A utility network container allows a dense collection of features to be represented by a single feature, which can be used to reduce map clutter.
Use case
Offering a container view for features aids in the review for valid structural attachment and containment relationships and helps determine if a dataset has an association role set. Container views often model a cluster of electrical devices on a pole top or inside a cabinet or vault.
How to use the sample
Select a container feature to show all features inside the container. The container is shown as a polygon graphic with the content features contained within. The viewpoint and scale of the map are also changed to the container's extent. Connectivity and attachment associations inside the container are shown as red and blue dotted lines respectively.
How it works
- Load a web map that includes ArcGIS Pro Subtype Group Layers with only container features visible (i.e. fuse bank, switch bank, transformer bank, hand hole and junction box).
- Create and load a UtilityNetwork with the same feature service URL as the layers in the Map.
- Add a
for displaying a container view. - Identify a feature with
and create aUtilityElement
from it. - Get the associations for this element using
UtilityNetwork.associations(UtilityElement, Enums.UtilityAssociationTypeContainment)
. - Turn-off the visibility of all
. - Get the features for the
(s) from the associations usingUtilityNetwork.featuresForElements()
- Create a
with the geometry and symbol of each feature and add it to theGraphicsOverlay
. - Get associations for the extent of the
- Add a
to represent the association geometry between the container features using a symbol that distinguishes betweenAttachment
association type. - Add another
that represents this extent and zoom to this extent with some buffer.
Relevant API
- SubtypeFeatureLayer
- UtilityAssociation
- UtilityAssociationType
- UtilityElement
- UtilityNetwork
About the data
The Naperville electric network feature service, hosted on ArcGIS Online (authentication required: this is handled within the sample code), contains a utility network used to find associations shown in this sample and a web map portal item, Naperville electric containers, that use the same feature service endpoint and displays only container features.
Additional information
Using utility network on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 requires an ArcGIS Enterprise member account licensed with the Utility Network user type extension. Please refer to the utility network services documentation.
associations, connectivity association, containment association, structural attachment associations, utility network
Sample Code
// [WriteFile Name=DisplayContentOfUtilityNetworkContainer, Category=UtilityNetwork]
// [Legal]
// Copyright 2021 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// [Legal]
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Rectangle {
id: rootRectangle
clip: true
width: 800
height: 600
property bool containerViewIsVisible: false
property bool createBoundingBoxGeometry: false
property bool returnToPreviousViewpoint: false
property var containerElement;
property var previousViewpoint;
property var boundingBoxExtent;
Credential {
id: viewerCredential
username: "viewer01"
password: "I68VGU^nMurF"
// The AuthenticationManager handles credential challenges raised by the web map and the utility network
Connections {
id: authenticationManagerConnnections
target: AuthenticationManager
function onAuthenticationChallenge(challenge) {
MapView {
id: mapView
anchors.fill: parent
GraphicsOverlay {
// Add a GraphicsOverlay for displaying a container view.
id: containerGraphicsOverlay
Map {
id: map
// Load a web map that includes ArcGIS Pro Subtype Group Layers with only container features visible (i.e. fuse bank, switch bank, transformer bank, hand hole and junction box)
initUrl: "https://sampleserver7.arcgisonline.com/portal/home/item.html?id=813eda749a9444e4a9d833a4db19e1c8"
onErrorChanged: messageBoxText.text = ("Map error: " + error.message + " " + error.additionalMessage);
UtilityNetwork {
id: utilityNetwork
// Create and load a UtilityNetwork with the same feature service URL as the layers in the Map
url: "https://sampleserver7.arcgisonline.com/server/rest/services/UtilityNetwork/NapervilleElectric/FeatureServer"
onAssociationsStatusChanged: {
if (associationsStatus !== Enums.TaskStatusCompleted)
if (!containerViewIsVisible)
onFeaturesForElementsStatusChanged: {
if (featuresForElementsStatus !== Enums.TaskStatusCompleted)
onErrorChanged: messageBoxText.text = ("UtilityNetork error: " + error.message + " " + error.additionalMessage);
onLoadStatusChanged: {
if (loadStatus === Enums.LoadStatusLoaded)
onErrorChanged: messageBoxText.text = ("MapView error: " + error.message + " " + error.additionalMessage);
onMouseClicked: identifyLayers(mouse.x, mouse.y, 5, false);
onIdentifyLayersStatusChanged: {
if (mapView.identifyLayersStatus !== Enums.TaskStatusCompleted ||
utilityNetwork.associationsStatus === Enums.TaskStatusInProgress ||
utilityNetwork.featuresForElementsStatus === Enums.TaskStatusInProgress ||
onSetViewpointCompleted: {
if (createBoundingBoxGeometry) {
createBoundingBoxGeometry = false;
boundingBoxExtent = mapView.currentViewpointExtent.extent;
returnToPreviousViewpoint = true;
containerGraphicsOverlay.graphics.append(ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("Graphic", {geometry: boundingBoxExtent, symbol: boundingBoxSymbol}));
mapView.setViewpointGeometryAndPadding(containerGraphicsOverlay.extent, 100);
Component.onCompleted: {
// Set and keep the focus on MapView to enable keyboard navigation
GraphicsOverlay {
id: containerBoxGraphicsOverlay
// create a renderer for the associations
UniqueValueRenderer {
id: uniqueValueRenderer
fieldNames: ["AssociationType"]
UniqueValue {
id: attachmentValue
label: "Attachment"
SimpleLineSymbol {
id: attachmentSymbol
style: Enums.SimpleLineSymbolStyleDot
color: "blue"
width: 3
// create swatch image for the legend
Component.onCompleted: createSwatch();
