ | ‘>=’ | ‘<’ | ‘>’ | ‘=’ | ‘!=’ | ‘<>’ | LIKE ) (AND | OR) (IS | IS_NOT) (IN | NOT_IN) ( ‘(’ ( expr ( ‘,’ expr )* )? ‘)’ ) COLUMN_NAME BETWEEN LITERAL_VALUE AND LITERAL_VALUE


Optional list of fields to be included in the returned result set. This list is a comma-delimited list of field names. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the query results include all the field values.


If specifying return_count_only, return_id_only, or return_extent_only as True, do not specify this parameter in order to avoid errors.


Optional string. The object IDs of this layer or table to be queried. The object ID values should be a comma-separated string.


There might be a drop in performance if the layer/table data source resides in an enterprise geodatabase and more than 1,000 object_ids are specified.


Optional integer. The buffer distance for the input geometries. The distance unit is specified by units. For example, if the distance is 100, the query geometry is a point, units is set to meters, and all points within 100 meters of the point are returned.


Optional string. The unit for calculating the buffer distance. If unit is not specified, the unit is derived from the geometry spatial reference. If the geometry spatial reference is not specified, the unit is derived from the feature service data spatial reference. This parameter only applies if supportsQueryWithDistance is true.

Values: `esriSRUnit_Meter | esriSRUnit_StatuteMile |

esriSRUnit_Foot | esriSRUnit_Kilometer | esriSRUnit_NauticalMile | esriSRUnit_USNauticalMile`


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds. Syntax: time_filter=[<startTime>, <endTime>] ; specified as, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds


Optional from filters. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of out_sr. If out_sr is not specified, max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the layer.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional Integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries returned by the query operation. This applies to X and Y values only (not m or z-values).


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true. If this is not specified, the query will apply to the published map’s version.


Optional boolean. If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true.


Optional boolean. If true, it returns distinct values based on the fields specified in out_fields. This parameter applies only if the supportsAdvancedQueries property of the layer is true. This parameter can be used with return_count_only to return the count of distinct values of subfields.


Make sure to set return_geometry to False if this is set to True. Otherwise, reliable results will not be returned.


Optional boolean. Default is False. If true, the response only includes an array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. When object_ids are specified, setting this parameter to true is invalid.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the count (number of features/records) that would be returned by a query. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. The default is false. This option supersedes the returnIdsOnly parameter. If returnCountOnly = true, the response will return both the count and the extent.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the extent of the features that would be returned by the query. If returnCountOnly=true, the response will return both the count and the extent. The default is false. This parameter applies only if the supportsReturningQueryExtent property of the layer is true.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


If specifying return_count_only, return_id_only, or return_extent_only as True, do not specify this parameter in order to avoid errors.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the values need to be grouped for calculating the statistics. example: STATE_NAME, GENDER


Optional list of dictionaries. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated.



“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field1”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name1”

}, {

“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field2”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name2”




Optional StatisticFilter instance. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics can be added, e.g. statisticType, onStatisticField, or outStatisticFieldName.


sf = StatisticFilter() sf.add(statisticType=”count”, onStatisticField=”1”, outStatisticFieldName=”total”) sf.filter


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is False.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional x/y footprint. This option dictates how the geometry of a multipatch feature will be returned.


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th). This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property. This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional dict. Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.


Optional boolean. Used to return the geometry centroid associated with each feature returned. If true, the result includes the geometry centroid. The default is false. Only supported on layer with polygon geometry type.


Optional boolean. When True, the query operation will call the service until all records that satisfy the where_clause are returned. Note: result_offset and result_record_count will be ignored if return_all_records is True. Also, if return_count_only, return_ids_only, or return_extent_only are True, this parameter will be ignored.


Optional string. The result_type parameter can be used to control the number of features returned by the query operation. Values: None | standard | tile


Optional integer. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the layer is archiving enabled and the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property is set to true. This property is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional boolean. When set to true, returns true curves in output geometries. When set to false, curves are converted to densified polylines or polygons.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter which is true by default. When set to true, features are returned even when the results include ‘exceededTransferLimit’: True.

When set to false and querying with resultType = tile features are not returned when the results include ‘exceededTransferLimit’: True. This allows a client to find the resolution in which the transfer limit is no longer exceeded without making multiple calls.


Optional boolean. If True, the results are returned as a DataFrame instead of a FeatureSet.


Optional Integer/Dictionary. This parameter applies a datum transformation while projecting geometries in the results when out_sr is different than the layer’s spatial reference. When specifying transformations, you need to think about which datum transformation best projects the layer (not the feature service) to the outSR and sourceSpatialReference property in the layer properties. For a list of valid datum transformation ID values ad well-known text strings, see Coordinate systems and transformations. For more information on datum transformations, please see the transformation parameter in the Project operation.





Integer. Ex: datum_transformation=4326


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation={“wkt”: “<WKT>”}


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation=```{‘geoTransforms’:[{‘wkid’:<id>,’forward’:<true|false>},{‘wkt’:’<WKT>’,’forward’:<True|False>}]}```


Optional dict. Optional parameters that can be passed to the Query function. This will allow users to pass additional parameters not explicitly implemented on the function. A complete list of functions available is documented on the Query REST API.


A FeatureSet containing the features matching the query unless another return type is specified, such as return_count_only, return_extent_only, or return_ids_only.

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> feat_set = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID= 1")
>>> type(feat_set)
>>> feat_set[0]
<Feature 1>
# Usage Example of an advanced query returning the object IDs instead of Features

>>> id_set = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID1",
                                   out_fields = ["FieldName1, FieldName2"],
                                   distance = 100,
                                   units = 'esriSRUnit_Meter',
                                   return_ids_only = True)

>>> type(id_set)
>>> id_set[0]
# Usage Example of an advanced query returning the number of features in the query

>>> search_count = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID1",
                                   out_fields = ["FieldName1, FieldName2"],
                                   distance = 100,
                                   units = 'esriSRUnit_Meter',
                                   return_count_only = True)

>>> type(search_count)
>>> search_count
# Usage Example with "out_statistics" parameter

>>> stats = [{
        'onStatisticField': "1",
        'outStatisticFieldName': "total",
        'statisticType': "count"
>>> feature_layer.query(out_statistics=stats, as_df=True) # returns a DataFrame containting total count
# Usage Example with "StatisticFilter" parameter

>>> from arcgis._impl.common._filters import StatisticFilter
>>> sf1 = StatisticFilter()
>>> sf1.add(statisticType="count", onStatisticField="1", outStatisticFieldName="total")
>>> sf1.filter # This is to print the filter content
>>> feature_layer.query(statistic_filter=sf1, as_df=True) # returns a DataFrame containing total count
query_3d(where=None, out_fields=None, object_ids=None, distance=None, units=None, time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, gdb_version=None, return_distinct_values=None, order_by_fields=None, group_by_fields_for_statistics=None, out_statistics=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, historic_moment=None, sql_format=None, format_3d_objects=None, time_reference_unknown_client=None)

The query3D operation allows clients to query 3D object features and is based on the feature service layer query operation. The 3D object feature layer still supports layer and service level feature service query operations.




Optional string. SQL-92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources. Some data sources have restrictions on what is supported. Hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise running on a spatiotemporal data source only support a subset of SQL-92. Below is a list of supported SQL-92 with spatiotemporal-based feature services:

( ‘<=’ | ‘>=’ | ‘<’ | ‘>’ | ‘=’ | ‘!=’ | ‘<>’ | LIKE ) (AND | OR) (IS | IS_NOT) (IN | NOT_IN) ( ‘(’ ( expr ( ‘,’ expr )* )? ‘)’ ) COLUMN_NAME BETWEEN LITERAL_VALUE AND LITERAL_VALUE


Optional list of fields to be included in the returned result set. This list is a comma-delimited list of field names. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter to return all fields in the result.


Optional string. The object IDs of this layer or table to be queried. The object ID values should be a comma-separated string.


There might be a drop in performance if the layer/table data source resides in an enterprise geodatabase and more than 1,000 object_ids are specified.


Optional integer. The buffer distance for the input geometries. The distance unit is specified by units. For example, if the distance is 100, the query geometry is a point, units is set to meters, and all points within 100 meters of the point are returned.


Optional string. The unit for calculating the buffer distance. If unit is not specified, the unit is derived from the geometry spatial reference. If the geometry spatial reference is not specified, the unit is derived from the feature service data spatial reference. This parameter only applies if supportsQueryWithDistance is true.

Values: `esriSRUnit_Meter | esriSRUnit_StatuteMile |

esriSRUnit_Foot | esriSRUnit_Kilometer | esriSRUnit_NauticalMile | esriSRUnit_USNauticalMile`


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds. Syntax: time_filter=[<startTime>, <endTime>] ; specified as, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds


Optional from filters. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true. If this is not specified, the query will apply to the published map’s version.


Optional boolean. If true, it returns distinct values based on the fields specified in out_fields. This parameter applies only if the supportsAdvancedQueries property of the layer is true. This parameter can be used with return_count_only to return the count of distinct values of subfields.


Make sure to set return_geometry to False if this is set to True. Otherwise, reliable results will not be returned.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


If specifying return_count_only, return_id_only, or return_extent_only as True, do not specify this parameter in order to avoid errors.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the values need to be grouped for calculating the statistics. example: STATE_NAME, GENDER


Optional list of dictionaries. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated.



“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field1”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name1”

}, {

“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field2”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name2”




Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th). This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property. This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the layer is archiving enabled and the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property is set to true. This property is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional string. Specifies the 3D format that will be used to request a feature. If set to a valid format ID (see layer resource), the geometry of the feature response will be a 3D envelope of the 3D object and will include asset maps for the 3D object. Since formats are created asynchronously, review the flags field in the asset map to determine if the format is available (conversionStatus is COMPLETED). If conversionStatus is INPROGRESS, the format is not ready. Request the feature again later.

If a feature does not have the specified format, the feature will still be returned according to the query parameters (such as the where clause), but the asset mapping will be missing.

Values: “3D_dae” | “3D_dwg” | “3D_fbx” | “3D_glb” | “3D_gltf” | “3D_ifc” | “3D_obj” | “3D_shapebuffer” | “3D_shapebufferg” | “3D_usdc” | “3D_usdz”


Optional boolean. Setting time_reference_unknown_client as True indicates that the client is capable of working with data values that are not in UTC. If its not set to true, and the service layer’s datesInUnknownTimeZone property is true, then an error is returned. The default is False

Its possible to define a service’s time zone of date fields as unknown. Setting the time zone as unknown means that date values will be returned as-is from the database, rather than as date values in UTC. Non-hosted feature services can be set to use an unknown time zone using ArcGIS Server Manager. Setting the time zones to unknown also sets the datesInUnknownTimeZone layer property as true. Currently, hosted feature services do not support this setting. This setting does not apply to editor tracking date fields which are stored and returned in UTC even when the time zone is set to unknown.

Most clients released prior to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 will not be able to work with feature services that have an unknown time setting.


A dictionary containing the feature, asset map, and asset information for the layer.

USAGE EXAMPLE: Query 3D objects

# Import the required modules
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

# Connect to your GIS
gis = GIS(profile="your_enterprise_profile")

# Search for the feature layer
search_result ="3D Object Feature Layer", "Feature Layer")
feature_layer = search_result[0]

# Create a FeatureLayer object
layer = FeatureLayer(feature_layer.url, gis)

# Query the 3D objects
result = layer.query_3d(where="OBJECTID < 10", out_fields="*", format_3d_objects="3D_dae")
query_analytics(out_analytics, where='1=1', out_fields='*', analytic_where=None, geometry_filter=None, out_sr=None, return_geometry=True, order_by=None, result_type=None, cache_hint=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, quantization_param=None, sql_format=None, future=True, **kwargs)

The query_analytics exposes the standard SQL windows functions that compute aggregate and ranking values based on a group of rows called window partition. The window function is applied to the rows after the partitioning and ordering of the rows. query_analytics defines a window or user-specified set of rows within a query result set. query_analytics can be used to compute aggregated values such as moving averages, cumulative aggregates, or running totals.


See the query method for a similar function.

SQL Windows Function

A window function performs a calculation across a set of rows (SQL partition or window) that are related to the current row. Unlike regular aggregate functions, use of a window function does not return single output row. The rows retain their separate identities with each calculation appended to the rows as a new field value. The window function can access more than just the current row of the query result.

query_analytics currently supports the following windows functions:
  • Aggregate functions

  • Analytic functions

  • Ranking functions

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are deterministic function that perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. They are used in the select list with optional HAVING clause. GROUP BY clause can also be used to calculate the aggregation on categories of rows. query_analytics can be used to calculate the aggregation on a specific range of value. Supported aggregate functions are:

  • Min

  • Max

  • Sum

  • Count

  • AVG


  • VAR

Analytic Functions

Several analytic functions available now in all SQL vendors to compute an aggregate value based on a group of rows or windows partition. Unlike aggregation functions, analytic functions can return single or multiple rows for each group.




  • LEAD

  • LAG




Ranking Functions

Ranking functions return a ranking value for each row in a partition. Depending on the function that is used, some rows might receive the same value as other rows.

  • RANK





Partitions are extremely useful when you need to calculate the same metric over different group of rows. It is very powerful and has many potential usages. For example, you can add partition by to your window specification to look at different groups of rows individually.

partitionBy clause divides the query result set into partitions and the sql window function is applied to each partition. The ‘partitionBy’ clause normally refers to the column by which the result is partitioned. ‘partitionBy’ can also be a value expression (column expression or function) that references any of the selected columns (not aliases).




Required List. A set of analytics to calculate on the Feature Layer.

The definitions for one or more field-based or expression analytics to be computed. This parameter is supported only on layers/tables that return true for supportsAnalytics property.


If outAnalyticFieldName is empty or missing, the server assigns a field name to the returned analytic field.

The argument should be a list of dictionaries that define analystics. An analytic definition specifies:

  • the type of analytic - key: analyticType

  • the field or expression on which it is to be computed - key: onAnalyticField

  • the resulting output field name -key: outAnalyticFieldName

  • the analytic specifications - analysticParameters

See Overview for details.

# Dictionary structure and options for this parameter

    "onAnalyticField": "Field1",
    "outAnalyticFieldName": "Out_Field_Name1",
    "analyticParameters": {
         "orderBy": "<orderBy expression",
         "value": <double value>,// percentile value
         "partitionBy": "<field name or expression>",
         "offset": <integer>, // used by LAG/LEAD
         "windowFrame": {
            "type": "ROWS" | "RANGE",
            "extent": {
               "extentType": "PRECEDING" | "BOUNDARY",
               "PRECEDING": {
                  "type": <"UNBOUNDED" |
                          "NUMERIC_CONSTANT" |
                   "value": <numeric constant value>
                "BOUNDARY": {
                 "start": "UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING",
                 "startValue": <numeric constant value>,
                 "end": <"UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING" |
                         "NUMERIC_FOLLOWING" |
                 "endValue": <numeric constant value>
# Usage Example:

>>> out_analytics =
        [{"analyticType": "FIRST_VALUE",
          "onAnalyticField": "POP1990",
          "analyticParameters": {
                                 "orderBy": "POP1990",
                                 "partitionBy": "state_name"
          "outAnalyticFieldName": "FirstValue"}]


Optional string. The default is 1=1. The selection sql statement.


