GeoDatabase Namespace Contents

The GeoDatabase library contains types for all the definitions relating to data access. Features, tables, networks, TINs are all defined in the GeoDatabase library. The implementation of many of the types is contained in the respective Data Source library.


Interface Description
IAngleDirectedLayout Provides access to members that control the Angle Directed layout.
IArchivableClass Provides access to properties and methods of an archivable class.
IArchiveRegistrationInfo The properties used to register a dataset for archiving and for describing an already registered object.
IAssetGroup Provides access to members that specify the properties of an asset group.
IAssetType Provides access to members that specify the properties of an asset type.
IAssociationObject Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network association object.
IAssociationSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a association source.
IAttachment Provides access to members of an attachment.
IAttachmentData Provides access to members that describe an attachment.
IAttachmentDataArray Array of AttachmentData objects.
IAttachmentInfo Provides access to members that describe an attachment.
IAttachmentInfoArray Array of AttachmentInfo objects.
IAttributeRule Provides access to members that return, modify and validate attribute rules.
IBaseNetwork Provides access to members that specify the properties of a base network.
IBaseNetworkAssociation Provides access to members that specify the properties of a base network association.
IBaseNetworkAssociation2 Provides access to members that specify the properties of a base network association.
IBaseNetworkDefinition Provides access to members that specify the properties of a base network definition.
IBaseNetworkLocation Provides access to the locations family resource for networks.
IBaseNetworkTopology Provides access to members that specify the properties of a base network topology.
ICancelOperation Provides access to members that indicate if an operation has been cancelled.
ICircuit Provides access to a circuit.
ICircuitLocation Provides access to a circuit location.
ICircuitSection Provides access to a circuit section.
ICircuitSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network circuit source.
IClass Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class.
IClassEx Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class.
IClassExtension Provides access to members that initialize and shutdown the class extension.
IClassHelper Provides access to the associated class.
IClassSchemaEdit Provides access to member to modify an object class schema.
IClassSchemaEdit2 Provides access to members that modify an object class's extension properties.
IClassSchemaEdit3 Provides access to members that modify an object class's extension properties.
IClassSchemaEdit4 Provides access to members that modify an object class's Editor Tracking properties.
IClassSchemaEdit5 Provides access to member to modify an object class schema.
IClassSchemaEdit6 .
IClassSchemaEditEx Provides access to members that modify an object class schema.
ICodedValueDomain Provides access to members that return and modify coded value domain values.
ICodedValueDomain2 Provides access to members that sort a coded value domain.
ICollectionTableVersionChanges Provides access to members to modify the list of tables that have been changed.
IColorScheme Provides access to members that specify the properties of a color scheme.
IColorSchemeGroup Provides access to members that specify the properties of a color scheme group.
IComplexNativeType Provides access to members that supply complex native types.
ICompressionInfo Provides access to members that indicate the compression status of FileGDB datasets.
ICompressionLayout Provides access to members that control the Compression Layout.
IConfigurationKeyword Provides access to members to supply information about configuration keywords.
IConfigurationParameter Provides access to members to supply information about configuration paramters.
IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents Provides access to events that occur when related objects change, move or rotate and confirms that the event be sent.
IConflictClass Provides access to members that control the conflict class.
IConflictInspection Provides access to conflict inspections.
IConnectivityRule Indicator interface that identifies connectivity rules.
IContingentValue Provides access to members that describe a contingent value.
IContingentValueEdit Provides access to members that edit a contingent value.
IContingentValues Provides access to members for working with a set of contingent values.
IContingentValuesEdit Provides access to members for working with a set of contingent values.
ICopyHelper Provides access to helper functions for post-processing copied metadata.
ICoverageAnnotationFeature Provides access to coverage annotation blob.
ICursor Provides access to members that hand out enumerated rows, field collections and allows for the updating, deleting and inserting of rows.
ICursorStats Provides access to members that access cursor statistics.
IDatabaseCompact Provides access to members for compacting a file or personal geodatabase.
IDatabaseCompact2 Provides access to members for compacting a file or personal geodatabase.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo3 Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo4 Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo5 Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database.
IDatabaseSequence Provides access to members that request database sequences.
IDatabaseView Provides access to members that request database views.
IDatabaseView2 Provides access to members that request database views.
IDataChangesEx Provides access to members that return information on data changes.
IDataConvertProcess Provides access to members that control the Data Convert Process.
IDataElement Provides access to the Basic Data Element.
IDataElementType Provides access to the Data Element Type.
IDataset Provides access to members that supply dataset information.
IDatasetAnalyze Provides access to members that analyze a dataset.
IDatasetComponent Provides access to the common functionality found on all dataset components.
IDatasetContainer Provides access to adding datasets to the dataset container.
IDatasetContainer2 Provides access to members that return datasets by name, ID and index.
IDatasetContainer3 Provides access to members that return datasets by name, ID and index.
IDatasetContainerName Provides access to members that hand out enumerated subset names in the dataset container.
IDatasetEdit Provides access to information about the status of datasets being edited.
IDatasetEditEx Provides access to more information on the status of datasets being edited.
IDatasetEditInfo Provides access to members that maintain dataset editing information.
IDatasetFileStat Provides access to members that control Dataset file-based statistics.
IDatasetFileStat2 Provides access to members that control Dataset file-based statistics.
IDatasetMigration Provides access to members that migrate a dataset.
IDatasetName Provides access to members that supply dataset name information.
IDatasetName2 Provides access to members that supply dataset name information.
IDatasetNameFileSize Provides access to members that control DatasetName file size over 2GB
IDatasetNameFileStat Provides access to members that control DatasetName file-based statistics.
IDatasetNameFileStat2 Provides access to members that control DatasetName file-based statistics.
IDataStatistics Provides access to members to generate statistics on a field.
IDEBaseNetwork Provides access to members that supply base network data element information.
IDEDataset Provides access to members that supply dataset data element information.
IDEDatasetType Provides access to the Dataset Data Element Type.
IDEGeoDataset Provides access to members that return information about a geographic dataset data element.
IDEGeoDatasetType Provides access to the GeoDataset Data Element Type.
IDENetworkDataset Provides access to members that describe network dataset data elements.
IDENetworkDatasetType Provides access to an indicator interface for network dataset data element type objects.
IDEUtilityNetwork Provides access to members that supply utility network data element information.
IDEUtilityNetworkType Provides access to an indicator interface for utility network data element type objects.
IDiagramDataset Provides access to members that manage the network diagram dataset.
