ArcGIS Geocoding service

The ArcGIS Geocoding service is a location service that can find addresses, businesses, and places around the world. Address text can be converted to location candidates and a location can be converted into an address. The service provides suggested address candidates for partial address and place name text. Many addresses can also be geocoded at one time with batch geocoding.

Service URL

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Learn more about service request types and the service endpoint.


Price category
/findAddressCandidatesGeocode addresses: Convert text for an address or place name to a complete address with a location.Geocodes (Not stored)Geocodes (Stored)
/geocodeAddressesBatch geocode (Direct): Convert a list of addresses or place names to a set of complete addresses with locations.Geocodes (Stored)
/reverseGeocodeReverse geocode: Convert a point to a complete address or place.Geocodes (Not stored)Geocodes (Stored)
/suggestAutosuggest: Use incomplete text to search for place names and addresses.Suggests

Service data

To view the data providers, coverage, and restrictions, go to Service data.


Price category
ArcGIS Location PlatformArcGIS Online
Geocodes (Not stored)20K free then $0.5 per 1,000Included in subscription
Geocodes (Stored)$4 per 1,00040 credits per 1,000
Suggests$00 credits

Terms of use

To review the attribution requirements for using ArcGIS services, go to Esri and data attribution.

To review the terms of use that apply to using ArcGIS products, services, and data, go to > Esri Legal.


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