Geocoding service

The geocoding service can find addresses, businesses, and places around the world. Address text can be converted to location candidates and a location can be converted into an address. The service provides suggested address candidates for partial address and place-name text. Many addresses can also be geocoded at one time with batch geocoding.

Key features

To get started using the service, you can do the following:

Access the services

To access the geocoding service you need the following:

  1. An ArcGIS Location Platform account or ArcGIS Online account.
  2. An access token (API key or OAuth 2.0) with the appropriate privilege.


This example shows how to find the location of an address:

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
GET Pennsylvania Ave NW, DC&outFields=*&token=<ACCESS_TOKEN> HTTP/1.1
Geocode address text and show its location. See the live example in the developer guide.

To see a live example, go to the Mapping APIs and location services guide.

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