IDiagramTemplate Provides access to members that manage a diagram template.
IDifferenceCursor Provides access to members that control the version difference cursor.
IDifferenceCursorEx Provides access to members that control the difference cursor.
IDirectionsAttributeMapping Provides access to the properties for directions attribute mapping.
IDirectionsAttributeMappingDescriptor Provides access to the properties for directions attribute mapping descriptor.
IDirectionsFieldMapping Provides access to the properties for directions field mapping.
IDirectionsFieldMappingDescriptor Provides access to the properties for directions field mapping descriptor.
IDirectionsLandmarkSource Provides access to the properties for directions landmarks.
IDocumentationInfo Provides access to members of documentation info.
IDomain Provides access to members that return and modify domains and their merge and split policies.
IDomainNetwork Provides access to members that specify the properties of a domain network.
IDynamicTrafficData Provides access to members in dynamic traffic data.
IEdgeConnectivityRule Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage edge-edge connectivity rules.
IEdgeFeatureSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network dataset source whose edge elements are derived from line geometry.
IEdgeSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network edge source.
IEditorTrackingInfo EditorTrackingInfo value object
IEnterpriseWorkspaceFactory Provides access to members that manage enterprise workspace.
IEnumAttachment Provides access to members of an attachment enumeration.
IEnumAttributedRelationship Provides access to members that enumerate through the attributed relationships.
IEnumConfigurationKeyword Provides access to members to enumerate configuration keywords.
IEnumConfigurationParameter Provides access to members to enumerate configuration parameters.
IEnumConflictClass Provides access to members that enumerate through conflict classes.
IEnumConflictInspection Provides access to members that enumerate through conflict inspections.
IEnumContingentValue Iterates over a set of contingent values.
IEnumDataset Provides access to members that enumerate through Datasets.
IEnumDatasetName Provides access to members that enumerate through Dataset Names.
IEnumDatasetType Provides access to members that enumerate over a set of dataset types.
IEnumDiagramTemplate Provides access to members that enumerate through diagram templates.
IEnumDomain Provides access to members that enumerate through domains.
IEnumEventError Provides access to an enumeration of event source errors.
IEnumFeature Provides access to members that hand out enumerated features and reset the enumeration.
IEnumFeatureClass Provides access to members that hand out enumerated featureclasses and reset the enumeration.
IEnumFeatureSetup Provides access to members that define behavior of IEnumFeature.
IEnumFieldError Provides access to members that enumerate through field errors.
IEnumFieldGroup .
IEnumGeometryBind Provides access to members that bind a feature cursor or a selection to a geometry enumerator.
IEnumGPName Provides access to a GPName Enumeration.
IEnumGPValue Provides access to members of a GPValue Enumeration.
IEnumGUIDSet To sequentially accessing sets of guidset.
IEnumHierarchyRange Provides access to a container for accessing network dataset hierarchy ranges.
IEnumIDs Provides access to members that enumerate through IDs.
IEnumIndex Provides access to members that enumerate over a set of indexes.
IEnumInvalidObject Provides access to members that enumerate through invalid features.
IEnumLocator Provides access to members for retrieving a set of locators.
IEnumLocatorName Provides access to members to retrieving a set of Name objects for locators.
IEnumLockInfo Provides access to members that enumerate lock information.
IEnumNameMapping Provides access to members that enumerate and find specified name mappings.
IEnumNetworkDiagram Provides access to members that enumerate through network diagrams.
IEnumNetworkDiagramAggregation Network diagram aggregation enumerator.
IEnumNetworkDiagramContainer Network diagram container enumerator.
IEnumNetworkDiagramEdge Network diagram edge enumerator.
IEnumNetworkDiagramFlag Network diagram flag enumerator.
IEnumNetworkDiagramJunction Network diagram junction enumerator.
IEnumNetworkDiagramRelation Network diagram relation enumerator.
IEnumNetworkElement Provides access to a container for accessing network dataset network elements.
IEnumNodeEdge Provides access to the set of edges incident on the specified node.
IEnumObject Provides access to members that enumerate through the objects.
IEnumObjectClass Provides access to members that hand out enumerated object classes and reset the enumeration.
IEnumProperty Provides access to members that enumerate Property.
IEnumRelationship Provides access to members that enumerate relationships.
IEnumRelationshipClass Provides access to members that enumerate relationship classes.
IEnumRule Provides access to members that enumerate rules.
IEnumSchemaLockInfo Provides access to members for enumerating lock info.
IEnumSdeVersionHistoryInfo Enumerates version histories.
IEnumSequence Provides access to members that enumerate sequence information.
IEnumSpatialReferenceInfo Provides access to members to enumerate spatial references.
IEnumSubtype Provides access to members that enumerate subtypes.
IEnumTable Provides access to members that enumerate through the classes.
IEnumTableVersionChanges Provides access to members that enumerate through the tables that have been changed.
IEnumTGHitInfo Provides access to members that interate through topology elements.
IEnumTinEdge Provides access to members that control TIN edge enumerators.
IEnumTinElement Provides access to TIN element options.
IEnumTinNode Provides access to members that control TIN node enumerators.
IEnumTinTriangle Provides access to members that control TIN triangle enumerators.
IEnumTopologyEdge Provides access to a set of topology edges.
IEnumTopologyErrorFeature Provides access to members that enumerate through the topology errors.
IEnumTopologyNode Provides access to a set of topology nodes.
IEnumTopologyParent Provides access to the set of parents of a topology element.
IEnumUserInfo Enumerates users connected to a database.
IEnumVersionInfo Provides access to members that enumerate version information.
IEnumVersionInfo2 Provides access to members that enumerate version information.
IEnumWorkspace Provides access to members that enumerate workspaces.
IEnumWorkspaceEx Provides access to members that enumerate workspaces.
IEnumWorkspaceStatus Provides access to members that enumerate workspace status information.
IEnumXMLIndexTemplate A simple enumerator object for XML Index Templates.
IErrorFeatureContainer Provides access to members that return error features.
IErrorFeatureContainerEx Provides access to members that return error features.
IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute Provides access to members that specify the properties of an evaluated attribute in a network dataset.
IEventSource Provides access to event source properties.
IEventSourceErrors Provides access to members that deal with event source errors.
IExternalDeserializerGdb Provides high-level deserialization methods for AMF and JSON formats.
IExternalSerializerGdb Provides high-level serialization methods for AMF and JSON formats.
IExternalSerializerGdb2 Provides high-level serialization methods for AMF and JSON formats.
