Class |
Description |
AddRastersParameters |
Analysis |
Represents base class for all analyses that can be performed on a
SceneView .
AnalysisOverlay |
An AnalysisOverlay manages the display of one or more Analysis .
AndroidLocationDataSource |
A type of LocationDataSource that requests location updates from the Android platforms location API.
AngularUnit |
Indicates the units of an angular measurement, for example the units of a geographic spatial reference, or angle
measurement operation.
AngularUnitId |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used angular units of measurement.
AnimationCurve |
Control how the map view is moved between positions.
AnnotationLayer |
A layer that can visualize annotation text data.
AnnotationSublayer |
Allows you to interrogate the properties of a sublayer within an annotation layer and to change the visibility of
the sublayer.
AntiAliasingMode |
Various antialiasing modes.
ApiKeyResource |
An interface for getting and setting the API key of an object.
ArcadeConsoleMessageContext |
Provides information about the execution context where an Arcade console function is invoked.
ArcadeConsoleMessageEvent |
Represents the result of evaluating an Arcade console message, which appeared in an Arcade script.
ArcadeConsoleMessageListener |
ArcadeEvaluationResult |
The result from the successful evaluation of an Arcade Expression.
ArcadeEvaluator |
ArcadeExpression |
An Arcade expression, containing an expression, a name, a return type and a title.
ArcadeExpressionReturnType |
The expected type of the result calculated by an expression described within an ArcadeExpression .
ArcadeLabelExpression |
An expression script using the Arcade language.
ArcadeProfile |
The execution context a script will run under.
ArcGISDownloadRequest |
A request implementation that can be used to download ArcGIS resources using the .
ArcGISFeature |
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo |
Represents metadata about an individual layer or table in an ArcGIS Feature Service.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.ServiceType |
The type of the dataset underlying an ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo
ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo |
Represents service information for an ArcGIS Feature Service.
ArcGISFeatureTable |
Represents a feature table created from an ArcGIS feature service.
ArcGISImageServiceInfo |
ArcGISKeyStoreException |
An exception indicating that applying a client certificate on the Http client keystore failed.
ArcGISMap |
An ArcGISMap contains layers of mapping data as well as other information which define the maps capabilities (e.g.
ArcGISMap.BasemapChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the Basemap of the ArcGISMap has changed.
ArcGISMap.BasemapChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when the Basemap of the ArcGISMap changes.
ArcGISMapImageLayer |
Displays data from an ArcGIS Map service by using dynamically generated map images.
ArcGISMapImageLayer.ImageFormat |
Defines image formats supported by a map image service.
ArcGISMapImageSublayer |
An ArcGIS map image sublayer.
ArcGISMapServiceInfo |
Represents the map service metadata for an ArcGIS Map Service.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo |
Represents the metadata for an ArcGIS Map Service sublayer, indicating a range of appearance and behaviour properties
as defined by the referenced map service.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo.ServiceType |
An enumeration of the different types of the ArcGIS Map Service sublayer.
ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment |
Defines an ArcGIS Runtime Environment object.
ArcGISRuntimeException |
An exception that represents an error in the ArcGIS Runtime.
ArcGISRuntimeException.ErrorDomain |
Defines an enumeration of domains of where errors occur.
ArcGISScene |
An ArcGISScene contains the layers of mapping data which are visualized in a SceneView.
ArcGISScene.BasemapChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the Basemap of the source has changed.
ArcGISScene.BasemapChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when the Basemap of the ArcGISScene changes.
ArcGISScene.SceneViewTilingScheme |
Defines types of tiling scheme used for tiled layers.
ArcGISSceneLayer |
A layer to visualize an ArcGIS scene service.
ArcGISSublayer |
ArcGISSublayer represents the base class for all sublayer types.
ArcGISTiledElevationSource |
A tile based elevation service.
ArcGISTiledLayer |
Displays data from a ArcGIS Map service using pre-generated tiles.
ArcGISTiledSublayer |
Represents a sublayer of a tiled map service.
ArcGISVectorTiledLayer |
Displays data from an ArcGIS vector tiled data source.
AreaUnit |
Indicates the units of an area measurement operation.
AreaUnitId |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used units of area measurement.
AtmosphereEffect |
Defines the atmosphere effect associated with the SceneView.
Attachment |
Represents a feature attachment.
AttachmentsPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type attachments that displays the attachments associated with a
geoelement in a pop-up.
AttributeParameterValue |
Represents an attribute and corresponding parameter name-value pair.
AttributeUnit |
Defines the units in which the cost values are measured.
AttributionTextChangedEvent |
An event representing a change in the attribution text of a GeoView .
AttributionTextChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving attribution text changed events from a GeoView .
AuthenticationChallenge |
Represents an authentication challenge that is presented upon encountering an authentication error.
AuthenticationChallenge.Type |
Specifies the different types of authentication challenges that can be raised.
AuthenticationChallengeHandler |
Interface for handling AuthenticationChallenge issues.
AuthenticationChallengeResponse |
Represents a response to an AuthenticationChallenge, indicating the action to be taken, and
potentially a parameter with which to complete the action.
AuthenticationChallengeResponse.Action |
Enum specifying the possible actions that can be taken in response to an AuthenticationChallenge.
AuthenticationManager |
Manages user authentication when connecting to secured services.
AuthenticationManager.CredentialCache |
Encapsulates a map of server contexts to credentials that may be used to access them.
AuthenticationManager.CredentialCache.CredentialCacheChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the CredentialCache has changed.
AuthenticationManager.CredentialCache.CredentialCacheChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when the CredentialCache changes.
AuthenticationType |
The supported authentication types.
BackgroundGrid |
BackgroundGrid determines what a view looks like without anything in it.
BarrierType |
Specifies whether a Barrier is causing the restriction in the Route or is just going to the increase the cost
of following the route.
Basemap |
A basemap is a non-editable layer that provides background, or reference information, in your map.
Basemap.Type |
BasemapStyle |
The list of basemap styles.
BaseStretchRenderer |
Defines a class common to all stretch renderers.
BingMapsLayer |
Displays Bing maps layers.
BingMapsLayer.Style |
The list of Bing maps layer styles.
BlendRenderer |
Extends a hillshade renderer with options to provide minimum and maximum stretch values, gamma adjustments, elevation
raster, color ramp.
Bookmark |
A spatial bookmark that identifies a particular geographic location and time on an ArcGISMap.
BookmarkList |
Represents the bookmarks of an ArcGISMap.
Callout |
Draws a callout on a MapView and manages its behavior.
Callout.ShowOptions |
Encapsulates a set of parameters that control how a callout is shown and dismissed.
Callout.Style |
Encapsulates a set of parameters that control how a callout looks.
Callout.Style.LeaderPosition |
Indicates the side or corner of a callout on which the leader is drawn.
Camera |
Represents an immutable camera object.
CameraController |
A CameraController defines how the interactions on a SceneView affect the position of the Camera .
CameraDistanceChangedEvent<S extends CameraController> |
An event that indicates that the distance between camera and the target has changed.
CameraDistanceChangedListener<S extends CameraController> |
The listener interface for receiving camera distance changed events from a CameraController .
CameraHeadingOffsetChangedEvent<S extends CameraController> |
An event that indicates that the camera heading offset has changed.
CameraHeadingOffsetChangedListener<S extends CameraController> |
The listener interface for receiving camera heading offset changed events from a CameraController .
CameraPitchOffsetChangedEvent<S extends CameraController> |
An event that indicates that the camera pitch offset has changed.
CameraPitchOffsetChangedListener<S extends CameraController> |
The listener interface for receiving camera pitch offset changed events from a CameraController .
CertificateCredential |
Represents a digital certificate used to access certificate secured resources.
ClassBreaksRenderer |
Defines a class breaks renderer which symbolizes each feature based on the value of some numeric field.
ClassBreaksRenderer.ClassBreak |
ClassBreaksRenderer.NormalizationType |
Defines the different normalization types that can be applied to values by a class breaks renderer.
ClassBreaksRenderer.RendererClassificationMethod |
The classification method used to generate class breaks.
ClosestFacilityParameters |
ClosestFacilityResult |
ClosestFacilityRoute |
ClosestFacilityTask |
A task to measure the cost of traveling between incidents and facilities and to determine which are nearest to one another.
ClosestFacilityTaskInfo |
Describes the transportation network that a closest facility is bound to.
CodedValue |
Represents a coded value object in a domain.
CodedValueDescription |
An object that describes a CodedValue to be created.
CodedValueDomain |
A domain which specifies an explicit set of valid values for a Field .
CodedValueDomainDescription |
Colormap |
Represents a raster color map.
ColormapRenderer |
Defines a renderer that uses a color map.
ColorRamp |
Represents a color ramp that can be applied to some of the raster renderers.
ColorRamp.PresetType |
Defines presets for type of color ramp.
CompositeSymbol |
Defines a Symbol that is made of a collection of zero or more symbols.
Contingency |
An object that defines a contingency.
ContingencyConstraintViolation |
An object that defines a contingency constraint violation.
ContingencyConstraintViolationType |
The different types of contingency constraint violations.
ContingentAnyValue |
An object that indicates any domain value is allowed in a contingency.
ContingentCodedValue |
An object that defines a coded value specified in a contingency.
ContingentNullValue |
An object that indicates a null value is allowed in a contingency.
ContingentRangeValue |
An object that defines a min and max range specified in a contingency.
ContingentValue |
An object that defines possible field values for fields participating in contingent field groups.
ContingentValuesDefinition |
An object that defines a contingent values definition.
ContingentValuesResult |
An object that defines possible values for a field in the context of the contingent field groups it participates in.
CoordinateFormatter |
Converts between Points and formatted coordinates notation strings such as
decimal degrees; degrees, minutes, and seconds; U.S.
CoordinateFormatter.GarsConversionMode |
Indicates the location of a point relative to a Global Area Reference System (GARS) cell.
CoordinateFormatter.LatitudeLongitudeFormat |
Supports the formats for representing latitude-longitude geographical coordinates as a string.