Optional List of field names to return. Field names can be specified either as a List of field names or as a comma separated string. The default is “*”, which returns all the fields.


Optional String. A where clause for the query filter that applies to the result set of applying the source where clause and all other params.


Optional from arcgis.geometry.filter. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional boolean. If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


Optional string. The result_type parameter can be used to control the number of features returned by the query operation. Values: None | standard | tile


Optional Boolean. If you are performing the same query multiple times, a user can ask the server to cache the call to obtain the results quicker. The default is False.


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property.


Optional dict. Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional Boolean. This determines if a Future object is returned (True) the method returns the results directly (False).


A Pandas DataFrame (pd.DataFrame)

query_date_bins(bin_field, bin_specs, out_statistics, time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, bin_order=None, where=None, return_centroid=False, in_sr=None, out_sr=None, spatial_rel=None, quantization_params=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, return_exceeded_limit_features=False)

The query_date_bins operation is performed on a FeatureLayer. This operation returns a histogram of features divided into bins based on a date field. The response can include statistical aggregations for each bin, such as a count or sum, and may also include the aggregate geometries (in other words, centroid) for point layers.

The parameters define the bins, the aggregate information returned, and the included features. Bins are defined using the bin parameter. The out_statistics and return_centroid parameters define the information each bin will provide. Included features can be specified by providing a time extent, where condition, and a spatial filter, similar to a query operation.

The contents of the bin_specs parameter provide flexibility for defining bin boundaries. The bin_specs parameter’s unit property defines the time width of each bin, such as one year, quarter, month, day, or hour. Fixed bins can use multiple units for these time widths. The result_offset property defines an offset within that time unit. For example, if your bin unit is day, and you want bin boundaries to go from noon to noon on the next day, the offset would be 12 hours.

Features can be manipulated with the time_filter, where, and geometry_filter parameters. By default, the result will expand to fit the feature’s earliest and latest point of time. The time_filter parameter defines a fixed starting point and ending point of the features based on the field used in binField. The where and geometry_filter parameters allow additional filters to be put on the data.

This operation is only supported on feature services using a spatiotemporal data store. As well, the service property supportsQueryDateBins must be set to true.

To use pagination with aggregated queries on hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise, the supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries property must be true on the layer. Hosted feature services using a spatiotemporal data store do not currently support pagination on aggregated queries.




Required String. The date field used to determine which bin each feature falls into.


Required Dict. A dictionary that describes the characteristics of bins, such as the size of the bin and its starting position. The size of each bin is determined by the number of time units denoted by the number and unit properties.

The starting position of the bin is the earliest moment in the specified unit. For example, each year begins at midnight of January 1. An offset inside the bin parameter can provide an offset to the starting position of the bin. This can contain a positive or negative integer value.

A bin can take two forms: either a calendar bin or a fixed bin. A calendar bin is aware of calendar-specific adjustments, such as daylight saving time and leap seconds. Fixed bins are, by contrast, always a specific unit of measurement (for example, 60 seconds in a minute, 24 hours in a day) regardless of where the date and time of the bin starts. For this reason, some calendar-specific units are only supported as calendar bins.

# Calendar bin

>>> bin_specs= {"calendarBin":
                  {"unit": "year",
                    "timezone": "US/Arizona",
                    "offset": {
                        "number": 5,
                        "unit": "hour"}

# Fixed bin

>>> bin_specs= {"fixedBin":
                  "number": 12,
                  "unit": "hour",
                  "offset": {
                    "number": 5,
                    "unit": "hour"}


Required List of Dicts. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated:

 "statisticType": "<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>",
 "onStatisticField": "Field1",
 "outStatisticFieldName": "Out_Field_Name1"


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds.


Optional from filters. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional String. Either “ASC” or “DESC”. Determines whether results are returned in ascending or descending order. Default is ascending.


Optional String. A WHERE clause for the query filter. SQL ‘92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources.


Optional Boolean. Returns the geometry centroid associated with all the features in the bin. If true, the result includes the geometry centroid. The default is false. This parameter is only supported on point data.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the input geometry.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional String. The spatial relationship to be applied to the input geometry while performing the query. The supported spatial relationships include intersects, contains, envelop intersects, within, and so on. The default spatial relationship is intersects (esriSpatialRelIntersects). Other options are esriSpatialRelContains, esriSpatialRelCrosses, esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects, esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects, esriSpatialRelOverlaps, esriSpatialRelTouches, and esriSpatialRelWithin.


Optional Dict. Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.

# upperLeft origin position

{"mode": "view",
 "originPosition": "upperLeft",
 "tolerance": 1.0583354500042335,
 "extent": {
     "type": "extent",
     "xmin": -18341377.47954369,
     "ymin": 2979920.6113554947,
     "xmax": -7546517.393554582,
     "ymax": 11203512.89298139,
     "spatialReference": {
         "wkid": 102100,
         "latestWkid": 3857}

# lowerLeft origin position

{"mode": "view",
 "originPosition": "lowerLeft",
 "tolerance": 1.0583354500042335,
 "extent": {
    "type": "extent",
    "xmin": -18341377.47954369,
    "ymin": 2979920.6113554947,
    "xmax": -7546517.393554582,
    "ymax": 11203512.89298139,
    "spatialReference": {
        "wkid": 102100,
        "latestWkid": 3857}

See Quantization parameters JSON properties for details on format of this parameter.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsCoordinateQuantization property is true.


Optional Int. This parameter fetches query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record. The default is 0.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsPagination property is true.


Optional Int. This parameter fetches query results up to the value specified. When result_offset is specified, but this parameter is not, the map service defaults to the layer’s maxRecordCount property. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the maxRecordCount property. The minimum value entered for this parameter cannot be below 1.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsPagination property is true.


Optional Boolean. When set to True, features are returned even when the results include "exceededTransferLimit": true. This allows a client to find the resolution in which the transfer limit is no longer exceeded withou making multiple calls. The default value is False.


A Dict containing the resulting features and fields.

# Usage Example

>>> flyr_item ="*", "Feature Layer")[0]
>>> flyr = flyr_item.layers[0]

>>> qy_result = flyr.query_date_bins(bin_field="boundary",
                                                   "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
                                                   "offset": {"number": 8,
                                                              "unit": "hour"}
                                     out_statistics=[{"statisticType": "count",
                                                      "onStatisticField": "objectid",
                                                      "outStatisticFieldName": "item_sold_count"},
                                                     {"statisticType": "avg",
                                                     "onStatisticField": "price",
                                                     "outStatisticFieldName": "avg_daily_revenue "}],
                                     time=[1609516800000, 1612195199999])
>>> qy_result
    "features": [
        "attributes": {
          "boundary": 1609516800000,
          "avg_daily_revenue": 300.40,
          "item_sold_count": 79
        "attributes": {
          "boundary": 1612108800000,
          "avg_daily_revenue": null,
          "item_sold_count": 0
    "fields": [
        "name": "boundary",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDate"
        "name": "item_sold_count",
        "alias": "item_sold_count",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger"
        "name": "avg_daily_revenue",
        "alias": "avg_daily_revenue",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
    "exceededTransferLimit": false

The query_related_records operation is performed on a FeatureLayer resource. The result of this operation are feature sets grouped by source layer/table object IDs. Each feature set contains Feature objects including the values for the fields requested by the user. For related layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the feature set. For related tables, the feature set does not include geometries.


See the query method for a similar function.




Required string. The object IDs of the table/layer to be queried


Required string. The ID of the relationship to be queried.


Required string. the list of fields from the related table/layer to be included in the returned feature set. This list is a comma delimited list of field names. If you specify the shape field in the list of return fields, it is ignored. To request geometry, set return_geometry to true. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the results will include all the field values.


Optional string. The definition expression to be applied to the related table/layer. From the list of objectIds, only those records that conform to this expression are queried for related records.


Optional boolean. If true, the feature set includes the geometry associated with each feature. The default is true.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of the outSR. If out_wkid is not specified, then max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.


Optional integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries.


Optional Integer. The spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer queried is true.


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional Integer/datetime. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property of the layers being queried is set to true. This setting is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.

Syntax: historic_moment=<Epoch time in milliseconds>


Optional boolean. Optional parameter that is false by default. When set to true, returns true curves in output geometries; otherwise, curves are converted to densified Polyline or Polygon objects.


Dictionary of the query results

# Usage Example:

# Query returning the related records for a feature with objectid value of 2,
# returning the values in the 6 attribute fields defined in the `field_string`
# variable:

>>> field_string = "objectid,attribute,system_name,subsystem_name,class_name,water_regime_name"
>>> rel_records = feat_lyr.query_related_records(object_ids = "2",
                                                 relationship_id = 0,
                                                 out_fields = field_string,

>>> list(rel_records.keys())
['fields', 'relatedRecordGroups']

>>> rel_records["relatedRecordGroups"]
[{'objectId': 2,
  'relatedRecords': [{'attributes': {'objectid': 686,
     'attribute': 'L1UBHh',
     'system_name': 'Lacustrine',
     'subsystem_name': 'Limnetic',
     'class_name': 'Unconsolidated Bottom',
     'water_regime_name': 'Permanently Flooded'}}]}]
query_top_features(top_filter=None, where=None, objectids=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, geometry_filter=None, out_fields='*', return_geometry=True, return_centroid=False, max_allowable_offset=None, out_sr=None, geometry_precision=None, return_ids_only=False, return_extents_only=False, order_by_field=None, return_z=False, return_m=False, result_type=None, as_df=True)

The query_top_features is performed on a FeatureLayer. This operation returns a feature set or spatially enabled dataframe based on the top features by order within a group. For example, when querying counties in the United States, you want to return the top five counties by population in each state. To do this, you can use query_top_features to group by state name, order by desc on the population and return the first five rows from each group (state).

The top_filter parameter is used to set the group by, order by, and count criteria used in generating the result. The operation also has many of the same parameters (for example, where and geometry) as the layer query operation. However, unlike the layer query operation, query_top_feaures does not support parameters such as outStatistics and its related parameters or return distinct values. Consult the advancedQueryCapabilities layer property for more details.

If the feature layer collection supports the query_top_feaures operation, it will include “supportsTopFeaturesQuery”: True, in the advancedQueryCapabilities layer property.


See the query method for a similar function.




Required Dict. The top_filter define the aggregation of the data.

  • groupByFields define the field or fields used to aggregate

your data.

  • topCount defines the number of features returned from the top

features query and is a numeric value.

  • orderByFields defines the order in which the top features will

be returned. orderByFields can be specified in either ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order, ascending being the default.

Example: {“groupByFields”: “worker”, “topCount”: 1,

“orderByFields”: “employeeNumber”}


Optional String. A WHERE clause for the query filter. SQL ‘92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources.


Optional List. The object IDs of the layer or table to be queried.


Optional Datetime. The starting time to query for.


Optional Datetime. The end date to query for.


Optional from arcgis.geometry.filter. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional String. The list of fields to include in the return results.


Optional Boolean. If False, the query will not return geometries. The default is True.


Optional Boolean. If True, the centroid of the geometry will be added to the output.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of out_sr. If out_sr is not specified, max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the layer.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional Integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries returned by the query operation. This applies to X and Y values only (not m or z-values).


Optional boolean. Default is False. If true, the response only includes an array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the extent of the features that would be returned by the query. If returnCountOnly=true, the response will return both the count and the extent. The default is false. This parameter applies only if the supportsReturningQueryExtent property of the layer is true.


Optional Str. Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is False.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional String. The result_type can be used to control the number of features returned by the query operation. Values: none | standard | tile


Optional Boolean. If False, the result is returned as a FeatureSet. If True (default) the result is returned as a spatially enabled dataframe.


Default is a pd.DataFrame, but when `as_df=False` returns a FeatureSet. If `return_count_only=True`, the return type is Integer. If `return_ids_only=True`, a list of value is returned.

property renderer

Get/Set the Renderer of the Feature Layer.




Required dict.


When set, this overrides the default symbology when displaying it on a webmap.


`InsensitiveDict`: A case-insensitive dict like object used to update and alter JSON A varients of a case-less dictionary that allows for dot and bracket notation.

property time_filter

The time_filter method is used to set a time filter instead of querying time-enabled map service layers or time-enabled feature service layers, a time filter can be specified. Time can be filtered as a single instant or by separating the two ends of a time extent with a comma.


The time_filter method is supported starting at Enterprise 10.7.1+.




Required Datetime/List Datetime. This is a single or list of start/stop date.


A string of datetime values as milliseconds from epoch


The update_metadata updates a FeatureLayer metadata from an xml file.




Required String. The path to the .xml file that contains the metadata.


A boolean indicating success (True), or failure (False)

validate_sql(sql, sql_type='where')

The validate_sql operation validates an SQL-92 expression or WHERE clause. The validate_sql operation ensures that an SQL-92 expression, such as one written by a user through a user interface, is correct before performing another operation that uses the expression.


For example, validateSQL can be used to validate information that is subsequently passed in as part of the where parameter of the calculate operation.

validate_sql also prevents SQL injection. In addition, all table and field names used in the SQL expression or WHERE clause are validated to ensure they are valid tables and fields.




Required String. The SQL expression of WHERE clause to validate. Example: “Population > 300000”


Optional String. Three SQL types are supported in validate_sql
  • where (default) - Represents the custom WHERE clause the user can compose when querying a layer or using calculate.

  • expression - Represents an SQL-92 expression. Currently, expression is used as a default value expression when adding a new field or using the calculate API.

  • statement - Represents the full SQL-92 statement that can be passed directly to the database. No current ArcGIS REST API resource or operation supports using the full SQL-92 SELECT statement directly. It has been added to the validateSQL for completeness. Values: where | expression | statement


A JSON Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’


class arcgis.features.Table(url, gis=None, container=None, dynamic_layer=None)

Table objects represent entity classes with uniform properties. In addition to working with “entities with location” as Feature objects, the GIS can also work with non-spatial entities as rows in tables.


Working with tables is similar to working with :class:`~arcgis.features.FeatureLayer`objects, except that the rows (Features) in a table do not have a geometry, and tables ignore any geometry related operation.

append(item_id=None, upload_format='featureCollection', source_table_name=None, field_mappings=None, edits=None, source_info=None, upsert=False, skip_updates=False, use_globalids=False, update_geometry=True, append_fields=None, rollback=False, skip_inserts=None, upsert_matching_field=None, upload_id=None, layer_mappings=None, *, return_messages=None, future=False)

The append method is used to update an existing hosted FeatureLayer object. See the Append (Feature Service/Layer) page in the ArcGIS REST API documentation for more information.


The append method is only available in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1+




Optional string. The ID for the Portal item that contains the source file. Used in conjunction with editsUploadFormat.


Required string. The source append data format. The default is featureCollection. Values: ‘sqlite’ | ‘shapefile’ | ‘filegdb’ | ‘featureCollection’ | ‘geojson’ | ‘csv’ | ‘excel’


You can find the Feature Layer’s supported formats by checking the property.


Required string. Required even when the source data contains only one table, e.g., for file geodatabase.

