- URL:
- https://[root]/content/groups/[groupID]/search
- Methods:
Example usage
Below is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL used to access the group content search
Below is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL used to access the group content search
This operation searches for items in a group. Searching for group content with group categories is only available at this endpoint. It is not the same as using q=group
with search
, which queries content categories defined at the organizational level. The search index is updated when users add, update, or remove content. There may be a lag between the time the content is updated and the time it's reflected in the search results. Search results only contain items that the user has permission to access.
Care should be taken when using ArcGIS REST API search operations (search, user search, group search, group content search) to find items, groups, and users programmatically. The Portal uses a powerful search engine to index information and to allow full text searching on it. This search engine uses many different inputs to find the appropriate results and rank them. This often makes search 'fuzzy', making it ideal for human interaction, but not necessarily ideal for looking for specific records programmatically. Developers should avoid using search to find specific items (e.g. by title) as the results of these types of queries might change as the search engine evolves.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
| The number of the first entry in the result set response. The index number is 1-based. The default value of Example
| The maximum number of results to be included in the result set response. The default value is Example:
| The query string used to search. For advanced options, see Search reference. Example:
| The bounding box for a spatial search defined as Example:
| Structured filtering is accomplished by specifying a field name followed by a colon and the term you are searching for with double See Search reference for advanced options. Example:
| A comma separated list or JSON array of up to eight group content categories to search group items. The exact full path of each Example: Search for group items with the water or forest group category in the United States.
| A comma-separated list of up to three category terms to search for items that have matching categories. Up to two Example:
| The field to sort by. You can also sort by multiple fields (comma separated). Sort field names are not case sensitive. If Values: |
| Describes whether the results are returned in ascending or descending order. The default is ascending. Values: |
| A comma-separated list of fields to count. The maximum number of fields allowed per request is three. Supported count fields are Example:
| The maximum number of field values to count for each Example:
| The response format. The default format is Values: |
Response properties
Property | Details |
| The total number of results found for the whole query. |
| The number of the first entry in the result set for this response. The index number is 1-based. |
| The number of results included in the result set for this response. |
| The next entry index if the current result set doesn't contain all results, or -1 if it is the last batch. |
| A JSON array of item objects. See the response properties of an item. |
| A Example:
JSON Response syntax
"total": <total number of results>,
"start": <results in first set>,
"num": <number of results per page>,
"nextStart": <result number of next page>,
"results": [
"id": "<item id>",
"owner": "<owner username>",
"created": date created shown in UNIX time,
"modified": date modified shown in UNIX time,
"guid": "<unique id>",
"name": "<item name>",
"title": "<item title>",
"type": "<type>",
"typeKeywords": ["<keyword1>", "<keyword2>", "<keyword3>", "<keyword4>"],
"description": "<description>",
"tags": ["<tag1>", "<tag2>", "<tag3>"],
"snippet": "<summary>",
"thumbnail": "<file name>",
"extent": [
[minX, minY],
[maxX, maxY]
"spatialReference": "<coordinate system>",
"accessInformation": <credits>,
"licenseInfo": "<access and use constraints>",
"culture": "<culture code>",
"url": <URL>,
"proxyFilter": {},
"access": "private | shared | org | public",
"size": <size>,
"properties": {},
"appCategories": [],
"industries": [<list of industries>],
"languages": [<list of languages>],
"largeThumbnail": "<URL to thumbnail>",
"banner": "<URL to banner>",
"screenshots": [<list of URL to screenshots>],
"listed": true | false,
"numComments": <number of comments>,
"numRatings": <number of ratings>,
"avgRating": <average rating>,
"numViews": <number of views>,
"lastViewed": <date/time in UNIX format>
"aggregations": {
"counts": [
"fieldName": "<field name1>",
"fieldValues": [
"value": "<field value1>",
"count": <number of counts>
JSON Response example
"total": 11,
"start": 5,
"num": 2,
"nextStart": 7,
"results": [
"id": "4ce2756331dd40cc936674cf3ad186ee",
"owner": "org_admin",
"created": 1636486115877,
"isOrgItem": true,
"modified": 1636486115877,
"guid": null,
"name": "hurricanes_sub2_spatiotemporal",
"title": "hurricanes_sub2_spatiotemporal",
"type": "Feature Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"Feature Service",
"ArcGIS Server",
"Feature Access",
"Hosted Service",
"description": "Hurricane information",
"tags": [],
"snippet": null,
"thumbnail": null,
"documentation": null,
"extent": [],
"categories": [],
"spatialReference": null,
"accessInformation": null,
"licenseInfo": null,
"culture": null,
"properties": null,
"advancedSettings": null,
"url": "https://machine.domain.com/webadaptor/rest/services/Hosted/hurricanes_sub2_spatiotemporal/FeatureServer",
"proxyFilter": null,
"access": "shared",
"size": -1,
"subInfo": 0,
"appCategories": [],
"industries": [],
"languages": [],
"largeThumbnail": null,
"banner": null,
"screenshots": [],
"listed": false,
"numComments": 0,
"numRatings": 0,
"avgRating": 0,
"numViews": 0,
"groupCategories": [],
"scoreCompleteness": 33,
"groupDesignations": null,
"lastViewed": 1613148239000
"id": "29ab35f5f86645bca93944a43a233bc9",
"owner": "org_admin",
"created": 1636486094142,
"isOrgItem": true,
"modified": 1636486094142,
"guid": null,
"name": "hurricanes_sub2_relational",
"title": "hurricanes_sub2_relational",
"type": "Feature Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"Feature Service",
"ArcGIS Server",
"Feature Access",
"Hosted Service",
"description": "Hurricane information",
"tags": [],
"snippet": null,
"thumbnail": null,
"documentation": null,
"extent": [],
"categories": [],
"spatialReference": null,
"accessInformation": null,
"licenseInfo": null,
"culture": null,
"properties": null,
"advancedSettings": null,
"url": "https://machine.domain.com/webadaptor/rest/services/Hosted/hurricanes_sub2_relational/FeatureServer",
"proxyFilter": null,
"access": "shared",
"size": -1,
"subInfo": 0,
"appCategories": [],
"industries": [],
"languages": [],
"largeThumbnail": null,
"banner": null,
"screenshots": [],
"listed": false,
"numComments": 0,
"numRatings": 0,
"avgRating": 0,
"numViews": 0,
"groupCategories": [],
"scoreCompleteness": 33,
"groupDesignations": null,
"lastViewed": 1613148239000
"aggregations": {
"counts": [
"fieldName": "groupCategories",
"fieldValues": [
"value": "/categories",
"count": 1
"value": "/categories/water",
"count": 1