CoordinateFormatter.MgrsConversionMode |
Determines the lettering scheme and treatment of coordinates at 180 degrees longitude
when converting Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates.
CoordinateFormatter.UtmConversionMode |
Determines how latitude is designated in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) notation.
CostAttribute |
Represents the cost incurred while traversing a route.
Credential |
Defines the concept of a Credential, allowing various different types of authenticating credentials
to be passed to network requests.
Credential.CredentialChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that one or more properties of this Credential have changed.
Credential.CredentialChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when one or more properties of a Credential have changed.
CredentialCacheEntry |
Represents an entry in the credential cache.
CredentialChangedEvent |
Defines an event indicating that the Portal's Credential has changed.
CredentialChangedListener |
Defines a listener that is notified when the Portal's Credential has been changed.
CredentialPersistence |
This interface provides a means of persisting credentials as they are added, changed, or removed from the
AuthenticationManager.CredentialCache as well as loading persisted credentials into the credential cache.
CubicBezierSegment |
A cubic Bezier curve for use in a multipart geometry.
CurbApproach |
Specifies the direction a vehicle may arrive at and depart from the network location.
DashGeometricEffect |
Represents a GeometricEffect for dashes on lines.
DatumTransformation |
Represents a function to convert between the coordinate systems.
DefaultAuthenticationChallengeHandler |
Default implementation of the AuthenticationChallengeHandler interface to handle all security types that ArcGIS
supports (including OAuth).
DefaultMapViewOnTouchListener |
DefaultOAuthIntentReceiver |
Handles the receiving of an OAuth response intent from the OAuth browser page once a user
has entered their credentials.
DefaultSceneViewOnTouchListener |
Provides the default gesture handling behaviour for the SceneView.
DestinationStatus |
The list of route tracking destination statuses.
DeviceOrientation |
Describes the rotation of the device.
DictionaryRenderer |
DictionarySymbolStyle |
Defines a mechanism to obtain unique multi-layer symbol style from a given specification, such as mil2525d.
DictionarySymbolStyleConfiguration |
Configuration settings for a custom DictionarySymbolStyle.
DimensionLayer |
A layer that can visualize dimension features data.
DirectionEvent |
DirectionManeuver |
Represents an individual maneuver in a series of turn-by-turn driving directions.
DirectionManeuverType |
Indicates the type of a given DirectionManeuver.
DirectionMessage |
Represents the Directions String.
DirectionMessageType |
Specifies the type of a DirectionMessage.
DirectionsStyle |
Defines network directions output type.
DisplayFilter |
Represents a type used for limiting which features are rendered.
DisplayFilterDefinition |
Provides definition on how features are filtered from the display.
Distance |
Represents a distance which contains a value and its units.
DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol |
A type of Symbol that changes based on the distance, in meters, between the SceneView's Camera and GeoElement
that the Symbol is assigned to.
DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol.Range |
Links a Symbol to a minimum and maximum distance, in meters, from the SceneView's Camera at which this Symbol will
be visible between.
DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol.RangeCollection |
Represents a list of DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol.Range s which link a Symbol to a minimum and maximum distance, in meters, from the
SceneView's Camera which the Symbol is visible between.
Domain |
Represents a domain used to define and restrict the valid values for a Field .
DomainDescription |
An object that describes a domain to be created.
DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob |
A job to download an offline map area from an online map as part of the preplanned offline workflow.
DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters |
Parameters used for creating a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob .
DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult |
Represents the result of a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob created by an OfflineMapTask.
DrawingInfo |
Represents drawing information about a feature layer in an ArcGIS feature service or a sub-layer in an ArcGIS map service.
DrawStatus |
Represents the possible drawing states of a GeoView .
DrawStatusChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that the drawing state of a GeoView has changed.
DrawStatusChangedListener |
EditFieldsInfo |
Represents information about editor tracking fields: creationDateField, creatorField, editDateField, editorField and
EditorTrackingInfo |
Represents information about an ArcGIS feature service's editor tracking configuration.
EditResult |
EditResult.EditOperation |
ElevationServiceInfo |
Represents a Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service that is provided by the portal.
ElevationSource |
Abstract class representing elevation sources e.g.
EllipticArcSegment |
An elliptic arc segment for use in a multipart geometry.
EncCell |
Represents a single ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart) data source in S-57 data transfer format (*.000 file).
EncDataset |
EncEnvironmentSettings |
Represents settings for ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart) that are applied to all instances of
EncCell and EncLayer .
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings |
Represents various settings used to control display of features in all EncLayers .
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings |
Represents settings to control display of Independent Mariner Selections.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.AreaSymbolizationType |
Represents the type of symbols used to display area features.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.ColorScheme |
Represents various color schemes that effect all layers on the map.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.DisplayCategories |
Represents settings in the S-52 standard that allow selection of different display categories.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.DisplayDepthUnits |
Represents the units used to display soundings and contours.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.MarinerSettings.PointSymbolizationType |
Represents the type of symbol used to display point features.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.TextGroupVisibilitySettings |
Represents various display settings related to Text Groupings S-57 Objects and Attribute Acronyms as
defined in section 14.4 in the specification.
EncEnvironmentSettings.DisplaySettings.ViewingGroupSettings |
Represents various display settings related to the
ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems) viewing groups.
EncExchangeSet |
An Exchange set is a package of files that contains a catalog file and one or more S57 dataset files and other data.
EncFeature |
Represents a feature within an ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart).
EncLayer |
A layer that displays ENC data.
Envelope |
A geometry that represents a rectangular shape.
EnvelopeBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Envelope geometries.
EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption |
Enumerates options for downloading an Esri vector tiled basemap service.
EstimateTileCacheSizeJob |
A Job that estimates the size of a tile cache from a service.
EstimateTileCacheSizeResult |
Represents the estimated size of an exported tile cache.
Expiration |
Expiration details that indicate whether a given package is out of date.
ExpirationType |
Represents the types of expiration.
ExportTileCacheJob |
A Job that exports a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) from a service.
ExportTileCacheParameters |
Represents the input parameters for export tile cache operations.
ExportTileCacheTask |
A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx).
ExportVectorTilesJob |
A Job that exports a vector tile cache from an ArcGIS vector tiles service.
ExportVectorTilesParameters |
Represents the input parameters for an ExportVectorTilesTask operation.
ExportVectorTilesResult |
Represents the result of executing an ExportVectorTilesJob operation.
ExportVectorTilesTask |
A task used to export vector tiles and optionally a portal item's vector tile style resources.
ExpressionPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type expression that defines a pop-up element with an Arcade expression.
ExtendOptions |
ExtensionLicense |
Provides information about Runtime extension license.
Facility |
Represents facility.
FacilityLayerDefinition |
Defines the properties for the layer that contains facilities for a floor-aware map or scene.
Feature |
A representation of a real-world object on a map.
FeatureCollection |
FeatureCollectionLayer |
A layer that can visualize a feature collection.
FeatureCollectionTable |
FeatureEditResult |
An object that represents the results of an attempt to push an feature update to a feature service.
FeatureFenceParameters |
Geotrigger fence data created from features.
FeatureLayer |
A layer that can visualize vector/feature data.
FeatureLayer.RenderingMode |
The different modes of rendering features.
FeatureLayer.SelectionMode |
Represents the modes used for selecting features.
FeatureQueryResult |
Represents the result of a query on a FeatureTable.
FeatureServiceCapabilities |
Represents capabilities supported by an ArcGIS feature service, accessed from the feature layers info object ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo .
FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo |
Represents the metadata for a Feature service layer.
FeatureServiceSessionType |
An enumeration of the session types that control how multiple users access branch versioned data.
FeatureSet |
This interface encapsulates read-only properties that can be applied to all types of FeatureSets.
FeatureSubtype |
Defines a feature subtype.
FeatureTable |
FeatureTableEditResult |
FeatureTemplate |
Represents a feature template which may contain default, also known as prototype, attribute values for an ArcGISFeature 's Field s.
FeatureTemplate.DrawingTool |
Represents a drawing tool which can be used to digitize geometries.
FeatureTilingMode |
Feature tiling modes available to feature layers.
FeatureType |
A feature type represents a class (sometimes called sub-type) of feature that can be contained in an ArcGISFeatureTable .
FeatureTypeChangedEvent |
FeatureTypeChangedListener |
Defines a method that is called when the FeatureType of an ArcGISFeature changes from
one value to another when being edited in a Popup.
FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship |
The spatial relationship that determines when a fence has been entered or exited.
FenceGeotrigger |
FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode |
FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo |
FenceNotificationType |
FenceParameters |
FenceRuleType |
The rule or query that determines whether a FenceGeotrigger condition is met.
Field |
Field.Type |
The different row value types.
FieldDescription |
An object that describes a Field to be created.
FieldGroup |
An object that defines a field group.
FieldsPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type fields that defines an array of PopupField displayed
as a table within a pop-up for a geoelement.
FillSymbol |
Defines a FillSymbol's basic functionality and is base class for all FillSymbols.
FillSymbolLayer |
A base class for fill symbol layers.
FloorAware |
An interface that can be implemented by layers that support floor filtering.
FloorFacility |
A facility that contains one or more levels for a floor-aware map or scene.
FloorLevel |
A floor level within a facility for a floor-aware map or scene.
FloorManager |
Manages the data displayed by a floor-aware map or scene, allowing filtering based on floor levels.
FloorSite |
A site containing one or more facilities for a floor-aware map or scene.
FrameCameraAddRastersParameters |
Adds raster datasets to a MosaicDatasetRaster by setting various
parameters including the use of frame and camera text files.
FullTimeExtentChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the full time extent of a TimeAware object has changed.
FullTimeExtentChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving full time extent changed events from TimeAware objects.
GenerateGeodatabaseJob |
A Job that requests a feature service to generate a geodatabase file to be downloaded for off-line use.