IFeature Provides access to members that return and set properties of a feature.
IFeatureBuffer Provides access to setting and returning the default shape in the feature buffer.
IFeatureChanges Provides access to members that provide information about changes in the feature's shape.
IFeatureClass Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a feature class.
IFeatureClassContainer Provides access to members that return feature classes by name, ID and index.
IFeatureClassCreation Provides access to a member that determines if features can be created from a point.
IFeatureClassDescription Provides access to members that control Feature Class Description.
IFeatureClassDraw Provides access to members that set customized drawing properties.
IFeatureClassEdit Provides access to information about feature class editing properties.
IFeatureClassExtension Indicator interface for feature class extensions.
IFeatureClassLoad Provides access to the load mode of a GDB feature class.
IFeatureClassManage Provides access to update the extent of a feature class.
IFeatureClassName Provides access to members that return information about the feature class.
IFeatureClassSpatialIndex Provides access to the spatial index of a GDB feature class.
IFeatureClassStorage Provides access to members that describe the storage characteristics of a feature class.
IFeatureClassStorage2 Provides access to members that describe the storage characteristics of a feature class.
IFeatureClassUtil Provides access to members that return features in the specified spatial reference.
IFeatureClassWrite Provides access to low level.
IFeatureConnect Provides access to members that expose connector points and connection points.
IFeatureCursor Provides access to members that hand out enumerated features, field collections and allows for the updating, deleting and inserting of features.
IFeatureDataConverter Provides access to members that are used to convert from a Personal Geodatabase/Geodatabase dataset to another.
IFeatureDataConverter2 Provides access to members that convert to one dataset to another, optionally using a selection set.
IFeatureDataset Provides access to create a new feature class in a feature dataset.
IFeatureDatasetExtension Provides access to standard functionality found in all feature dataset extensions.
IFeatureDatasetExtension2 Provides access to standard functionality found in all feature dataset extensions.
IFeatureDatasetExtensionContainer Provides access to the collection of feature dataset extensions.
IFeatureDatasetManage Provides access to modify the M Domain of a feature dataset.
IFeatureDatasetName Provides access to members that hand out enumerated subset names in the feature dataset.
IFeatureDatasetName2 Provides access to members that hand out enumerated subset names in the feature dataset.
IFeatureElement Provides access to members to return feature element properties.
IFeatureElementEdit Provides access to members for setting feature element properties.
IFeatureEvents Provides access to events that happen when a feature is split or merged.
IFeatureNameFields Provides access to a container for describing the name fields used in generating directions.
IFeatureProgress Provides access to members used to handle events from converting featureclass/table.
IFeatureProject Provides access to project a feature's geometry.
IFeatureSimplify Provides access to simplifying a feature's geometry.
IFeatureSimplify2 Provides access to methods that extend IFeatureSimplify.
IFeatureWorkspace Provides access to members that create and open various types of datasets and other workspace level objects.
IFeatureWorkspaceAnno Provides access to creating an annotation class as well as managing a symbol collection.
IFeatureWorkspaceManage Provides access to dataset deletion and renaming, table and index analysis, field validation and version and object class registration .
IFeatureWorkspaceManage2 Provides access to dataset deletion and renaming, table and index analysis, field validation and version and object class registration.
IFeatureWorkspaceManage3 Provides access to dataset deletion and renaming, table and index analysis, field validation and version and object class registration.
IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEdit Provides access to altering the instance CLSID and the class extension CLSID.
IFIDSet Provides access to members that control the FID Set.
IFIDSetOperator Provides access to members that control the collection of feature ids, and to combine feature id collections.
IField Provides access to members that return information about the field.
IFieldChecker Provides access to members that control the Field Checker.
IFieldEdit Provides access to members that edit the field properties.
IFieldError Provides access to field name errors.
IFieldGroup .
IFieldGroupEdit .
IFieldInfo Provides access to properties that give extended information on the field.
IFields Provides access to members that return information about the fields.
IFieldsEdit Provides access to members that modify a fields collection.
IFileDataLock Provides access to file data sources data lock functionality.
IFileGDBLockWaiting File GeoDatabase interface to control write lock waiting.
IFilterDef Indicator interface for filter definitions.
IFilterDefs Provides access to methods that control an array of filter definition objects.
IFlowDirection Provides access to members of flow direction.
IForceDirectedLayout Provides access to members that control the Force Directed layout.
IFullTextIndexDefinition The full-text search index definition used to get the index.
IFullTextIndexDefinitionEdit The full-text search index definition used to create the index.
IFullTextSearch Helper for creating full text search queries.
IGeoDatabaseBridge Provides access to methods usable in all supported languages.
IGeoDatabaseBridge2 Provides access to methods usable in all supported languages.
IGeoDatabaseErrorRecords Provides access to members that control the GeoDatabase Error Records.
IGeodatabaseRelease Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase.
IGeodatabaseRelease2 Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase.
IGeodatabaseRelease3 Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase.
IGeodatabaseRelease4 Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase.
IGeodatabaseRelease5 Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase.
IGeoDataset Provides access to members that provide information about a Geographic Dataset.
IGeoDataset2 Provides access to members that provide geodata transformation information about a Dataset.
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit Provides access to members that change the schema of a GeoDataset.
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit2 Provides access to members that change the geodata transformation of a GeoDataset.
IGeodataXform Provides access to members that control geodata transformation.
IGeoDBDataTransfer Provides access to members that transfer data to/from GeoDatabases.
IGeoDBDataTransfer2 Provides access to members that transfer data to/from GeoDatabases.
IGeometricNetworkName Provides access to members that set and return the associated feature dataset name object.
IGeometryDef Provides access to members that return information about the geometry definition.
IGeometryDefEdit Provides access to members that modify the geometry definition.
IGeometryResultOptions Provides access to methods that control geometry options.
IGeoPositionsLayout Provides access to members that control the Geo Positions layout.
IGlobalIDSet Provides access to members that manage a global ID set.
IGPChoiceList Provides access to members that return Geoprocessing Choice Lists.
IGPCodedValueDomain Provides access to members that return and modify coded value domain values.
IGPControllerMembership Indicator interface for controller memberships.
IGPDataType Provides access to members of a GP Data Type.
IGPDataTypeFactory Provides access to members of a Data Type Factory.
IGPDataTypeName Provides access to Data Type Name.
IGPDescribe Provides access to a Geoprocessing description.
IGPDomain Provides access to members of a Geoprocessing Domain.
IGPMessage Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessor message.
IGPMessage2 Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessor message.