# Example usage:
source_table_name=  "Building"


Optional list. Used to map source data to a destination layer. Syntax: field_mappings=[{“name” : <”targetName”>,

“sourceName” : < “sourceName”>}, …]

# Example usage:
field_mappings=[{"name" : "CountyID",
                "sourceName" : "GEOID10"}]


Optional dictionary. Only feature collection json is supported. Append supports all format through the upload_id or item_id.


Optional dictionary. This is only needed when appending data from excel or csv. The appendSourceInfo can be the publishing parameter returned from analyze the csv or excel file.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the edits needs to be applied as updates if the feature already exists. Default is false.


Optional boolean. Parameter is used only when upsert is true.


Optional boolean. Specifying whether upsert needs to use GlobalId when matching features.


Optional boolean. The parameter is used only when upsert is true. Skip updating the geometry and update only the attributes for existing features if they match source features by objectId or globalId.(as specified by useGlobalIds parameter).


Optional list. The list of destination fields to append to. This is supported when upsert=true or false.

["fieldName1", "fieldName2",....]


Optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the upsert edits needs to be rolled back in case of failure. Default is false.


Used only when upsert is true. Used to skip inserts if the value is true. The default value is false.


Optional string. The layer field to be used when matching features with upsert. ObjectId, GlobalId, and any other field that has a unique index can be used with upsert. This parameter overrides use_globalids; e.g., specifying upsert_matching_field will be used even if you specify use_globalids = True. Example: upsert_matching_field=”MyfieldWithUniqueIndex”


Optional string. The itemID field from an upload() response, corresponding with the appendUploadId REST API argument. This argument should not be used along side the item_id argument.


Optional list of dictionaries. This is needed if the source is featureService. It is used to map a source layer to a destination layer. Only one source can be mapped to a layer.

Syntax: layerMappings=[{“id”: <layerID>, “sourceId”: <layer id>}]


Optional Boolean. When set to True, the messages returned from the append will be returned. If False, the response messages will not be returned. This alters the output to be a tuple consisting of a (Boolean, Dictionary).


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A boolean indicating success (True), or failure (False). When return_messages is True, the response messages will be return in addition to the boolean as a tuple. If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example

>>> feature_layer.append(source_table_name= "Building",
                        field_mappings=[{"name" : "CountyID",
                                        "sourceName" : "GEOID10"}],
                        upsert = True,
                        append_fields = ["fieldName1", "fieldName2",...., fieldname22],
                        return_messages = False)
calculate(where, calc_expression, sql_format='standard', version=None, sessionid=None, return_edit_moment=None, future=False)

The calculate operation is performed on a FeatureLayer resource. calculate updates the values of one or more fields in an existing feature service layer based on SQL expressions or scalar values. The calculate operation can only be used if the supportsCalculate property of the layer is True. Neither the Shape field nor system fields can be updated using calculate. System fields include ObjectId and GlobalId.




Required String. A where clause can be used to limit the updated records. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed.


Required List. The array of field/value info objects that contain the field or fields to update and their scalar values or SQL expression. Allowed types are dictionary and list. List must be a list of dictionary objects.

Calculation Format is as follows:

{“field” : “<field name>”, “value” : “<value>”}


Optional String. The SQL format for the calc_expression. It can be either standard SQL92 (standard) or native SQL (native). The default is standard.

Values: standard, native


Optional String. The geodatabase version to apply the edits.


Optional String. A parameter which is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version. The sessionid is a GUID value that clients establish at the beginning and use throughout the edit session. The sessonid ensures isolation during the edit session. This parameter applies only if the isDataBranchVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional Boolean. This parameter specifies whether the response will report the time edits were applied. If true, the server will return the time edits were applied in the response’s edit moment key. This parameter applies only if the isDataBranchVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.

This applies to 10.8+ only


A dictionary with the following format:

{ ‘updatedFeatureCount’: 1, ‘success’: True }

If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example 1:

print(fl.calculate(where="OBJECTID < 2",
                   calc_expression={"field": "ZONE", "value" : "R1"}))
# Usage Example 2:

print(fl.calculate(where="OBJECTID < 2001",
                   calc_expression={"field": "A",  "sqlExpression" : "B*3"}))
property container

Get/Set the FeatureLayerCollection to which this layer belongs.




Required FeatureLayerCollection.


The Feature Layer Collection where the layer is stored

property contingent_values

Returns the define contingent values for the given layer. :returns: Dict[str,Any]

delete_features(deletes=None, where=None, geometry_filter=None, gdb_version=None, rollback_on_failure=True, return_delete_results=True, future=False)

Deletes features in a FeatureLayer or Table




Optional string. A comma separated string of OIDs to remove from the service.


Optional string. A where clause for the query filter. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed. Features conforming to the specified where clause will be deleted.


Optional SpatialFilter. A spatial filter from arcgis.geometry.filters module to filter results by a spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.


Optional Boolean. Optional parameter that indicates whether a result is returned per deleted row when the deleteFeatures operation is run. The default is true.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A dictionary if future=False (default), else If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

>>> gis = GIS("pro")
>>> buck ="owner:"+
>>> buck_1 =buck[1]
>>> lay = buck_1.layers[0]

>>> la_df = lay.delete_features(where = "OBJECTID > 15")
>>> la_df
{'deleteResults': [
{'objectId': 1, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 2, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 3, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 4, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 5, 'uniqueId': 5, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 6, 'uniqueId': 6, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 7, 'uniqueId': 7, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 8, 'uniqueId': 8, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 9, 'uniqueId': 9, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 10, 'uniqueId': 10, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 11, 'uniqueId': 11, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 12, 'uniqueId': 12, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 13, 'uniqueId': 13, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 14, 'uniqueId': 14, 'globalId': None, 'success': True},
{'objectId': 15, 'uniqueId': 15, 'globalId': None, 'success': True}]}
edit_features(adds=None, updates=None, deletes=None, gdb_version=None, use_global_ids=False, rollback_on_failure=True, return_edit_moment=False, attachments=None, true_curve_client=False, session_id=None, use_previous_moment=False, datum_transformation=None, future=False)

Adds, updates, and deletes features to the associated FeatureLayer or Table in a single call.


When making large number (250+ records at once) of edits, append should be used over edit_features to improve performance and ensure service stability.




Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be added.


Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be updated.


Optional FeatureSet/List. string of OIDs to remove from service


Optional boolean. Instead of referencing the default Object ID field, the service will look at a GUID field to track changes. This means the GUIDs will be passed instead of OIDs for delete, update or add features.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to apply edits. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.


Optional boolean. Introduced at 10.5, only applicable with ArcGIS Server services only. Specifies whether the response will report the time edits were applied. If set to true, the server will return the time in the response’s editMoment key. The default value is false.


Optional Dict. This parameter adds, updates, or deletes attachments. It applies only when the use_global_ids parameter is set to true. For adds, the globalIds of the attachments provided by the client are preserved. When useGlobalIds is true, updates and deletes are identified by each feature or attachment globalId, rather than their objectId or attachmentId. This parameter requires the layer’s supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds property to be true.

Attachments to be added or updated can use either pre-uploaded data or base 64 encoded data.





List of attachments to add.


List of attachements to update


List of attachments to delete

See the Apply Edits to a Feature Service layer in the ArcGIS REST API for more information.


Optional boolean. Introduced at 10.5. Indicates to the server whether the client is true curve capable. When set to true, this indicates to the server that true curve geometries should be downloaded and that geometries containing true curves should be consumed by the map service without densifying it. When set to false, this indicates to the server that the client is not true curves capable. The default value is false.


Optional String. Introduced at 10.6. The session_id is a GUID value that clients establish at the beginning and use throughout the edit session. The sessonID ensures isolation during the edit session. The session_id parameter is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version.


Optional Boolean. Introduced at 10.6. The use_previous_moment parameter is used to apply the edits with the same edit moment as the previous set of edits. This allows an editor to apply single block of edits partially, complete another task and then complete the block of edits. This parameter is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version.

When set to true, the edits are applied with the same edit moment as the previous set of edits. When set to false or not set (default) the edits are applied with a new edit moment.


Optional Integer/Dictionary. This parameter applies a datum transformation while projecting geometries in the results when out_sr is different than the layer’s spatial reference. When specifying transformations, you need to think about which datum transformation best projects the layer (not the feature service) to the outSR and sourceSpatialReference property in the layer properties. For a list of valid datum transformation ID values ad well-known text strings, see Using spatial references. For more information on datum transformations please see the transformation parameter in the Project operation documentation.





Integer. Ex: datum_transformation=4326


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation={“wkt”: “<WKT>”}


Dict. Ex: datum_transformation=```{‘geoTransforms’:[{‘wkid’:<id>,’forward’:<true|false>},{‘wkt’:’<WKT>’,’forward’:<True|False>}]}```


Optional Boolean. If the FeatureLayer has supportsAsyncApplyEdits set to True, then edits can be applied asynchronously. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


A dictionary by default, or If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

# Usage Example 1:

feature = [
    'attributes': {
        'ObjectId': 1,
# Usage Example 2:

adds = {"geometry": {"x": 500, "y": 500, "spatialReference":
                    {"wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857}},
        "attributes": {"ADMIN_NAME": "Fake Location"}
# Usage Example 3:

property estimates

Returns up-to-date approximations of layer information, such as row count and extent. Layers that support this property will include infoInEstimates information in the layer’s properties.

Currently available with ArcGIS Online and Enterprise 10.9.1+


Dict[str, Any]

export_attachments(output_folder, label_field=None)

Exports attachments from the FeatureLayer in Imagenet format using the output_label_field.




Required string. Output folder where the attachments will be stored. If None, a default folder is created


Optional string. Field which contains the label/category of each feature.


Nothing is returned from this method

property field_groups

Returns the defined list of field groups for a given layer.



classmethod fromitem(item, table_id=0)

The fromitem method creates a Table from a Item object. The table_id is the id of the table in FeatureLayerCollection (feature service).




Required Item object. The type of item should be a Feature Service that represents a FeatureLayerCollection


Required Integer. The id of the layer in feature layer collection (feature service). The default for table is 0.


A Table object

generate_renderer(definition, where=None)

Groups data using the supplied definition (classification definition) and an optional where clause. The result is a renderer object.


Use baseSymbol and colorRamp to define the symbols assigned to each class. If the operation is performed on a table, the result is a renderer object containing the data classes and no symbols.




Required dict. The definition using the renderer that is generated. Use either class breaks or unique value classification definitions. See Classification Objects for additional details.


Optional string. A where clause for which the data needs to be classified. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the dynamic layer/table is allowed.


A JSON Dictionary

# Example Usage
    definition = {"type":"uniqueValueDef",
                  "fieldDelimiter": ",",
                      "type": "esriSFS",
                      "style": "esriSLSSolid",
                        "algorithm": "esriHSVAlgorithm"
    where = "POP2000 > 350000"

The get_html_popup method provides details about the HTML pop-up authored by the User using ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop.




Optional string. Object id of the feature to get the HTML popup.


A string

get_unique_values(attribute, query_string='1=1')

Retrieves a list of unique values for a given attribute in the FeatureLayer.




Required string. The feature layer attribute to query.


Optional string. SQL Query that will be used to filter attributes before unique values are returned. ex. “name_2 like ‘%K%’”


A list of unique values

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

>>> gis = GIS("pro")
>>> buck ="owner:"+
>>> buck_1 =buck[1]
>>> lay = buck_1.layers[0]
>>> layer = lay.get_unique_values(attribute = "COUNTY")
>>> layer
property manager

The manager property is a helper object to manage the FeatureLayer, such as updating its definition.


A FeatureLayerManager

# Usage Example

>>> manager = FeatureLayer.manager
property metadata

Get the Feature Layer’s metadata.


If metadata is disabled on the GIS or the layer does not support metadata, None will be returned.


String of the metadata, if any

property properties

The properties property retrieves and set properties of this object.

query(where='1=1', out_fields='*', time_filter=None, return_count_only=False, return_ids_only=False, return_distinct_values=False, group_by_fields_for_statistics=None, statistic_filter=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, object_ids=None, gdb_version=None, order_by_fields=None, out_statistics=None, return_all_records=True, historic_moment=None, sql_format=None, return_exceeded_limit_features=None, as_df=False, having=None, time_reference_unknown_client=None, **kwargs)

The query method queries a Table Layer based on a set of criteria.




Optional string. The default is 1=1. The selection sql statement.


Optional List of field names to return. Field names can be specified either as a List of field names or as a comma separated string. The default is “*”, which returns all the fields.


Optional string. The object IDs of this layer or table to be queried. The object ID values should be a comma-separated string.


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds. Syntax: time_filter=[<startTime>, <endTime>] ; specified as, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true. If this is not specified, the query will apply to the published map’s version.


Optional boolean. If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true.


Optional boolean. If true, it returns distinct values based on the fields specified in out_fields. This parameter applies only if the supportsAdvancedQueries property of the layer is true.


Optional boolean. Default is False. If true, the response only includes an array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the count (number of features/records) that would be returned by a query. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. The default is false. This option supersedes the returnIdsOnly parameter. If returnCountOnly = true, the response will return both the count and the extent.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


Optional string. One or more field names on which the values need to be grouped for calculating the statistics. example: STATE_NAME, GENDER


Optional string. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated.



“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field1”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name1”

}, {

“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field2”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name2”




Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th). This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property. This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional boolean. When True, the query operation will call the service until all records that satisfy the where_clause are returned. Note: result_offset and result_record_count will be ignored if return_all_records is True. Also, if return_count_only, return_ids_only, or return_extent_only are True, this parameter will be ignored.


Optional integer. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the layer is archiving enabled and the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property is set to true. This property is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional boolean. Optional parameter which is true by default. When set to true, features are returned even when the results include ‘exceededTransferLimit’: True.

When set to false and querying with resultType = tile features are not returned when the results include ‘exceededTransferLimit’: True. This allows a client to find the resolution in which the transfer limit is no longer exceeded without making multiple calls.


Optional boolean. If True, the results are returned as a DataFrame instead of a FeatureSet.


Optional dict. Optional parameters that can be passed to the Query function. This will allow users to pass additional parameters not explicitly implemented on the function. A complete list of functions available is documented on the Query REST API.


A FeatureSet object or, if `as_df=True`, a Panda’s DataFrame containing the features matching the query unless another return type is specified, such as return_count_only

# Usage Example with only a "where" sql statement

>>> feat_set = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID1")
>>> type(feat_set)
>>> feat_set[0]
<Feature 1>
# Usage Example of an advanced query returning the object IDs instead of Features

>>> id_set = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID1",
                                   out_fields = ["FieldName1, FieldName2"],
                                   distance = 100,
                                   units = 'esriSRUnit_Meter',
                                   return_ids_only = True)

>>> type(id_set)
>>> id_set[0]
# Usage Example of an advanced query returning the number of features in the query

>>> search_count = feature_layer.query(where = "OBJECTID1",
                                   out_fields = ["FieldName1, FieldName2"],
                                   distance = 100,
                                   units = 'esriSRUnit_Meter',
                                   return_count_only = True)

>>> type(search_count)
>>> search_count
query_3d(where=None, out_fields=None, object_ids=None, distance=None, units=None, time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, gdb_version=None, return_distinct_values=None, order_by_fields=None, group_by_fields_for_statistics=None, out_statistics=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, historic_moment=None, sql_format=None, format_3d_objects=None, time_reference_unknown_client=None)

The query3D operation allows clients to query 3D object features and is based on the feature service layer query operation. The 3D object feature layer still supports layer and service level feature service query operations.




