Fix the camera to point at and rotate around a target object.
Use case
The orbit geoelement camera controller provides control over the following camera behaviors:
- automatically track the target
- stay near the target by setting a minimum and maximum distance offset
- restrict where you can rotate around the target
- automatically rotate the camera when the target's heading and pitch changes
- disable user interactions for rotating the camera
- animate camera movement over a specified duration
- control the vertical positioning of the target on the screen
- set a target offset ( orbit around the tail of the plane) instead of defaulting to orbiting the center of the object
How to use the sample
The sample loads with the camera orbiting an plane model. The camera is preset with a restricted camera heading and pitch, and a limited minimum and maximum camera distance set from the plane. The position of the plane on the screen is also set just below center.
Use the "Camera Heading" slider to adjust the camera heading. Select the "Allow camera distance interaction" checkbox to allow zooming in and out with the mouse/keyboard: when the checkbox is deselected the user will be unable to adjust with the camera distance.
Use the "Plane Pitch" slider to adjust the plane's pitch. When in Center view, the plane's pitch will change independently to that of the camera pitch.
Use the "Cockpit view" button to offset and fix the camera into the cockpit of the plane. Use the "Plane pitch" slider to control the pitch of plane: the camera will follow the pitch of the plane in this mode. In this view adjusting the camera distance is disabled. Use the "Center view" button to exit cockpit view mode and fix the camera controller on the center of the plane.
How it works
- Declare an
- Load a plane graphic and set the
to be the targetGeoElement - Assign this controller to the
sceneview property to set the camera to the scene view - Set the heading, pitch and distance camera properties :
- Set the minimum and maximum angle of heading and pitch, and minimum and maximum distance for the camera with properties:
- Set the distance from which the camera is offset from the plane with method:
OrbitGeoElementCameraController.setTargetOffsets(x, y, z, duration)
- or properties :
- Set the vertical screen factor to determine where the plane appears in the scene:
- Animate the camera to the cockpit using
orbitCameraController.setTargetOffsets(x, y, z, duration)
- Set if the camera distance will adjust when zooming or panning using mouse or keyboard (default is true):
- Set if the camera will follow the pitch of the plane (default is true):
Relevant API
- OrbitGeoElementCameraController
Offline data
Read more about how to set up the sample's offline data here.
Link | Local Location |
Bristol Plane Model | <userhome> /ArcGIS/Runtime/Data/3D/Bristol/Collada/Bristol.dae |
3D, camera, object, orbit, rotate, scene
Sample Code
// [WriteFile Name=OrbitCameraAroundObject, Category=Scenes]
// [Legal]
// Copyright 2019 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// [Legal]
import Esri.ArcGISExtras 1.1
import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
Rectangle {
id: rootRectangle
clip: true
width: 800
height: 600
/* Define the Scene. Load a plane model from disk, place it above a runway, and create an orbiting camera around it */
readonly property string planeModelPath: System.userHomePath + "/ArcGIS/Runtime/Data/3D/Bristol/Collada/Bristol.dae"
SceneView {
id: view
anchors.fill: parent
Component.onCompleted: {
// Set the focus on SceneView to initially enable keyboard navigation
Scene {
id: scene
Basemap {
initStyle: Enums.BasemapStyleArcGISImageryStandard
Surface {
ArcGISTiledElevationSource {
url: ""
GraphicsOverlay {
id: sceneOverlay
LayerSceneProperties {
surfacePlacement: Enums.SurfacePlacementRelative
SimpleRenderer {
id: sceneRenderer
RendererSceneProperties {
id: renderProps
headingExpression: "[HEADING]"
pitchExpression: "[PITCH]"
ModelSceneSymbol {
id: planeModel
url: planeModelPath
Graphic {
id: planeGraphic
symbol: planeModel
//Place the plane just above a runway.
geometry: Point {
x: 6.637
y: 45.399
z: 100.0
spatialReference: Factory.SpatialReference.createWgs84()
Component.onCompleted: {
//The renderer is set to orient objects based on their "HEADING" and "PITCH" attributes, this is how we'll control the plane transform
planeGraphic.attributes.insertAttribute("HEADING", 45.0); //Line up with the runway underneath the plane
planeGraphic.attributes.insertAttribute("PITCH", 0.0);
OrbitGeoElementCameraController {
id: orbitCam
targetGeoElement: planeGraphic //This camera orbits the plane graphic we loaded earlier
cameraDistance: 50.0
minCameraHeadingOffset: -45.0
maxCameraHeadingOffset: 45.0
minCameraPitchOffset: 10.0
maxCameraPitchOffset: 100.0
maxCameraDistance: 100.0
targetVerticalScreenFactor: 0.33 //Move the camera so the plane is more on the bottom of the screen
autoPitchEnabled: false
// When we move to the callback, we trigger an animation,
// this callback handles locking the camera into its new cockpit-state when that animation is finished
onMoveCameraStatusChanged: {
if(moveCameraStatus === Enums.TaskStatusCompleted) {
minCameraPitchOffset = 90.0
maxCameraPitchOffset = 90.0
autoPitchEnabled = true; //This property locks the orbital camera pitch to the pitch of the target object
// Called when the user triggers the cockpit view button (see below)
function moveToCockpit() {
orbitCam.cameraDistanceInteractive = false;
orbitCam.minCameraDistance = 0.0;
orbitCam.setTargetOffsets(0.0, -2.0, 1.1, 1.0);
//The animation may rotate us over the set camera bounds based on the plane pitch, so unlock them.
orbitCam.minCameraPitchOffset = -180.0;
orbitCam.maxCameraPitchOffset = 180.0;
//Trigger the move-into-cockpit animation.