IGPMessages Provides access to Geoprocessor messages.
IGPMessagesCallback Provides access to Geoprocessor message callbacks.
IGPName Provides access to properties of a Geoprocessing Name.
IGPNetworkDatasetMembership Provides access to members that describe the properties of a feature class' network dataset membership.
IGPToolTip Provides access to members that return Geoprocesssing value tool tip.
IGPUtilityNetworkMembership Provides access to members that describe the properties of a utility network membership.
IGPValue Provides access to members of a GPValue.
IGPVariable Provides access to properties of a geoprocessing variable.
IGridLayout Provides access to members that control the Grid layout.
IGUIDGenerator Provides access to a GUID generator.
IGUIDSet Provides access to members that control the GUID Set.
IGxFilterInfo Provides access to methods that return open and save filters for datasets of a given type.
IHistoricalClass Provides access to properties and methods of a historical class.
IHistoricalTrafficData Provides access to members in historical traffic data.
IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluator Provides access to members in historical travel time evaluator.
IIdentityXform Provides access to members that control an identity transform.
IIndex Provides access to members that return information about the index.
IIndexedGUIDSets Provides access to members that control sets of GUIDSet.
IIndexEdit Provides access to members that modify the index.
IIndexes Provides access to members that return information about the index collection.
IIndexesEdit Provides access to members that modify the indexes collection.
IInvalidObjectInfo Provides access to members that return information about the features that did not convert.
IItemInfo Provides access to members of item info.
IItemInfo2 Provides access to members of item info.
IItemInfos Provides access to the ItemInfos Interface.
IJSONConverterGdb Provides high-level deserialization methods for JSON.
IJunctionConnectivityRule Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage junction-edge connectivity rules.
IJunctionConnectivityRule2 Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage junction-edge connectivity rules.
IJunctionFeatureSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network dataset source whose junction elements are derived from point geometry.
IJunctionSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network junction source.
ILinearDispatchLayout Provides access to members that control the Linear Dispatch layout.
ILocalDatabaseCompact Provides access to members for compacting a file or personal geodatabase.
ILocator Provides access to members that describe general locator properties.
ILocatorDataset Provides access to members for retrieving objects associated with the Locator.
ILocatorName Provides access to members that describe a locator.
ILocatorStyle Provides access to locator style properties.
ILocatorUI Provides access to members that control the locator's user interface.
ILocatorUI2 Provides access to members that control the locator's user interface.
ILocatorWorkspace Provides access to members for managing the locators in the locator workspace.
ILocatorWorkspace2 Provides access to members for managing the locators in the locator workspace.
ILocatorWorkspaceName Provides access to members that describe a locator workspace.
ILockInfo Provides access to members that supply lock information.
ILockInfo2 Provides access to members that supply lock information.
IMainLineTreeLayout Provides access to members that control the Mainline Tree layout.
IMainRingLayout Provides access to members that control the Main Ring layout.
IMarkCrossingEdgesLayout Provides access to members that control the Mark Crossing layout.
IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory Provides access to members that open a memory relationship class.
IMemoryRelationshipClassName Provides access to members that define a memory relationship class name.
IMetadata Provides access to members that manage and update metadata.
IMetadataEdit Provides access to members that provide information about whether metadata can be edited.
IMetadataSynchronizer Provides access to members that control what happens when synchronization occurs.
IMetadataSynchronizerManager Provides access to members that control which metadata synchronizers are used to update metadata.
IModelInfo Provides access to the model name of the field.
IMosaicDatasetName Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset name.
IMosaicDatasetName2 Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset name.
IMosaicDatasetName3 Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset name.
IMultidimensionalInfo Provides access to members that control a multidimensional info value object.
IMultidimensionalInfoContainerPS Provides access to the multidimensional raster information.
IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit Provides access to members that control Multiuser Workspace Editing.
INamedProperty Provides access to properties by names.
INameMapping Provides access to members that manage name mapping and conflicts between two locations.
INameMapping2 Provides access to members that manage name mapping and conflicts between two locations.
INativeType Provides access to members that supply native type information about a dataset.
INativeTypeInfo Provides access to the native type.
INativeTypeSearch Provides access to member that defines search of children.
INetworkAttribute Provides access to members that specify the properties of an attribute in a network dataset.
INetworkAttributeParameter Provides access to members that specify the properties of a parameter of a network attribute.
INetworkBuild Provides access to members for changing the schema of a network dataset and building it.
INetworkClassDescription Provides access to members that control the Network Class Description.
INetworkConstantEvaluator Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from a constant value.
INetworkDataset Provides access to members that query the schema of the network dataset.
INetworkDatasetName Provides access to properties of a network dataset name.
INetworkDiagram Provides access to members that control the network diagram content.
INetworkDiagramCustomEdit Provides access to members that control custom editing operations on the network diagram.
INetworkDiagramEdit Provides access to members that control standard editing operations on the network diagram.
INetworkDiagramFlags Provides access to members that control the diagram flags in a network diagram.
INetworkDiagramInfo Provides access to members that control the network diagram information.
INetworkDiagramLayout Provides access to members that control the network diagram layout.
INetworkDirections Provides access to the properties for setting up directions.
INetworkEdge Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network edge element.
INetworkElement Provides access to members that specify the properties common to all network elements.
INetworkElementSet Provides access to members that manage a network element set.
INetworkEvaluator Provides access to members that specify the properties of an attribute evaluator in a network dataset.
INetworkFeatureEvents Provides access to events for connecting and disconnecting network features.
INetworkFieldEvaluator Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from object field attributes.
INetworkForwardStar Provides access to members that query information about adjacent elements in the network dataset.
INetworkForwardStarAdjacencies Provides access to members that specify the adjacent network elements returned by the NetworkForwardStar object.
INetworkForwardStarSetup Provides access to members that specify the configuration for this NetworkForwardStar object.
INetworkFunctionEvaluator Provides access to members that specify the properties of a function evaluator.
INetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory Provides access to members that specify the turn delay for a specified category of global turns.
INetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator Provides access to the global turn delay evaluator.
INetworkJunction Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network junction element.
INetworkQuery Provides access to members that query the elements of the network dataset.
INetworkScriptEvaluator Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from VBScript expressions.
INetworkSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a source in a network dataset.
INetworkSourceDirections Provides access to the properties for generating directions for a specific network dataset source.
INetworkTraceConfiguration Provides access to members that access named trace configuration information.
INetworkTransitEvaluator Interface for the transit evaluator.
INetworkTravelMode Provides access to members that specify the properties of a travel mode in a network dataset.