GenerateGeodatabaseParameters |
GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.AttachmentSyncDirection |
Specifies the direction to synchronize attachments when a geodatabase is synchronized against its originating service.
GenerateLayerOption |
Used in conjunction with GenerateGeodatabaseParameters to refine what layers or tables are included and
allows filtering of features within these layers or tables.
GenerateLayerOption.QueryOption |
Control which features for a layer or table are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase.
GenerateOfflineMapJob |
A Job that generates an offline map from an online map.
GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides |
Gives access to the individual parameters objects that will generate the various geodatabase, vector tile and tile
cache packages that make up the data of an offline map.
GenerateOfflineMapParameters |
Represents the parameters that are used for creating a GenerateOfflineMapJob .
GenerateOfflineMapParameters.DestinationTableRowFilter |
Indicates whether tables will contain all rows or can be filtered to a smaller set of related rows.
GenerateOfflineMapParameters.OnlineOnlyServicesOption |
Enumerates the possible options for dealing with online-only services (those which cannot be taken offline).
GenerateOfflineMapParameters.ReturnLayerAttachmentOption |
Indicates the type of layers for which attachments will be included when taking feature layers offline.
GenerateOfflineMapResult |
Represents the result of a GenerateOfflineMapJob created by an OfflineMapTask.
GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode |
Defines the different modes for synchronization of features in a generated offline map.
GeocodeParameters |
Holds parameters to be passed to geocode operations.
GeocodeResult |
A match candidate returned from a LocatorTask geocode or reverse geocode operation.
GeocodeServiceInfo |
Represents a geocode service that is provided by the Portal.
Geodatabase |
A mobile geodatabase containing offline feature data.
Geodatabase.TransactionStatusChangedEvent<S extends Geodatabase> |
An event indicating that the transaction status has changed.
Geodatabase.TransactionStatusChangedListener |
Listens for the transaction status change when a transaction starts or ends (either committed or rolled back).
GeodatabaseDataset |
An interface of common part of functionality for all geodatabase datasets.
GeodatabaseDeltaInfo |
Represents the delta files created to synchronize changes to a Geodatabase .
GeodatabaseFeatureTable |
GeodatabaseSyncTask |
A task that can be used to create, download, and synchronize a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase from a sync-enabled ArcGIS
Feature service.
GeodesicEllipseParameters |
Defines parameters used to create a geodesic ellipse.
GeodesicSectorParameters |
Defines parameters used to create a geodesic sector.
GeodeticCurveType |
The different geodetic curve types.
GeodeticDistanceResult |
GeoElement |
Common interface for entities which possess both a geometry and attribute table.
GeoElementContingencyValidationErrorsChangedEvent |
The event is fired when the GeoElement's contingency validation errors are changed.
GeoElementContingencyValidationErrorsChangedListener |
Notifies the listener that the geo element contingency validation errors changed.
GeoElementContingencyValidationWarningsChangedEvent |
The event is fired when the geo element contingency validation warnings are changed.
GeoElementContingencyValidationWarningsChangedListener |
Notifies the listener that the geo element contingency validation warnings changed.
GeoElementLineOfSight |
GeoElement Line of Sight analysis calculates segments of visibility between two GeoElements.
GeoElementValidityChangedEvent |
GeoElementValidityChangedListener |
Defines a method that is called when a PopupManager's GeoElement changes from valid to invalid
or vice versa.
GeoElementViewshed |
GeoElementViewshed can be used to perform viewshed analysis from a location, known as an observer,
where the observer's location and direction are relative to those of the GeoElement.
GeoElementWarningsChangedEvent |
The event is fired when the geo element validation warnings are changed.
GeoElementWarningsChangedListener |
Notifies the listener that the geo element validation warnings changed.
GeographicTransformation |
Represents a function used to transform coordinates of geometries between spatial references that have two different
geographic coordinate systems.
GeographicTransformationStep |
Represents a step in the process of transforming coordinates from one datum to another.
GeometricEffect |
Represents a geometric effect which is a component of display rules that dynamically alter the representation of a
symbol layer.
Geometry |
Base class for all classes that represent geometric shapes.
GeometryBuilder |
Base class for builders that allow immutable geometries to be defined incrementally.
GeometryBuilderType |
The different types of geometry builders.
GeometryDimension |
Indicates the dimensionality of a Geometry, relating to the number of spatial dimensions in which the geometry may
have a size.
GeometryEngine |
GeometryOffsetType |
Defines the type of joints when calculating an offset from a geometry.
GeometryType |
Indicates the subtype of a Geometry.
GeoModel |
GeoModelFloorDefinition |
Contains floor-awareness settings for a map or scene.
GeoPackage |
A GeoPackage is an open, standards-based, platform-independent, portable, self-describing, compact format for
transferring geospatial information.
GeoPackageFeatureTable |
A GeoPackageFeatureTable supports core GeoPackage geometry types and represents them as Point, Multipoint, Polyline,
or Polygon.
GeoPackageRaster |
A GeoPackageRaster represents GeoPackage images of types PNG or JPEG.
GeoprocessingBoolean |
Corresponds to GPBoolean parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingDataFile |
Corresponds to GPDataFile parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingDate |
Corresponds to GPDate parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingDouble |
Corresponds to GPDouble parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingFeatures |
Corresponds to GPRecordSet and GPFeatureRecordSetLayer parameter types in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingFeatureSet |
GeoprocessingJob |
Geoprocessing job is used to run the geoprocessing task on the service.
GeoprocessingLinearUnit |
Corresponds to GPLinearUnit parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingLinearUnit.Unit |
The list of geoprocessing linear unit types.
GeoprocessingLong |
Corresponds to GPLong parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingMultiValue |
Corresponds to GPMultiValue parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingParameter |
Base class for all concrete parameters types that can be used in geoprocessing.
GeoprocessingParameter.Type |
Geoprocessing parameter types.
GeoprocessingParameterInfo |
Provides information on a single input or output parameter of a geoprocessing task.
GeoprocessingParameterInfo.Direction |
Defines whether a GeoprocessingParameterInfo represents an input or an output parameter.
GeoprocessingParameters |
Geoprocessing parameters contains input parameters that are sent to the target geoprocessing task.
GeoprocessingParameters.ExecutionType |
The list of geoprocessing execution types.
GeoprocessingRaster |
Corresponds to GPRasterData and GPRasterDataLayer parameter types in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingResult |
Contains output parameters returned from the service.
GeoprocessingString |
Corresponds to GPString parameter type in the service REST specification.
GeoprocessingTask |
The GeoprocessingTask class is used to run a geoprocessing task that is published as a web service.
GeoprocessingTaskInfo |
GeoprocessingUnknownParameter |
Represents an output parameter that is a new type of geoprocessing parameter that's not currently supported.
Geotrigger |
GeotriggerFeed |
GeotriggerMonitor |
GeotriggerMonitorNotificationEvent |
GeotriggerMonitorNotificationEventListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to GeotriggerMonitorNotificationEventListener events.
GeotriggerMonitorStatus |
GeotriggerMonitorStatusChangedEvent |
GeotriggerMonitorStatusChangedEventListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to GeotriggerMonitorStatusChangedEventListener events.
GeotriggerMonitorWarningChangedEvent |
GeotriggerMonitorWarningChangedEventListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to GeotriggerMonitoringErrorChangedEventListener events.
GeotriggerNotificationInfo |
Provides details about a Geotrigger condition that has been met.
GeotriggersInfo |
GeoView |
GeoView is a base class for MapView and SceneView (when available), these represent the View
in an Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, the Map and Scene that are set on these views represent the model.
GeoView.InteractionOptions |
Defines options to control user interactions with a GeoView.
GlobeCameraController |
Represents the default camera controller.
Graphic |
A Graphic consists of a Geometry , optional attributes , and is drawn on a map using a
symbol or renderer.
GraphicFenceParameters |
Geotrigger fence parameters data created from graphics.
GraphicsOverlay |
A GraphicsOverlay manages the display of one or more Graphic s on a GeoView.
GraphicsOverlay.RenderingMode |
Rendering modes available for graphics overlays
GraphicsOverlayFenceParameters |
Grid |
Represents options to display a grid on top of a MapView.
Grid.LabelPosition |
Represents options for positioning grid labels on the MapView.
GroupLayer |
A container for other layers and group layers.
GroupVisibilityMode |
Defines the visibility modes on a group layer.
HatchFillSymbolLayer |
Represents a symbol layer for polygon geometries that are filled with hatch lines, uniformly spaced parallel lines.
HeatmapRenderer |
Uses the points in a layer to calculate and display the relative density of points on a map.
HelperServices |
Container for helper services that are provided by the portal.
HillshadeRenderer |
Renderer that uses a hillshade.
HistogramEqualizationStretchParameters |
Represents histogram equalization stretch parameters.
HorizontalVerticalTransformation |
Used to transform coordinates of z-aware geometries between spatial references that have different
geographic and/or vertical coordinate systems.
HorizontalVerticalTransformationStep |
Represents a step in the process of transforming between horizontal and/or vertical datums.
HttpResponseException |
Signals a non 2xx HTTP response.
IconUpdatedEvent |
An event to be fired when the icon of a KmlNode has been updated.
IconUpdatedListener |
The listener interface for receiving the icon updated event of a KmlNode .
IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult |
Represents an identify result from a single GraphicsOverlay in a GeoView.
IdentifyLayerResult |
Represents an identify result at a specific screen location within a specific layer, using one of the
identifyLayersAsync methods on GeoView .
IdInfo |
ImageAdjustmentLayer |
Methods on this class allow a layer image's brightness, contrast and gamma to be changed.
ImageFrame |
A frame, when added to an ImageOverlay , renders an image on top of a map or scene.
ImageOverlay |
An overlay that contains a frame with an image to display in the view.
ImageServiceRaster |
ImageServiceRaster provides access to a raster that is retrieved from an ArcGIS image service.
ImageTiledLayer |
A base class for layers that display cached maps.