//If the camera is already tracking object pitch, don't want to animate the pitch any further, we're exactly where we should be.
orbitCam.moveCamera(0.0 - orbitCam.cameraDistance,
0.0 - orbitCam.cameraHeadingOffset,
orbitCam.autoPitchEnabled ? 0.0 : (90.0 - orbitCam.cameraPitchOffset) + planeGraphic.attributes.attributeValue("PITCH"), 1.0);
// Called when the user triggers the center view button (see below.) Snaps back to a following view.
function moveToFollowing() {
orbitCam.cameraDistanceInteractive = true;
orbitCam.autoPitchEnabled = false;
orbitCam.targetOffsetX = 0.0;
orbitCam.targetOffsetY = 0.0;
orbitCam.targetOffsetZ = 0.0;
orbitCam.cameraHeadingOffset = 0.0;
orbitCam.minCameraPitchOffset = 10.0;
orbitCam.maxCameraPitchOffset = 100.0;
orbitCam.cameraPitchOffset = 45.0;
orbitCam.minCameraDistance = 10.0;
orbitCam.cameraDistance = 50.0;
cameraController: orbitCam //Our new orbital camera controller should be the active SceneView controller.
/* Create the UI */
//Camera heading slider, sits at the bottom of the screen
Slider {
id: cameraHeadingSlider
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
margins: 20
value: orbitCam.cameraHeadingOffset //Value bound to the model, so rotating the camera will update the slider.
from: orbitCam.minCameraHeadingOffset
to: orbitCam.maxCameraHeadingOffset
//To avoid getting stuck in a binding loop for the value, update the value of the camera heading from the slider only in response to a moving slider.
onMoved: {
orbitCam.cameraHeadingOffset = value
//Custom slider handle that displays the current value
handle: Item {
x: parent.leftPadding + parent.visualPosition * (parent.availableWidth - headingHandleNub.width)
y: parent.topPadding + parent.availableHeight / 2 - headingHandleNub.height / 2
Rectangle {
id: headingHandleNub
color: headingHandleRect.color
radius: width * 0.5
width: 10
height: width
Rectangle {
id: headingHandleRect
height: childrenRect.height
width: childrenRect.width
radius: 3
x: headingHandleNub.x - width / 2 + headingHandleNub.width / 2
y: headingHandleNub.y - height
color: cameraHeadingSlider.background.children[0].color
Text {
id: headingValue
font.pixelSize: 14
padding: 3
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
text: Math.round(cameraHeadingSlider.value) + "\u00B0"
color: "white"
Text {
id: cameraHeadingLabel
anchors {
horizontalCenter: cameraHeadingSlider.horizontalCenter
bottomMargin: 10
text: "Camera Heading"
color: "white"
//Plane pitch slider, placed in the top-right of the screen
Text {
id: planePitchLabel
anchors {
horizontalCenter: planePitchSlider.horizontalCenter
bottomMargin: 10
text: "Plane Pitch"
color: "white"
Slider {
id: planePitchSlider
anchors {
bottom: parent.verticalCenter
right: parent.right
margins: 30
value: 0
from: 90
to: -90
orientation: Qt.Vertical
onMoved: {
planeGraphic.attributes.replaceAttribute("PITCH", value)
//Custom slider handle that displays the current value
handle: Item {
x: planePitchSlider.leftPadding + planePitchSlider.availableWidth / 2 - pitchHandleNub.width / 2
y: planePitchSlider.topPadding + planePitchSlider.visualPosition * (planePitchSlider.availableHeight - pitchHandleNub.height)
Rectangle {
id: pitchHandleNub
color: pitchHandleRect.color
radius: width * 0.5
width: 10
height: width
Rectangle {
id: pitchHandleRect
height: childrenRect.height
width: childrenRect.width
radius: 3
x: pitchHandleNub.x - width
y: pitchHandleNub.y - height/2 + pitchHandleNub.height/2
color: planePitchSlider.background.children[0].color
Text {
id: pitchValue
font.pixelSize: 14
padding: 3
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
text: Math.round(planePitchSlider.value) + "\u00B0"
color: "white"
//View change buttons / allow cam interaction checkbox placed in the top-left of the screen.
Rectangle {
anchors {
left: parent.left
height: childrenRect.height
width: childrenRect.width
color: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.65)
Column {
spacing: 10
padding: 10
Button {
text: "Cockpit View"
onClicked: {
allowCamDistanceInteractionCheckBox.enabled = false;
allowCamDistanceInteractionCheckBoxText.color = "gray"; //Gray out the text as well so the widget looks disabled
Button {
text: "Center View"
onClicked: {
allowCamDistanceInteractionCheckBox.enabled = true;
allowCamDistanceInteractionCheckBoxText.color = "white";
Row {
anchors {
left: parent.left
CheckBox {
id: allowCamDistanceInteractionCheckBox
checked: orbitCam.cameraDistanceInteractive
onCheckedChanged: orbitCam.cameraDistanceInteractive = checked
Text {
id: allowCamDistanceInteractionCheckBoxText
anchors {
verticalCenter: allowCamDistanceInteractionCheckBox.verticalCenter
text: "Allow camera\ndistance interaction"
color: "white"