Find places of interest near a location or within a specific area.
Use case
When getting directions or looking for nearby places, users may only know what the place has ("food"), the type of place ("gym"), or the generic place name ("Starbucks"), rather than the specific address. You can get suggestions and locations for these places of interest (POIs) using a natural language query. Additionally, you can filter the results to a specific area.
How to use the sample
Choose a place of interest to enter in the first field and an area to search within in the second field. Click the magnifying glass or hit enter to search and show the results of the query on the map from your current extent. Click on a result pin to show its name and address. If you pan away from the result area, a "Redo search in this area" button will appear. Click it to query again for the currently viewed area on the map.
How it works
- Create a
using a URL to a locator service. - Find the location for an address (or city name) to build an envelope to search within:
- Create
. - Add return fields to the parameters'
collection. Only add a single "*" option to return all fields. - Call
locatorTask.geocodeWithParameters(locationQueryString, geocodeParameters)
to get a list ofGeocodeResult
s. - Use the
from one of the results to build anEnvelope
to search within.
- Create
- Get place of interest (POI) suggestions based on a place name query:
- Create
. - Add "POI" to the parameters'
collection. - Call
to get a list ofSuggestResults
. - The
will have alabel
to display in the search suggestions list.
- Create
- Use one of the suggestions or a user-written query to find the locations of POIs:
- Create
. - Set the parameters'
to the envelope. - Call
locatorTask.geocodeWithParameters(suggestionLabelOrPlaceQueryString, geocodeParameters)
to get a list ofGeocodeResult
s. - Display the places of interest using the results'
- Create
Relevant API
- GeocodeParameters
- GeocodeResult
- LocatorTask
- SuggestParameters
- SuggestResult
About the data
This sample uses the World Geocoding Service.
businesses, geocode, locations, locator, places of interest, POI, point of interest, search, suggestions
Sample Code
// [WriteFile Name=FindPlace, Category=Search]
// [Legal]
// Copyright 2017 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// [Legal]
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtPositioning 5.6
import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
import Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Toolkit 100.15
Rectangle {
id: rootRectangle
clip: true
width: 800
height: 600
property bool isSearchingLocation: false
property bool searchByExtent: false
MapView {
id: mapView
anchors.fill: parent
Component.onCompleted: {
// Set the focus on MapView to initially enable keyboard navigation
onDrawStatusChanged: {
if (drawStatus !== Enums.DrawStatusCompleted || mapView.locationDisplay.started)
mapView.locationDisplay.autoPanMode = Enums.LocationDisplayAutoPanModeRecenter;
Component.onDestruction: {
Map {
Basemap {
initStyle: Enums.BasemapStyleArcGISTopographic
// start the location display once the map loads
// add a graphics overlay to the mapview
GraphicsOverlay {
id: graphicsOverlay
// create a renderer for graphics representing geocode results
SimpleRenderer {
PictureMarkerSymbol {
id: pinSymbol
height: 36
width: 19
url: "qrc:/Samples/Search/FindPlace/red_pin.png"
offsetY: height / 2
// declare a Callout
Callout {
id: callout
calloutData: parent.calloutData
accessoryButtonHidden: true
screenOffsetY: (pinSymbol.height / 2) * -1
leaderPosition: leaderPositionEnum.Automatic
// dismiss suggestions if a mouse press occurs in the mapview
onMousePressed: {
suggestionView.visible = false;
// dismiss suggestions and set a search flag when the current viewpoint changes
onViewpointChanged: {
suggestionView.visible = false;
if (poiTextField.text.length > 0 && > 0)
searchByExtent = true;
// perform an identify on mouse clicked
onMouseClicked: {
mapView.identifyGraphicsOverlayWithMaxResults(graphicsOverlay, mouse.x, mouse.y, 5, false, 1);
// display the callout with the identify result
onIdentifyGraphicsOverlayStatusChanged: {
if (identifyGraphicsOverlayStatus === Enums.TaskStatusCompleted){
if (! > 0)
mapView.calloutData.geoElement =[0];
mapView.calloutData.title =[0].attributes.attributeValue("ShortLabel");
mapView.calloutData.detail =[0].attributes.attributeValue("Place_addr");
// declare a locator task that uses the world geocoding service
LocatorTask {
id: locatorTask
// An ArcGIS Developer API key is required to utilize the world geocoding service
url: ""
// setup suggestions parameters
suggestions {
// set the search text for which to obtain suggestion results
searchText: poiTextField.focus ? poiTextField.text : locationTextField.text
suggestParameters: SuggestParameters {
