ArcGIS GeoEnrichment service

The ArcGIS GeoEnrichment service is a location service that finds demographic information and local facts for places around the world. A point or polygon can be used to retrieve data attributes associated with the location and surrounding area. The service provides over 15,000 data fields (variables) to choose from with coverage for more than 150 countries and regions.

Service URL

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Learn more about the service endpoint.


Price category
/EnrichData enrichment: Get local or global facts for a location or area using data variables and collections.Attributes
/createReportCreate reports: Generate PDF or Excel reports for an area with information on demographics, tapestry market, business or market potential.Report
/StandardGeographyQueryFind geographies: Returns standard geography IDs and features for different geographic levels.Geography

Service data

To view the data providers, coverage, and restrictions, go to Service data.


Price category
ArcGIS Location PlatformArcGIS Online
Attributes$1 per 1,000 attributes (data variables)10 credits per 1,000 attributes (data variables x features)
Report$1 per reportIncluded in subscription
GeographyNot supportedIncluded in subscription

Terms of use

To review the attribution requirements for using ArcGIS services, go to Esri and data attribution.

To review the terms of use that apply to using ArcGIS products, services, and data, go to > Esri Legal.


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