Optional string. SQL-92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources. Some data sources have restrictions on what is supported. Hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise running on a spatiotemporal data source only support a subset of SQL-92. Below is a list of supported SQL-92 with spatiotemporal-based feature services:

( ‘<=’ | ‘>=’ | ‘<’ | ‘>’ | ‘=’ | ‘!=’ | ‘<>’ | LIKE ) (AND | OR) (IS | IS_NOT) (IN | NOT_IN) ( ‘(’ ( expr ( ‘,’ expr )* )? ‘)’ ) COLUMN_NAME BETWEEN LITERAL_VALUE AND LITERAL_VALUE


Optional list of fields to be included in the returned result set. This list is a comma-delimited list of field names. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter to return all fields in the result.


Optional string. The object IDs of this layer or table to be queried. The object ID values should be a comma-separated string.


There might be a drop in performance if the layer/table data source resides in an enterprise geodatabase and more than 1,000 object_ids are specified.


Optional integer. The buffer distance for the input geometries. The distance unit is specified by units. For example, if the distance is 100, the query geometry is a point, units is set to meters, and all points within 100 meters of the point are returned.


Optional string. The unit for calculating the buffer distance. If unit is not specified, the unit is derived from the geometry spatial reference. If the geometry spatial reference is not specified, the unit is derived from the feature service data spatial reference. This parameter only applies if supportsQueryWithDistance is true.

Values: `esriSRUnit_Meter | esriSRUnit_StatuteMile |

esriSRUnit_Foot | esriSRUnit_Kilometer | esriSRUnit_NauticalMile | esriSRUnit_USNauticalMile`


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds. Syntax: time_filter=[<startTime>, <endTime>] ; specified as, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds


Optional from filters. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer is true. If this is not specified, the query will apply to the published map’s version.


Optional boolean. If true, it returns distinct values based on the fields specified in out_fields. This parameter applies only if the supportsAdvancedQueries property of the layer is true. This parameter can be used with return_count_only to return the count of distinct values of subfields.


Make sure to set return_geometry to False if this is set to True. Otherwise, reliable results will not be returned.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


If specifying return_count_only, return_id_only, or return_extent_only as True, do not specify this parameter in order to avoid errors.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the values need to be grouped for calculating the statistics. example: STATE_NAME, GENDER


Optional list of dictionaries. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated.



“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field1”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name1”

}, {

“statisticType”: “<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>”, “onStatisticField”: “Field2”, “outStatisticFieldName”: “Out_Field_Name2”




Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th). This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property. This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).


Optional integer. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the layer is archiving enabled and the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property is set to true. This property is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional string. Specifies the 3D format that will be used to request a feature. If set to a valid format ID (see layer resource), the geometry of the feature response will be a 3D envelope of the 3D object and will include asset maps for the 3D object. Since formats are created asynchronously, review the flags field in the asset map to determine if the format is available (conversionStatus is COMPLETED). If conversionStatus is INPROGRESS, the format is not ready. Request the feature again later.

If a feature does not have the specified format, the feature will still be returned according to the query parameters (such as the where clause), but the asset mapping will be missing.

Values: “3D_dae” | “3D_dwg” | “3D_fbx” | “3D_glb” | “3D_gltf” | “3D_ifc” | “3D_obj” | “3D_shapebuffer” | “3D_shapebufferg” | “3D_usdc” | “3D_usdz”


Optional boolean. Setting time_reference_unknown_client as True indicates that the client is capable of working with data values that are not in UTC. If its not set to true, and the service layer’s datesInUnknownTimeZone property is true, then an error is returned. The default is False

Its possible to define a service’s time zone of date fields as unknown. Setting the time zone as unknown means that date values will be returned as-is from the database, rather than as date values in UTC. Non-hosted feature services can be set to use an unknown time zone using ArcGIS Server Manager. Setting the time zones to unknown also sets the datesInUnknownTimeZone layer property as true. Currently, hosted feature services do not support this setting. This setting does not apply to editor tracking date fields which are stored and returned in UTC even when the time zone is set to unknown.

Most clients released prior to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 will not be able to work with feature services that have an unknown time setting.


A dictionary containing the feature, asset map, and asset information for the layer.

USAGE EXAMPLE: Query 3D objects

# Import the required modules
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer

# Connect to your GIS
gis = GIS(profile="your_enterprise_profile")

# Search for the feature layer
search_result ="3D Object Feature Layer", "Feature Layer")
feature_layer = search_result[0]

# Create a FeatureLayer object
layer = FeatureLayer(feature_layer.url, gis)

# Query the 3D objects
result = layer.query_3d(where="OBJECTID < 10", out_fields="*", format_3d_objects="3D_dae")
query_analytics(out_analytics, where='1=1', out_fields='*', analytic_where=None, geometry_filter=None, out_sr=None, return_geometry=True, order_by=None, result_type=None, cache_hint=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, quantization_param=None, sql_format=None, future=True, **kwargs)

The query_analytics exposes the standard SQL windows functions that compute aggregate and ranking values based on a group of rows called window partition. The window function is applied to the rows after the partitioning and ordering of the rows. query_analytics defines a window or user-specified set of rows within a query result set. query_analytics can be used to compute aggregated values such as moving averages, cumulative aggregates, or running totals.


See the query method for a similar function.

SQL Windows Function

A window function performs a calculation across a set of rows (SQL partition or window) that are related to the current row. Unlike regular aggregate functions, use of a window function does not return single output row. The rows retain their separate identities with each calculation appended to the rows as a new field value. The window function can access more than just the current row of the query result.

query_analytics currently supports the following windows functions:
  • Aggregate functions

  • Analytic functions

  • Ranking functions

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are deterministic function that perform a calculation on a set of values and return a single value. They are used in the select list with optional HAVING clause. GROUP BY clause can also be used to calculate the aggregation on categories of rows. query_analytics can be used to calculate the aggregation on a specific range of value. Supported aggregate functions are:

  • Min

  • Max

  • Sum

  • Count

  • AVG


  • VAR

Analytic Functions

Several analytic functions available now in all SQL vendors to compute an aggregate value based on a group of rows or windows partition. Unlike aggregation functions, analytic functions can return single or multiple rows for each group.




  • LEAD

  • LAG




Ranking Functions

Ranking functions return a ranking value for each row in a partition. Depending on the function that is used, some rows might receive the same value as other rows.

  • RANK





Partitions are extremely useful when you need to calculate the same metric over different group of rows. It is very powerful and has many potential usages. For example, you can add partition by to your window specification to look at different groups of rows individually.

partitionBy clause divides the query result set into partitions and the sql window function is applied to each partition. The ‘partitionBy’ clause normally refers to the column by which the result is partitioned. ‘partitionBy’ can also be a value expression (column expression or function) that references any of the selected columns (not aliases).




Required List. A set of analytics to calculate on the Feature Layer.

The definitions for one or more field-based or expression analytics to be computed. This parameter is supported only on layers/tables that return true for supportsAnalytics property.


If outAnalyticFieldName is empty or missing, the server assigns a field name to the returned analytic field.

The argument should be a list of dictionaries that define analystics. An analytic definition specifies:

  • the type of analytic - key: analyticType

  • the field or expression on which it is to be computed - key: onAnalyticField

  • the resulting output field name -key: outAnalyticFieldName

  • the analytic specifications - analysticParameters

See Overview for details.

# Dictionary structure and options for this parameter

    "onAnalyticField": "Field1",
    "outAnalyticFieldName": "Out_Field_Name1",
    "analyticParameters": {
         "orderBy": "<orderBy expression",
         "value": <double value>,// percentile value
         "partitionBy": "<field name or expression>",
         "offset": <integer>, // used by LAG/LEAD
         "windowFrame": {
            "type": "ROWS" | "RANGE",
            "extent": {
               "extentType": "PRECEDING" | "BOUNDARY",
               "PRECEDING": {
                  "type": <"UNBOUNDED" |
                          "NUMERIC_CONSTANT" |
                   "value": <numeric constant value>
                "BOUNDARY": {
                 "start": "UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING",
                 "startValue": <numeric constant value>,
                 "end": <"UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING" |
                         "NUMERIC_FOLLOWING" |
                 "endValue": <numeric constant value>
# Usage Example:

>>> out_analytics =
        [{"analyticType": "FIRST_VALUE",
          "onAnalyticField": "POP1990",
          "analyticParameters": {
                                 "orderBy": "POP1990",
                                 "partitionBy": "state_name"
          "outAnalyticFieldName": "FirstValue"}]


Optional string. The default is 1=1. The selection sql statement.


Optional List of field names to return. Field names can be specified either as a List of field names or as a comma separated string. The default is “*”, which returns all the fields.


Optional String. A where clause for the query filter that applies to the result set of applying the source where clause and all other params.


Optional from arcgis.geometry.filter. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional boolean. If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true.


Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


Optional string. The result_type parameter can be used to control the number of features returned by the query operation. Values: None | standard | tile


Optional Boolean. If you are performing the same query multiple times, a user can ask the server to cache the call to obtain the results quicker. The default is False.


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th).


Optional integer. This option can be used for fetching query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property.


Optional dict. Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.


Optional string. The sql_format parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. The default is none which means the sql_format depends on useStandardizedQuery parameter. Values: none | standard | native


Optional Boolean. This determines if a Future object is returned (True) the method returns the results directly (False).


A Pandas DataFrame (pd.DataFrame)

query_date_bins(bin_field, bin_specs, out_statistics, time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, bin_order=None, where=None, return_centroid=False, in_sr=None, out_sr=None, spatial_rel=None, quantization_params=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, return_exceeded_limit_features=False)

The query_date_bins operation is performed on a FeatureLayer. This operation returns a histogram of features divided into bins based on a date field. The response can include statistical aggregations for each bin, such as a count or sum, and may also include the aggregate geometries (in other words, centroid) for point layers.

The parameters define the bins, the aggregate information returned, and the included features. Bins are defined using the bin parameter. The out_statistics and return_centroid parameters define the information each bin will provide. Included features can be specified by providing a time extent, where condition, and a spatial filter, similar to a query operation.

The contents of the bin_specs parameter provide flexibility for defining bin boundaries. The bin_specs parameter’s unit property defines the time width of each bin, such as one year, quarter, month, day, or hour. Fixed bins can use multiple units for these time widths. The result_offset property defines an offset within that time unit. For example, if your bin unit is day, and you want bin boundaries to go from noon to noon on the next day, the offset would be 12 hours.

Features can be manipulated with the time_filter, where, and geometry_filter parameters. By default, the result will expand to fit the feature’s earliest and latest point of time. The time_filter parameter defines a fixed starting point and ending point of the features based on the field used in binField. The where and geometry_filter parameters allow additional filters to be put on the data.

This operation is only supported on feature services using a spatiotemporal data store. As well, the service property supportsQueryDateBins must be set to true.

To use pagination with aggregated queries on hosted feature services in ArcGIS Enterprise, the supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries property must be true on the layer. Hosted feature services using a spatiotemporal data store do not currently support pagination on aggregated queries.




Required String. The date field used to determine which bin each feature falls into.


Required Dict. A dictionary that describes the characteristics of bins, such as the size of the bin and its starting position. The size of each bin is determined by the number of time units denoted by the number and unit properties.

The starting position of the bin is the earliest moment in the specified unit. For example, each year begins at midnight of January 1. An offset inside the bin parameter can provide an offset to the starting position of the bin. This can contain a positive or negative integer value.

A bin can take two forms: either a calendar bin or a fixed bin. A calendar bin is aware of calendar-specific adjustments, such as daylight saving time and leap seconds. Fixed bins are, by contrast, always a specific unit of measurement (for example, 60 seconds in a minute, 24 hours in a day) regardless of where the date and time of the bin starts. For this reason, some calendar-specific units are only supported as calendar bins.

# Calendar bin

>>> bin_specs= {"calendarBin":
                  {"unit": "year",
                    "timezone": "US/Arizona",
                    "offset": {
                        "number": 5,
                        "unit": "hour"}

# Fixed bin

>>> bin_specs= {"fixedBin":
                  "number": 12,
                  "unit": "hour",
                  "offset": {
                    "number": 5,
                    "unit": "hour"}


Required List of Dicts. The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated:

 "statisticType": "<count | sum | min | max | avg | stddev | var>",
 "onStatisticField": "Field1",
 "outStatisticFieldName": "Out_Field_Name1"


Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds.


Optional from filters. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional String. Either “ASC” or “DESC”. Determines whether results are returned in ascending or descending order. Default is ascending.


Optional String. A WHERE clause for the query filter. SQL ‘92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources.


Optional Boolean. Returns the geometry centroid associated with all the features in the bin. If true, the result includes the geometry centroid. The default is false. This parameter is only supported on point data.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the input geometry.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional String. The spatial relationship to be applied to the input geometry while performing the query. The supported spatial relationships include intersects, contains, envelop intersects, within, and so on. The default spatial relationship is intersects (esriSpatialRelIntersects). Other options are esriSpatialRelContains, esriSpatialRelCrosses, esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects, esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects, esriSpatialRelOverlaps, esriSpatialRelTouches, and esriSpatialRelWithin.


Optional Dict. Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.

# upperLeft origin position

{"mode": "view",
 "originPosition": "upperLeft",
 "tolerance": 1.0583354500042335,
 "extent": {
     "type": "extent",
     "xmin": -18341377.47954369,
     "ymin": 2979920.6113554947,
     "xmax": -7546517.393554582,
     "ymax": 11203512.89298139,
     "spatialReference": {
         "wkid": 102100,
         "latestWkid": 3857}

# lowerLeft origin position

{"mode": "view",
 "originPosition": "lowerLeft",
 "tolerance": 1.0583354500042335,
 "extent": {
    "type": "extent",
    "xmin": -18341377.47954369,
    "ymin": 2979920.6113554947,
    "xmax": -7546517.393554582,
    "ymax": 11203512.89298139,
    "spatialReference": {
        "wkid": 102100,
        "latestWkid": 3857}

See Quantization parameters JSON properties for details on format of this parameter.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsCoordinateQuantization property is true.


Optional Int. This parameter fetches query results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record. The default is 0.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsPagination property is true.


Optional Int. This parameter fetches query results up to the value specified. When result_offset is specified, but this parameter is not, the map service defaults to the layer’s maxRecordCount property. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the maxRecordCount property. The minimum value entered for this parameter cannot be below 1.


This parameter only applies if the layer’s supportsPagination property is true.


Optional Boolean. When set to True, features are returned even when the results include "exceededTransferLimit": true. This allows a client to find the resolution in which the transfer limit is no longer exceeded withou making multiple calls. The default value is False.


A Dict containing the resulting features and fields.