onSwatchImageChanged: attachmentImage.source = swatchImage;
UniqueValue {
id: connectivityValue
label: "Connectivity"
SimpleLineSymbol {
id: connectivitySymbol
style: Enums.SimpleLineSymbolStyleDot
color: "red"
width: 3
// create swatch image for the legend
Component.onCompleted: createSwatch();
onSwatchImageChanged: connectivityImage.source = swatchImage;
UniqueValue {
id: boundingBoxValue
label: "Connectivity"
SimpleLineSymbol {
id: boundingBoxSymbol
style: Enums.SimpleLineSymbolStyleDot
color: "yellow"
width: 3
// create swatch image for the legend
Component.onCompleted: createSwatch();
onSwatchImageChanged: boundingBoxImage.source = swatchImage;
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: containerViewIsVisible
color: "transparent"
// Prevent MapView interaction
ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
Control {
id: legendBox
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
margins: 20
background: Rectangle {
border.color: "black"
border.width: 1
padding: 5
contentItem: GridLayout {
id: grid
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
columns: 2
Image {
id: attachmentImage
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
Label {
id: attachmentLabel
text: "Attachment"
Image {
id: connectivityImage
Label {
id: connectivityLabel
text: "Connectivity"
Image {
id: boundingBoxImage
Label {
id: boundingBoxLabel
text: "Bounding box"
Button {
id: containerCloseButton
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: 30
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
background: Rectangle {
color: "white"
border.color: "black"
text: "Close container view"
font.pointSize: 16
onClicked: {
Control {
id: messageBoxPopup
anchors.centerIn: parent
padding: 10
width: Math.max(messageBoxText.width, closeMessage.width) + (padding * 2)
height: messageBoxText.height + closeMessage.height + (messageBoxPopup.padding * 3)
background: Rectangle {
color: "white"
border.color: "black"
visible: messageBoxText.text !== ""
Text {
id: messageBoxText
anchors {
top: parent.top
topMargin: messageBoxPopup.padding
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: ""
Button {
id: closeMessage
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: messageBoxPopup.padding
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: "Close"
onClicked: messageBoxText.text = "";
function getContainerElementFromIdentifiedFeature(identifyLayersResults) {
// Identify a feature and create a UtilityElement from it.
containerElement = null;
for (let i = 0; i < mapView.identifyLayersResults.length; i++) {
let layerResult = mapView.identifyLayersResults[i];
if (layerResult.layerContent.objectType !== "SubtypeFeatureLayer")
for (let j = 0; j < layerResult.sublayerResults.length; j++) {
let sublayerResult = layerResult.sublayerResults[j];
for (let n = 0; n < sublayerResult.geoElements.length; n++) {
let geoElement = sublayerResult.geoElements[n];
containerElement = utilityNetwork.createElementWithArcGISFeature(geoElement);
if (containerElement) {
// Queries for a list of all UtilityAssociation objects of containment association types present in the geodatabase for the containerElement.
utilityNetwork.associations(containerElement, Enums.UtilityAssociationTypeContainment);
function setShowContainerView(showContainterView) {
containerViewIsVisible = showContainterView;
if (containerViewIsVisible) {
containerCloseButton.focus = true;
previousViewpoint = mapView.currentViewpointExtent;
mapView.map.operationalLayers.forEach((layer) => {
layer.visible = false;
} else {
mapView.focus = true;
mapView.setViewpointAndSeconds(previousViewpoint, 0.5);
mapView.map.operationalLayers.forEach((layer) => {
layer.visible = true;
function getContainmentAssociations(containmentAssociations) {
// Create a list of elements representing the participants in the containment associations
const contentElements = [];
for (let i = 0; i < containmentAssociations.length; i++) {
let otherElement = containmentAssociations[i].fromElement.objectId === containerElement.objectId ? containmentAssociations[i].toElement : containmentAssociations[i].fromElement;
if (contentElements.length > 0) {
// Get the features for the UtilityElements
function getFeaturesForElements(featuresForElementsResult) {
// Display the features on the graphics overlay
featuresForElementsResult.forEach((feature) => {
const featureSymbol = feature.featureTable.layerInfo.drawingInfo.renderer.symbolForFeature(feature);
const featureGraphic = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("Graphic", {
geometry: feature.geometry,
symbol: featureSymbol
if (containerGraphicsOverlay.graphics.count > 0) {
// Get the associations for each feature within the graphics overlay extent
function showAttachmentAndConnectivitySymbols(containmentAssociations) {
// Display the association lines on the graphics overlay
for (let i = 0; i < containmentAssociations.length; i++) {
let association = containmentAssociations[i]
let symbol;
if (association.associationType === Enums.UtilityAssociationTypeAttachment)
symbol = attachmentSymbol
symbol = connectivitySymbol
let graphic = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("Graphic", {
geometry: association.geometry,
symbol: symbol
// If there are no associations, create a bounding box graphic using the viewpoint, otherwise use the extent of the graphics overlay
if (containerGraphicsOverlay.graphics.count === 1 && containerGraphicsOverlay.graphics.get(0).geometry.geometryType === Enums.GeometryTypePoint) {
let viewpoint = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("ViewpointCenter", {
center: containerGraphicsOverlay.graphics.get(0).geometry,
targetScale: containerElement.assetType.containerViewScale
createBoundingBoxGeometry = true;
messageBoxText.text = "This feature contains no associations";
} else {
boundingBoxExtent = GeometryEngine.buffer(containerGraphicsOverlay.extent, 0.05);
containerGraphicsOverlay.graphics.append(ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("Graphic", {geometry: boundingBoxExtent, symbol: boundingBoxSymbol}));
mapView.setViewpointGeometryAndPadding(containerGraphicsOverlay.extent, 80);