Support for the web scene specification

ArcGIS Runtime SDK provides partial read support for the Esri web scene specification. This page describes support for web scenes and associates web scene features with classes.

This release of ArcGIS Runtime does not support persistence (write, edit, save or upload) of web scenes.


ArcGIS Runtime supports basic features of global scenes, including basemaps, ground surfaces, operational layers, initial viewpoints, tables, and spatial references. It does not support local scenes, environment (lighting) settings, app metadata, presentation slides, clipping, range info, or vertical coordinate systems.

Web scene fieldArcGIS Runtime support
baseMap (except id and transparency) Scene::basemap()
ground Scene::baseSurface()
initialState.viewpoint Scene::initialViewpoint()
operationalLayers Scene::operationalLayers()
spatialReference Scene::spatialReference()
tables Scene::tables()

ArcGIS Runtime supports only scenes with the following values set:

  • version - 1.10.0 or greater
  • viewingMode - global


ArcGIS Runtime supports a subset of the layers supported by web scenes. The following table associates web scene layers with ArcGIS Runtime layer types.

Web scene layerArcGIS Runtime layer type
ArcGISFeatureLayer FeatureLayer
ArcGISImageServiceLayer ArcGISMapImageLayer
ArcGISMapServiceLayer ArcGISMapImageLayer
IntegratedMeshLayer ArcGISSceneLayer
OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMapLayer
ArcGISSceneServiceLayer ArcGISSceneLayer
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer ArcGISTiledLayer
WebTiledLayer WebTiledLayer
WMS WmsLayer

The following layers are either not supported or not supported in scenes:

  • CSV layer
  • VectorTileLayer - supported but will not display in scenes


ArcGIS Runtime only supports a subset of renderers consumed through web scenes.

Web scene renderer typeRuntime renderer type
ClassBreaks ClassBreaksRenderer
Simple SimpleRenderer
UniqueValue UniqueValueRenderer

Visual variables are not supported on any renderers.

The following renderers supported by the web scene specification are not supported by ArcGIS Runtime:

  • PointCloud ClassBreaks renderer
  • PointCloud Stretch renderer
  • PointCloud UniqueValue renderer
  • Raster ClassBreaks renderer
  • Raster Stretch renderer
  • Raster UniqueValue renderer
  • UniqueValueFromStyle renderer


The following table associates supported web scene symbol types with ArcGIS Runtime SDK symbol types:

Web scene symbol typeArcGIS Runtime symbol type
LineSymbol3D MultilayerPolylineSymbol
PointSymbol3D MultilayerPointSymbol
PolygonSymbol3D MultilayerPolygonSymbol
StyleSymbolReference MultilayerPointSymbol

Symbol layers

ArcGIS Runtime supports reading and rendering symbol layers. However, there are no API types available for manipulating these layers:

  • ObjectSymbol3DLayer

The following symbol layers are not supported:

  • ExtrudeSymbol3DLayer

Elevation sources

Runtime supports the ArcGISTiledElevationServiceLayer from the web scene spec, which is exposed as ArcGISTiledElevationSource .

The following table associates elevation source properties with the equivalent ArcGIS Runtime types:

Web scene propertyArcGIS Runtime property
itemId ArcGISTiledElevationSource::item()
layerTypeN/A - only ArcGISTiledElevationSource is supported
title ArcGISTiledElevationSource::name()
url ArcGISTiledElevationSource::url()
visibility ArcGISTiledElevationSource::isEnabled()

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
