

Add, update or delete an automated creation for a job template

Add, update or delete an automated creation for a job template. The adminBasic or adminAdvanced privilege is required. Automated creation includes scheduled job creation and webhooks. Scheduled automated job creation should use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for hour and minutes. This functionality requires a license for the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server Advanced role for ArcGIS Enterprise or the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced organization extension for ArcGIS Online.

Note: Automated job creation with webhooks is not supported in ArcGIS Online.

Add Automated Creation Parameters:

ParameterDescriptionData Type
automationNameRequired. The name of the automated creation to be created.String
automationTypeRequired. The type of automated creation, Scheduled for scheduled automated job creation and Webhook for job creation from external resources. Once created, the automation type cannot be updated.String
enabledRequired. If true, the automated creation will be active.Boolean
detailsRequired. Details for the automated creation.String

Options of Details Parameter for Scheduled Job Creation:

InputDescriptionData Type
timeTypeRequired. "HourOfDay", "NumberOfDays", "DayOfWeek", "DayOfMonth", "MonthOfYear"String
monthOptional. Month of the year to run the schedule.Integer
dayOfWeekOptional. Day of the week to run the schedule. Required for time type "DayOfWeek".Integer
dayOfMonthOptional. Day of the month to run the schedule. Required for time type "DayOfMonth".Integer
hourOptional. Hour of the day to run the schedule.Integer
minutesOptional. Minute of the hour to run the schedule.Integer
maxOccurrencesOptional. Maximum occurrences for the scheduleInteger
endDateOptional. Date the schedule should end.String representation of the timestamp in RFC3339 format

Options of timeType Value:

minutes0 - 59
hour0 - 23
month1 - 12
dayofMonth1 - 31
dayofWeek1 - 7, with 1 being Sunday

Options of Details Parameter for Webhook:

InputDescriptionData Type
usernameRequired. The user name being used in the webhookString
passwordRequired. The password being used in the webhook.String
attachmentOptional. The attachment to be added to the job once the webhook is executed. It includes folder for folder name to store the attachment and customName for the attachment name.Object
outputValuesOptional. The array of objects for outputs from the webhook execution. It defines key for output name, value for output value, and isEnabled. If isEnabled isn't defined, the default is true.Array
fallbackUsernameOptional. The user name being used together with fallbackPassword if the username and password provided are not working.String
fallbackPasswordOptional. The password being used if the username and password provided are not working.String
headerSecretRequired. A secret key to include in the header of the request to secure the webhook. Include a key and value as the secret key to access the webhook, and isEnabled to enable/disable the secret key. If isEnabled is not defined, the default is true. The key and value can be defined using arcade expressions from user defined settings.Object
headerSecurityTypeRequired. If you are using Simple header security, set the value to SecretKey. If you are using ArcGIS Webhook header security, set the value to HMAC.String
headerSignatureFormatOptional. For ArcGIS Webhook security only. Set the value to Base64.String

Update Automated Creation Parameters:

ParameterDescriptionData Type
automationIdRequired. The ID of the automated creation to be updated.String
automationNameOptional. Include only if the name is being updated.String
enabledOptional. Include only if the state is being updated.Boolean
detailsOptional. Include only if automation details are being updated.String

Delete Automated Creation Parameters:

ParameterDescriptionData Type
automationIdRequired. The ID of the automated creation to be deleted.String

Query parameters




Body parameters

Supported content types: application/json


The automation objects to create, update or delete


The automation objects to create, update or delete

Path parameters










# You can also use wget
curl -X POST /{orgId}/{itemId}/jobTemplates/{jobTemplateId}/automatedCreation \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' \
  --data '{"adds":[{"automationName":"string","automationType":"Scheduled","enabled":true,"details":"string"}],"updates":[{"automationId":"string","automationName":"string","enabled":true,"details":"string"}],"deletes":["string"]}'








Bad Request



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