- URL:
- https://<root>/<serviceName>/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/<diagramName>/findDiagramFeatures
- Methods:
- Version Introduced:
- 10.6
The find
operation searches for the diagram features referenced in the diagram that are associated with a set of network elements or a set of diagram features represented in another diagram. It is performed on a Diagram resource. It returns an array of diagram feature JSON objects for the input fromDiagram.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
The name of the geodatabase version. Syntax: Example: |
The token (guid) used to lock the version. Syntax: Example: |
The session moment. Syntax: Example: |
(Required) | Depending on whether you want to retrieve diagram features associated with network elements (case#1) or with diagram features that are represented in another diagram (case#2), an array of network element Global IDs (case#1), or an array of network diagram feature Global IDs (case#2). Syntax: Example: Case#1—Retrieving the diagram feature Global IDs associated with the specified network Global IDs {E6260A67-94F6-4640-B717-4D3A9E5A0F17} in the diagram resource:
Case#2—Retrieving the diagram feature Global IDs in the diagram resource that are associated with the specified diagram feature Global IDs {FDE3A114-D367-4FA9-BAAC-C4B9B9F57B87}, those features being represented in the specified "testStore" diagram; that is, with
| The name of the diagram the Global IDs specified for the Syntax: Example: |
(Required) | A boolean statement that determines whether to include aggregated network elements. Case#1—When the fromFeatures reference network element Global IDs
Case#2—When the fromFeatures reference diagram feature Global IDs represented in another diagram
Syntax: Example: |
(Required) | A boolean statement that determines whether to include the connectivity associations. When the fromFeatures reference utility network feature Global IDs
Syntax: Example: |
(Required) | A boolean statement that determines whether to include the structural attachments. When the fromFeatures reference network elements Global IDs
Syntax: Example: |
The response format. The default response format is html. Values: |
Example usage
Example#1—Retrieving the diagram feature Global IDs associated with the utility network feature which Global ID is {AF41424F-1073-4640-A596-220AC3A33DA6} in the "DiagramTest1" diagram resource; that is:
://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/ Naperville/ Network Diagram Server/diagrams/ Diagram Test1/find Diagram Features -
gdbVersion= sessionId= moment= fromFeatures=["{AF41424F-1073-4640-A596-220AC3A33DA6}"] fromDiagram= includeAggregations=true addConnectivityAssociations=false addStructuralAttachments=false f=pjson
Sent URL (GET):
://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/ Naperville/ Network Diagram Server/diagrams/ Diagram Test1/find Diagram Features?gdb Version=&session Id=&moment=&from Features=%5 B%22%7 BA F41424 F-1073-4640- A596-220 A C3 A33 D A6%7 D%22%5 D&from Diagram=&include Aggregations=true&add Connectivity Associations=false&add Structural Attachments=false&f=pjson
Example#2—Retrieving in the "Basic_RMT003" diagram resource the diagram feature Global IDs which are associated with the same utility network feature or features as the diagram feature with Global ID {1EE98487-730C-4193-8510-8BF975332237}, which is in the the "DiagramTest1" diagram; that is:
://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/ Naperville/ Network Diagram Server/diagrams/ Basic _RM T003/find Diagram Features? -
gdbVersion= sessionId= moment= fromFeatures=["1EE98487-730C-4193-8510-8BF975332237"] fromDiagram=DiagramTest1 includeAggregations=true addConnectivityAssociations=false addStructuralAttachments=false f=pjson
Sent URL (GET):
://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/ Naperville/ Network Diagram Server/diagrams/ Basic _RM T003/find Diagram Features?gdb Version=&session Id=&moment=&from Features=%5 B%22%7 B1 E E98487-730 C-4193-8510-8 B F975332237%7 D%22%5 D&from Diagram= Diagram Test1&include Aggregations=true&add Connectivity Associations=false&add Structural Attachments=false&f=pjson
Example#3—Retrieving the diagram feature Global IDs associated with the utility network points which Global ID are {AF41424F-1073-4640-A596-220AC3A33DA6}, {0B93680B-4B8A-4453-BC28-6763BC0A2184} and {9F09AC2C-E2C4-4B8A-BAE9-1D2405D79389} in the "DiagramTest1" diagram resource, then add the connectivity associations and structural attachment diagram edges that may connect the returned junctions; that is:
://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/ Naperville/ Network Diagram Server/diagrams/ Diagram Test1/find Diagram Features -
gdbVersion= sessionId= moment= fromFeatures=["{AF41424F-1073-4640-A596-220AC3A33DA6}","{0B93680B-4B8A-4453-BC28-6763BC0A2184}","{9F09AC2C-E2C4-4B8A-BAE9-1D2405D79389}"] fromDiagram= includeAggregations=false addConnectivityAssociations=true addStructuralAttachments=true f=pjson
Sent URL (GET):
://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/ Naperville/ Network Diagram Server/diagrams/ Diagram Test1/find Diagram Features?gdb Version=&session Id=&moment=&from Features=%5 B%22%7 BA F41424 F-1073-4640- A596-220 A C3 A33 D A6%7 D%22%2 C%22%7 B0 B93680 B-4 B8 A-4453- B C28-6763 B C0 A2184%7 D%22%2 C%22%7 B9 F09 A C2 C- E2 C4-4 B8 A- BA E9-1 D2405 D79389%7 D%22%5 D&from Diagram=&include Aggregations=false&add Connectivity Associations=true&add Structural Attachments=true&f=pjson
JSON Response syntax
An array of diagram features JSON object:
"features": [
"globalID": "< DiagFeatGlobalID1 >", //string
"featureOID": < DiagFeatOID1 >, // int
"geometryType": < 1 | 2 | 3 >,
"networkSourceID": < assUNSourceID1 >, //int
"globalID": "< DiagFeatGlobalIDN >", //string
"featureOID": < DiagFeatOIDN >, // int
"geometryType": < 1 | 2 | 3 >,
"networkSourceID": < assUNSourceIDN >, //int
JSON Response example
JSON Response Example
"features": [
"globalID": "{1EE98487-730C-4193-8510-8BF975332237}",
"featureOID": 10470,
"geometryType": 1,
"networkSourceID": 6
"globalID": "{2FE3062B-BC03-45B6-9B45-ECE680470C92}",
"featureOID": 10471,
"geometryType": 1,
"networkSourceID": 6
"globalID": "{1D7A1416-EA05-42F4-B8C1-D992F10086EA}",
"featureOID": 10472,
"geometryType": 1,
"networkSourceID": 6
"globalID": "{43CF9E6F-7F14-4C49-A233-B4CCF884DD38}",
"featureOID": 11249,
"geometryType": 3,
"networkSourceID": 1
"globalID": "{72745B4E-D05B-48C7-A21F-A68B7DA14954}",
"featureOID": 11254,
"geometryType": 3,
"networkSourceID": 1