Topographic Production Service

Add Product, Calculate Extent, Generate Product, Remove Product, Update Product
Child Resources:
Products, Jobs
Required Capability:
Requires an ArcGIS GIS Server Advanced license and a Production Mapping or Defense Mapping server extension license
Version Introduced:


The Topographic Production Service resource represents a topographic production server object extension (SOE). It is the entry point for all functionality related to creating topographic products in ArcGIS Server. This resource provides information about the service and enables the topographic production server capabilities on a map service. You can also view child resources and operations defined by the SOE.

The following operations are supported in the SOE:

  • addProduct—Adds a definition of a map product to the service that can be used to generate a map.
  • calculateExtent—Calculates a custom area of interest (AOI) for a given product and version.
  • delete—Deletes jobs that have been run or were canceled so that they no longer appear in queries or occupy server space.
  • generateProduct—Automates the process of producing a layout or map based on an existing map product definition.
  • removeProduct—Removes a map product from the Topographic Production Service.
  • updateProduct—Updates the properties of an existing map product.
  • products—Gets the map products that the Topographic Production Service supports.
    • product—Gets a single map product from the products that the Topographic Production Service supports.
  • jobs
    • cancel—Cancels a job submitted through the generateProduct REST operation.
    • job—Tracks the status of a job run by the generateProduct REST operation. Returns the status, start date, last modified date, and messages for the job.
    • query—Tracks the status of jobs run by the generateProduct REST operation. Returns the status, start date, last modified date, and messages for a set of jobs.

Request parameters




Parameter to specify the response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

JSON Response syntax

The following is the syntax of a response:


JSON Response example

The following is an example of a response:

{"name":"Topographic Production Server","type":"Map Server Extension"}

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