ImageTiledLayer.BufferSize |
Defines various relative buffer sizes used to indicate the number of
tiles that should be requested from outside the current extent of a
tiled layer.
ImageTiledLayer.NoDataTileBehavior |
Determines how a tile request that returns 'NoData' is resampled.
ImmutablePart |
ImmutablePartCollection |
ImmutablePointCollection |
Represents an immutable collection of Points that compose an immutable Multipoint geometry.
Incident |
Represents incident.
IndoorsLocationDataSource |
For the IPS (Indoors Positioning System) we need to collect radio data such as iBeacon BLE
(if user is inside) in and GPS (if user is outside).
InheritedDomain |
IntegratedMeshLayer |
Represents a layer that can visualize an integrated mesh layer.
Item |
Abstract base class for items of geographic information, providing metadata and also access to the item content.
ItemResourceCache |
Contains information on resources associated with a vector tile cache.
Job |
Represents the base class of a long running operation that is performed by an ArcGIS Server asynchronous service
Job.Message |
Represents a message indicating progress of a Job.
Job.MessageSeverity |
The different levels of severity of a job message.
Job.MessageSource |
The origin of a job message.
Job.Status |
Signifies the status of a Job.
JobMessage |
A message from a job.
JobMessageAddedEvent |
A callback invoked when a job message is added.
JobMessageAddedListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to JobMessageAdded events.
JsonEmbeddedException |
Represents a json embedded error from a service response, typically
indicates a token secured service that wasn't properly authenticated.
JsonSerializable |
Implemented by classes that can be serialized to and from JSON.
KmlAltitudeMode |
Determines how altitude values should be interpreted.
KmlColorMode |
Defines a KML color mode.
KmlColorStyle |
Defines how KmlNode will appear based on the specified color and KmlColorMode properties.
KmlContainer |
A KML container element holds one or more KML nodes and allows the creation of nested hierarchies.
KmlContainer.ListItemType |
The list of KML list item types.
KmlDataset |
A KML dataset object.
KmlDocument |
A KML document is a container for nodes and styles.
KmlFolder |
KmlGeometry |
A KML geometry contains all the KML specific information associated with a geometry.
KmlGeometry.Type |
The list of KML geometry types.
KmlGroundOverlay |
A KML ground overlay is an image overlay draped on to the terrain.
KmlIcon |
A KML icon.
KmlIconStyle |
A KML icon style.
KmlImageCoordinate |
A KML image coordinate system.
KmlLabelStyle |
Specifies how the name of a KmlNode is draw, including color and style.
KmlLayer |
A layer that can visualize KML data.
KmlLineStyle |
Specifies the drawing style (color, color mode, and line width) for all line geometry.
KmlNetworkLink |
A KML network link references other KML resources, locally or on the network.
KmlNetworkLinkMessageReceivedEvent |
An event that indicates that a network link control message is available.
KmlNetworkLinkMessageReceivedListener |
The listener interface for receiving network link control messages from a KmlDataset .
KmlNode |
A single node within a KML document.
KmlNode.RefreshStatus |
KML node refresh statuses.
KmlNodeBalloonVisibilityChangedEvent |
An event to be fired when a Kml node's balloon visibility is changed during a KML tour execution.
KmlNodeBalloonVisibilityChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving balloon visibility changed events for a KML node during a KML tour execution.
KmlNodeRefreshStatusChangedEvent |
An event to be fired when a Kml node's refresh status changes.
KmlNodeRefreshStatusChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving refresh status changed events for KML nodes.
KmlPhotoOverlay |
Photo overlays are a legacy KML feature.
KmlPlacemark |
A KML Placemark is a KML node associated with geometries.
KmlPlacemark.GraphicType |
The list of KML graphic types.
KmlPolygonStyle |
Specifies the drawing style for all polygons, including polygon extrusions (which look like buildings)
and line extrusions (which look like solid fences).
KmlRefreshMode |
KML refresh modes.
KmlScreenOverlay |
A KML screen overlay is an image overlay fixed to the screen.
KmlStyle |
Specifies the drawing style for a KmlNode .
KmlTour |
A KML tour is a type of KmlNode, it is usually associated with an executed playlist command.
KmlTourController |
Controls the execution of a KML tour on a SceneView.
KmlTourCurrentPositionChangedEvent |
An event to inform its listener when the current position of a KML tour changes.
KmlTourCurrentPositionChangedListener |
The interface for receiving current position changed events for a KML tour.
KmlTourStatus |
KML tour execution status.
KmlTourStatusChangedEvent |
An event to be fired when a Kml tour's status changed.
KmlTourStatusChangedListener |
The listener for receiving KML tour status changed events for a KmlTour.
KmlTourTotalDurationChangedEvent |
An event to inform its listener when the total duration of a KML tour changes.
KmlTourTotalDurationChangedListener |
The interface for receiving total duration changed events for a KML tour.
KmlUnitsType |
A KML units type.
KmlViewpoint |
A KML viewpoint contains information about a viewer's position, defined as either a
LookAt relationship
to another object or a camera.
KmlViewpoint.Type |
The list of view types.
KmlViewRefreshMode |
List of KML view refresh modes.
LabelAngle |
Specifies how to calculate the angular position and layout direction for labels on or around point feature symbols.
LabelAngleRotationType |
How the placement angle should be interpreted.
LabelBarrierWeight |
The weight of features when considered as barriers to labeling.
LabelDeconflictionStrategy |
The strategy for moving labels to avoid overlapping point symbols or higher priority labels.
LabelDefinition |
An object that defines the text, appearance, and position of labels for features within a given scale range.
LabelExpression |
Abstract base class for the different types of expressions that can be used to create label text.
LabelingInfo |
An object that defines the text, appearance and position of labels for features for a given scale range.
LabelingPlacement |
Defines the labeling placement options.
LabelLineConnection |
The strategy for whether line features with the same label, and matching end vertices, should be joined before
sharing a label.
LabelMultipartStrategy |
The strategy for the number of labels to be placed on a multipart feature.
LabelOverlapStrategy |
The strategy for whether another label is allowed to be placed over this feature or label.
LabelOverrunStrategy |
The strategy for whether a label should be visible at viewing scales where the feature is too small for the label to
LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy |
The strategy for whether labels should be removed if they have the same text as other labels,
to reduce clutter and free up space.
LabelRepeatStrategy |
The strategy for whether a label should have multiple copies created and placed along or across the same feature.
LabelStackAlignment |
The strategy for how multi-row (stacked) text should be horizontally aligned.
LabelStackBreakPosition |
The strategy for whether a row of text should be broken before or after it exceeds the ideal length.
LabelStackSeparator |
A separator character in a label, where a line break may be inserted in long text.
LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition |
The position where the separator character in a label will be written, if used.
LabelStackStrategy |
The strategy for whether the text should be stacked or wrapped, rather than place long trailing labels across the
LabelTextLayout |
The layout to use for label text, which can be either horizontal, straight, perpendicular, or follow the line
LabelTextOrientation |
The orientation of label text.
LatitudeLongitudeGrid |
Represents a grid consisting of east-west lines of latitude and north-south lines of longitude (also known as
LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat |
Represents the possible grid label distance formats that can be displayed to grid.
Layer |
The abstract base class of all layer types.
LayerContent |
A layer implements this interface to provide information about the layer
visibility, the layer legend, and the sub layers hierarchy.
LayerFloorDefinition |
Describes how features in a FloorAware layer are associated with floor levels of a facility.
LayerList |
Represents the operational layers of an ArcGISMap or the base or reference layers of a Basemap.
LayerSceneProperties |
A set of properties for displaying a layer or a graphics overlay in 3D space.
LayerSceneProperties.SurfacePlacement |
Handles the altitude of objects from a layer or graphics overlay in 3D space.
LayerTimeInfo |
Metadata about a Layer or Sublayers support for time.
LayerViewState |
A layer view state object.
LayerViewStateChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that the view state of a layer in a GeoView has changed.
LayerViewStateChangedListener |
LayerViewStatus |
The status of a layer in the GeoView .
LegendInfo |
Represents a single legend item.
LevelLayerDefinition |
Defines the properties of the layer that contains floor levels for a floor-aware map or scene.
LevelOfDetail |
Represents a single level of detail in a tiled map service.
License |
Provides methods to manage the license of the ArcGIS Runtime.
LicenseInfo |
Contains information for licensing an app from a portal instance.
LicenseLevel |
ArcGIS Runtime license levels.
LicenseResult |
Runtime license result information.
LicenseStatus |
Represents the status of license after it is applied.
LicenseType |
Type of license.
LightingMode |
Defines the Sun lighting mode associated with the SceneView .
LinearUnit |
Indicates the units of a linear distance, for example the units of a projected spatial reference, or
line measurement operation.
LinearUnitId |
Defines a list of the most commonly-used units of linear measurement.
LineOfSight |
Line of Sight analysis calculates segments of visibility between two points.
LineOfSight.TargetVisibility |
Specifies the target's visibility.
LineOfSight.TargetVisibilityChangedEvent |
An event indicating that the target visibility has changed.
LineOfSight.TargetVisibilityChangedListener |
Listener for changes in target visibility.
LineSegment |
Represents a straight line between a start and end Point.
LineSymbol |
Defines a LineSymbol's basic functionality and is the base class for all LineSymbols.
ListChangedEvent<T> |
Event indicating that an item has been added to or removed from a list that implements ListenableList.
ListChangedEvent.Action |
Indicates the type of change that occurred on the list.
ListChangedListener<E> |
Implement this interface to handle item added and removed events on a ListenableList instance.
ListenableFuture<V> |
A specialized Future that allows listeners to be set to run when the
asynchronous computation is done.
ListenableList<E> |
This interface defines a listenable version of a List.
Loadable |
An interface for loading metadata for an object.
LoadSettings |
Contains properties that set the rendering behavior for a map or scene as it loads.
LoadStatus |
The load status for the object.
LoadStatusChangedEvent |
An event which indicates that the load status of a Loadable changed.