INetworkTravelModeParameterValue Provides access to members that specify the properties of a travel mode attribute parameter value.
INetworkTravelModeType Provides access to an indicator interface for travel mode data element type objects.
INetworkTurn Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network turn.
IObject Provides access to the class the row belongs to.
IObjectClass Provides access to members that return information about an object class.
IObjectClass2 Provides access to members that return information about an object class.
IObjectClassContainer Provides access to members that return object classes by name, ID and index.
IObjectClassDescription Provides access to members that control Object Class Description.
IObjectClassEvents Provides access to events that occur with an object class.
IObjectClassExtension Indicator interface for object class extensions.
IObjectClassInfo Provides access to method that indicates whether an object can bypass the store method.
IObjectClassInfo2 Provides access to method that indicates whether an object can be modified outside of an edit session.
IObjectClassName Provides access to the objects class ID.
IObjectClassSchemaEvents Provides access to events that occur with an object class' schema.
IObjectClassValidation Provides access to members that validate row information.
IObjects Provides access to members that manipulate a collection of objects.
IOleDBConnectionInfo Provides access to default connection information for a OleDB database.
IOrganicLayout Provides access to members that control the Organic layout.
IOwnershipBasedAccessControl Ownership-based feature-level access control value object
IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayout Provides access to members that control the Partial Overlapping Edges layout.
IPathConnectivityItem Provides access to members that specify the properties of path connectivity item.
IPathTraceConfiguration Provides access to members that specify the properties of a path trace configuration.
IPercentileParameters Provides access to parameters that are used for percentile statistics requests.
IPersistCustomFeaturesExtension Provides access to members that allow extra feature information to be persisted.
IPixelBlock Provides access to members that control a PixelBlock.
IPnt Provides access to members that control a portable point.
IPortalItemInfoInternal Provides portal related internal properties.
IProperty Provides access to members that control the Property functionality.
IQueryDef Provides access to members that control attribute based queries.
IQueryDef2 Provides access to members that control attribute based queries.
IQueryDescription Query information
IQueryFilter Provides access to members that filter data based on attribute values and or relationships.
IQueryFilter2 Provides access to members that return and modify the output spatial resolution.
IQueryFilterDefinition Provides access to query filter definition properties.
IQueryFilterDefinition2 Provides access to query filter definition properties.
IQueryFilterDefinition3 Provides access to query filter definition properties.
IQueryFilterFIDSet Filters data based on a set of FIDs.
IQueryFilterOptions QueryFilter options.
IQueryName Provides access to the associated query definition.
IQueryName2 Provides access to the associated query definition.
IQueryStatistics Provides access to members that request summary statistics from a table.
IQueryTableName Provide access to associated query description object.
IRadialTreeLayout Provides access to members that control the Radial Tree layout.
IRandomAccessCursor Provides access to members that support random access to row objects in a table.
IRandomAccessTable Provides access to members that support random access to a table.
IRangeDomain Provides access to members that return and modify range domain values.
IRaster Provides access to members that control an in-memory raster.
IRasterBandName Provides access to members that maintain name information about a raster dataset.
IRasterCatalog Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a raster catalog.
IRasterCatalogHelper Provides access to a RasterCatalog helper.
IRasterCatalogHelper2 Provides access to additional RasterCatalog utilities.
IRasterCatalogItem Provides access to members that control a raster catalog item.
IRasterCatalogItem2 Provides access to members that control a raster catalog item.
IRasterCatalogName Provides access to members that return information about a RasterCatalog.
IRasterColormap Provides access to members that control a raster colormap.
IRasterCursor Provides access to members that provide optimized raster access.
IRasterDataset Provides access to members that control a raster dataset.
IRasterDataset2 Provides access to members that control a raster dataset.
IRasterDataset3 Provides access to members that control a RasterDataset.
IRasterDatasetContainerName Provides access to members that maintain name information about a raster dataset container.
IRasterDatasetEdit Provides access to members that control raster dataset level editing operations.
IRasterDatasetEdit2 Provides access to members that control editing of a RasterDataset.
IRasterDatasetEdit3 Provides access to members that control editing of a RasterDataset.
IRasterDatasetInfo Provides access to a raster dataset information.
IRasterDatasetName Provides access to members that maintain name information about a raster dataset.
IRasterDef Provides access to members that control raster column definition.
IRasterDef2 Provides access to members that control raster column definition.
IRasterDef3 Provides access to members that control raster column definition.
IRasterFieldInfo Provides access to additional field information for those tables with raster fields.
IRasterLODInfos Provides access to members that control custom Level of Details.
IRasterLODInfos2 Provides access to additional members that control custom Level of Details.
IRasterStorageDef Provides access to members that control raster storage properties.
IRasterStorageDef2 Provides access to members that control raster storage properties.
IRasterStorageDef3 Provides access to members that control raster storage properties.
IRasterValue Provides access to members that control raster value.
IRasterValue2 Provides access to additional members that control a raster value.
IRasterWorkspace2 Provides access to members that control an improved raster workspace.
IRasterWorkspace4 Provides access to additional members that control a raster workspace.
IRasterWorkspaceEx Provides access to members that create and open raster catalogs and datasets.
IRebuildIndexes Provides access to members that rebuild dataset indexes.
IRecordNumberSet Provides access to members that control the collection of record numbers, and to compare record number collections. Record number sets are used in selections with file based data.
IRecordSet Provides access to the rows or features in a recordset.
IRecordSet2 Provides access to the rows or features in a recordset.
IRecordSetInit Provides access to methods that allow construction of recordsets based on source row or feature collections.
IReduceVerticesByAngleLayout Provides access to members that control the Reduce Vertices By Angle layout.
IReduceVerticesLayout Provides access to members that control the Reduce Vertices layout.
IRelatedObjectClassEvents Provides access to events that occur when related objects are created.
IRelatedObjectClassEvents2 Provides access to events that occur when related objects are modified.
IRelatedObjectEvents Provides access to events that occur when related objects change, move or rotate.
IRelationship Provides access to members that return information about the relationship.
IRelationshipChanges Provides access to members that manage differences in relationships.
IRelationshipClass Provides access to members that return information about the relationship class, create relationships, relationship rules and get related objects.
IRelationshipClass2 Provides access to members that get related object row pairs within a query filter specification.
IRelationshipClass3 Provides access to .
IRelationshipClass4 .
IRelationshipClassContainer Provides access to members that create, add and hand out relationship classes.
