The GeoEnrichment service uses the concept of a data collection to specify a pre-defined list of attributes referred to as analysis variables or variables. For example, KeyGlobalFacts contains five commonly used variables: Total Population, Total Households, Male Population, Female Population and Average Household Size. KeyGlobalFacts is the default data collection and can be used in all countries that have data coverage. Each data collection has an ID that can be used with the enrich operation to enrich your data with those variables. Data collection IDs and individual variables can be discovered for a given country using the examples below.
The query
parameter can be used to search for individual variables. A search string can be provided using the query
parameter to return variables that are an exact match, by default. Use the query
parameter together with the return
parameter to include variables that have a semantic similarity to the input search text. Searching for semantic similarities is supported by a pre-trained language model which is used to convert variable descriptions into vector representations. When using the query
parameter to pass a search string, the semantic meaning of the string is encoded into a vector representation and compared with the variable descriptions to find semantically similar and dissimilar strings and return the most similar variables.
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
Optional parameter used to search data collections for individual variables. Default: Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 4:
| |
Optional parameter used to return a similarity score for variables which have semantic similarity to the search string used in the Default: Values: Note:
| |
Optional parameter used to specify the minimum semantic similarity score for variables requested in the search string used in the Default: Example: Values can range from 0-1.
| |
Optional parameter that provides a set of controls to reduce the number of variables in the response. Default: Example 1: Filter by data collection.
Example 2: Filter by name.
Example 3: Filter by category.
Example 4: Filter by source.
Example 5: Filter by type.
| |
Optional parameter used to format and localize results. Localized output is available in English, French and Japanese languages. Default: Example 1: Request output in English.
Example 2: Request output in French.
Example 3: Request output in Japanese.
| |
Optional parameter to include calculated variables in the output such as percentages and averages. The list of accepted values are as follows Example: Return all derived variables.
| |
Optional parameter that returns only requested fields. Default: Example:
| |
Optional parameter to return only values that are not NULL in the output response. Adding the optional Default: Values: | |
Optional parameter to specify the response format. Example 1:
Example 2:
| |
Optional parameter used to provide the identity of a user who has permissions to access the service with an API key or OAuth2.0 access token. Learn how to get an access token in Security and authentication. Example:
Required parameters
The following parameters are required:
Use this parameter to specify the response format. The parameter can have json
, geojson
or pjson
as arguments.
Example: Specify response formant as JSON.
- The
value is used for printing the JSON response in a prettified format.
Optional parameters
The following parameters are optional:
The query
parameter queries the dataCollections resource and returns descriptions of variables that are either an exact match or have a similar meaning to the input search string. By default, only exact matches are returned. To return variables with a similar meaning, the return
parameter can be used.
Default Value:
Example 1: Single word search
Example 2: Multi-word search
query=video streamers
Example 3: Search for a concept
query=students with laptops
Example 4: Search for a phrase
query=find variables that relate income to healthcare
The return
parameter can be used in conjunction with the query
parameter to return a similarity score for variables which have semantic similarity to the search string used in the query
parameter. If the parameter is set to true
, variables with a similar meaning to the search string will be returned. If it is set to false
, only exact matches for the search string will be returned.
Default Value:
Used to specify the minimum semantic similarity score for variables requested in the search string used in the query parameter. Values can range from 0-1.
Provides a set of controls to reduce the number of variables being returned by the enrich
The lang
parameter sets the language in which results are returned. Supported values are en-us,fr,ja
Optional parameter to specify an array of string values that describe what derivative variables to include in the output. The enumerated list of accepted values are as follows: percent,index,average,all,*
Example 1: Return a statistical data collection with the additional variables and associated metadata for percent's, averages and index values
Example 2: Return a statistical data collection with the additional variables and associated metadata for index values
The list of fields to be returned in the response. Relevant fields include: I
Optional parameter to return only values that are not NULL in the output response. Adding the optional suppress
parameter to any statistical data collections discovery method will reduce the size of the output that is returned.
Default Value:
This parameter is optional for discovery method resources such as dataCollections, these resources are not secured but will accept a token if provided. To specify a token that provides the identity of a user that has the permissions to access the service. The Security and authentication page provides more information about how an access token can be obtained.
Example Replace <your
with a valid token.
Example usage
Request example 1
Return a list of data collections and variables for all countries.
Request example 2
Return a list of data collections for the US data source based on the default hierarchy of census boundaries (2020 census boundaries).
Request example 3
Return a list of data collections for the US based on the 2010 census boundaries.
Request example 4
Use the query parameter to find variables that are exact matches for the input search string of doctor
in the US.
Request example 5
Use the query
parameter to find variables that are either exact matches or have a semantic similarity to the input search string of physician
in the US.
