Carto Namespace Contents

The Carto library contains the objects for displaying data. The PageLayout and Map objects are in this library along map layers, renders for all the supported data types. This library also contains the MxdServer and MapServer objects used by servers to display map data in a client server environment.


Interface Description
IAISRequest Provides access to members that controls an AIS request.
IAreaPatch Provides access to the interface that identifies a separate style gallery class for area patches.
ICacheControlInfo Provides access to members that provide the cache control info.
ICacheDatasetInfo Provides access to members that provides cache storage info.
ICacheDescriptionInfo Provides access to members that provide the cache description info.
ICacheStorageInfo Provides access to members that provides cache storage info.
ICenterAndScale Provides access to the Center And Scale Map Area Interface.
ICenterAndSize Provides access to the Center And Size Map Area Interface.
IColorDescription Provides access to members that control the basic color interface.
IDimensionProtectNames Protect names interface.
IFeatureExtent Provides access to the Feature Extent Map Area Interface.
IGeoImageDescription Provides access to members that control an image description.
IImageDescription Provides access to the Image Description Interface.
IImageDisplay Provides access to the Image Display Interface.
IImageQueryFilter Provides access to members that control an image query filter.
IImageResult Provides access to the Image Result Interface.
IImageResultEdit Image Result Edit Interface
IImageResults Raster Value Result Array.
IImageServer Provides access to members that control an image server.
IImageServerDownloadResult Provides access to the Image Server Download Result Interface.
IImageServerDownloadResults Provides access to the Image Server Download Results Interface.
IImageServerEditResult Provides access to the Image Server Edit Result Interface.
IImageServerEditResults Provides access to the Image Server Edit Results Interface.
IImageServerEx Provides access to members that control an image server object (SO).
IImageServerIdentifyResult Provides access to members that control an identify result.
IImageServerIdentifyResults Provides access to the Image Server Identify Results Interface.
IImageServerInit Provides access to members that control initialization of an image server.
IImageServerMeasureResult Provides access to members that control a measure result.
IImageServerObjects Provides access to core objects contained within an image server object.
IImageServiceInfo Provides access to the properties of an image service.
IImageType Provides access to the Image Type Interface.
IImageView Provides access to members that control an image (service) view.
ILayerCacheInfo Provides access to available properties of a layer cache info object.
ILayerCacheInfos Provides access to the LayerCacheInfo Collection Interface.
ILayerDescription Provides access to the available properties of a layer description object.
ILayerDescriptions Provides access to the Layer Descriptions Interface.
ILayerResultOptions Provides access to methods that control geometry options.
ILayoutImage Provides access to the Layout Image Interface.
ILinePatch Indicator interface that identifies a separate style gallery class for line patches.
ILODInfo Provides access to members that provide the LOD info.
ILODInfos Provides access to the LOD Info Collection Interface.
IMapArea Provides access to the Map Area Interface.
IMapDescription Provides access to the available properties of a map description object.
IMapDescriptions Provides access to the Map Descriptions Interface.
IMapExtent Provides access to the Map Extent Map Area Interface.
IMapImage Provides access to the Map Image Interface.
IMapImageEdit Map Image Edit Interface
IMapImages Provides access to the Map Images Interface.
IMapLayerInfo Provides access to the available properties of a map layer info object.
IMapLayerInfos Provides access to the Map Layer Info Collection Interface.
IMapServer Provides access to members for a MapService.
IMapServerBookmark Provides access to the Map Server Bookmark Interface.
IMapServerBookmarks Provides access to the Map Server Bookmarks Interface.
IMapServerDataAccess Provides access to the data source behind the MapServer.
IMapServerEx Provides access to members for a MapService.
IMapServerFindResult Provides access to the Map Server Find Result Interface. Use IMapServerFindResult2 for 64 bit OIDs.