IRelationshipClassEvents Provides access to events that occur with a relationship class.
IRelationshipClassName Provides access to members that return information about the relationship class.
IRelationshipRule Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage relationship rules.
IRelativeMainlineLayout Provides access to members that control the Relative Mainline layout.
IRelClassEnumRowPairs Provides access to members that enumerate object row pairs.
IRelClassSchemaEdit Provides access to members that modify a relationship class's properties.
IRelQueryTable Provides access to members that define the Tables and the RelationshipClass used in a join.
IRelQueryTableFactory Provides access to members that open a join table.
IRelQueryTableInfo Provides access to members that provide information about joins.
IRelQueryTableInfo2 Provides access to members that provide information about joins.
IRelQueryTableManage Provides access to members that manage the query tables.
IRelQueryTableName Provides access to members that define a relationship query table name.
IRelQueryTableName2 Provides access to members that define a relationship query table name.
IRelQueryTableSelectionSet Provides access to members that manage RelQueryTable selection.
IRelQueryTableSettings Provides access to members that RelQueryTable behavior.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspace Indicator interface that identifies a remote datasbase workspace.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory Provides access to members that manage remote database connection information.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory2 Provides access to members that manage remote geodatabase database connection information.
IRotateTreeLayout Provides access to members that control the Rotate Tree layout.
IRouteEventProperties Provides access to the properties of an event table.
IRouteEventProperties2 Provides access to the properties of an event table.
IRouteEventSourceName Provides access to the route event source name properties.
IRouteLocatorName Provides access to route locator name properties.
IRow Provides access to members that return information about the row, the table the row belongs to and storing and deleting the row.
IRowBuffer Provides access to members used for getting and modifying a rows values and for getting the fields in the row.
IRowBuffer2 Provides access to members used for getting and modifying a rows values and for getting the fields in the row.
IRowChanges Provides access to members that return information about changed values and the original value in a row.
IRowCompare Provides access to a member that compares two rows.
IRowEvents Provides access to events that occur when an object is modified, created or deleted.
IRowSubtypes Provides access to members to return and modify the subtype code and to initialize the default values.
IRule Provides access to members that return information about rules.
ISaveAs Provides access to methods for saving as a new Dataset.
ISaveAs2 Provides access to methods for saving as a new Raster Dataset.
ISchemaLock Provides access to members for accessing schema locking functionality.
ISchemaLockInfo Provides access to members that supply schema lock information.
IScratchWorkspaceFactory Provides access to members that create or get a scratch workspace.
IScratchWorkspaceFactory2 Provides access to members to get the current scratch workspace.
ISdeVersionHistoryInfo Provides access to members describing a version history.
ISelectionSet Provides access to members that manage a set of selected table rows or features.
ISelectionSet2 Provides access to members that manage a set of selected table rows or features.
ISelectionSet3 Provides access to members that manage a set of selected table rows or features using globalid.
ISeparateOverlappingEdgesLayout Provides access to members that control the Separate Overlapping Edges layout.
ISequence Provides access to members that request sequence properties.
IServerCapability Provides access to members that supply utility network server capability information.
IServiceResponseFormat Provides a way to define service response format.
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo Provides access to default connection information for a remote database (ArcSDE).
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo2 Provides access to default connection information for a remote database (ArcSDE).
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo3 Provides access to default connection information for a remote database (ArcSDE).
IShields Provides access to a container for refining directions with shields.
ISimpleDataConverter Provides access to members used for data conversions.
ISimpleDataConverter2 Provides access to members used for data conversions.
ISimpleRelationshipChanges Provides access to members that control simple relationship changes.
ISmartTreeLayout Provides access to members that control the Smart Tree layout.
ISpatialCacheManager Provides access to members that control the Spatial Cache Management.
ISpatialCacheManager2 Provides access to members that control the Spatial Cache Management.
ISpatialCacheManager3 Provides access to members that control the Spatial Cache Management.
ISpatialDispatchLayout Provides access to members that control the Spatial Dispatch layout.
ISpatialFilter Provides access to members that return and modify the type of spatial relationship that the filter will use.
ISQLCheck Provides access to members that check a SQL statement for invalid characters.
ISQLCheck2 Provides access to members that check a SQL statement for invalid characters.
ISQLCheck3 Provides access to members that check a SQL statement.
ISqlDefaultConnectionInfo Provides access to default connection information for a remote database (QueryLayers).
ISqlInvalidCharacterDictionary Provides access to the field checker validate property which describes the invalid characters for field names for a workspace.
ISqlKeywordDictionary Provides access to the members that control the dictionary for SQL Keywords.
ISQLPrivilege Provides access to members for granting and revoking privileges to database users.
ISQLSyntax Provides access to members that supply information about SQL functionality.
ISQLSyntax2 Provides access to members that supply information about SQL functionality.
ISQLSyntax3 Provides access to members that supply information about SQL functionality.
ISqlWorkspace Query layer workspace interface
ISqlWorkspace2 Query layer workspace interface
ISquareEdgesLayout Provides access to members that control the Square Edges layout.
IStatisticDescription Provides access to properties describing a statistic to be requested from a data source.
IStatisticDescription2 Provides access to additional properties describing a statistic to be requested from a data source.
IStatisticDescriptions StatisticDescription Array
IStatisticsRequest Provides access to properties describing a request for statistics.
IStatisticsRequest2 Provides access to additional properties describing a request for statistics.
IStringDomain Provides access to members that return and modify string domain values.
ISubcircuit Provides access to a subcircuit.
ISubtypes Provides access to members that return and modify subtype information.
ISurface Provides access to members that control surfaces.
ISurfaceIntersectionEvents Provides access to events that occur with a surface intersection process.
ISynchronizationHelper Provides access to helper functions for metadata synchronization.
ISystemJunctionObjectSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a system junction object source.
ISystemJunctionSource Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network dataset source whose junction elements are generated automatically when the network is built.
ITable Provides access to members that return information about and manage tables.
ITableAttachments Provides access to table attachments.
ITableCapabilities Provides access to members that return information about and manage tables.
ITableFields Provides access to members that return information about a table.
ITableName Indicator interface for table name objects.
ITableNameSet Provides access to members that describe a set of table names.
ITableSort Provides access to members that return and modify information to sort a table.
ITableSort2 Provides access to members that return and modify information to sort a table.
ITableSort3 Provides access to members that return and modify information to sort a table.
ITableSortCallBack Provides access to members that compare field values for a table sort operation.
ITableSortValueCallBack Provides access to members that compare field values for a table sort operation.