# Usage Example

>>> flyr_item ="*", "Feature Layer")[0]
>>> flyr = flyr_item.layers[0]

>>> qy_result = flyr.query_date_bins(bin_field="boundary",
                                                   "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
                                                   "offset": {"number": 8,
                                                              "unit": "hour"}
                                     out_statistics=[{"statisticType": "count",
                                                      "onStatisticField": "objectid",
                                                      "outStatisticFieldName": "item_sold_count"},
                                                     {"statisticType": "avg",
                                                     "onStatisticField": "price",
                                                     "outStatisticFieldName": "avg_daily_revenue "}],
                                     time=[1609516800000, 1612195199999])
>>> qy_result
    "features": [
        "attributes": {
          "boundary": 1609516800000,
          "avg_daily_revenue": 300.40,
          "item_sold_count": 79
        "attributes": {
          "boundary": 1612108800000,
          "avg_daily_revenue": null,
          "item_sold_count": 0
    "fields": [
        "name": "boundary",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDate"
        "name": "item_sold_count",
        "alias": "item_sold_count",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger"
        "name": "avg_daily_revenue",
        "alias": "avg_daily_revenue",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
    "exceededTransferLimit": false

The query_related_records operation is performed on a FeatureLayer resource. The result of this operation are feature sets grouped by source layer/table object IDs. Each feature set contains Feature objects including the values for the fields requested by the user. For related layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the feature set. For related tables, the feature set does not include geometries.


See the query method for a similar function.




Required string. The object IDs of the table/layer to be queried


Required string. The ID of the relationship to be queried.


Required string. the list of fields from the related table/layer to be included in the returned feature set. This list is a comma delimited list of field names. If you specify the shape field in the list of return fields, it is ignored. To request geometry, set return_geometry to true. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the results will include all the field values.


Optional string. The definition expression to be applied to the related table/layer. From the list of objectIds, only those records that conform to this expression are queried for related records.


Optional boolean. If true, the feature set includes the geometry associated with each feature. The default is true.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of the outSR. If out_wkid is not specified, then max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.


Optional integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries.


Optional Integer. The spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer queried is true.


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional Integer/datetime. The historic moment to query. This parameter applies only if the supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment property of the layers being queried is set to true. This setting is provided in the layer resource.

If historic_moment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features.

Syntax: historic_moment=<Epoch time in milliseconds>


Optional boolean. Optional parameter that is false by default. When set to true, returns true curves in output geometries; otherwise, curves are converted to densified Polyline or Polygon objects.


Dictionary of the query results

# Usage Example:

# Query returning the related records for a feature with objectid value of 2,
# returning the values in the 6 attribute fields defined in the `field_string`
# variable:

>>> field_string = "objectid,attribute,system_name,subsystem_name,class_name,water_regime_name"
>>> rel_records = feat_lyr.query_related_records(object_ids = "2",
                                                 relationship_id = 0,
                                                 out_fields = field_string,

>>> list(rel_records.keys())
['fields', 'relatedRecordGroups']

>>> rel_records["relatedRecordGroups"]
[{'objectId': 2,
  'relatedRecords': [{'attributes': {'objectid': 686,
     'attribute': 'L1UBHh',
     'system_name': 'Lacustrine',
     'subsystem_name': 'Limnetic',
     'class_name': 'Unconsolidated Bottom',
     'water_regime_name': 'Permanently Flooded'}}]}]
query_top_features(top_filter=None, where=None, objectids=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, geometry_filter=None, out_fields='*', return_geometry=True, return_centroid=False, max_allowable_offset=None, out_sr=None, geometry_precision=None, return_ids_only=False, return_extents_only=False, order_by_field=None, return_z=False, return_m=False, result_type=None, as_df=True)

The query_top_features is performed on a FeatureLayer. This operation returns a feature set or spatially enabled dataframe based on the top features by order within a group. For example, when querying counties in the United States, you want to return the top five counties by population in each state. To do this, you can use query_top_features to group by state name, order by desc on the population and return the first five rows from each group (state).

The top_filter parameter is used to set the group by, order by, and count criteria used in generating the result. The operation also has many of the same parameters (for example, where and geometry) as the layer query operation. However, unlike the layer query operation, query_top_feaures does not support parameters such as outStatistics and its related parameters or return distinct values. Consult the advancedQueryCapabilities layer property for more details.

If the feature layer collection supports the query_top_feaures operation, it will include “supportsTopFeaturesQuery”: True, in the advancedQueryCapabilities layer property.


See the query method for a similar function.




Required Dict. The top_filter define the aggregation of the data.

  • groupByFields define the field or fields used to aggregate

your data.

  • topCount defines the number of features returned from the top

features query and is a numeric value.

  • orderByFields defines the order in which the top features will

be returned. orderByFields can be specified in either ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order, ascending being the default.

Example: {“groupByFields”: “worker”, “topCount”: 1,

“orderByFields”: “employeeNumber”}


Optional String. A WHERE clause for the query filter. SQL ‘92 WHERE clause syntax on the fields in the layer is supported for most data sources.


Optional List. The object IDs of the layer or table to be queried.


Optional Datetime. The starting time to query for.


Optional Datetime. The end date to query for.


Optional from arcgis.geometry.filter. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional String. The list of fields to include in the return results.


Optional Boolean. If False, the query will not return geometries. The default is True.


Optional Boolean. If True, the centroid of the geometry will be added to the output.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of out_sr. If out_sr is not specified, max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the layer.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional Integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries returned by the query operation. This applies to X and Y values only (not m or z-values).


Optional boolean. Default is False. If true, the response only includes an array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the extent of the features that would be returned by the query. If returnCountOnly=true, the response will return both the count and the extent. The default is false. This parameter applies only if the supportsReturningQueryExtent property of the layer is true.


Optional Str. Optional string. One or more field names on which the features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering. example: STATE_NAME ASC, RACE DESC, GENDER


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is False.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional String. The result_type can be used to control the number of features returned by the query operation. Values: none | standard | tile


Optional Boolean. If False, the result is returned as a FeatureSet. If True (default) the result is returned as a spatially enabled dataframe.


Default is a pd.DataFrame, but when `as_df=False` returns a FeatureSet. If `return_count_only=True`, the return type is Integer. If `return_ids_only=True`, a list of value is returned.

property renderer

Get/Set the Renderer of the Feature Layer.




Required dict.


When set, this overrides the default symbology when displaying it on a webmap.


`InsensitiveDict`: A case-insensitive dict like object used to update and alter JSON A varients of a case-less dictionary that allows for dot and bracket notation.

property time_filter

The time_filter method is used to set a time filter instead of querying time-enabled map service layers or time-enabled feature service layers, a time filter can be specified. Time can be filtered as a single instant or by separating the two ends of a time extent with a comma.


The time_filter method is supported starting at Enterprise 10.7.1+.




Required Datetime/List Datetime. This is a single or list of start/stop date.


A string of datetime values as milliseconds from epoch


The update_metadata updates a FeatureLayer metadata from an xml file.




Required String. The path to the .xml file that contains the metadata.


A boolean indicating success (True), or failure (False)

validate_sql(sql, sql_type='where')

The validate_sql operation validates an SQL-92 expression or WHERE clause. The validate_sql operation ensures that an SQL-92 expression, such as one written by a user through a user interface, is correct before performing another operation that uses the expression.


For example, validateSQL can be used to validate information that is subsequently passed in as part of the where parameter of the calculate operation.

validate_sql also prevents SQL injection. In addition, all table and field names used in the SQL expression or WHERE clause are validated to ensure they are valid tables and fields.




Required String. The SQL expression of WHERE clause to validate. Example: “Population > 300000”


Optional String. Three SQL types are supported in validate_sql
  • where (default) - Represents the custom WHERE clause the user can compose when querying a layer or using calculate.

  • expression - Represents an SQL-92 expression. Currently, expression is used as a default value expression when adding a new field or using the calculate API.

  • statement - Represents the full SQL-92 statement that can be passed directly to the database. No current ArcGIS REST API resource or operation supports using the full SQL-92 SELECT statement directly. It has been added to the validateSQL for completeness. Values: where | expression | statement


A JSON Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’


class arcgis.features.FeatureLayerCollection(url, gis=None)

A FeatureLayerCollection is the Python API representation of a Feature Service. Namely it is a collection of feature layers and tables with the associated relationships among the records.

Instances of a FeatureLayerCollection can be obtained

  • from Feature Layer items using the container property

  • using the fromitem() method

  • by initializing an object using the feature service url

# Using the container property
>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS
>>> gis = GIS(profile="your_organization_profile")

>>> flyr_item ="storm damage", "Feature Layer)[0]
>>> flc = flyr_item.layers[0].container
>>> flc

<FeatureLayerCollection url:"<org_id>/arcgis/rest/services/<service_name>/FeatureServer">

# Using the fromitem method
>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayerCollection

 >>> flyr_item ="storm damage", "Feature Layer)[0]
 >>> flc = FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(flyr_item)

 <FeatureLayerCollection url:"<org_id>/arcgis/rest/services/<service_name>/FeatureServer">

# Initializing from a service url
>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS
>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayerCollection

>>> gis = GIS(profile="your_organization_profile")

>>> fs_url = "<org_id>/arcgis/rest/services/<service_name>/FeatureServer"
>>> flc = FeatureLayerCollection(fs_url, gis)


The manager property accesses the FeatureLayerCollectionManager object which can be used to configure and manage the service.

If the feature service is configured for synchronization, the replicas property will be available to return a SyncManager object to manage that functionality.


You can use the layers and tables property to get to the individual layers and tables in this feature layer collection.

extract_changes(layers, servergen=None, layer_servergen=None, queries=None, geometry=None, geometry_type=None, in_sr=None, version=None, return_inserts=False, return_updates=False, return_deletes=False, return_ids_only=False, return_extent_only=False, return_attachments=False, attachments_by_url=False, data_format='json', change_extent_grid_cell=None, return_geometry_updates=None, fields_to_compare=None, out_sr=None)

A method to query for changes that have been made to the layers and tables in a feature service.

To verify whether a feature service is configured to send responses about the features that have changed within its layers, query the service for the ChangeTracking capability:

# Get the capabilities a feature service is configured with
>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS
>>> gis = GIS(profile="your_organization_profile")

>>> flyr_item ="my_feature_layer", "Feature Layer")[0]
# Initialize a FeatureLayerCollection object from a layer
>>> flc = flyr_item.layers[0].container



Change tracking can be enabled for ArcGIS Online hosted feature services as well as enterprise-geodatabase based ArcGIS Enterprise services.


For Enterprise geodatabase based feature services published from ArcGIS Pro 2.2 or higher, the ChangeTracking capability requires all layers and tables to be either archive enabled or branch versioned and have globalid columns.




Required List. The list of layers (by index value) and tables to include in the output.

# Get layer index values
>>> from arcgis.gis import FeatureLayerCollection

>>> flyr_item = gis.content.get("<>flyr_item_id>")
>>> flc = FeatureLayerCollection(flyr_item, gis)

>>> for flyr_obj in flc.layers:
>>>     print(f"{<3}{}")

0  Airports
1  Roads
2  Railroads


Required integer (when layer_servergen argument not present). Introduced at 11.0, this argument provides the server generation numbers to apply to all layers included in the layers parameter from which to return changes.

Either a single generation value, or a pair of generation values can be provided.

  • If a single value is provided, all changes that have happened since that generation are returned.

  • If a pair of values are provided, the changes that have happened between the first generation (the minimum value) and up to and including the second generation (the maximum value) value are returned. The first value in the pair is expected to be the smaller value.

Query the FeatureLayerCollection properties to verify whether the feature service supports this capability. If the supportServerGens property in the extractChangesCapabilities property group is set to true, the capability is present.

# Determine whether parameter is supported
>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS
>>> gis = GIS(profile="your_organizaation_profile")

>>> flyr_item = gis.content.get("<item_id>")
>>> flc_object = flyr_item.layers[0].container

>>>"extractChangesCapabilities","no support")

'supportsServerGens': True,


Either the servergen or layer_servergen argument must be provided with this method.

You can get the latest generation numbers from the changeTrackingInfo property of the feature service:


   "lastSyncDate": 1706901271525,
   "layerServerGens": [
       "id": 0,
       "minServerGen": 594109,
       "serverGen": 594109
       "id": 1,
       "minServerGen": 594109,
       "serverGen": 594109


Required list (if servergen argument not provided) of generation numbers for each layer to return changes. Use the changeTrackingInfo information to get values:

# Get change tracking info

   "lastSyncDate": 1706901271525,
   "layerServerGens": [
       "id": 0,
       "minServerGen": 594109,
       "serverGen": 594109
       "id": 1,
       "minServerGen": 594109,
       "serverGen": 594109
  • minServerGen - It is the minimum generation number of the server data changes.

  • serverGen - It is the current server generation number of the changes. Every changed feature has a version or a generation number that is changed every time the feature is updated.


These values may be identical.

The argument format should be a list of dictionaries whose keys are:

  • id - values is the index position of the layer within the feature

  • serverGen - value is the generation number after which to get the changes

# Usage Example:

>>> flc.extract_changes(...
                        layer_servergen= [
                                         {"id": 0, "serverGen": 594109},
                                         {"id": 1, "serverGen": 594109}


Optional Dictionary. In addition to the layers and geometry parameters, the queries parameter can be used to further define what changes to return. This parameter allows you to set query properties on a per-layer or per-table basis. If a layer’s ID is present in the layers argument and missing from queries, the layer’s changed features that intersect with the geometry argument are returned.

The key-value options for the dictinary are:

  • where - Defines an attribute query for a layer or table. The default is no where clause.

  • useGeometry - Determines whether or not to apply the geometry for the layer. The default is True. If set to False, features from the layer that intersect the geometry are not added.

  • includeRelated - Determines whether or not to add related rows. The default is True and honored only when queryOption=None. This is only applicable if your data has relationship classes. Relationships are only processed in a forward direction from origin to destination.

  • queryOption - Defines whether or how filters will be applied to a layer. The queryOption was added in 10.2. See the Compatibility notes topic for more information.

    Valid values are:


Info on queryOption key values:

  • If the value is None and the layer participates in a relationship:

    • If includeRelated is False, no related features are returned.

    • If includeRelated is True, features in this layer (that are related to the features in other layers) are returned.

  • If value is useFilter, features that satisfy filtering based on geometry and where are returned. includeRelated is ignored.

# Usage Example:

>>> flc_obj.extract_changes(...
                            queries={"0":{"where":"FID_1 > 300",
                                         "useGeometry": "true",
                                         "includeRelated": "false",
                                     "1": {"where":"SURFACE='mixed concrete'",


Optional Geometry or Envelope object to apply as the spatial filter for the changes. All the changed features intersecting this geometry will be returned.


For envelope and point geometries, you can specify the geometry with a simple comma-separated syntax instead of a json object.


Optional String. The type of geometry specified by the geometry parameter. The geometry type can be an envelope, point, line or polygon. The default geometry type is an envelope.


  • esriGeometryPoint

  • esriGeometryMultipoint

  • esriGeometryPolyline

  • esriGeometryPolygon

  • esriGeometryEnvelope


Optional Integer. The wkid value of the input geometry spatial reference. See Coordinate systems PDFs for complete list of available values.


Optional Integer. The wkid for the the spatial reference of the geometries in the returned changes. See Coordinate systems PDFs for complete list of available values.


Optional String. If branch versioning is enabled, and utilized with the service, a user can specify the verion name to extract changes from.


Optional Boolean, Required if neither return_updates nor return_deletes provided. If True, newly inserted features will be returned. The default is False.