maxResults: 5
// the Points of Interest text box should use the POI category, and the location
// text box should use the Populated Place category as filters
categories: poiTextField.focus ? ["POI"] : ["Populated Place"]
// handle the geocodeStatusChanged signal
onGeocodeStatusChanged: {
if (geocodeStatus === Enums.TaskStatusCompleted) {
searchByExtent = false;
// first determine if we are searching for the preferredSearchLocation
if (isSearchingLocation) {
isSearchingLocation = false;
if (!geocodeResults.length > 0)
const topLocation = geocodeResults[0];
geocodePOIs(poiTextField.text, topLocation.displayLocation);
// create graphics for each geocode result
if (geocodeResults.length > 0) {;
let bbox;
for (let i = 0; i < geocodeResults.length; i++) {
const graphic = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("Graphic");
graphic.geometry = geocodeResults[i].displayLocation;
graphic.attributes.attributesJson = geocodeResults[i].attributes;;
// create bounding box so we can set the viewpoint at the end
if (bbox) {
bbox = GeometryEngine.unionOf(bbox, graphic.geometry);
} else {
bbox = graphic.geometry;
mapView.setViewpointGeometryAndPadding(bbox, 40);
else {
Rectangle {
anchors {
fill: searchColumn
margins: -5
color: "white"
Column {
id: searchColumn
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
margins: 10
spacing: 3
// create a text field for the POI search
SearchBox {
id: poiTextField
imageUrl: "qrc:/Samples/Search/FindPlace/find.png"
placeholderText: "Point of interest (e.g. Movie Theater)"
onTextChanged: if (text.length > 0 && suggestionView) { suggestionView.visible = true; }
onAccepted: {
geocodePOIs(poiTextField.text, locationTextField.text);
suggestionView.visible = false;
onImageClicked: {
geocodePOIs(poiTextField.text, locationTextField.text);
suggestionView.visible = false;
// create a text field for the location search
SearchBox {
id: locationTextField
imageUrl: "qrc:/Samples/Search/FindPlace/location.png"
placeholderText: "In proximity of"
text: "Current Location"
onTextChanged: if (text.length > 0 && suggestionView) { suggestionView.visible = true; }
onAccepted: {
geocodePOIs(poiTextField.text, locationTextField.text);
suggestionView.visible = false;
onImageClicked: {
locationTextField.text = "Current Location";
geocodePOIs(poiTextField.text, locationTextField.text);
suggestionView.visible = false;
// create a list view for the suggestion results
SuggestionView {
id: suggestionView
width: parent.width
height: 20 * locatorTask.suggestions.count
onSuggestionClicked: {
if (locatorTask.geocodeStatus !== Enums.TaskStatusInProgress) {
// change the text label
poiTextField.focus ? poiTextField.text = label : locationTextField.text = label;
// geocode
geocodePOIs(poiTextField.text, locationTextField.text);
// dismiss suggestions
suggestionView.visible = false;
// create a button that allows the user to re-search the current map extent
SearchButton {
id: searchExtentButton
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: 23
visible: searchByExtent
onButtonClicked: {
geocodePOIs(poiTextField.text, null, mapView.currentViewpointExtent.extent);
function geocodePOIs(poi, location, extent) {
// create base geocode parameters
const geocodeParams = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("GeocodeParameters");
geocodeParams.resultAttributeNames = ["*"];
geocodeParams.maxResults = 50;
geocodeParams.minScore = 75.0;
// if extent is not null, use this as the searchArea filter in the parameters
if (extent) {
// setup the parameters to filter by results near the preferredSearchLocation
geocodeParams.searchArea = extent;
geocodeParams.outputSpatialReference = extent.spatialReference;
// execute the geocode
locatorTask.geocodeWithParameters(poi, geocodeParams);
// if extent and location are null, do a generic geocode with no spatial filter
if (!location) {
locatorTask.geocodeWithParameters(poi, geocodeParams);
// check if the provided location is a Point
if (location.x) {
// setup the parameters to filter by results near the preferredSearchLocation
geocodeParams.preferredSearchLocation = location;
geocodeParams.outputSpatialReference = location.spatialReference;
// execute the geocode with parameters
locatorTask.geocodeWithParameters(poi, geocodeParams);
// Check if a the location display's location should be used
} else if (location === "Current Location") {
geocodeParams.preferredSearchLocation = mapView.locationDisplay.location.position;
geocodeParams.outputSpatialReference = mapView.spatialReference;
// execute the geocode with parameters
locatorTask.geocodeWithParameters(poi, geocodeParams);
} else {
// we only have the name of a location, so we must geocode to get a Point for the preferredSearchLocation
isSearchingLocation = true;
locatorTask.geocodeWithParameters(location, geocodeParams);