ITableUpsert Provides access to members that enable efficient insert-or-update operations.
ITableUtil Provides access to members that return rows in the specified spatial reference.
ITableWrite Provides access to members that control Low level Table Write. For use only by custom feature implementations that override Store.
ITableWrite2 Provides access to members that control Low level Table Write. For use only by custom feature implementations that override Store.
ITelecomDomainNetwork Provides access to members that specify the properties of a telecom domain network.
ITerminal Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network terminal.
ITerminalConfiguration Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network terminal configuration.
ITerminalPath Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network terminal path.
IThumbnailInfo Provides access to members of thumbnail info.
ITier Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network tier.
ITierGroup Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network tier group.
ITimeQueryFilter Query filter that gives access to members that allow queries using time.
ITin Provides access to members that control TINs.
ITinAdvanced Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions.
ITinAdvanced2 Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions.
ITinAdvanced3 Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions.
ITinClock Provides timing utilities.
ITinDynamicFilter Provides access to members that control TIN dynamic filtering options.
ITinEdge Provides access to members that control TIN edges.
ITinEdgeArray Provides access to members that control simple arrays of TIN edges.
ITinEdgeTypeFilter Provides access to members that control TIN edge type filters.
ITinEdgeTypeFilter2 Provides access to members that control TIN edge type filters.
ITinEdit Provides access to members that control TIN editing.
ITinEdit2 Provides access to members that control TIN editing.
ITinEditErrorLog Provides access to TIN's internal edit errors.
ITinElement Provides access to members to control TIN elements.
ITinFeatureEdit Provides access to methods that control TIN 'features'.
ITinFeatureSeed Provides access to control TIN elements' properties.
ITinFilter Provides access to members that control TIN filtering options.
ITinImporter Provides methods to import TIN from external formats (LandXML for example).
ITinNode Provides access to members that control TIN nodes.
ITinNode2 Provides access to members that control TIN nodes.
ITinNodeArray Provides access to members that control simple arrays of TIN nodes.
ITinNodeCollection Provides access to members that control TIN nodes.
ITinNodeInfo Provides access to TIN node's properties.
ITinNodeSourceFilter Provides access to members that control TIN node source filters.
ITinPolygon Provides access to members that control TIN polygon characteristics.
ITinPolyline Provides access to members that control TIN polyline characteristics.
ITinSelection Provides access to members that control TIN selction methods.
ITinSurface Provides access to members that control TIN surfaces.
ITinSurface2 Provides access to members that control TIN surfaces.
ITinSurface3 Provides access to members that control TIN surfaces.
ITinSurfaceElement Provides access to members that control TIN surface elements.
ITinTriangle Provides access to members that control TIN triangles.
ITinTriangleArray Provides access to members that control simple arrays of TIN triangles.
ITinTriangleFilter Provides access to members that control TIN triangle filters.
ITinValueFilter Provides access to members that control TIN value filters.
ITinValueFilter2 Provides access to members that control TIN value filters.
ITinWorkspace Provides access to members that control TIN workspace functionality.
ITopology Provides access to members that control a topology.
ITopologyClassEvents Provides access to events that occur with a topology class.
ITopologyContainer Provides access to members that create, add, and hand out topologies.
ITopologyEdge Provides access to information on a topological edge within a topology graph.
ITopologyElement Provides access to the functionality present in all topology elements. ITopologyEdge and ITopologyNode inherit from this interface.
ITopologyErrorFeature Provides access to members that return information about topology errors.
ITopologyFeature Indicator interface for a topology feature.
ITopologyGraph Provides access to members that control the topology graph.
ITopologyGraphEvents Provides access to events that occur with a topology graph.
ITopologyName Provides access to members that control the topology name.
ITopologyNode Provides access to information on a topological node within a topology graph.
ITopologyProperties Provides access to members that return properties of a topology.
ITopologyRule Provides access to memebers that return information about topology rules.
ITopologyRuleContainer Provides access to members that return and set topology rules.
ITopologyWorkspace Provides access to members that access the topologies in a workspace.
ITraceConfiguration Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network trace configuration.
ITraceFeatureObject Provides access to members that specify the properties of a trace feature object.
ITracePath Provides access to members that specify the properties of a trace path.
ITracer Provides access to a network tracer.
ITraceResults Provides access to network trace results.
ITraceResults2 Provides access to network trace results 2.
ITraceResults3 Provides access to network source information and network trace results with 64-bit Object IDs.
ITraceResultSet Provides access to members that specify the properties of a trace result set.
ITrafficData Provides access to members in traffic data.
ITrafficDataManager Provides editing capabilities for creating or deleting dynamic traffic files.
ITrafficFeedDirectory Provides access to a folder directory for retrieving traffic feed data.
ITrafficFeedGPService Provides access to a GP service for retrieving traffic feed data.
ITrafficFeedLocation Provides access to an indicator interface for network dataset traffic feed objects.
ITransactions Provides access to members that control Transaction management.
ITransactionsOptions Provides access to members that control Transaction options.
ITransformGroup Provides access to members that manage a transform group.
ITransitData Provides access to members in transit data.
ITurnFeatureSource Provides access to an indicator interface for a network dataset source whose turn elements are derived from a turn feature class.
IUNAsset Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network asset.
IUNCategory Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network category.
IUNCircuitManager Provides access to a utility network circuit manager.
IUNCondition Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace condition.
IUNFunction Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace function.
IUNFunctionBarrier Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace function barrier.
IUNLocation Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace location.
IUNLocationSet Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network location set.
IUNNearestNeighbor Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace nearest neighbor.
IUNOutputFilter Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace output filter.
IUNPropagator Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace propagator.
IUNResultType Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace result type.
IUNResultTypeField Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace result type field.
IUNSubnetworkManager Provides access to a utility network subnetwork manager.
IUNTraceConfiguration Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace configuration.
IUNTraceConfiguration2 Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace configuration 2.
IUNTraceLocation Provides access to utility network trace location.
IUNTracer Provides access to a utility network tracer.
IUNTraceResults Provides access to utility network trace results.
IUNTraceResults2 Provides access to utility network trace results.
IUNTraceResults3 Provides access to network source information and utility network trace results with 64-bit Object IDs.
IUNTraceResults4 Provides access to utility network trace results 4.
IUpsertCursor Provides access to members that support updating rows in the database irrespective of the current position of the cursor.
IUserInfo Provides access to members describing a user connected to a database.
IUtilityNetworkAssignment Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network assignment.
IUtilityNetworkAssociation Provides access to modifying a utility network association.