Optional Boolean. Required if neither return_inserts nor return_deletes provided.If True, updated features will be returned. The default is False.


Optional Boolean. Required if neither return_inserts nor return_updates provided. If True, deleted features will be returned. The default is False.


Optional Boolean. If True, the response includes a list of object IDs only. The default is False.


Option Boolean. If True, only the extent of the changes is returned. The default is False.


Optional Boolean. If True, attachment changes are returned in the response. Otherwise, attachments are not included. The default is False. This parameter is only applicable if the feature service has attachments.


Optional Boolean. If True, a reference to a URL will be provided for each attachment returned. Otherwise, attachments are embedded in the response. The default is True.


Optional String. The format of the changes returned in the response. The default is json. Values:

  • sqllite

  • json


Optional String. To optimize localizing changes extent, the value of medium is an 8x8 grid that bound the changes extent.


Used only when return_extent_only is True. Default is None.


  • None

  • large

  • medium

  • small


Optional Boolean. If True, the response includes a ‘hasGeometryUpdates’ property set as true for each layer with updates that have geometry changes. The default is False.

If a layer’s edits include only inserts, deletes, or updates to fields other than geometry, hasGeometryUpdates is not set or is returned as false. When a layer has multiple rows with updates, only one needs to include a geometry changes for hasGeometryUpdates to be set as true.


Optional List. Introduced at 11.0. This parameter allows you to determine if any list of fields has been updated. The accepted values for this parameter is a list of fields you want to evaluate. The response returns a json array called fieldUpdates (accessed as a Python list) which includes rows that contain any updates made to the specified fields. An empty list is returned if no updates occurred in the specified fields.


A dictionary whose keys vary depending upon input arguments of method.

#Usage Example for extracting changes to specific feature layers in a hosted Feature Layer item

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS
>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayerCollection

>>> gis = GIS(profile="your_online_profile")

# Search for the Feature Layer item
>>> fl_item ='title:"my_feature_layer" type:"Feature Layer"')[0]

# Initialize a FeatureLayerCollection object from the item
>>> flc = FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(fl_item, gis)

# Extract the changes from the specific layers
>>> deltas = flc.extract_changes(layers=[0, 1, 2],
                                 layer_servergen=[{"id": 0, "serverGen": 594109},
                                                  {"id": 1, "serverGen": 594109},
                                                  {"id": 2, "serverGen": 594109}],

>>> deltas

{'layerServerGens': [{'id': 0, 'serverGen': 594249},
                     {'id': 1, 'serverGen': 594249},
                     {'id': 2, 'serverGen': 594249}],
 'transportType': 'esriTransportTypeUrl',
 'responseType': 'esriDataChangesResponseTypeEdits',
 'edits': [{'id': 0,
            'features': {'adds': [{'geometry': {'x': 49949.824500000104,
                                                'y': 90360.44769999944},
                                   'attributes': {'OBJECTID': 401,
                                                  'GlobalID': '8E4CD21D-C48C-4183-9AEC-3F2A2D0912CE',
                                                  'FID_1': 401,
                                                  'NAME': 'Airport XTL'}},
                                  {'geometry': {'x': 56948.30519999936,
                                                 'y': -74861.21529999934},
                                   'attributes': {'OBJECTID': 402,
                                                  'GlobalID': '8C692383-3D99-4F42-9C56-10C499277E1A',
                                                  'FID_1': 402,
                                                  'NAME': 'Airport SNL'}}],
                         'updates': [],
                         'deletes': []}},
           {'id': 1,
            'features': {'adds': [{'geometry': {'paths': [[[134899.6895,
                                   'attributes': {'OBJECTID': 4518,
                                                  'GlobalID': 'AE01C888-305C-44D9-A954-8A25D2829408',
                                                  'FID_1': 874569,
                                                  'NAME': 'GTM 9 Connector ',
                                                  'SURFACE': 'concrete mixed'}}],
                         'updates': [],
                         'deletes': []}},
           {'id': 2,
            'features': {'adds': [],
                         'updates': [{'geometry': {'paths': [[[167873.3979,
                                      'attributes': {'OBJECTID': 2,
                                                     'GlobalID': '260182EA-FE8C-4D7E-8371-0BF488CDF2C2',
                                                     'FID_1': 2,
                                                     'TYPE': 1,
                                                     'STATUS': 1}}],
                         'deletes': []}}]}
classmethod fromitem(item)

The fromitem method is used to create a FeatureLayerCollection from a Item class.




A required Item object. The item needed to convert to a FeatureLayerCollection object.


A FeatureLayerCollection object.

property manager

A helper object to manage the FeatureLayerCollection, for example updating its definition.


A FeatureLayerCollectionManager object

property properties

The properties property retrieves and set properties of this object.

query(layer_defs_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, time_filter=None, return_geometry=True, return_ids_only=False, return_count_only=False, return_z=False, return_m=False, out_sr=None)

Queries the current FeatureLayerCollection based on sql statement.




Optional list. The format is of [<startTime>, <endTime>] using, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds. Syntax: time_filter=[<startTime>, <endTime>] ; specified as, datetime.datetime or timestamp in milliseconds


Optional from arcgis.geometry.filter. Allows for the information to be filtered on spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional Layer Definition Filter.


Optional boolean. If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true.


Optional boolean. Default is False. If true, the response only includes an array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set.


Optional boolean. If true, the response only includes the count (number of features/records) that would be returned by a query. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. The default is false. This option supersedes the returnIdsOnly parameter. If returnCountOnly = true, the response will return both the count and the extent.


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is False.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional Integer. The WKID for the spatial reference of the returned geometry.


A FeatureSet of the queried Feature Layer Collection unless return_count_only or return_ids_only is True.


The query_data_elements provides access to valuable information for datasets exposed through a feature service such as a feature layer, a table or a utility network layer. The response is dependent on the type of layer that is queried.




Required list. Array of layerIds for which to get the data elements.




Returns full domain information for the domains referenced by the layers in the FeatureLayerCollection. This operation is performed on a feature layer collection. The operation takes an array of layer IDs and returns the set of domains referenced by the layers.


See the query method for a similar function.


Only arcobject Feature Services support this operation. If the service supports this operation, then the supportsQueryDomains property in the service properties is True. If this value is False or not present, then the service cannot use this operation. In addition, this is only availabel for arcobject and hosted Feature Services in Enterprise, not for ArcGIS Online.




Required List. An array of layers. The set of domains to return is based on the domains referenced by these layers. Example: [1,2,3,4]


List of dictionaries

The query_related_records operation is performed on a FeatureLayerCollection resource. The result of this operation are feature sets grouped by source FeatureLayer/Table object IDs. Each feature set contains Feature objects including the values for the fields requested by the User. For related layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the feature set. For related tables, the feature set does not include geometries.


See the query method for a similar function.




Optional string. the object IDs of the table/layer to be queried.


Optional string. The ID of the relationship to be queried.


Optional string.the list of fields from the related table/layer to be included in the returned feature set. This list is a comma delimited list of field names. If you specify the shape field in the list of return fields, it is ignored. To request geometry, set return_geometry to true. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the results will include all the field values.


Optional string. The definition expression to be applied to the related table/layer. From the list of objectIds, only those records that conform to this expression are queried for related records.


Optional boolean. If true, the feature set includes the geometry associated with each feature. The default is true.


Optional float. This option can be used to specify the max_allowable_offset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The max_allowable_offset is in the units of the outSR. If outSR is not specified, then max_allowable_offset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.


Optional integer. This option can be used to specify the number of decimal places in the response geometries.


Optional integer. The spatial reference of the returned geometry.


Optional string. The geodatabase version to query. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer queried is true.


Optional boolean. If true, Z values are included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.


Optional boolean. If true, M values are included in the results if the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.


Dictionary of query results

property relationships

Gets relationship information for the layers and tables in the FeatureLayerCollection object.

The relationships resource includes information about relationship rules from the back-end relationship classes, in addition to the relationship information already found in the individual FeatureLayer and Table.

Feature layer collections that support the relationships resource will have the “supportsRelationshipsResource”: true property on their properties.


List of Dictionaries

upload(path, description=None, upload_size=None)

The upload method uploads a new item to the server.


Once the operation is completed successfully, item id of the uploaded item is returned.




Optional string. Filepath of the file to upload.


Optional string. Descriptive text for the uploaded item.


Optional Integer. For large uploads, a user can specify the upload size of each part. The default is 1mb.


Item id of uploaded item

property versions

Creates a VersionManager to create, update and use versions on a FeatureLayerCollection.


If versioning is not enabled on the service, None is returned.


class arcgis.features.FeatureSet(features, fields=None, has_z=False, has_m=False, geometry_type=None, spatial_reference=None, display_field_name=None, object_id_field_name=None, global_id_field_name=None)

A FeatureSet is a set of features with information about their fields, field aliases, geometry type, spatial reference, and more.

FeatureSets are commonly used as input/output with several Geoprocessing Tools, and can be the obtained through the query methods of feature layers. A FeatureSet can be combined with a layer definition to compose a FeatureCollection.

FeatureSet contains Feature objects, including the values for the fields requested by the User . For layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the FeatureSet. For tables, the FeatureSet does not include geometries.

If a Spatial Reference is not specified at the FeatureSet level, the FeatureSet will assume the SpatialReference of its first feature. If the Spatial Reference of the first feature is also not specified, the spatial reference will be UnknownCoordinateSystem.

property df


deprecated in v1.5.0 please use sdf

converts the FeatureSet to a Pandas dataframe. Requires pandas

property display_field_name

Get/Set the display field for the Feature Set object.




Required string.


A String

property features

Gets the Feature objects in the FeatureSet object.


A list of Feature objects

property fields

Get/Set the fields in the FeatureSet




Required dict.


A dictionary

static from_arcpy(fs)

Converts an arcpy FeatureSet to an arcgis FeatureSet




Required arcpy.FeatureSet. The featureset objec to consume.


A FeatureSet object

static from_dataframe(df)

The from_dataframe method creates a FeatureSet objects from a Pandas’ DataFrame




Required DataFrame.


A FeatureSet object

static from_dict(featureset_dict)

Creates a Feature Set objects from a dictionary.




Required dict. Keys can include: ‘fields’, ‘features’, ‘hasZ’, ‘hasM’, ‘geometryType’, ‘objectIdFieldName’, ‘globalIdFieldName’, ‘displayFieldName’, ‘spatialReference’


A FeatureSet

static from_geojson(geojson)

Creates a Feature Set objects from a GEO JSON FeatureCollection object




Required GEOJSON object


A FeatureSet object

static from_json(json_str)

Creates a Feature Set objects from a JSON string.




Required json style string.


A FeatureSet object

property geometry_type

Get/Set the Type of the Feature Set object.




Required string. Values: ‘Polygon’ | ‘Polyline’ | ‘Point’


A string representing the geometry type of the FeatureSet object

property global_id_field_name

Get/Set the global ID field for the Feature Set object.




Required string.


A string

property has_m

Get/Set the M-property of the Feature Set object.




Required bool. Values: True | False


The M-value of the FeatureSet object

property has_z

Get/Set the Z-property of the Feature Set object




Required bool. Values: True | False


The Z-value of the FeatureSet object

property object_id_field_name

Get/Set the object id field of the Feature Set object




Required string.


A string representing the object id field name

save(save_location, out_name, encoding=None)

The save method saves a Feature Set object to a Feature class on disk.




Required string. Path to export the Feature Set to.


Required string. Name of the saved table.


Optional string. character encoding is used to represent a repertoire of characters by some kind of encoding system. The default is None.


A string

# Obtain a feature from a feature layer:

>>> feat_set = = "C:\ArcGISProjects"
>>>                               out_name = "Power_Plant_Data")
property sdf

Gets the Feature Set as a Spatially Enabled Pandas dataframe.


A Spatially Enabled Pandas Dataframe object

property spatial_reference

Get/Set the Feature Set’s spatial reference




Required dict. (e.g. {“wkid” : 4326})


A SpatialReference


Converts the Feature Set object to a Python dictionary.


A Python dictionary of the FeatureSet

property to_geojson

Gets the Feature Set object as a GeoJSON.


A GeoJSON object.

property to_json

Gets the Feature Set object as a JSON string.


A JSON string of the FeatureSet

property value

Gets the Feature Set object as a dictionary.


A dictionary of the FeatureSet


class arcgis.features.FeatureCollection(dictdata)

FeatureCollection is an object with a layer definition and a FeatureSet.

It is an in-memory collection of Feature objects with rendering information.


Feature Collections can be stored as Item objects in the GIS, added as layers to a map or scene, passed as inputs to feature analysis tools, and returned as results from feature analysis tools if an output name for a feature layer is not specified when calling the tool.

static from_featureset(fset, symbol=None, name=None)

Creates a FeatureCollection object from a FeatureSet object.




Required FeatureSet object.


Optional dict. Specify your symbol as a dictionary. Symbols for points can be picked from the Esri Symbol Page

If not specified, a default symbol will be created.


Optional String. The name of the feature collection. This is used when feature collections are being persisted on a Map. If None is provided, then a random name is generated. (New at 1.6.1)


A FeatureCollection object.

# Usage Example

>>> feat_set = feature_layer.query(where="OBJECTID=1")
>>> feat_collect = FeatureCollection.from_featureset(feat_set)
>>> type(feat_collect)
property layer

Deprecated since version 2.4.0: Removed in: 2.5.0. Use ‘properties’ instead.

Deprecated since version 2.4.0: Removed in: 2.5.0. Use ‘properties’ instead.

property properties

Returns a dictionary-like object of the current definition for the Feature Collection object. Each feature collection is comprised of a:

  • featureSet,

  • layerDefinition

  • popupInfo.

See the featureCollection Object Specification for full details.


The properties and layer property of a FeatureCollection return the same information.

# Usage Example:
>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS
>>> gis = GIS(profile="your_online_profile")

>>> fcolln_item =
                       item_type="Feature Collection"

>>> fcolln_obj = fcolln_item.layers[0]
>>> list(

['featureSet', 'layerDefinition', 'popupInfo']

Retrieves the data in this feature collection as a FeatureSet. Ex: FeatureCollection.query()


Filtering by where clause is not supported for feature collections.


A FeatureSet object


class arcgis.features.GeoAccessor(obj)

The GeoAccessor class adds a spatial namespace that performs spatial operations on the given Pandas DataFrame. The GeoAccessor class includes visualization, spatial indexing, IO and dataset level properties.

property area

The area method retrieves the total area of the GeoAccessor dataframe.


A float

>>> df.spatial.area
property bbox

The bbox property retrieves the total length of the dataframe



>>> df.spatial.bbox
{'rings' : [[[1,2], [2,3], [3,3],....]], 'spatialReference' {'wkid': 4326}}
property centroid

The centroid method retrieves the centroid of the dataframe



>>> df.spatial.centroid
(-14.23427, 39)
compare(other, match_field=None)

Compare the current spatially enabled DataFrame with another spatially enabled DataFrame and identify the differences in terms of added, deleted, and modified rows based on a specified match field.




Required spatially enabled DataFrame (GeoAccessor object).


Optional string. The field to use for matching rows between the DataFrames. The default will be the spatial column’s name.


