
Much like a Python geoprocessing (GP) script tool, you can also create R-based GP script tools and toolboxes utilizing the power of R.

Geoprocessing script tools that use R can be used in the same way that python geoprocessing script tools can be used. They can

  • be ran from the ArcGIS Pro geoprocessing pane
  • can be imported and called by arcpy
  • can be used inside of modelbuilder

Geoprocessing script tools can be useful when there is a part of your workflow that you use R for and would like to be able to do that step from ArcGIS Pro. Or, alternatively, there may be a bespoke tool or process that you may have developed in R and want to have your GIS analysts use from their own ArcGIS Pro.


Using R geoprocessing script tools requires R to be installed. We recommend installing the latest version of R from CRAN. Additionally, the {arcgisbinding} package needs to be installed. For installing {arcgisbinding}, see the installation guide

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