Reviewer Results

Get Batch Run Details, Get Layer Definition, Get Results, Update Lifecycle Status, Write Feature as Result, Write Result
Required Capability:
Data Reviewer Server
Version Introduced:


The ReviewerResults operation allows you to access the Reviewer workspace. Access includes the following functionality:

  • Write data, as results, to the Data Reviewer workspace
  • Query Data Reviewer workspace feature classes and tables
  • Update the lifecycles status of an existing result

You can write both JSON geometry and feature objects to a Data Reviewer workspace using the writeResult and writeFeatureAsResult operations. The writeResult operation writes a JSON geometry and Data Reviewer attributes to a Data Reviewer workspace. The writeFeatureAsResult operation writes a JSON feature object (an object that contains a JSON geometry and attribute object) and Data Reviewer attributes to a Data Reviewer workspace.

Use getResults to query the Data Reviewer workspace. Execute the getLayerDefinition operation to retrieve a layer definition that you can dynamically apply to the Data Reviewer map service.

The getBatchRunDetails operation fetches batch run information from the Data Reviewer workspace.

The updateLifecycleStatus operation allows you to move a result between lifecycle categories and indicate how a result was handled within a category.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
