Create a simple electric distribution report that displays the count of customers and total load per phase by tracing downstream from a given point.
Use case
You can use a load report to display the customers per phase as well as the load per phase based on a chosen starting point in a utility network. Load reports are used for electric load restoration and balancing.
How to use the sample
Select phases to be included in the report. Press the "Run Report" button to initiate a downstream trace on the network and create a load report. Pressing "Run Report" again will generate a new load report. Deselect all phases and press the "Reset" button to clear the report.
How it works
- Create and load a
with a feature service URL and credentials, then get an asset type and tier by their names when the utility network has loaded. - Create a
from the asset type to use as the starting location for the trace. - Create a
from the utility tier. - Create a
where "ServicePoint" category exists. - Reset the
property of the trace configuration with a newUtilityTraceFunction
adding a "Service Load" network attribute where this category comparison applies. This will limit the function results. - Set
with the category comparison to limit the element results. - Get a base condition from the utility tier's trace configuration.
- Create
passing indownstream
utility trace type and the default starting location. Set itstraceConfiguration
property with the trace configuration above. - Populate a list of phases using the network attribute's
property. - When the "Run Report" button is tapped, run a trace for every checked
in the phases list. Do this by creating aUtilityTraceOrCondition
with the base condition and aUtilityNetworkAttributeComparison
where the "Phases Current" network attribute does not include the coded value. - Display the count of "Total Customers" using the
property of the result, and the result of "Total Load" using the first and only output infunctionOutputs
Relevant API
- UtilityAssetType
- UtilityCategoryComparison
- UtilityDomainNetwork
- UtilityElement
- UtilityElementTraceResult
- UtilityNetwork
- UtilityNetworkAttribute
- UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison
- UtilityNetworkDefinition
- UtilityNetworkSource
- UtilityTerminal
- UtilityTier
- UtilityTraceConfiguration
- UtilityTraceFunction
- UtilityTraceParameters
- UtilityTraceResult
- UtilityTraceType
- UtilityTraversability
About the data
The Naperville electrical network feature service, hosted on ArcGIS Online (authentication required: this is handled within the sample code), contains a utility network used to run the subnetwork-based trace shown in this sample.
Additional information
Using utility network on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 requires an ArcGIS Enterprise member account licensed with the Utility Network user type extension. Please refer to the utility network services documentation.
condition barriers, downstream trace, network analysis, subnetwork trace, trace configuration, traversability, upstream trace, utility network, validate consistency
Sample Code
// [WriteFile Name=CreateLoadReport, Category=UtilityNetwork]
// [Legal]
// Copyright 2021 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// [Legal]
import QtQuick 2.6
import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
Rectangle {
id: rootRectangle
clip: true
width: 800
height: 600
property var utilityAssetType: null
property var utilityTier: null
property var startingLocation: null
property var phasesCurrentAttr: null
property var phaseCodedValuesList: null
property var baseCondition: null
property var networkSourceName: "Electric Distribution Device"
property var assetGroupName: "Circuit Breaker"
property var assetTypeName: "Three Phase"
property var terminalName: "Load"
property var globalId: "{1CAF7740-0BF4-4113-8DB2-654E18800028}"
property var domainNetworkName: "ElectricDistribution"
property var tierName: "Medium Voltage Radial"
property var serviceCategoryName: "ServicePoint"
property var loadNetworkAttributeName: "Service Load"
property var phasesNetworkAttributeName: "Phases Current"
property bool reportHasRun: false
property var phaseNames: ["A", "AB", "ABC", "AC", "B", "BC", "C", "DeEnergized", "Unknown"]
property var phaseQueue: []
property var currentPhase: null
property var selectedPhases: ({})
property var phaseCust: ({})
property var phaseLoad: ({})
property var sampleStatus: CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.NotLoaded
enum SampleStatus {
UtilityNetwork {
id: utilityNetwork
url: ""
credential: Credential {
username: "viewer01"
password: "I68VGU^nMurF"
Component.onCompleted: {
onLoadStatusChanged: {
if (utilityNetwork.loadStatus === Enums.LoadStatusLoaded) {
utilityAssetType = createUtilityAssetType();
utilityTier = createUtilityTier();
// Create a UtilityElement from the UtilityAssetType to use as the starting location
startingLocation = createStartingLocation();
// Get a default trace configuration from a tier in the network.
traceParams.traceConfiguration = createTraceConfiguration();
// Create a base condition to compare against
baseCondition = traceParams.traceConfiguration.traversability.barriers;
// Create a list of possible phases from a given network attribute
phaseCodedValuesList = createCodedValuesPhaseList();
sampleStatus = CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.Ready;
onTraceStatusChanged: {
if (traceStatus === Enums.TaskStatusCompleted) {
let customers = 0;
let load = 0;
traceResult.forEach(result => {
if (result.objectType === "UtilityElementTraceResult")
customers = result.elements.length;
else if (result.objectType === "UtilityFunctionTraceResult")
load = result.functionOutputs[0].result;
phaseCust[] = customers;
phaseLoad[] = load;
if (phaseQueue.length > 0) {
currentPhase = phaseQueue.pop();
} else {
sampleStatus = CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.Ready;
reportHasRun = true;
onErrorChanged: {
sampleStatus = CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.Error;
UtilityCategoryComparison {
// Create a comparison to check the existence of service points.
