Error codes

The tables below lists some of the most common extended error codes that can occur when a direct request is made to the GeoEnrichment service.


Error codeDescriptionCause
10020007Parameter is invalidAn unsupported value was used in one of the parameters of the enrich reruest. For example a buffer radii of 0 was specified for a point location in the studyAreasOptions parameter.
10040001The number of study areas was exceededThe number of requested features in the studyAreas parameter exceeds the service limit of 1000.
10040004The maximum ring size was exceededThe requested ring buffer exceeds the service limit of 1000 miles.
10040006Service area exceeds limitThe requested service area exceeds the service limit of 300 miles drive distance, 300 minutes drive time, 27 miles walking distance or 540 minutes walking minutes.
10050011Unable to find hierarchyAn invalid data hierarchy was submitted in the useData parameter. For example, the esri2022 hierarchy of US data is no longer available.
10050024Variables are not definedAn invalid value was submitted in the analysisVariables parameter.
10050025The following Standard Geography IDs are invalid and were removed from the result outputAn invalid standard geography ID was used in the studyAreas parameter.
10050032Data collections or reports '%s' are not associated with %sThe ID used in the dataCollections parameter does not exist.
20010604Unable to detect country for study areaThe study area is not contained within a country that has data coverage.

Create Report

Error codeDescriptionCause
10020006Invalid report nameThe value passed in the report parameter is invalid.
10020007Parameter 'format' is invalidThe value passed in the format parameter is invalid.
10040004The maximum ring size was exceededThe requested ring buffer exceeds the service limit of 1000 miles.
10040006Service area exceeds limitThe requested service area exceeds the service limit of 300 miles drive distance, 300 minutes drive time, 27 miles walking distance or 540 minutes walking minutes.
10050032Data collections or reports '%s' are not associated with %sThe ID used in the report parameter does not exist.
20010404Failed to format reportThe report could not be created due to server errors. Please try again later.
20010604Unable to detect country for study areaThe study area is not contained within a country that has data coverage.

Standard Geography Query

Error codeDescriptionCause
10010021Neither geographyIds nor geographyQuery are specifiedA value is required for either the geographyQuery or geographyIDs parameter.
10020088Invalid output fieldAn invalid value was requested in the outFields parameter

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