A dictionary containing the differences between the two DataFrames: - ‘added_rows’: DataFrame representing the rows added in the other DataFrame. - ‘deleted_rows’: DataFrame representing the rows deleted from the current DataFrame. - ‘modified_rows’: DataFrame representing the rows modified between the DataFrames.

distance_matrix(leaf_size=16, rebuild=False)

The distance_matrix creates a k-d tree to calculate the nearest-neighbor problem.


The distance_matrix method requires SciPy




Optional Integer. The number of points at which the algorithm switches over to brute-force. Default: 16.


Optional Boolean. If True, the current KDTree is erased. If false, any KD-Tree that exists will be returned.


scipy’s KDTree class


Check if two DataFrames are equal to each other. Equal means same shape and corresponding elements

static from_arrow(table)

Converts a Pandas DatFrame to an Arrow Table




Required pyarrow.Table. The Arrow Table to convert back into a spatially enabled dataframe.



static from_df(df, address_column='address', geocoder=None, sr=None, geometry_column=None)

The from_df creates a Spatially Enabled DataFrame from a dataframe with an address column.




Required Pandas DataFrame. Source dataset


Optional String. The default is “address”. This is the name of a column in the specified dataframe that contains addresses (as strings). The addresses are batch geocoded using the GIS’s first configured geocoder and their locations used as the geometry of the spatial dataframe. Ignored if the ‘geometry_column’ is specified.


Optional Geocoder. The geocoder to be used. If not specified, the active GIS’s first geocoder is used.


Optional integer. The WKID of the spatial reference.


Optional String. The name of the geometry column to convert to the arcgis.Geometry Objects (new at version 1.8.1)


Spatially Enabled DataFrame

NOTE: Credits will be consumed for batch_geocoding, from the GIS to which the geocoder belongs.

static from_feather(path, spatial_column='SHAPE', columns=None, use_threads=True)

The from-feather method loads a feather-format object from the file path.




String. Path object or file-like object. Any valid string path is acceptable. The string could be a URL. Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. For file URLs, a host is expected. A local file could be:


If you want to pass in a path object, pandas accepts any os.PathLike.

By file-like object, we refer to objects with a read() method, such as a file handler (e.g. via builtin open function) or StringIO.


Optional String. The default is SHAPE. Specifies the column containing the geo-spatial information.


Sequence/List/Array. The default is None. If not provided, all columns are read.


Boolean. The default is True. Whether to parallelize reading using multiple threads.


A Pandas DataFrame (pd.DataFrame)

static from_featureclass(location, **kwargs)

The from_featureclass creates a Spatially enabled pandas.DataFrame from a Features class.


Null integer values will be changed to 0 when using shapely instead of ArcPy due to shapely conventions. With ArcPy null integer values will remain null.




Required string or pathlib.Path. Full path to the feature class or URL (shapefile only).

Optional parameters when ArcPy library is available in the current environment:

Optional Argument



sql clause to parse data down. To learn more see ArcPy Search Cursor


where statement. To learn more see ArcPy SQL reference


list of strings specifying the field names.


A Geometry object that will filter the results. This requires arcpy to work.


A Spatial reference to project (or transform) output GeoDataFrame to. This requires arcpy to work.


Used in combination with ‘sr’ parameter. if the spatial reference of output GeoDataFrame and input data do not share the same datum, an appropriate datum transformation should be specified. To Learn more see [Geographic datum transformations]( This requires arcpy to work.

Optional Parameters are not supported for URL based resources


A pandas.core.frame.DataFrame object

static from_geodataframe(geo_df, inplace=False, column_name='SHAPE')

The from_geodataframe loads a Geopandas GeoDataFrame into an ArcGIS Spatially Enabled DataFrame.


The from_geodataframe method requires geopandas library be installed in current environment.




GeoDataFrame object, created using GeoPandas library


Optional Bool. When True, the existing GeoDataFrame is spatially

enabled and returned. When False, a new Spatially Enabled DataFrame object is returned. Default is False.


Optional String. Sets the name of the geometry column. Default



A Spatially Enabled DataFrame.

static from_layer(layer)

The from_layer method imports a FeatureLayer to a Spatially Enabled DataFrame


This operation converts a FeatureLayer or Table to a Pandas’ DataFrame




Required FeatureLayer or TableLayer. The service to convert to a Spatially enabled DataFrame.


>>> from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer
>>> mylayer = FeatureLayer((""
>>> df = from_layer(mylayer)
>>> print(df.head())

A Pandas’ DataFrame

static from_parquet(path, columns=None, **kwargs)

Load a Parquet object from the file path, returning a Spatially Enabled DataFrame.

You can read a subset of columns in the file using the columns parameter. However, the structure of the returned Spatially Enabled DataFrame will depend on which columns you read:

  • if no geometry columns are read, this will raise a ValueError - you should use the pandas read_parquet method instead.

  • if the primary geometry column saved to this file is not included in columns, the first available geometry column will be set as the geometry column of the returned Spatially Enabled DataFrame.

Requires ‘pyarrow’.

Added in version arcgis: 1.9




Required String. path object


Optional List[str]. The defaulti s None. If not None, only these columns will be read from the file. If the primary geometry column is not included, the first secondary geometry read from the file will be set as the geometry column of the returned Spatially Enabled DataFrame. If no geometry columns are present, a ValueError will be raised.


Optional dict. Any additional kwargs that can be given to the pyarrow.parquet.read_table method.


Spatially Enabled DataFrame


>>> df = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_parquet("data.parquet")  

Specifying columns to read:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_parquet(
...     "data.parquet",
...     columns=["SHAPE", "pop_est"]
... )  
static from_table(filename, **kwargs)

The from_table method allows a User to read from a non-spatial table


The from_table method requires ArcPy




Required string or pathlib.Path. The path to the table.

Keyword Arguments




Optional List/Tuple. A list (or tuple) of field names. For a single field, you can use a string instead of a list of strings.

Use an asterisk (*) instead of a list of fields if you want to access all fields from the input table (raster and BLOB fields are excluded). However, for faster performance and reliable field order, it is recommended that the list of fields be narrowed to only those that are actually needed.

Geometry, raster, and BLOB fields are not supported.


Optional String. An optional expression that limits the records returned.


Optional Boolean. This controls whether records using nulls are skipped. Default is True.


Optional String/Integer/Float. Replaces null values from the input with a new value.


A Pandas DataFrame (pd.DataFrame)

static from_xy(df, x_column, y_column, sr=4326, z_column=None, m_column=None, **kwargs)

The from_xy method converts a Pandas DataFrame into a Spatially Enabled DataFrame by providing the X/Y columns.




Required Pandas DataFrame. Source dataset


Required string. The name of the X-coordinate series


Required string. The name of the Y-coordinate series


Optional int. The wkid number of the spatial reference. 4326 is the default value.


Optional string. The name of the Z-coordinate series


Optional string. The name of the M-value series




Optional string. If the value is provided the OID field will not be converted from int64 to int32.



property full_extent

The full_extent method retrieves the extent of the DataFrame.


A tuple

>>> df.spatial.full_extent
(-118, 32, -97, 33)
property geometry_type

The geometry_type property retrieves a list of Geometry Types for the DataFrame.


A List

property has_m

The has_m property determines if the datasets have M values


A boolean indicating M values (True), or not (False)

property has_z

The has_z property determines if the datasets have Z values


A boolean indicating Z values (True), or not (False)

insert_layer(feature_service, gis=None, sanitize_columns=False, service_name=None)

This method creates a feature layer from the spatially enabled dataframe and adds (inserts) it to an existing feature service.


Inserting table data in Enterprise is not currently supported.




Required Item or Feature Service Id. Depicts the feature service to which the layer will be added.


Optional GIS. The GIS object.


Optional Boolean. If True, column names will be converted to string, invalid characters removed and other performed. The default is False.


Optional String. The name for the service that will be added to the Item The name cannot be used already or contain special characters, spaces, or a number as the first character.


The feature service item that was appended to.

join(right_df, how='inner', op='intersects', left_tag='left', right_tag='right')

The join method joins the current DataFrame to another Spatially-Enabled DataFrame based on spatial location based.


The join method requires the Spatially-Enabled DataFrame to be in the same coordinate system




Required pd.DataFrame. Spatially enabled dataframe to join.


Required string. The type of join:

  • left - use keys from current dataframe and retains only current geometry column

  • right - use keys from right_df; retain only right_df geometry column

  • inner - use intersection of keys from both dfs and retain only current geometry column


Required string. The operation to use to perform the join. The default is intersects.

supported perations: intersects, within, and contains


Optional String. If the same column is in the left and right dataframe, this will append that string value to the field.


Optional String. If the same column is in the left and right dataframe, this will append that string value to the field.


Spatially enabled Pandas’ DataFrame

property length

The length method retrieves the total length of the DataFrame


A float

>>> df.spatial.length
property name

The name method retrieves the name of the geometry column.


A string

overlay(sdf, op='union')

The overlay performs spatial operation operations on two spatially enabled dataframes.


The overlay method requires ArcPy or Shapely




Required Spatially Enabled DataFrame. The geometry to perform the operation from.


Optional String. The spatial operation to perform. The allowed value are: union, erase, identity, intersection. union is the default operation.


A Spatially enabled DataFrame (pd.DataFrame)

plot(map_widget=None, **kwargs)

The plot draws the data on a map. The user can describe in simple terms how to renderer spatial data using symbol.

Explicit Argument



optional Map object. This is the map to display the data on.


optional renderer dataclass. This can be created from the renderers module in the module.

project(spatial_reference, transformation_name=None)

The project method reprojects the who dataset into a new SpatialReference. This is an inplace operation meaning that it will update the defined geometry column from the set_geometry.


The project method requires ArcPy or pyproj v4




Required SpatialReference. The new spatial reference. This can be a SpatialReference object or the coordinate system name.


Optional String. The geotransformation name.


A boolean indicating success (True), or failure (False)

relationship(other, op, relation=None)

The relationship method allows for dataframe to dataframe comparison using spatial relationships.


The return is a Pandas DataFrame (pd.DataFrame) that meet the operations’ requirements.




Required Spatially Enabled DataFrame. The geometry to perform the operation from.


Optional String. The spatial operation to perform. The allowed value are: contains,crosses,disjoint,equals, overlaps,touches, or within.

  • contains - Indicates if the base geometry contains the comparison geometry.

  • crosses - Indicates if the two geometries intersect in a geometry of a lesser shape type.

  • disjoint - Indicates if the base and comparison geometries share no points in common.

  • equals - Indicates if the base and comparison geometries are of the same shape type and define the same set of points in the plane. This is a 2D comparison only; M and Z values are ignored.

  • overlaps - Indicates if the intersection of the two geometries has the same shape type as one of the input geometries and is not equivalent to either of the input geometries.

  • touches - Indicates if the boundaries of the geometries intersect.

  • within - Indicates if the base geometry contains the comparison geometry.

  • intersect - Indicates if the base geometry has an intersection of the other geometry.

Note - contains and within will lead to same results when performing spatial operations.


Optional String. The spatial relationship type. The allowed values are: BOUNDARY, CLEMENTINI, and PROPER.

  • BOUNDARY - Relationship has no restrictions for interiors or boundaries.

  • CLEMENTINI - Interiors of geometries must intersect. This is the default.

  • PROPER - Boundaries of geometries must not intersect.

This only applies to contains,


Spatially enabled DataFrame (pd.DataFrame)

property renderer

The renderer property defines the renderer for the Spatially-enabled DataFrame.




Required dict. If none is given, then the value is reset


`InsensitiveDict`: A case-insensitive dict like object used to update and alter JSON A varients of a case-less dictionary that allows for dot and bracket notation.

sanitize_column_names(convert_to_string=True, remove_special_char=True, inplace=False, use_snake_case=True)

The sanitize_column_names cleans column names by converting them to string, removing special characters, renaming columns without column names to noname, renaming duplicates with integer suffixes and switching spaces or Pascal or camel cases to Python’s favored snake_case style.

Snake_casing gives you consistent column names, no matter what the flavor of your backend database is when you publish the DataFrame as a Feature Layer in your web GIS.




Optional Boolean. Default is True. Converts column names to string


Optional Boolean. Default is True. Removes any characters in column names that are not numeric or underscores. This also ensures column names begin with alphabets by removing numeral prefixes.


Optional Boolean. Default is False. If True, edits the DataFrame in place and returns Nothing. If False, returns a new DataFrame object.


Optional Boolean. Default is True. Makes column names lower case, and replaces spaces between words with underscores. If column names are in PascalCase or camelCase, it replaces them to snake_case.


pd.DataFrame object if inplace= False . Else None .


The select operation performs a dataset wide selection by geometric intersection. A geometry or another Spatially enabled DataFrame can be given and select will return all rows that intersect that input geometry. The select operation uses a spatial index to complete the task, so if it is not built before the first run, the function will build a quadtree index on the fly.


The select method requires ArcPy or Shapely


A Pandas DataFrame (pd.DataFrame, spatially enabled)

set_geometry(col, sr=None, inplace=True)

The set_geometry method assigns the geometry column by name or by list.




Required string, Pandas Series, GeoArray, list or tuple. If a string, this is the name of the column containing the geometry. If a Pandas Series GeoArray, list or tuple, it is an iterable of Geometry objects.


Optional integer or spatial reference of the geometries described in the first parameter. If the geometry objects already have the spatial reference defined, this is not necessary. If the spatial reference for the geometry objects is NOT define, it will default to WGS84 (wkid 4326).


Optional bool. Whether or not to modify the dataframe in place, or return a new dataframe. If True, nothing is returned and the dataframe is modified in place. If False, a new dataframe is returned with the geometry set. Defaults to True.


Spatially Enabled DataFrame or None

sindex(stype='quadtree', reset=False, **kwargs)

The sindex creates a spatial index for the given dataset.


By default, the spatial index is a QuadTree spatial index.

r-tree indexes should be used for large datasets. This will allow users to create very large out of memory indexes. To use r-tree indexes, the r-tree library must be installed. To do so, install via conda using the following command: conda install -c conda-forge rtree


A spatial index for the given dataset.

property sr

The sr property gets and sets the SpatialReference of the dataframe




Spatial Reference


Converts a Pandas DatFrame to an Arrow Table




Optional Bool. If True, always include the dataframe’s index(es) as columns in the file output. If False, the index(es) will not be written to the file. If None, the index(ex) will be included as columns in the file output except RangeIndex which is stored as metadata only.



to_feature_collection(name=None, drawing_info=None, extent=None, global_id_field=None, sanitize_columns=False)

The to_feature_collection converts a spatially enabled a Pandas DataFrame to a FeatureCollection .

optional argument



optional string. Name of the FeatureCollection


Optional dictionary. This is the rendering information for a Feature Collection. Rendering information is a dictionary with the symbology, labelling and other properties defined. See the Renderer Objects page in the ArcGIS REST API for more information.


Optional dictionary. If desired, a custom extent can be provided to set where the map starts up when showing the data. The default is the full extent of the dataset in the Spatial DataFrame.


Optional string. The Global ID field of the dataset.


Optional Boolean. If True, column names will be converted to string, invalid characters removed and other checks will be performed. The default is False.


A FeatureCollection object

to_featureclass(location, overwrite=True, has_z=None, has_m=None, sanitize_columns=True)

The to_featureclass exports a spatially enabled dataframe to a feature class.