id: serviceCategoryComparison
comparisonOperator: Enums.UtilityCategoryComparisonOperatorExists
// Service Category for counting total customers
function setServiceCategoryComparison() {
const utilityCategories = utilityNetwork.definition.categories;
for (let i = 0; i < utilityCategories.length; i++) {
if (utilityCategories[i].name === serviceCategoryName) {
serviceCategoryComparison.category = utilityCategories[i];
UtilityTraceFunction {
id: addLoadAttributeFunction
functionType: Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionTypeAdd
condition: serviceCategoryComparison
UtilityTraceParameters {
id: traceParams
traceType: Enums.UtilityTraceTypeDownstream
startingLocations: [startingLocation]
Component.onCompleted: {
traceParams.resultTypes = [Enums.UtilityTraceResultTypeElements, Enums.UtilityTraceResultTypeFunctionOutputs]
function createUtilityAssetType() {
const networkDefinition = utilityNetwork.definition;
const networkSource = networkDefinition.networkSource(networkSourceName);
const assetGroup = networkSource.assetGroup(assetGroupName);
return assetGroup.assetType(assetTypeName);
function createUtilityTier() {
const networkDefinition = utilityNetwork.definition;
const domainNetwork = networkDefinition.domainNetwork(domainNetworkName);
return domainNetwork.tier(tierName);
function createStartingLocation() {
let loadTerminal;
// Get the terminal for the location. (For our case, use the "Load" terminal.)
const utilityTerminals = utilityAssetType.terminalConfiguration.terminals;
for (let i = 0; i < utilityTerminals.length; i++) {
if (utilityTerminals[i].name === terminalName) {
loadTerminal = utilityTerminals[i];
if (!loadTerminal)
return utilityNetwork.createElementWithAssetType(utilityAssetType, globalId, loadTerminal);
function createTraceConfiguration() {
const traceConfig = utilityTier.defaultTraceConfiguration();
traceConfig.domainNetwork = utilityNetwork.definition.domainNetwork(domainNetworkName);
traceConfig.outputCondition = serviceCategoryComparison;
// The load attribute for counting total load.
addLoadAttributeFunction.networkAttribute = utilityNetwork.definition.networkAttribute(loadNetworkAttributeName);
// Set to false to ensure that service points with incorrect phasing
// (which therefore act as barriers) are not counted with results.
traceConfig.includeBarriers = false;
return traceConfig;
function createCodedValuesPhaseList() {
phasesCurrentAttr = utilityNetwork.definition.networkAttribute(phasesNetworkAttributeName);
if (phasesCurrentAttr.domain.domainType === Enums.DomainTypeCodedValueDomain) {
let codedValues = [];
for (let i = 0; i < phasesCurrentAttr.domain.codedValues.length; i++) {
return codedValues;
function createReportForPhase(phase) {
const condExpr = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison", {
networkAttribute: phasesCurrentAttr,
comparisonOperator: Enums.UtilityAttributeComparisonOperatorDoesNotIncludeAny,
value: phase.code
const traceOrCondition = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("UtilityTraceOrCondition", {
leftExpression: baseCondition,
rightExpression: condExpr
traceParams.traceConfiguration.traversability.barriers = traceOrCondition;
// Load Report UI
ScrollView {
id: rectangle
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: children.width
height: parent.height
Column {
id: contents
padding: 20
spacing: 10
Row {
ButtonGroup {
id: checkBoxes
exclusive: false
checkState: parentBox.checkState
GridLayout {
id: grid
rows: phaseNames.length + 1
flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom
CheckBox { id: parentBox; checkState: checkBoxes.checkState }
Repeater {
id: phaseCheckBoxes
model: phaseNames
CheckBox { onCheckedChanged: selectedPhases[modelData] = !selectedPhases[modelData]; checkBoxes }
Text { text: "Phase"; font.pointSize: 18; font.bold: true }
Repeater {
id: phaseLabels
model: phaseNames
Text { text: modelData }
Text { text: "Total customers"; font.pointSize: 18; font.bold: true; }
Repeater {
id: phaseCustomerValues
model: phaseNames
Text { text: modelData in phaseCust ? phaseCust[modelData].toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), "f", 0) : "NA" }
Text { text: "Total load"; font.bold: true; font.pointSize: 18 }
Repeater {
id: phaseLoadValues
model: phaseNames
Text { text: modelData in phaseLoad ? phaseLoad[modelData].toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), "f", 0) : "NA" }
Row {
Button {
text: checkBoxes.checkState !== 0 || !reportHasRun ? "Run Report" : "Reset"
enabled: ((reportHasRun || checkBoxes.checkState !== 0) && sampleStatus === CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.Ready) ? true : false
onClicked: {
phaseCust = {};
phaseLoad = {};
let runPhases = [];
phaseNames.forEach((phase) => {
if (selectedPhases[phase])
if (runPhases.length > 0) {
phaseCodedValuesList.forEach(codedValue => {
if (runPhases.includes(
if (phaseQueue.length > 0) {
sampleStatus = CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.Busy;
currentPhase = phaseQueue.pop();
reportHasRun = runPhases.length !== 0;
Row {
Text {
id: noticeText
text: {
switch (sampleStatus) {
case CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.Error:
"The sample encountered an error:\n"+utilityNetwork.error.message+"\n"+utilityNetwork.error.additionalMessage;
case CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.NotLoaded:
"Sample initializing...";
case CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.Busy:
"Generating load report...";
case CreateLoadReport.SampleStatus.Ready:
if (checkBoxes.checkState === 0 && !reportHasRun) {
"Select phases to include in the load report";
} else if (checkBoxes.checkState === 0 && reportHasRun) {
"Tap the \"Reset\" button to reset the load report";
} else {
"Tap the \"Run Report\" button to create the load report";
"Sample status is not defined";