LoadStatusChangedListener |
LocalFeatureEdit |
An object that represents a pending feature edit specifying
its edit operation and most recent edit time.
LocalFeatureEditsResult |
An object that represents the LocalFeatureEdit results in ascending order based on edit time.
LocalItem |
Defines a LocalItem.
LocalItem.Type |
Defines a LocalItem Type.
LocationDataSource |
An abstract data source that provides location updates to the associated MapView's LocationDisplay.
LocationDataSource.ErrorChangedListener |
LocationDataSource.HeadingChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving heading changed events from a LocationDataSource.
LocationDataSource.Location |
A location update provided by a LocationDataSource, consisting primarily of a Point representing a
geographical location, and attributes of location change such as the course (direction of travel), and the velocity
(speed of location change).
LocationDataSource.LocationChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving location changed events from a LocationDataSource.
LocationDataSource.Status |
The enumeration of possible LocationDataSource statuses.
LocationDataSource.StatusChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving status changed events from a LocationDataSource.
LocationDisplay |
Manages display of current location in a MapView.
LocationDisplay.AutoPanMode |
Defines how the MapView behaves when location updates are received.
LocationDisplay.AutoPanModeChangedEvent |
Holds information from a change to the AutoPanMode of a LocationDisplay.
LocationDisplay.AutoPanModeChangedListener |
Defines methods that are called when the AutoPanMode of a LocationDisplay changes.
LocationDisplay.DataSourceStatusChangedEvent |
Holds information from a change to the status of a LocationDataSource.
LocationDisplay.DataSourceStatusChangedListener |
Defines methods that are called when the LocationDataSource of a LocationDisplay is started or stopped.
LocationDisplay.LocationChangedEvent |
Holds information from a change to the Location of a LocationDisplay.
LocationDisplay.LocationChangedListener |
Defines methods that are called when the Location of a LocationDisplay changes.
LocationDistanceMeasurement |
LocationDistanceMeasurement measures the distance between a start and an end location (each using
Point geometry).
LocationDistanceMeasurement.MeasurementChangedEvent |
Represents the event for changes in distances.
LocationDistanceMeasurement.MeasurementChangedListener |
Listener for changes in the distances.
LocationGeotriggerFeed |
LocationLineOfSight |
Location Line of Sight analysis calculates segments of visibility between two Point objects.
LocationStatus |
Specifies the status of location of a Stop or a PointBarrier.
LocationToScreenResult |
Combines a 2D screen point and visibility of a location in a SceneView .
LocationToScreenResult.SceneLocationVisibility |
Modes of visibility that can occur in a LocationToScreenResult.
LocationViewshed |
LocatorAttribute |
Represents an attribute that can be used as input to multi-line geocode operations.
LocatorAttribute.Type |
Signifies the type of a LocatorAttribute.
LocatorInfo |
Holds information about a LocatorTask.
LocatorTask |
A task used to convert an address to a point (geocode) or vice-versa (reverse geocode).
ManualDisplayFilterDefinition |
Filter features from the display based on the specified active display filter.
MapRotationChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that rotation of the MapView has changed.
MapRotationChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving rotation changed events from a MapView .
MapScaleChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that scale of the MapView has changed.
MapScaleChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving scale changed events from a MapView .
MapServiceCapabilities |
Indicates the capabilities of an ArcGIS map service, including whether it supports exporting map images, data
and query operations.
MapServiceLayerIdInfo |
Represents the sub layer metadata for a Map service.
MapSublayerSource |
A map sublayer source refers to a layer in the current map service.
MapView |
A MapView renders the data from an ArcGISMap in an Android layout, and allows users to interact with the map.
MapView.InteractionOptions |
Options to control user interactions with a MapView.
MapView.OnTouchListener |
Defines single and multitouch gesture events that can occur on the MapView, such as a multi-pointer tap.
MarkerSceneSymbol |
Defines a MarkerSceneSymbol which is a SceneSymbol based on simple 3D geometries (e.g., sphere) or 3D models (e.g.,
COLLADA file format):
Color, color of the symbol.
Width, width of the symbol .
Height, height of the symbol .
Depth, depth of the symbol .
Pitch, pitch of the symbol.
Roll, roll of the symbol.
Heading, heading of the symbol.
MarkerSymbol |
Defines a MarkerSymbol's basic functionality and is the base class for all MarkerSymbols, including TextSymbols.
MarkerSymbol.AngleAlignment |
Defines whether the rotation of a Symbol is relative to the map or the user's screen.
MarkerSymbolLayer |
A base class for marker symbol layer, representing a symobl layer used to display a marker.
MediaPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type media that defines an individual or array of chart and/or image
to display in a pop-up for a geoelement.
MgrsGrid |
Represents a MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) for displaying on a MapView.
MgrsGrid.LabelUnit |
Represents the possible grid label distance units that can be displayed to grid.
MinMaxStretchParameters |
Represents a minimum/maximum stretch parameters.
MismatchedHostnameException |
Represents an exception caused by an SSL certificate whose hostname does not match the common
name or any of the subject alternative domain names specified in the certificate.
MobileBasemapLayer |
A layer that can visualize the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package.
MobileMapPackage |
A mobile map package.
MobileScenePackage |
A mobile scene package.
ModelSceneSymbol |
A marker symbol based on a 3D model that can be displayed in a scene by a
SceneView .
MosaicDatasetRaster |
Represents a geodatabase model designed for managing collection of images.
MosaicMethod |
Enumerates mosaic method types.
MosaicOperation |
Enumerates mosaic operation types.
MosaicRule |
A rule determining how a requested image should participate in the mosaic.
MultilayerPointSymbol |
Used to render point or multipoint geometries, these symbols are built from multiple layers of symbols.
MultilayerPolygonSymbol |
Used to render polygon geometries, these symbols are built from multiple layers of symbols.
MultilayerPolylineSymbol |
Used to render polyline geometries, these symbols are built from multiple layers of symbols.
MultilayerSymbol |
A base class for multilayer symbols.
Multipart |
Defines common members for polyline and polygon multipart geometries.
MultipartBuilder |
Represents a builder for geometries made up of multiple parts, such as Polyline and Polygon .
Multipoint |
An ordered collection of points that can be managed as a single geometry.
MultipointBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Multipoint geometries.
NavigationChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that the navigation status of a GeoView has changed.
NavigationChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving navigation changed events from a GeoView .
NavigationConstraint |
The options for constraining navigation based on the surface elevation.
NetworkDirectionsSupport |
The various types of directions support.
NetworkLocation |
Represents a specific location/position along a transportation network source feature.
NmeaAccuracyType |
The list of NMEA accuracy types.
NmeaFixType |
The list of NMEA fix types.
NmeaGnssSystem |
Enumeration of supported GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) systems.
NmeaLocationDataSource |
This object will parse specific NMEA messages pushed into it.
NmeaLocationDataSource.NmeaLocation |
An NMEA location object.
NmeaLocationDataSource.SatellitesChangedEvent |
An event representing a change of satellite information.
NmeaLocationDataSource.SatellitesChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving satellite changed events.
NmeaSatelliteInfo |
An NMEA satellite info object.
OAuthConfiguration |
OAuthLoginManager |
OAuthTokenCredential |
Encapsulates a credential created from the OAuth workflow.
OAuthTokenCredentialRequest |
Performs a request to retrieve an OAuthTokenCredential.
OfflineCapability |
Describes whether a layer or table can be included in an offline map.
OfflineMapCapabilities |
Represents the capability of taking an online map's layers and tables offline.
OfflineMapItemInfo |
Contains metadata for an offline map item.
OfflineMapParametersKey |
Represents a key comprised of a service URL and a type of an online service.
OfflineMapParametersKey.Type |
Indicates the type of parameters object used to take layers offline.
OfflineMapSyncJob |
A Job that synchronizes an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services.
OfflineMapSyncLayerResult |
Represents the result of an OfflineMapSyncJob for a single layer or table.
OfflineMapSyncParameters |
Represents the parameters that are used to create an OfflineMapSyncJob.
OfflineMapSyncResult |
Represents the result of an OfflineMapSyncJob created by an OfflineMapSyncTask.
OfflineMapSyncTask |
A task used to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services.
OfflineMapTask |
A task used to take a map offline.
OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities |
Describes supported methods for obtaining updates for an offline map.
OfflineMapUpdatesInfo |
Provides information on the available updates for an offline map.
OfflineSettings |
Settings in an online web map which the author has configured for offline use.
OfflineUpdateAvailability |
Enumerates whether offline data has updates, has no updates, or that the availability of updates cannot be
OgcAxisOrder |
Represents the different ways to treat the x/y coordinates order.
OgcFeatureCollectionInfo |
Provides the metadata of a layer (feature collection) in an "OGC API - Features" service.
OgcFeatureCollectionTable |
An OGC API - Features feature collection table.
OgcFeatureService |
Represents an "OGC API - Features" service.
OgcFeatureServiceInfo |
Provides the metadata for an "OGC API - Features" service.
OpenStreetMapLayer |
A layer that requests images from OpenStreetMap servers.
OrbitGeoElementCameraController |
Represents a camera controller that restricts the scene view's camera to a (possibly moving) GeoElement .
OrbitLocationCameraController |
Represents a camera controller that restricts the scene view's camera to orbit a fixed location.
OriginCameraChangedEvent |
An event representing the change of the origin camera of a TransformationMatrixCameraController.
OriginCameraChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving origin camera changed events from a TransformationMatrixCameraController.
OwnershipBasedAccessControlInfo |
Represents information about the ownership-based access control for the features of a feature service layer.
Part |
Represents a mutable collection of Segment s that define the shape of a part of a Multipart
geometry under construction.
PartCollection |
PercentClipStretchParameters |
Represents a percent clip stretch parameters.
PictureFillSymbol |
Uses an image to symbolize the fill for a polygon geoelement.
PictureFillSymbolLayer |
Represents a polygon geometry filled with an image.