Required string. The output of the table.


Optional Boolean. If True and if the feature class exists, it will be deleted and overwritten. This is default. If False, the feature class and the feature class exists, and exception will be raised.


Optional Boolean. If True, the dataset will be forced to have Z based geometries. If a geometry is missing a Z value when true, a RuntimeError will be raised. When False, the API will not use the Z value.


Optional Boolean. If True, the dataset will be forced to have M based geometries. If a geometry is missing a M value when true, a RuntimeError will be raised. When False, the API will not use the M value.


Optional Boolean. If True, column names will be converted to string, invalid characters removed and other checks will be performed. The default is True.


A String

to_featurelayer(title=None, gis=None, tags=None, folder=None, sanitize_columns=False, service_name=None, **kwargs)

The to_featurelayer method publishes a spatial dataframe to a new FeatureLayer object.


Null integer values will be changed to 0 when using shapely instead of ArcPy due to shapely conventions. With ArcPy null integer values will remain null.




Optional string. The name of the service. If not provided, a random string is generated.


Optional GIS. The GIS connection object


Optional list of strings. A comma seperated list of descriptive words for the service.


Optional string. Name of the folder where the featurelayer item and imported data would be stored.


Optional Boolean. If True, column names will be converted to string, invalid characters removed and other checks will be performed. The default is False.


Optional String. The name for the service that will be added to the Item. Name cannot be used already and cannot contain special characters, spaces, or a numerical value as the first letter.

When publishing a Spatial Dataframe, additional options can be given:

Optional Arguments



Optional boolean. If True, the specified layer in the service parameter will be overwritten. .. note:

Overwriting table data in Enterprise is not currently supported.


Dictionary that is required if overwrite = True. Dictionary with two keys: “FeatureServiceId” and “layers”. “featureServiceId” value is a string of the feature service id that the layer belongs to. “layer” value is an integer depicting the index value of the layer to overwrite.

Example: {“featureServiceId” : “9311d21a9a2047d19c0faaebd6f2cca6”, “layer”: 0}


A FeatureLayer object.


The to_featureset method converts a Spatially Enabled DataFrame object. to a FeatureSet object.


A FeatureSet object

to_parquet(path, index=None, compression='gzip', **kwargs)

Write a Spatially Enabled DataFrame to the Parquet format.

Any geometry columns present are serialized to WKB format in the file.

Requires ‘pyarrow’.

WARNING: this is an initial implementation of Parquet file support and associated metadata. This is tracking version 0.4.0 of the metadata specification at:

Added in version 2.1.0.




Required String. The save file path


Optional Bool. If True, always include the dataframe’s index(es) as columns in the file output. If False, the index(es) will not be written to the file. If None, the index(ex) will be included as columns in the file output except RangeIndex which is stored as metadata only.


Optional string. {‘snappy’, ‘gzip’, ‘brotli’, None}, default ‘gzip’ Name of the compression to use. Use None for no compression.


Optional dict. Any additional kwargs that can be given to the pyarrow.parquet.write_table method.



to_table(location, overwrite=True, **kwargs)

The to_table method exports a geo enabled dataframe to a Table object.


Null integer values will be changed to 0 when using shapely instead of ArcPy due to shapely conventions. With ArcPy null integer values will remain null.




Required string. The output of the table.


Optional Boolean. If True and if the table exists, it will be deleted and overwritten. This is default. If False, the table and the table exists, and exception will be raised.


Optional Boolean. If True, column names will be converted to string, invalid characters removed and other checks will be performed. The default is True.



property true_centroid

The true_centroid property retrieves the true centroid of the DataFrame


A Geometry object

>>> df.spatial.true_centroid
(1.23427, 34)

The validate method determines if the GeoAccessor is Valid with Geometry objects in all values


A boolean indicating Success (True), or Failure (False)


The voronoi method generates a voronoi diagram on the whole dataset.


If the Geometry object is not a :class:`~arcgis.geometry.Point then the centroid is used for the geometry. The result is a Polygon GeoArray Series that matches 1:1 to the original dataset.


The voronoi method requires SciPy


A Pandas Series (pd.Series)


class arcgis.features.GeoSeriesAccessor(obj)
property JSON

The JSON method creates a JSON string out of the Geometry object.


Series of strings

property WKB

The WKB method retrieves the Geometry object as a WKB


A Series of Bytes

property WKT

The WKT method retrieves the Geometry object’s WKT


Series of String

angle_distance_to(second_geometry, method='GEODESIC')

The angle_distance_to method retrieves a tuple of angle and distance to another point using a measurement method.




Required Geometry. A Geometry object.


Optional String. PLANAR measurements reflect the projection of geographic data onto the 2D surface (in other words, they will not take into account the curvature of the earth). GEODESIC, GREAT_ELLIPTIC, and LOXODROME measurement types may be chosen as an alternative, if desired.


A Series where each element is a tuple of angle and distance to another point using a measurement type.

property area

The area method retrieves the Feature object’s area.


A float in a series

property as_arcpy

The as_arcpy method retrieves the features as an ArcPy geometry object.


An arcpy.geometry as a series

property as_shapely

The as_shapely method retrieves the features as Shapely`Geometry <>`_


shapely.Geometry objects in a series


The boundary method constructs the boundary of the Geometry object.


A Pandas Series of Polyline objects


The buffer method constructs a Polygon at a specified distance from the Geometry object.




Required float. The buffer distance. The buffer distance is in the same units as the geometry that is being buffered. A negative distance can only be specified against a polygon geometry.


A Pandas Series of Polygon objects

property centroid

Returns the feature’s centroid


tuple (x,y) in series


The clip method constructs the intersection of the Geometry object and the specified extent.




required tuple. The tuple must have (XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax) each value represents the lower left bound and upper right bound of the extent.


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects

contains(second_geometry, relation=None)

The contains method indicates if the base Geometry contains the comparison Geometry.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


Optional string. The spatial relationship type.

  • BOUNDARY - Relationship has no restrictions for interiors or boundaries.

  • CLEMENTINI - Interiors of geometries must intersect. Specifying CLEMENTINI is equivalent to specifying None. This is the default.

  • PROPER - Boundaries of geometries must not intersect.


A Pandas Series of booleans indicating success (True), or failure (False)


The convex_hull method constructs the Geometry that is the minimal bounding Polygon such that all outer angles are convex.


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects


The crosses method indicates if the two Geometry objects intersect in a geometry of a lesser shape type.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of booleans indicating success (True), or failure (False)


The cut method splits this Geometry into a part to the left of the cutting Polyline and a part to the right of it.




Required Polyline. The cutting polyline geometry


A Pandas Series where each element is a list of two Geometry objects

densify(method, distance, deviation)

The densify method creates a new Geometry with added vertices




Required String. The type of densification, DISTANCE, ANGLE, or GEODESIC


Required float. The maximum distance between vertices. The actual distance between vertices will usually be less than the maximum distance as new vertices will be evenly distributed along the original segment. If using a type of DISTANCE or ANGLE, the distance is measured in the units of the geometry’s spatial reference. If using a type of GEODESIC, the distance is measured in meters.


Required float. Densify uses straight lines to approximate curves. You use deviation to control the accuracy of this approximation. The deviation is the maximum distance between the new segment and the original curve. The smaller its value, the more segments will be required to approximate the curve.


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects


The difference method constructs the Geometry that is composed only of the region unique to the base geometry but not part of the other geometry.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects


The disjoint method indicates if the base and comparison Geometry objects share no Point objects in common.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of booleans indicating success (True), or failure (False)


The distance_to method retrieves the minimum distance between two Geometry. If the geometries intersect, the minimum distance is 0.


Both geometries must have the same projection.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of floats


The equals method indicates if the base and comparison Geometry objects are of the same shape type and define the same set of Point objects in the plane.


This is a 2D comparison only; M and Z values are ignored.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of booleans indicating success (True), or failure (False)

property extent

The extent method retrieves the feature’s extent


A tuple (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) in series

property first_point

The first_point property retrieves the feature’s first Point object


A Point object


The generalize method creates a new simplified Geometry using a specified maximum offset tolerance.


This only works on Polyline and Polygon objects.




Required float. The maximum offset tolerance.


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects

property geoextent

The geoextent method retrieves the Geometry object’s extents


A Series of Floats

property geometry_type

The geometry_type property retrieves the Geometry object’s type.


A Series of strings

get_area(method, units=None)

The get_area method retreives the area of the feature using a measurement type.




Required String. PLANAR measurements reflect the projection of geographic data onto the 2D surface (in other words, they will not take into account the curvature of the earth). GEODESIC, GREAT_ELLIPTIC, LOXODROME, and PRESERVE_SHAPE measurement types may be chosen as an alternative, if desired.




A Pandas Series of floats

get_length(method, units)

The get_length method retrieves the length of the feature using a measurement type.




Required String. PLANAR measurements reflect the projection of geographic data onto the 2D surface (in other words, they will not take into account the curvature of the earth). GEODESIC, GREAT_ELLIPTIC, LOXODROME, and PRESERVE_SHAPE measurement types may be chosen as an alternative, if desired.




A A Pandas Series of floats


The get_part method retrieves an array of Point objects for a particular part of Geometry or an array containing a number of arrays, one for each part.

requires arcpy




Required Integer. The index position of the geometry.


AnA Pandas Series of arcpy.Arrays

property has_m

The has_m method determines if the Geometry objects has an M value


A Series of Booleans

property has_z

The has_z method determines if the Geometry object has a Z value


A Series of Booleans

property hull_rectangle

The hull_rectangle retrieves a space-delimited string of the coordinate pairs of the convex hull


A Series of strings

intersect(second_geometry, dimension=1)

The intersect method constructs a Geometry that is the geometric intersection of the two input geometries. Different dimension values can be used to create different shape types.


The intersection of two Geometry objects of the same shape type is a geometry containing only the regions of overlap between the original geometries.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


Required Integer. The topological dimension (shape type) of the resulting geometry.

  • 1 -A zero-dimensional geometry (point or multipoint).

  • 2 -A one-dimensional geometry (polyline).

  • 4 -A two-dimensional geometry (polygon).


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects

property is_empty

The is_empty method determines if the Geometry object is empty.


A Series of Booleans

property is_multipart

The is_multipart method determines if features has multiple parts.


A Series of Booleans

property is_valid

The is_valid method determines if the features Geometry is valid


A Series of Booleans

property label_point

The label_point method determines the Point for the optimal label location.


A Series of Geometry object

property last_point

The last_point method retrieves the Geometry of the last point in a feature.


A Series of Geometry objects

property length

The length method retrieves the length of the features.


A Series of floats

property length3D

The length3D method retrieves the length of the features


A Series of floats

measure_on_line(second_geometry, as_percentage=False)

The measure_on_line method retrieves the measure from the start Point of this line to the in_point.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


Optional Boolean. If False, the measure will be returned as a distance; if True, the measure will be returned as a percentage.


A Pandas Series of floats


The overlaps method indicates if the intersection of the two Geometry objects has the same shape type as one of the input geometries and is not equivalent to either of the input geometries.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of booleans indicating success (True), or failure (False)

property part_count

The part_count method retrieves the number of parts in a feature’s Geometry


A Series of Integers

property point_count

The point_count method retrieves the number of Point objects in a feature’s Geometry.


A Series of Integers

point_from_angle_and_distance(angle, distance, method='GEODESCIC')

The point_from_angle_and_distance retrieves a Point at a given angle and distance in degrees and meters using the specified measurement type.




Required Float. The angle in degrees to the returned point.


Required Float. The distance in meters to the returned point.


Optional String. PLANAR measurements reflect the projection of geographic data onto the 2D surface (in other words, they will not take into account the curvature of the earth). GEODESIC, GREAT_ELLIPTIC, LOXODROME, and PRESERVE_SHAPE measurement types may be chosen as an alternative, if desired.


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects

position_along_line(value, use_percentage=False)

The position_along_line method retrieves a Point on a line at a specified distance from the beginning of the line.




Required Float. The distance along the line.


Optional Boolean. The distance may be specified as a fixed unit of measure or a ratio of the length of the line. If True, value is used as a percentage; if False, value is used as a distance. For percentages, the value should be expressed as a double from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%).


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects.

project_as(spatial_reference, transformation_name=None)

The project_as method projects a Geometry`and optionally applies a ``geotransformation`.




Required SpatialReference. The new spatial reference. This can be a SpatialReference object or the coordinate system name.


Required String. The geotransformation name.


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects

query_point_and_distance(second_geometry, use_percentage=False)

The query_point_and_distance finds the Point on the Polyline nearest to the in_point and the distance between those points.


query_point_and_distance also returns information about the side of the line the in_point is on as well as the distance along the line where the nearest point occurs.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


Optional boolean - if False, the measure will be returned as distance, True, measure will be a percentage


A Pandas Series of tuples

segment_along_line(start_measure, end_measure, use_percentage=False)

The segment_along_line method retrieves a Polyline between start and end measures. Similar to positionAlongLine but will return a polyline segment between two points on the polyline instead of a single Point.




Required Float. The starting distance from the beginning of the line.


Required Float. The ending distance from the beginning of the line.


Optional Boolean. The start and end measures may be specified as fixed units or as a ratio. If True, start_measure and end_measure are used as a percentage; if False, start_measure and end_measure are used as a distance. For percentages, the measures should be expressed as a double from 0.0 (0 percent) to 1.0 (100 percent).


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects


The snap_to_line method creates a new Point based on in_point snapped to this Geometry object.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects

property spatial_reference

The spatial_reference method retrieves the SpatialReference of the Geometry


A Series of SpatialReference objects.


The symmetric_difference method constructs the Geometry that is the union of two geometries minus the intersection of those geometries.


The two input Geometry must be the same shape type.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects


The touches method indicates if the boundaries of the Geometry intersect.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of booleans indicating touching (True), or not touching (False)

property true_centroid

The true_centroid method retrieves the true centroid of the Geometry object.


A Series of Point objects


The union method constructs the Geometry object that is the set-theoretic union of the input geometries.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


A Pandas Series of Geometry objects

within(second_geometry, relation=None)

The within method indicates if the base Geometry is within the comparison Geometry.




Required Geometry. A second geometry


Optional String. The spatial relationship type.

  • BOUNDARY - Relationship has no restrictions for interiors or boundaries.

  • CLEMENTINI - Interiors of geometries must intersect. Specifying CLEMENTINI is equivalent to specifying None. This is the default.

  • PROPER - Boundaries of geometries must not intersect.


A Pandas Series of booleans indicating within (True), or not within (False)




class arcgis.features._async.EditFeatureJob(future, connection)

Represents a Single Editing Job. The EditFeatureJob class allows for the asynchronous operation of the edit_features() method. This class is not intended for users to initialize directly, but is retuned by edit_features() when future=True.




Future. The future request.


The GIS connection object.


Return True if the call was successfully cancelled.




Return True if the call was successfully cancelled or finished running.



property messages

returns the GP messages




Return the value returned by the call. If the call hasn’t yet completed then this method will wait.




Return True if the call is currently being executed and cannot be cancelled.



property status

returns the Job status


bool - True means running, False means finished

property task

Returns the task name. :return: string


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