IMapServerFindResult2 Provides access to the Map Server Find Result Interface. Use IMapServerFindResult2 for 64 bit OIDs.
IMapServerFindResults Provides access to the Map Server Find Results Interface.
IMapServerGeoTransformation Provides access to members that control the export set of geographic transformations.
IMapServerHyperlink Provides access to the Map Server Hyperlink Interface.
IMapServerHyperlinks Provides access to the Map Server Hyperlinks Interface.
IMapServerIdentifyResult Provides access to the Map Server Identify Result Interface.
IMapServerIdentifyResults Provides access to the Map Server Identify Results Interface.
IMapServerInfo Provides access to the available properties of a map server info object.
IMapServerLegendClass Provides access to the Map Server Legend Class Interface.
IMapServerLegendClasses Provides access to the Map Server Legend Classes Interface.
IMapServerLegendGroup Provides access to the Map Server Legend Group Interface.
IMapServerLegendGroups Provides access to the Map Server Legend Groups Interface.
IMapServerLegendInfo Provides access to the Map Server Legend Info Interface.
IMapServerLegendInfos Provides access to the Map Server Legend Infos Interface.
IMapServerLegendPatch Provides access to the Map Server Legend Patch Interface.
IMapServerRelationship Provides access to the Map Server Relationship Interface.
IMapServerRelationships Provides access to the Map Server Relationships Interface.
IMapServerRow Provides access to the Map Server Row Interface.
IMapServerRows Provides access to the Map Server Rows Interface.
IMapServerTimeInfo Provides access to core objects contained within the map document.
IMapTableDescription Provides access to the available properties of a table description object.
IMapTableInfo Provides access to the Table Info.
IMapTableInfo2 Provides access to the Table Info.
IMapTableTimeDescription Provides access to time properties of a LayerDescription.
IMapTableTimeInfo Provides access to time properties of a MapLayerInfo.
IMapTimeDescription Provides access to time properties of a MapDescription.
IMosaicRule Provides access to members that control a mosaic rule.
IPatch Provides access to members that work with a legend patch.
IProtectNameCarto Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.
IQueryResult Provides access to query results.
IQueryResultOptions Provides access to methods that control query results.
IRasterFunctionInfo Provides access to members that describe a raster function.
IRasterFunctionInfos Provides access to the properties of a list of raster function info.
IRasterItemDescription Provides access to the properties of a raster item description for adding a raster.
IRasterItemDescriptions Provides access to the properties of a list of raster item descriptions for adding a raster.
IRasterTypeInfo Provides access to members that describe a raster type.
IRasterTypeInfos Provides access to the properties of a list of raster type infos.
IRelateDescription Provides access to the RelateDescription Interface.
IRelatedRecordGroup Provides access to the RelatedRecordGroup members. Use IRelatedRecordGroup2 for 64 bit OIDs.
IRelatedRecordGroup2 Provides access to the RelatedRecordGroup members.
IRelatedRecordGroups Provides access to the RelatedRecordGroup Collection Interface.
IRelatedRecordSet Provides access to the RelatedRecordSet members.
IRelateInfo Provides access to members that describe a relate.
IRelateInfos Provides access to the RelateInfos Interface.
IRenderingRule Provides access to members that control a rendering rule.
IRGBColorDescription Provides access to members that control the RGB color interface.
ISQLSyntaxInfo Provides access to the SQL Syntax Info Interface.
IStandaloneTableDescription Provides access to StandaloneTableDescription.
IStandaloneTableDescriptions Provides access to the Table Descriptions Interface.
IStandaloneTableInfo Provides access to StandaloneTableInfo.
IStandaloneTableInfos Provides access to the Table Descriptions Interface.
ITileCacheInfo Provides access to members that provide the tile cache info.
ITileDescription Provides access to the TileDescription.
ITiledImageServer Provides access to members that serve tiled images.
ITiledMapServer Provides access to members that serve tiled maps.
ITiledMapServer2 Provides access to members that serve tiled maps.
ITiledMapServer3 Provides access to members that serve tiled maps.
ITileImageInfo Provides access to more members that provide the map cache info.