PictureMarkerSymbol |
Uses an image to symbolize geoelements that have point or multipoint geometry.
PictureMarkerSymbolLayer |
PictureMarkerSymbolLayers can be used to symbolize point geometries with an image.
PinchToZoomGestureDetector |
Implements a scale gesture detector for pinch-to-zoom gestures which can be used as an alternative
to ScaleGestureDetector with the DefaultMapViewOnTouchListener .
PixelType |
Various types of pixel, also known as bit depth, in a raster.
Point |
A location defined by x and y (and optionally z) coordinates.
PointBarrier |
Represents a point barrier that can be used to constrain routes generated by RouteTask .
PointBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Point geometries.
PointCloudLayer |
Represents a layer that can visualize a point cloud layer.
PointCollection |
Polygon |
A multipart shape used to represent an area.
PolygonBarrier |
Represents a polygon barrier that can be used to constrain routes generated by RouteTask .
PolygonBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Polygon geometries.
Polyline |
A multipart linear shape.
PolylineBarrier |
Represents a polyline barrier that can be used to constrain routes generated by RouteTask .
PolylineBuilder |
Helper class for building immutable Polyline geometries.
Popup |
Represents the combination of a PopupDefinition and a GeoElement , which
allows a visual representation of the GeoElement's attributes as well as the ability
to edit them.
PopupAttachment |
Represents an attachment to a Popup, which contains the attachment data
and some additional metadata about the attachment.
PopupAttachment.EditState |
The edit state of attachments in a PopupAttachmentManager.
PopupAttachment.Type |
The type of attachments in a PopupAttachmentManager
PopupAttachmentManager |
Manages PopupAttachments for a Popup.
PopupAttachmentsDisplayType |
The type indicating how to display the attachments.
PopupDefinition |
PopupElement |
Represents an element that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement.
PopupExpression |
Defines an Arcade expression within a pop-up.
PopupExpression.ReturnType |
The type of the result returned by an Arcade expression.
PopupExpressionEvaluation |
The result of an attempt to evaluate a popup expression.
PopupField |
Represents how a geoelement's attribute (field) should be displayed in a pop-up.
PopupField.StringFieldOption |
Type of input box editors see when editing the field in a pop-up.
PopupFieldFormat |
Represents the formatting of a field when used in the application.
PopupFieldFormat.DateFormat |
Format of a date field in a pop-up.
PopupManager |
Manages the viewing and editing of a Popup.
PopupManager.FeatureTypeChangeMode |
Specifies the way that a feature type change should occur.
PopupMedia |
Represents the media that is displayed in a pop-up for a geo-element.
PopupMedia.Type |
Type of media in a pop-up.
PopupMediaValue |
Represents the media info values correlating to the type of media.
PopupRelatedFeaturesDefinition |
Contains information about displaying related features in a popup.
PopupRelatedFeaturesSortOrder |
Defines the order in which related features of a particular relationship are sorted for displaying in a popup.
PopupSource |
An interface to classes that support pop-up and have a PopupDefinition.
Portal |
Represents an information portal such as ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.
Portal.LoginType |
Signifies the login type for a portal.
Portal.Mode |
Signifies the tenancy mode of a portal.
PortalFolder |
Represents a sub folder in the root folder of a user.
PortalGroup |
Represents a group within a portal.
PortalGroup.Access |
Signifies the level of access to a portal group, which determines who can access the content of the group.
PortalGroup.SortField |
Signifies the field that items in a portal group are sorted by.
PortalGroup.SortOrder |
Signifies the sort order for items in a portal group.
PortalGroupContentSearchParameters |
Contains search parameters suitable for finding portal items that belong to a portal group.
PortalGroupContentSearchResultSet |
Represents the results of a Group Content Search operation performed on a PortalGroup.
PortalGroupUsers |
Holds the administrators and users for a portal group.
PortalInfo |
Provides information about a Portal as seen by the current user, anonymous or logged in.
PortalInfo.Access |
Signifies the level of access to a portal or organization for anonymous users.
PortalItem |
Represents an item (a unit of content) stored in an ArcGIS portal.
PortalItem.Access |
Signifies the level of access to a portal item.
PortalItem.Type |
Represents the type of an item stored in an ArcGIS portal.
PortalItemComment |
Holds the content of a comment on a portal item.
PortalItemContentParameters |
Specifies the content for a new portal item to be added.
PortalItemContentParameters.PortalItemContentType |
Specifies the type of content represented by a PortalItemContentParameters instance.
PortalItemGroups |
Represents the groups a portal item belongs to.
PortalItemMoveError |
PortalItemRelationship |
PortalItemRelationshipDirection |
An enumeration of PortalItem relationship directions.
PortalPrivilege |
Represents a particular privilege possessed by a portal user.
PortalPrivilege.Realm |
Signifies the realm a privilege belongs to.
PortalPrivilege.Role |
Signifies the user role a privilege belongs to.
PortalPrivilege.Subtype |
An enumeration of the fine-grained operation subtypes a portal privilege can permit.
PortalPrivilege.Type |
Signifies the particular type of operation a privilege permits.
PortalQueryParameters |
Contains query parameters suitable for finding content or groups contained in a portal.
PortalQueryParameters.SortOrder |
Signifies the sort order, indicating whether results are returned in ascending or descending order.
PortalQueryResultSet<T> |
Represents the results of queries performed on a Portal.
PortalUser |
Represents a registered user of a portal.
PortalUser.Access |
Signifies the level of access to a portal user, which determines who can access the user descriptive
PortalUser.Role |
Signifies the role in the organization of a portal user.
PortalUserContent |
Represents user content in a folder.
PreplannedMapArea |
Represents a single preplanned offline map area.
PreplannedPackagingStatus |
Enumerates the different packaging states that an online PreplannedMapArea can be in.
PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption |
Defines the various options for downloading read-only preplanned updates from an online map area.
PreplannedUpdateMode |
Different modes for how updates are obtained for a preplanned offline map area.
ProximityResult |
QueryParameters |
Represents the input parameters for a query.
QueryParameters.OrderBy |
Represents the field the results are sorted by, and the sort order.
QueryParameters.SortOrder |
Represents the the order in which results of a query are sorted.
QueryParameters.SpatialRelationship |
Defines the spatial relationship between the geometry set on QueryParameters and the geometry of a feature table's feature.
RangeDomain |
A range domain specifies a valid range of attribute values for a numeric Field .
RangeDomainDescription |
Raster |
Represents raster data that can be rendered using a RasterLayer .
RasterCell |
RasterElevationSource |
A raster based elevation source.
RasterFunction |
Represents operations that can be performed on one or more rasters or a mosaic dataset by applying on-the-fly
RasterFunctionArguments |
Represents arguments associated with a raster function.
RasterLayer |
Displays raster data in a map or scene.
RasterRenderer |
RasterSublayerSource |
Raster sublayer source is a file-based raster that resides in a raster workspace that has been registered with a service that supports Dynamic Layers.
RefreshStatusChangedEvent |
An event to be fired when a KML node's refresh status changes.
RefreshStatusChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving refresh status changed events for a KML node.
RelatedFeatureQueryResult |
Represents the results of a related tables query.
RelatedQueryParameters |
Represents the query parameters to perform a related query operation.
RelationshipCardinality |
An enumeration of the different cardinalities of feature table relationships.
RelationshipConstraintViolation |
The various constraint violations that may occur when relating two features.
RelationshipInfo |
Represents the relationship info for a table relationship.
RelationshipRole |
An enumeration of the different roles of feature table relationships.
RemoteResource |
An interface implemented by classes needing to access network-enabled resources which might be secured.
Renderer |
Base class for Renderers and used to draw Features or Graphics to a GeoView.
Renderer.SceneProperties |
This represents renderer properties applicable only to an ArcGISScene.
Renderer.SceneProperties.ExtrusionMode |
RenderingRule |
RenderingRuleInfo |
Represents information about a rendering rule that is predefined on an ArcGIS Image Service.
RequestConfiguration |
Specifies configuration settings that apply to network requests such as the maximum number of retries or a timeout.
ReroutingParameters |
Represents the parameters that are used to perform automatic re-routing if off-route while navigating along a route.
RestrictionAttribute |
Specifies a transportation network restriction attribute.
ReverseGeocodeParameters |
Holds parameters to be passed to reverse geocode operations.
RGBRenderer |
Defines a renderer that allows you to combine bands as red, green, and blue.
RGBRenderer.PansharpenType |
Panchromatic sharpening uses a higher-resolution panchromatic image (or raster band) to fuse with a
lower-resolution multiband raster dataset.
RotationType |
Defines the type of rotation applied to a Symbol.
Route |
RouteParameters |
Represents input parameters for computing routes using RouteTask .
RouteResult |
RouteShapeType |
Specifies the type of shape output for a route.
RouteTask |
A task to compute routes and turn-by-turn directions.
RouteTaskInfo |
Represents metadata about the network analyst service or dataset used by RouteTask
RouteTracker |
Uses a location to provide status and progress updates as a route is traversed (by a moving vehicle, for example).
RouteTracker.NewVoiceGuidanceEvent |
The new voice guidance event.
RouteTracker.NewVoiceGuidanceListener |
A listener that is notified when a new voice guidance is available.
RouteTracker.RerouteCompletedEvent |
The reroute completed event.
RouteTracker.RerouteCompletedListener |
A listener that is notified when the route tracker completes rerouting.
RouteTracker.RerouteStartedEvent |
The reroute started event.
RouteTracker.RerouteStartedListener |
A listener that is notified when the route tracker starts rerouting.
RouteTracker.ReroutingStrategy |
The route tracker's rerouting strategy.
RouteTracker.SpeechEngineReadyEvent |
RouteTracker.SpeechEngineReadyListener |
Defines the callback listener to listen to SpeechEngineReadyListener events.
RouteTracker.TrackingStatusChangedEvent |
Tracking status changed event.
RouteTracker.TrackingStatusChangedListener |
A listener that is notified when the tracking status is updated.
