Configure a report page in ArcGIS Experience Builder

ArcGIS Experience Builder allows you to create web apps and pages using flexible layouts, content, and widgets that interact with 2D and 3D data. Add a report page to give users the ability to create high-quality reports in PDF and DOCX format for records thatthey can select in the experience.


The following steps require you to already have an experience and survey that contains at least one configured report published. If you do not already have an experience, see How to use ArcGIS Experience Builder. If you do not already have a survey see Create and publish a survey.


Use the Feature Report widget to add a report page your experience.

  1. In ArcGIS Experience Builder click Insert tab.
  2. Click and drag the Feature report widget onto the layout.
  3. Click Select data
  4. Click Add new data
  5. Choose Layers, and select the layer that is accociated with the report that you wish to display. Click Done.
  6. Expand the feature layer, and select the sub layer.

See that the layer inforamtion is added to the Feature report panel and that you can choose which template to use and configuration options for input features and output settings.

What's next?

Automate the creation of a richly formatted printable report from survey responses using the REST API reference.

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Your ArcGIS portal

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Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
