GeoDatabaseExtensions Namespace Contents


Interface Description
IAMSDatasetName Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage dataset names in the tracking workspace.
IDataMessage Provides access to methods and properties used to manage data messages.
IDatasetNames Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage dataset name information.
IExcludedEventIDs Provides access to Tracking Connection EventIDs to be permanently purged from cache and ignored in future.
IListener Provides access to enable notification to the display controller when data is added or removed.
ILockedFeatureSearch Provides access to methods needed to select, search and lock MBDB records.
ITemporalCursor Provides access to methods needed to control the temporal cursor.
ITemporalFeature Provides access to properties specifying the temporal feature type.
ITemporalFeatureClass2 Provides access to server name info.
ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage message rate statistics.
ITemporalObservationsTable2 Provides access to the Track ID.
ITemporalOperator Provides access to methods and properties used to identify and manage temporal playback settings.
ITemporalQueryFilter Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage temporal query filters.
ITemporalQueryFilter2 Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage temporal query filters.
ITemporalRecordSet Provides access to methods needed to set up and fill a temporally sorted record set.
ITemporalTable Provides access to properties and methods in which a temporal table can be controlled.
ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage message rate statistics in workspace.
ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics2 Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage message rate statistics in workspace.
ITrackingConnectionFolder Indicator interface used to identify an object as a trackingconnection folder.
ITrackingServiceDef Provides access to properties that define a tracking service.
ITxEnumTrackId Provides access to the list of unique Track IDs.
ITxFeatureClass Provides access to tracking feature class.
ITxWorkspaceEditor Provides access to properties and methods needed to edit a tracking workspace objects connection properties.


Class Description
LasDatasetToRasterFunction The LasDatasetToRasterFunction class.
LasDatasetToRasterFunctionArguments The LasDatasetToRasterFunction arguments.
LasToRasterFunction The LasToRasterFunction class.
LasToRasterFunctionArguments The LasToRasterFunction arguments.
TerrainToRasterFunction The TerrainToRasterFunction class.
TerrainToRasterFunctionArguments The TerrainToRasterFunction arguments.


Enumeration Description
enumMessageType Indicates the type of Tracking message.
enumObjectSource Indicates data source of Tracking Service object.
enumPurgeRule TMS Feature Class Purge Rule Type.
enumShapeSource Indicates data source of a Tracking Service shape.
enumTemporalConversion Temporal Column Conversion enumerations.
enumTemporalCursorType Temporal Cursor Type.
enumTemporalFeatureType TMS Temporal Feature Type.
enumTemporalOperatorType Temporal Operator Type Enum.
enumTemporalOperatorUnits TemporalOperatorUnits enumeration type.
enumTemporalOrder Temporal cursor sorting order.
enumTemporalRelation Temporal Filter Relation enumerations.
enumTemporalSource Temporal Source enumeration type.
esriTxFeatureClassCachingMode Tracking feature class caching mode.

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