ArcGIS Routing service

The ArcGIS Routing service is a location service that can find routes, directions, and perform advanced analyses on street networks. It can solve Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) and and last mile delivery problems that involve multiple vehicles, deliveries, and pick-ups. It also supports both direct requests and job requests for smaller and larger processes. The service can be used to perform analyses in 240 countries using high quality street data with global coverage.

Service URL

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Learn more about service request types and the service endpoints.


Price category
/Route/NAServer/Route_World/solveRoute and directions: Find the best path from an origin to a destination for an individual or single vehicle.RoutesRoutes (stop-optimized)
/ServiceAreas/NAServer/ServiceArea_World/solveServiceAreaService areas (isochrones): Create one or more polygons that represent the distance that can be reached when driving or walking on a street network.Service areas
/ClosestFacility/NAServer/ClosestFacility_World/solveClosestFacilityClosest facility: Find one or more nearby facilities from incidents based on travel time or travel distance.Closest facilities
/OriginDestinationCostMatrix/NAServer/OriginDestinationCostMatrix_World/solveODCostMatrixTravel cost (OD) matrix: Create a table or a matrix containing the cost, such as the travel time or travel distance, from multiple origins to multiple destinations.Travel cost matrix routing (VRP): Determine the most effective routes for a set of vehicles that need to visit a set of locations.Fleet routes
/Utilities/GPServer/GetToolInfo/executeService metadata: The Utilities service contains operations that provide auxiliary information for working with routing services.Utilities
/Utilities/GPServer/GetTravelModes/executeTravel modes: The Utilities service contains operations that provide auxiliary information for working with routing services.Utilities
/Route/NAServer/Route_World/retrieveTravelModesTravel modes: The Utilities service contains operations that provide auxiliary information for working with routing services.Utilities
/ServiceAreas/NAServer/ServiceArea_World/retrieveTravelModesTravel modes: The Utilities service contains operations that provide auxiliary information for working with routing services.Utilities
/OriginDestinationCostMatrix/NAServer/OriginDestinationCostMatrix_World/retrieveTravelModesTravel modes: The Utilities service contains operations that provide auxiliary information for working with routing services.Utilities
/ClosestFacility/NAServer/ClosestFacility_World/retrieveTravelModesTravel modes: The Utilities service contains operations that provide auxiliary information for working with routing services.Utilities

Service data

To view the data providers, coverage, and restrictions, go to Service data.


Price category
ArcGIS Location Platform
ArcGIS Online
Routes20K free then $0.5 per 1,0005 credits per 1,000
Routes (stop-optimized)$50 per 1,000500 credits per 1,000
Service areas5K free then $50 per 1,000500 credits per 1,000
Fleet routes$100 per 1,0001000 credits per 1,000
Last mile delivery routes$25 per 1,0001000 credits per 1,000
Closest facility routes$50 per 1,000500 credits per 1,000
Location-allocation demand points$10 per 1,000100 credits per 1,000
Travel cost matrix$.05 per 1,000 origin destination pairs.5 credits per 1,000
UtilitiesNo costNo cost

Terms of use

To review the attribution requirements for using ArcGIS services, go to Esri and data attribution.

To review the terms of use that apply to using ArcGIS products, services, and data, go to > Esri Legal.


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