Resources and operations

The Workflow Manager JavaScript API operations can be grouped by jobs, configuration, notifications and check status.

Workflow Manager also exposes the ability to evaluate arcade expressions and enable job notifications in your applications using web sockets.


A job is a single unit of work in the Workflow Manager system. In some organizations, a job might be known as a work order or a task. It can be assigned to a person, many people, or a group, and scheduled for completion by a certain date. It includes the workflow steps to complete and the job's details, outlining its scope. It can also contain additional help for completing steps, attachments, the job's location, and associations to spatial data. Many jobs of the same type can be created in the system.

Create jobs

Create one or more jobs.

Queries and statistics

Query for jobs and monitor the status of work using job statistics.

Job properties

Manage the properties of a job.


Manage job attachments.

Holds and Dependencies

Manage job holds and dependencies.

Comments and history

Job comments can be viewed and added to a job to facilitate job specific communications between Workflow Manager users and groups.

Job history is a log of job actions, such as running steps or managing job attachments and job properties.

Job locations

Manage locations for jobs. Identify locations where work needs to be performed for jobs. A job location can be defined as a point, line, or polygon.

Job actions

Perform actions on one or more steps in a job.

Manage jobs

Upgrade, close, reopen, and delete jobs.


Configuration resources and operations allow workflow item administrators to retrieve workflow diagrams, job templates, and system settings.

Users, groups, and roles

The ability of users to access work and the functionality displayed in workflow items depends on the privileges contained in the roles assigned to the groups to which Workflow Manager users belong.




Job templates

A job template is a predefined collection of properties that serve as the starting point for different types of jobs that can be performed in Workflow Manager. Every job in Workflow Manager is created from a job template. When jobs are created, they use the workflow diagram, job properties, and extended properties defined in the job template as the starting point of the work.

Workflow diagrams

Workflow diagrams allow you to create a visual representation of a business process that consists of steps and paths. It represents the process that a job will follow from start to finish.


Retrieve saved searches and charts, and get the sharing details for searches and charts.

Lookup tables

Get lookup tables such as priorities, statuses, or user defined lookup tables. Priorities allow you to assign levels of importance to jobs. Status types describe the possible states or stages that a job moves through when it's running. You can add custom priorities or status types to match your existing business processes or to make them more appropriate for your locale.

Arcade expression evaluator

The Arcade expression evaluator allows you to test ArcGIS Arcade expressions to ensure that the values returned by the expression are what you expect.

Learn more about dynamic job properties.


Enable your applications to receive notifications of job data updates with the Workflow Manager WebSocket Message API using WebSockets. This allows your applications to get automatic updates from Workflow Manager Server for your jobs and steps instead of making repeated requests to server for updated information.

The WebSocket protocol enables two-way low-latency communication between a client and Workflow Manager Server. It accomplishes this by establishing persistent socket connections between server and client where the server sends data to connected clients.

Check Status

Check the status of Workflow Manager Server

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
