ArcGIS Static Basemap Tiles service

The ArcGIS Static Basemap Tiles service is a location service that provides access to raster basemap tiles for the world. The service supports ArcGIS styles such as navigation, streets, outdoor, and light-gray. The preferred language labels can be set for all styles. The tiles are returned as 512 x 512px PNG files in the Web Mercator spatial reference and are available for zoom levels 0-22. Each style also has a metadata endpoint that provides details about the tiling scheme and data attribution.

Service URL

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy


Price category

Basemap tiles
/arcgis/navigation/staticStyle info: Get tiling scheme and data attribution information.Metadata

Navigation night
Basemap tiles
/arcgis/navigation-night/staticStyle info: Get tiling scheme and data attribution information.Metadata

Basemap tiles
/arcgis/streets/staticStyle info: Get tiling scheme and data attribution information.Metadata

Streets night
Basemap tiles
/arcgis/streets-night/staticStyle info: Get tiling scheme and data attribution information.Metadata

Basemap tiles
/arcgis/community/staticStyle info: Get tiling scheme and data attribution information.Metadata


Price category
ArcGIS Location PlatformArcGIS Online
Basemap tiles2 million free then $0.15 per 1,000 tilesNot supported
Metadata$0Not supported

Terms of use

Applications that use this service must display both basemap and data attribution.

To review the attribution requirements for using ArcGIS services, go to Esri and data attribution.

To review the terms of use that apply to using ArcGIS products, services, and data, go to > Esri Legal.


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