Class Description
CenterAndScale The Center And Scale coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the center and scale.
CenterAndSize The Center And Size coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the center, size and units.
FeatureExtent The Feature Extent coclass allows you to zoom to selected features in a layer.
GeoImageDescription A class that specifies an image to read from an ArcGIS server image service.
ImageDescription The Image Description coclass contains settings of the image to be generated.
ImageDisplay The Image Display coclass contains the display characteristics of the image to be generated.
ImageQueryFilter An image query filter.
ImageResult The Image Result coclass contains information about the generated image.
ImageResults A coclass that contains Array of Image Result coclasses.
ImageServer The ArcGIS Server Image Server class.
ImageServerDownloadResult An Image Server Download Result object.
ImageServerDownloadResults A collection of Image Server Download Result objects.
ImageServerEditResult An Image Server Edit Result object.
ImageServerEditResults A collection of Image Server Edit Result objects.
ImageServerIdentifyResult An Image Server Identify Result object.
ImageServerIdentifyResults A collection of Image Server Identify Result objects.
ImageServerMeasureResult An Image Server Measure Result object.
ImageServiceInfo A class that provides information on an ArcGIS server image service.
ImageType The Image Type coclass contains information about the type of image to be generated.
LayerDescription The Layer Description coclass contains settings of a layer in a map.
LayerDescriptions A collection of Layer Description objects.
LayerResultOptions Layer Result Options CoClass.
LayoutImage The Layout Image coclass contains information about the generated layout image.
MapDescription The Map Description coclass contains settings of a map in the current document.
MapDescriptions A collection of Map Description objects.
MapExtent The Map Extent coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the new extent.
MapImage The Map Image coclass contains information about the generated map image.
MapImages A collection of Map Image objects.
MapLayerInfo The Map Layer Info coclass provides read-only information about a layer in a map.
MapLayerInfos A collection of Map Layer Info objects.
MapServer The MapServer component provides programmatic access to the contents of a map document on disk, and creates images of the map contents based on user requests. Designed for use in building map-based web services and web applications.
MapServerBookmark The Map Server Bookmark coclass provides information about a bookmark.
MapServerBookmarks A collection of Map Server Bookmark objects.
MapServerFindResult The Map Server Find Result coclass provides information about a 'find result'.
MapServerFindResults A collection of Map Server Find Result objects.
MapServerIdentifyResult The Map Server Identify Result coclass provides information about an 'identify result'.
MapServerIdentifyResults A collection of Map Server Identify Result objects.
MapServerInfo The Map Server Info coclass provides read-only information about a map.
MapServerLegendClass The Map Server Legend Class coclass contains settings about a legend class.
MapServerLegendClasses A collection of Map Server Legend Class objects.
MapServerLegendGroup The Map Server Legend Group coclass provides information about a legend group.
MapServerLegendGroups A collection of Map Server Legend Group objects.
MapServerLegendInfo The Map Server Legend Info coclass provides legend information for a layer.
MapServerLegendInfos A collection of Map Server Legend Info objects.
MapServerLegendPatch The Map Server Legend Patch coclass contains settings about a legend patch.
MapServerRelationship The Map Server Relationship coclass contains information about a relationship if one exists.
MapServerRelationships A collection of Map Server Relationship objects.
MapServerRow The Map Server Row coclass contains information about a row.
MapServerRows A collection of Map Server Row objects.
MosaicRule A mosaic rule class.
PercentileParameters A set of parameters that are used for percentile statistics requests.
QueryResult A Query Result CoClass for storing information about the results of a query.
QueryResultOptions Query Result Options CoClass.
RasterFunctionInfo A raster function info object.
RasterFunctionInfos A collection of raster function info objects.
RasterTypeInfo A raster type info object.
RasterTypeInfos A collection of raster type info objects.
RelateDescription A colcass that describes a relate for QueryRelatedRows.
RelatedRecordGroup A colcass that contains related records for every source id.
RelatedRecordGroups A colcass that contains array of related record groups.
RelatedRecordSet A colcass that contains related record groups and the fields of those related records.
RelateInfo A colcass that contains the infromation about the relate.
RelateInfos A collection of relates.
RenderingRule An image service rendering rule class.
RgbColorDescription A color description to describe RGB, red, green, blue colors.
SQLSyntaxInfo The SQL Syntax Info coclass supplies information about SQL functionality.
StandaloneTableDescription The StandaloneTable Description coclass contains settings of a standalone table in a map.
StandaloneTableDescriptions A collection of Standalone Table Description objects.
StandaloneTableInfo The coclass contains information for standalone table in a map.
StandaloneTableInfos A collection of Standalone Table Info objects.
StatisticDescription A statistic to be requested from the server.
StatisticDescriptions A collection of statistics to be requested from the server.
StatisticsRequest A request of statistics from a Map Server.


Enumeration Description
esriCachedMapServiceType Cached Map Service Type
esriFindOption Find Option.
esriIdentifyOption Identify Option.
esriImageFormat Image File Format.
esriImageReturnType Image Return Type.
esriImageServerMessageCodeEnum Message codes for ImageService.
esriImageServiceDataType The Image Service data types.
esriImageServiceSourceType The Image Service source types.
esriMapCacheStorageFormat Update Mode for Map Cache
esriMapServerMsgCodeEnum MapServer Logging Messages.
esriMensurationOperation A list of mensuration operations.
esriQueryResultFormat Query Result Format.
esriRelateResultFormat Relate Result Format.
esriServerHTMLPopupType HTML Popup Type.

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