Primary data collections
The following table lists the data collections and countries that are currently available:
Primary Data Collection Name(s) | Country or area | Supported Languages |
KeyGlobalFacts | All | English |
KeyWEFacts | Western Europe | English |
KeyUSFacts | US | English |
KeyCanFacts | Canada (CA) | English |
ALFacts ALSpend | Albania (AL) | English |
DZFacts | Algeria (DZ) | English |
ADFacts | Andorra (AD) | English |
AOFacts | Angola (AO) | English |
AIFacts | Anguilla (AI) | English |
ARFacts | Argentina (AR) | English |
AMFacts | Armenia (AM) | English |
AWFacts | Aruba (AW) | English |
AUFacts AUSpend | Australia (AU) | English |
ATFacts ATSpend | Austria (AT) | English |
AZFacts | Azerbaijan (AZ) | English |
BSFacts | Bahamas (BS) | English |
BHFacts BUSpend | Bahrain (BH) | English |
BDFacts | Bangladesh (BD) | English |
BBFacts | Barbados (BB) | English |
BYFacts BYSpend | Belarus (BY) | English |
BEFacts BESpend | Belgium (BE) | English |
BZFacts | Belize (BZ) | English |
BJFacts | Benin (BJ) | English |
BMFacts | Bermuda (BM) | English |
BOFacts | Bolivia (BO) | English |
BAFacts BASpend | Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) | English |
BWFacts | Botswana (BW) | English |
BRFacts BRSpend | Brazil (BR) | English |
BNFacts | Brunei Darussalam | English |
BGFacts BGSpend | Bulgaria (BG) | English |
BFFacts | Burkina Faso (BF) | English |
BIFacts | Burundi (BI) | English |
CVFacts | Cabo Verde (CV) | English |
KHFacts | Cambodia (KH) | English |
CMFacts | Cameroon (CM) | English |
KYFacts | Cayman Islands (KY) | English |
CFFacts | Central African Republic (CF) | English |
TDFacts | Chad (TD) | English |
CLFacts CLSpend | Chile (CL) | English |
CNFacts CNSpend | China (CN) | English |
COFacts COSpend | Colombia (CO) | English |
CGFacts | Congo the (CG) | English |
CRFacts CRSpend | Costa Rica (CR) | English |
CIFacts | Côte d'Ivoire (CI) | English |
HRFacts HRSpend | Croatia (HR) | English |
CYFacts CYSpend | Cyprus (CY) | English |
CZFacts CZSpend | Czech Republic (CZ) | English |
DKFacts DKSpend | Denmark (DK) | English |
DOFacts | Dominican Republic (DO) | English |
ECFacts | Ecuador (EC) | English |
EGFacts | Egypt (EG) | English |
SVFacts | El Salvador (SV) | English |
GQFacts | Equatorial Guinea (GQ) | English |
EEFacts EESpend | Estonia (EE) | English |
SZFacts | Eswatini (SZ) | English |
ETFacts | Ethiopia (ET) | English |
FOFacts | Faroe Islands (FO) | English |
FJFacts | Fiji (FJ) | English |
FIFacts FISpend | Finland (FI) | English |
FRFacts FRSpend | France (FR) | English |
GFFacts | French Guiana (GF) | English |
PFFacts | French Polynesia (PF) | English |
GAFacts | Gabon (GA) | English |
GMFacts | Gambia (GM) | English |
GEFacts | Georgia (GE) | English |
DEFacts DESpend | Germany (DE) | English |
GHFacts | Ghana (GH) | English |
GRFacts GRSpend | Greece (GR) | English |
GLFacts | Greenland (GL) | English |
GPFacts | Guadaloupe (GP) | English |
GTFacts | Guatamala (GT) | English |
GNFacts | Guinea (GN) | English |
GWFacts | Guinea-Bissau (GW) | English |
GYFacts | Guyana (GY) | English |
HNFacts | Honduras (HN) | English |
HKFacts HKSpend | Hong Kong (HK) | English |
HUFacts HUSpend | Hungary (HU) | English |
ISFacts ISSpend | Iceland (IS) | English |
INFacts INSpend | India (IN) | English |
IDFacts | Indonesia (ID) | English |
IRFacts | Iran (IR) | English |
IEFacts IESpend | Ireland (IE) | English |
ILFacts ILSpend | Israel (IL) | English |
ITFacts ITSpend | Italy (IT) | English |
JMFacts | Jamaica (JM) | English |
JPFacts JPSpend | Japan (JP) | English |
JOFacts | Jordan (JO) | English |