RouteTrackerLocationDataSource |
A location data source that uses a route tracker and a generic location data source to output
locations snapped to a route.
ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition |
Filter features from the display based on the current map scale.
ScaleRangeDisplayFilter |
A DisplayFilter that is applied on the layer based on the provided scale range.
SceneSymbol |
Defines a SceneSymbol's basic functionality and is the base class for all SceneSymbols.
SceneSymbol.AnchorPosition |
Defines the placement of a SceneSymbol relative to the GeoElement's geometry it is assigned to.
SceneView |
A SceneView renders the data from an ArcGISScene in an Android layout, and allows users to interact with the scene.
Segment |
A segment represents an edge of a multipart geometry, connecting a start to an end point.
SelectedVertexChangedEvent |
An event representing the selection change of the SketchVertex during a sketching session.
SelectedVertexChangedListener |
The listener interface to get notified when the selected vertex during a sketch edit session changes.
SelectionProperties |
Represents selection properties for selecting graphics and features in a GeoView.
SelfSignedCertificateException |
Represents an exception caused by requesting resources from a service with a self
signed SSL certificate.
SelfSignedCertificateListener |
Interface for the listener to handle self-signed certificates.
SelfSignedResponse |
Represents the response from a user defined SelfSignedCertificateListener .
ServiceAreaFacility |
Represents service area facility.
ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry |
Service area overlap geometry.
ServiceAreaParameters |
Represents input parameters for computing service area using ServiceAreaTask .
ServiceAreaPolygon |
ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry |
Service area polygon cutoff geometry.
ServiceAreaPolygonDetail |
Specifies the level of detail of the output polygons.
ServiceAreaPolyline |
ServiceAreaResult |
ServiceAreaTask |
A task to compute areas that can be serviced (reached) from a given location using an ArcGIS Network Analyst service.
ServiceAreaTaskInfo |
Represents metadata about the network analyst service used by ServiceAreaTask .
ServiceCurveGeometryMode |
How curve geometries are fetched from and sent to services that support curves.
ServiceDocumentInfo |
Provides various information about the map service such as title, author, keywords and comments.
ServiceFeatureTable |
A feature table created from the URL to an ArcGIS feature service.
ServiceFeatureTable.FeatureRequestMode |
ServiceFeatureTable.QueryFeatureFields |
ServiceGeodatabase |
ServiceImageTiledLayer |
A base class for layers which display tiles from a service.
ServiceSourceType |
An enumeration of the different types of ArcGIS Server services.
ServiceTimeInfo |
ServiceTimeInfo.TimeRelation |
Indicates how the start and end time of the time slider extent are processed.
ServiceVersionInfo |
Represents version metadata for a version in a branch-versioned feature service.
ServiceVersionParameters |
The parameters used to create a new version in a branch-versioned feature service.
ShapefileFeatureTable |
Represents a shapefile table.
ShapefileInfo |
Contains metadata information about a shapefile.
SharedPreferencesCredentialPersistence |
An implementation of CredentialPersistence that can be used to persist credentials to internal storage for
re-use between application sessions.
SimpleFillSymbol |
Defines a SimpleFillSymbol which is a FillSymbol based on simple pre-defined patterns.
SimpleFillSymbol.Style |
Defines the fill style for a SimpleFillSymbol.
SimpleLabelExpression |
An expression script using the Simple REST language.
SimpleLineSymbol |
Defines a SimpleLineSymbol which is a LineSymbol based on simple patterns.
SimpleLineSymbol.MarkerPlacement |
An enum that contains the possible marker placement locations on a SimpleLineSymbol.
SimpleLineSymbol.MarkerStyle |
An enum that contains the possible marker styles to be placed at the ends of a SimpleLineSymbol.
SimpleLineSymbol.Style |
The list of possible simple line symbol styles.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol |
Used to draw point or multipoint features on a layer using a 3D marker symbol.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol.Style |
Defines the marker style for this SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol.
SimpleMarkerSymbol |
Defines a SimpleMarkerSymbol which is a MarkerSymbol based on simple shapes.
SimpleMarkerSymbol.Style |
Defines the marker style for this SimpleMarkerSymbol.
SimpleRenderer |
A SimpleRenderer uses one Symbol and draws all Features/Graphics using that Symbol.
SimulatedLocationDataSource |
A location data source that provides simulated device locations for testing.
SimulationParameters |
Parameters to control how locations are created from a simulated route of travel (Polyline).
SiteLayerDefinition |
Defines the properties of the layer that contains sites for a floor-aware map or scene.
SketchCreationMode |
Defines what type of geometry is going to be sketched during a SketchEditor session.
SketchEditConfiguration |
Defines the edit capabilities of the SketchEditor in a sketching session.
SketchEditConfiguration.SketchVertexEditMode |
Defines how vertices respond to user interaction.
SketchEditor |
Represents a sketch editor that allows users to interactively sketch geometries on the map view.
SketchGeometryChangedEvent |
An event representing a change of the geometry in the sketch editor.
SketchGeometryChangedListener |
SketchStyle |
Defines a set of styles used for the visual appearance of the sketch geometry during editing.
SketchVertex |
Represents a point location (in map coordinates) and position (in the collections of parts, vertices and mid-vertices)
of the sketch editor.
SlopeType |
Defines a SlopeType.
SolidFillSymbolLayer |
Represents a symbol layer used to fill a polygon geometry with a solid color.
SolidStrokeSymbolLayer |
Represents a polyline geometry symbolized with a solid color.
SourceObjectPosition |
Represents the SourceObjectPosition.
SpaceEffect |
Defines the effect used for the background of the SceneView.
SpatialReference |
Defines how coordinates correspond to locations in the real world.
SpatialReferenceChangedEvent |
An event that indicates that the spatial reference of a GeoView has changed.
SpatialReferenceChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving spatial reference changed events from a GeoView .
SpatialReferences |
Provides helper methods that return instances of the most common types of SpatialReference .
StandardDeviationStretchParameters |
Represents a standard deviation stretch parameters.
StartTimeUsage |
Specifies the type of start time usage.
StatisticDefinition |
Defines a statistic type and field to be used for statistics query in the FeatureTable .
StatisticRecord |
Represents the statistic value for a particular field.
StatisticsQueryParameters |
Represents the input parameters for defining a statistics query.
StatisticsQueryResult |
Represents the results of a statistics query.
StatisticType |
Defines the statistic type that can be calculated for non-null values in a field of a FeatureTable.
Stop |
Represent stops - locations that must be visited along a route.
Stop.Type |
Specifies the type of a route stop.
StretchParameters |
Represents a marker interface to indicate stretch parameters.
StretchRenderer |
Defines a renderer that displays continuous raster cell values across a gradual ramp of colors.
StrokeSymbolLayer |
Represents a symbol layer intended for use with line geometries.
StrokeSymbolLayer.CapStyle |
The cap style describes the way that line symbol layers will terminate when combined with a geometry.
StrokeSymbolLayer.LineStyle3D |
The 3D line style describes the way that line symbol layers will render in 3D.
SublayerList |
SublayerSource |
SubscriptionInfo |
Contains information about the user's subscription.
SubscriptionInfo.State |
Signifies the state of the user's subscription.
SubtypeFeatureLayer |
A layer that can visualize feature data with different visibility, rendering, popup
properties, and so on for some or all of the subtypes in an ArcGISFeatureTable .
SubtypeSublayer |
A sublayer that allows custom rendering for features of a particular subtype.
SuggestParameters |
Holds parameters to be passed to suggest operations.
SuggestResult |
Represents an instance of a result from a suggest operation.
Surface |
A Surface is a collection of ElevationSources where the order will determine how the elevations are blended together
for each level of detail.
Surface.ElevationSourceList |
Represents the list of ElevationSources in a Surface.
Symbol |
Defines a generic symbol and is the base class for all symbols.
SymbolAnchor |
Represents the anchor point of a symbol layer, including placement mode and anchor position values.
SymbolAnchor.PlacementMode |
Represents the ways in which symbol anchor values may be specified.
SymbolLayer |
SymbolReferenceProperties |
Symbol properties that changes how symbols behave when attached to a renderer.
SymbolSizeUnits |
Represents possible size units for ModelSceneSymbols.
SymbolStyle |
A SymbolStyle is created either from a style file on disk (an SQLite database with a .stylx extension, created
with ArcGIS Pro) or from a style file hosted on ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal (also referred to as
a web style).
SymbolStyleSearchParameters |
Defines parameters used to search for symbol primitives in a SymbolStyle .
SymbolStyleSearchResult |
Defines the results from searching through a *.stylx file.
SyncCapabilities |
Instances of this class represent capabilities supported by a sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service.
SyncGeodatabaseJob |
A Job that synchronizes changes between a local geodatabase and an ArcGIS feature service.
SyncGeodatabaseParameters |
SyncGeodatabaseParameters.SyncDirection |
Signifies the geodatabase synchronization direction.
SyncLayerOption |
SyncLayerResult |
SyncModel |
Defines the various geodatabase sync models
TableDescription |
TableJoinSublayerSource |
A table join sublayer source is the result of a join operation.
TableJoinSublayerSource.JoinType |
TableQuerySublayerSource |
Table query sublayer source is a layer/table that is defined by an SQL query.
TableSublayerSource |
Table sublayer source is a table, feature class, or raster that resides in a workspace that has been registered with a service that supports Dynamic Layers.
TextAntiAliasingMode |
An enumeration of the different text antialiasing modes.
TextPopupElement |
Represents a pop-up element of type text that defines descriptive text as an element to display in
a pop-up for a geoelement.
TextSymbol |
Defines how text is displayed, describing the appearance and positioning of the text.
TextSymbol.FontDecoration |
Defines various decorations that can be applied to the text of this Symbol.
TextSymbol.FontStyle |
Defines various styles that can be applied to the text of this Symbol.
TextSymbol.FontWeight |
Defines how thick or thin the characters in text appear.