KZFacts | Kazakhstan (KZ) | English |
KEFacts | Kenya (KE) | English |
XKFacts | Kosovo (XK) | English |
KWFacts | Kuwait (KW) | English |
KGFacts | Kyrgyzstan (KG) | English |
LVFacts LVSpend | Latvia (LV) | English |
LBFacts | Lebanon (LB) | English |
LSFacts | Lesotho (LS) | English |
LRFacts | Liberia (LR) | English |
LIFacts LISpend | Liechtenstein (LI) | English |
LTFacts LTSpend | Lithuania (LT) | English |
LUFacts LUSpend | Luxembourg (LU) | English |
MOFacts | Macau (MO) | English |
MKFacts MKSpend | Macedonia (MK) | English |
MGFacts | Madagascar (MG) | English |
MWFacts | Malawi (MW) | English |
MYFacts MYSpend | Malaysia (MY) | English |
MVFacts | Maldives (MV) | English |
MLFacts | Mali (ML) | English |
MTFacts MTSpend | Malta (MT) | English |
MQFacts | Martinique (MQ) | English |
MRFacts | Mauritania (MR) | English |
MUFacts MUSpend | Mauritius (MU) | English |
YTFacts | Mayotte (YT) | English |
MXFacts MXSpend | Mexico (MX) | English |
MDFacts MDSpend | Moldova (MD) | English |
MCFacts | Monaco (MC) | English |
MNFacts | Mongolia (MN) | English |
MEFacts MESpend | Montenegro (ME) | English |
MSFacts | Montserrat (MS) | English |
MAFacts | Morocco (MA) | English |
MZFacts | Mozambique (MZ) | English |
MMFacts | Myanmar (MM) | English |
NAFacts | Namibia (NA) | English |
NPFacts | Nepal (NP) | English |
NLFacts NLSpend | Netherlands (NL) | English |
NCFacts | New Caledonia (NC) | English |
NZFacts NZSpend | New Zealand (NZ) | English |
NIFacts | Nicaragua (NI) | English |
NEFacts | Niger (NE) | English |
NGFacts | Nigeria (NG) | English |
NOFacts NOSpend | Norway (NO) | English |
OMFacts | Oman (OM) | English |
PKFacts | Pakistan (PK) | English |
PAFacts | Panama (PA) | English |
PGFacts | Papua New Guinea (PG) | English |
PYFacts | Paraguay (PY) | English |
PEFacts | Peru (PE) | English |
PHFacts PHSpend | Philippines (PH) | English |
PLFacts PLSpend | Poland (PL) | English |
PTFacts PTSpend | Portugal (PT) | English |
PRFacts | Puerto Rico (PR) | English |
QAFacts | Qatar (QA) | English |
REFacts RESpend | Réunion (RE) | English |
ROFacts ROSpend | Romania (RO) | English |
RUFacts RUSpend | Russia (RU) | English |
LCFacts | Saint Lucia (LC) | English |
SAFacts SASpend | Saudi Arabia (SA) | English |
SNFacts | Senegal (SN) | English |
RSFacts RSSpend | Serbia (RS) | English |
SLFacts | Sierra Leone (SL) | English |
SGFacts SGSpend | Singapore (SG) | English |
SKFacts SKSpend | Slovakia (SK) | English |
SIFacts SISpend | Slovenia (SI) | English |
ZAFacts | South Africa (ZA) | English |
KRFacts KRSpend | South Korea (KR) | English |
ESFacts ESSpend | Spain (ES) | English |
LKFacts | Sri Lanka (LK) | English |
SDFacts | Sudan (SD) | English |
SEFacts SESpend | Sweden (SE) | English |
CHFacts CHSpend | Switzerland (CH) | English |
SYFacts | Syria (SY) | English |
TWFacts TWSpend | Taiwan (TW) | English |
TJFacts | Tajikistan (TJ) | English |
TZFacts | Tanzania (TZ) | English |
THFacts THSpend | Thailand (TH) | English |
TGFacts | Togo (TG) | English |
TTFacts | Trinidad and Tobago (TT) | English |
TNFacts | Tunisia (TN) | English |
TRFacts TRSpend | Türkiye (TR) | English |
TCFacts | Turks And Caicos Islands (TC) | English |
UGFacts | Uganda (UG) | English |
UAFacts UASpend | Ukraine (UA) | English |
AEFacts | United Arab Emirates (AE) | English |
GBFacts GBSpend | United Kingdom (GB) | English |
UYFacts | Uruguay (UY) | English |
UZFacts | Uzbekistan (UZ) | English |
VEFacts | Venezuela (VE) | English |
VNFacts | Vietnam (VN) | English |
VIFacts | Virgin Islands (VI) | English |
ZMFacts | Zambia (ZM) | English |
ZWFacts | Zimbabwe (ZW) | English |