TextSymbol.HorizontalAlignment |
Defines horizontal alignment of the text within the Symbol.
TextSymbol.VerticalAlignment |
Defines vertical alignment of the text within the Symbol.
TileCache |
A local cache of pre-rendered map tiles that can be used to create a layer.
TileCache.StorageFormat |
The storage format of a tile cache.
TileInfo |
Represents the tiling scheme used by a cached map service.
TileInfo.ImageFormat |
Defines image formats supported by cached map services.
TileKey |
Represents a key that uniquely identifies a tile.
TimeAware |
An interface that is implemented by layers that support time.
TimeExtent |
Represents a span of time between a start time and end time.
TimeExtentChangedEvent |
An event representing a change in the time extent of a GeoView .
TimeExtentChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving time extent changed events from a GeoView .
TimeReference |
Represents information about the reference units for time values.
TimeUnit |
The units of time used in a service, layer or sublayer which support time based operations.
TimeValue |
Defines a time offset or interval.
TrackingStatus |
Contains information about route tracker status.
TrackingStatus.Distance |
Defines tracking distance.
TrackingStatus.Progress |
Defines tracking progress (passed and remaining geometries, remaining time and distance).
TransformationCatalog |
Allows discovery and management of the transformations used to convert coordinates between different datums.
TransformationMatrix |
Represents a more precise way to represent Camera properties than using just heading, pitch and roll.
TransformationMatrixCameraController |
Support camera navigation by using TransformationMatrix.
TranslationFactorChangedEvent |
An event representing the change of the translation factor of a TransformationMatrixCameraController.
TranslationFactorChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving translation factor changed events from a TransformationMatrixCameraController.
TransportationNetworkDataset |
Implements the transportation network dataset.
TravelDirection |
Specifies the type of travel direction.
TravelMode |
Represents options that can be used to customize the routes generated by RouteTask .
UniqueValueRenderer |
A UniqueValueRenderer symbolizes groups of geoelements that have matching attributes.
UniqueValueRenderer.UniqueValue |
A UniqueValue object that is used in a UniqueValueRenderer.
Unit |
Defines a unit of measurement.
UnitSystem |
Specifies the system of measurement being used to represent distance units.
UnitType |
Indicates the subtype of an instance of Unit .
UnknownLayer |
Represents a layer whose type could not be determined.
UnsupportedLayer |
Represents a layer type that is not currently supported.
UnsupportedRenderer |
Represents a renderer type that is not currently supported.
UserCredential |
Represents a named user credential.
UsngGrid |
Represents a USNG (United States National Grid) for displaying on a MapView.
UsngGrid.LabelUnit |
Represents possible grid label distance units that can be displayed to the grid.
UtilityAssetGroup |
Describes the configuration of a particular AssetGroup in a Utility Network.
UtilityAssetType |
Describes the configuration of a particular asset type in a utility network.
UtilityAssociation |
A connectivity, containment, or structural attachment association.
UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics |
An enumeration of various association deletion behaviors.
UtilityAssociationRole |
Defines different utility association roles.
UtilityAssociationType |
An enumeration of the various types of associations supported by the utility network.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator |
UtilityCategory |
Defines a characteristic of an asset in a network.
UtilityCategoryComparison |
A condition evaluating whether a particular UtilityCategory exists on a feature in the trace.
UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator |
An enumeration of the various types of operators to use when evaluating the existence of a
UtilityCategory on a network feature.
UtilityDomainNetwork |
Defines the domain network of a Utility Network.
UtilityElement |
Defines a feature in the utility network.
UtilityElementTraceResult |
Defines an element type trace result.
UtilityFunctionTraceResult |
UtilityGeometryTraceResult |
The trace result comprised of a set of Geometry objects representing the
network elements identified by the trace.
UtilityMinimumStartingLocations |
UtilityNamedTraceConfiguration |
A set of predefined trace options that can be used by UtilityTraceParameters to simplify configuring and
running a trace operation.
UtilityNamedTraceConfigurationQueryParameters |
The query parameters to use when searching for applicable named trace configuration objects.
UtilityNearestNeighbor |
Defines a Nearest Neighbor element in a UtilityNetwork.
UtilityNetwork |
Defines a utility network.
UtilityNetworkAttribute |
Defines a network attribute in a utility network.
UtilityNetworkAttribute.DataType |
Defines different network attribute data types.
UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison |
UtilityNetworkDefinition |
Defines the metadata (for example domain networks, network sources etc.) of a utility network.
UtilityNetworkSource |
Defines a network source in a utility network.
UtilityNetworkSource.Type |
Defines different utility network source types.
UtilityNetworkSource.UsageType |
Defines different utility network source usage types.
UtilityNetworkSyncMode |
The different modes for generation and synchronization of utility networks as part of a geodatabase sync task.
UtilityPropagator |
Propagator objects allow a subset of UtilityNetworkAttribute values to propagate through a network while
executing a trace.
UtilityPropagatorFunctionType |
UtilitySubnetworkControllerType |
The type of subnetwork controllers that are supported by a domain network.
UtilityTerminal |
Defines a utility network terminal.
UtilityTerminalConfiguration |
Defines a utility network terminal configuration.
UtilityTerminalConfigurationPath |
The set of flow paths between terminals for a given device configuration.
UtilityTerminalDirectionality |
An enumeration of the directionality setting of terminals on a device.
UtilityTerminalPath |
UtilityTier |
Defines a utility network tier.
UtilityTierGroup |
Defines a utility tier group.
UtilityTierTopologyType |
Specifies the type of topology that makes up a UtilityTier definition.
UtilityTierType |
Describes the tier type of a domain network.
UtilityTraceAndCondition |
Combines two sub-expressions together using a logical AND operator.
UtilityTraceCondition |
The base class for a utility network traversability condition.
UtilityTraceConditionalExpression |
UtilityTraceConfiguration |
The set of utility network parameters that define elements of a trace or of a subnetwork.
UtilityTraceFilter |
A mechanism that can be used to stop tracing when returning results.
UtilityTraceFunction |
Functions allow the computation of values during a network trace.
UtilityTraceFunctionBarrier |
A UtilityTraceFunctionBarrier stops continued traversal when a comparison expression evaluates as true.
UtilityTraceFunctionOutput |
A UtilityTraceFunctionOutput is comprised of a UtilityTraceFunction and its corresponding global result.
UtilityTraceFunctionType |
The type of function calculation to perform.
UtilityTraceOrCondition |
Two sub-expressions combined together using a logical OR operator.
UtilityTraceParameters |
Defines the configuration of particular trace parameters in a Utility Network.
UtilityTraceResult |
Defines a utility trace result.
UtilityTraceResult.Type |
An enumeration of the result types returned by a trace operation.
UtilityTraceType |
Defines a utility network's different trace types.
UtilityTraversability |
A set of options controlling what objects are evaluated or returned during a tracing operation.
UtilityTraversabilityScope |
Used to specify whether traversability criteria are applied to junctions, edges, or both.
UtmGrid |
Represents a grid that displays UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zones on a MapView.
UTurnPolicy |
Specifies the type of backtracking allowed when querying for adjacencies in a network view.
VectorMarkerSymbolElement |
Represents an element within a VectorMarkerSymbolLayer.
VectorMarkerSymbolLayer |
VectorMarkerSymbolLayers are symbol layers intended for use with point geometries.
VectorTileCache |
Metadata for a local cache of vector map tiles that can be used to create a layer.
VectorTileSourceInfo |
VectorTileStyle |
VersionAccess |
The access permissions of a version in a branch-versioned service.
ViewLabelProperties |
Represents the labeling properties for a MapView.
Viewpoint |
A Viewpoint is the visible area and view location of a GeoView.
Viewpoint.Type |
ViewpointChangedEvent |
An event representing a change in the Viewpoint of a GeoView .
ViewpointChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving Viewpoint changed events from a GeoView .
Viewshed |
Viewshed is a type of visibility analysis that shows the visible and obstructed areas covered by a directed
field of view.
VisibilityChangedEvent |
An event indicating that the visibility of the layer has changed.
VisibilityChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving the visibility changed event of a Layer .
VoiceGuidance |
Direction guidance text reformatted for speech.
VoiceGuidance.Type |
WarningChangedEvent |
Holds information from a change to the warning
property of a LocationDataSource .
WarningChangedListener |
The listener interface for receiving changes to the warning
property of a LocationDataSource .
WebmapLabelExpression |
The label Webmap expression expects to hold a legal, Webmap script and to be read and evaluated by a Webmap
expression interpreter.
WebTiledLayer |
A layer that requests images from a tiled image server based on a URL template.
WfsFeatureTable |
Represents a table in a Web Feature Service.
WfsLayerInfo |
Provides metadata (e.g name, title, description, and more) about a layer (feature type) in a WFS service.
WfsService |
Represents an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS).
WfsServiceInfo |
Provides metadata (e.g name, title, description, and more) about a WFS service.
WmsFeature |
Represents a feature in a Web Map Service (WMS) layer.
WmsLayer |
Displays data from a WMS service.
WmsLayerInfo |
Represents metadata for an individual layer in a Web Map Service (WMS).
WmsService |
Represents an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS).
WmsServiceInfo |
Represents the service metadata for a Web Map Service (WMS).
WmsSublayer |
Represents a sublayer of a WmsLayer, providing data necessary for building a Table of Contents.
WmsVersion |
Represents a version of the Web Map Service (WMS) standard.
WmtsLayer |
Displays data from a WMTS service by using pre-generated tiles.
WmtsLayerInfo |
Represents metadata about an individual layer in a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
WmtsService |
Represents the service for a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
WmtsServiceInfo |
Represents the service metadata for a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
WmtsTileMatrixSet |
Defines a series of tile matrices and some common parameters of a layer in a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
WmtsTileMatrixSet.TileMatrix |
Defines a WMTS Tile Matrix.
WrapAroundMode |
Indicates if the map should be displayed as a continuous map, horizontally, by wrapping the east and west hemispheres
around each other.