IUtilityNetworkAttribute Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network attribute.
IUtilityNetworkCircuit Provides access to modifying a utility network circuit.
IUtilityNetworkCore Provides access to members that specify the core properties of a utility network.
IUtilityNetworkCoreRule Provides access to utility network rules.
IUtilityNetworkDefinition Provides access to a utility network definition.
IUtilityNetworkEvaluator Provides access to a utility network evaluator.
IUtilityNetworkName Provides access to properties of a utility network name.
IUtilityNetworkQuery Provides access to members that query the elements of the utility network.
IUtilityNetworkQuery2 Provides access to members that query the elements of the utility network with 64-bit object ids.
IUtilityNetworkQueryAssociation Provides access to members that supply utility network query association information.
IUtilityNetworkQueryDefinition Provides access to members that supply utility network query definition information.
IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics Provides access to members that supply utility network query statistics information.
IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer Provides access to members that supply utility network query tracer information.
IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2 Provides access to members that supply utility network query tracer information with 64-bit object ids.
IUtilityNetworkRule Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network rule.
IUtilityNetworkSource Provides access to members that describe utility network source.
IUtilityNetworkSubnetwork Provides access to modifying a utility network subnetwork.
IValidate Provides access to members to validate individual features.
IValidation Provides access to members that manage rules and validate them.
IValidation2 Provides access to members that manage rules and validate them.
IValidConfigurationPath Provides access to members that specify the properties of a valid utility network terminal configuration path.
IVersion Provides access to members for managing a version.
IVersionEdit Provides access to members that return information about versions and posting of versions.
IVersionedObject Provides access to members that manage a versioned object.
IVersionedTable Provides access to methods that apply to versioned tables.
IVersionedView Provides access to methods that control versioned views.
IVersionedWorkspace Provides access to members that manage versions.
IVersionEvents Provides access to events that occur on a version.
IVersionEventsServices Provides access to events that occur on versions in services. This interface is for use in Server and especially Server Object Extensions.
IVersionInfo Provides access to members that supply version information.
IVirtualTable Indicator interface that identifies temporary memory tables.
IWorkspace Provides access to members that have information about the workspace.
IWorkspace2 Provides access to members that have information about the workspace.
IWorkspaceConfiguration Provides access to configuration keywords.
IWorkspaceDomains Provides access to members that return information about domains and allows you to add or delete domains.
IWorkspaceDomains2 Provides access to members that allow you to alter a domain.
IWorkspaceDomains3 Provides access to members that allow you to alter a domain.
IWorkspaceEdit Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing.
IWorkspaceEdit2 Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing.
IWorkspaceEditControl Provides access to method that controls if insert and update cursors on simple classes can bypass store events
IWorkspaceEditEvents Provides access to events that occur to a workspace in the context of editing it.
IWorkspaceEditEvents2 Provides access to events that occur to a workspace in the context of editing it.
IWorkspaceEditInfo Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing Information.
IWorkspaceEvents Provides access to events that may be fired by a Workspace.
IWorkspaceEvents2 Provides access to events that may be fired by a Workspace.
IWorkspaceExtension Provides access to members that supply workspace extension information.
IWorkspaceExtension2 Provides access to members that supply workspace extension information.
IWorkspaceExtension3 Provides access to members that supply workspace extension information.
IWorkspaceExtensionControl Provides access to members that manage the life of a workspace extension.
IWorkspaceExtensionManager Provides access to members that manage a workspace extension.
IWorkspaceFactory Provides access to members that create and open workspaces and supply workspace factory information.
IWorkspaceFactory2 Provides access to members that create and open workspaces and supply workspace factory information.
IWorkspaceFactoryFileExtensions Provides access to members describing the set of extensions handled by the workspace factory.
IWorkspaceFactoryLockControl Manages Geodatabase Locking
IWorkspaceFactorySchemaCache Manages Geodatabase workspace schema caches.
IWorkspaceFactoryStatus Provides access to members that manage workspace status information.
IWorkspaceHelper Provides access to members that allow you to get a reference to a Workspace from a Workspace Extension.
IWorkspaceName Provides access to members that supply workspace name information.
IWorkspaceName2 Provides access to members that supply workspace name information.
IWorkspaceProgressTracker Provides access to a cancel tracker which allows progress.
IWorkspaceProperties Provides access to members that control the workspace properties.
IWorkspaceProperties2 Provides access to members that control the workspace properties.
IWorkspaceProperty Provides access to members that control the Workspace property object.
IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfo Provides access to spatial reference information for the workspace.
IWorkspaceStatus Describes the status of a workspace.
IXMLFilterDef Provides access to XML filter definition properties.
IXMLIndex A XML Index defines the searchable tags of an XML document stored in an XML field.
IXMLIndexEdit A XML Index defines the searchable tags of an XML document stored in an XML field.
IXMLIndexTag Describes the properties used to index a tag in an XML document.
IXMLIndexTags Manages a collection of XML Index Tags.
IXMLIndexTemplate A standardized set of tags managed through a Geodatabase workspace.
IXMLIndexTemplateManage Manages the collection of XML Index Templates for this Geodatabase instance.
IXMLIndexUtil XML Index Utilities.
IXmlPropertySet Provides access to members that manage metadata.
IXmlPropertySet2 Provides access to members that manage metadata.
IXmlPropertySetEdit Provides access to members that edit metadata.
IXYEvent2FieldsProperties Provides access to members that define the fields needed to create an XY event layer. A minimum of two fields (X and Y) are required.
IXYEventProperties Provides access to xy event properties.
IXYEventSource Provides access to members that allow interaction with an existing XY Event Layer.
IXYEventSourceName Provides access to the XY event source name properties.


Class Description
AssociationObject Association Object.
Attachment .
AttachmentData Esri AttachmentData object.
AttachmentDataArray Esri AttachmentDataArray object.
AttachmentInfo Esri AttachmentInfo object.
AttachmentInfoArray Esri AttachmentInfoArray object.
AttachmentManager .
AttributedRelationshipClass Esri Attributed Relationship Class object.
AttributeRule Esri attribute rule object.
Circuit Utility Network Circuit
CircuitLocation Utility Network Circuit Location
CircuitSection Utility Network CircuitSection
ClassHelper Esri Class Helper.
CodedValueDomain Esri Attribute set constraint object.
ConfigurationKeyword ConfigurationKeyword Object.
ConfigurationParameter ConfigurationParameter Object.
ConflictInspection Conflict inspection object.
Cursor Esri Cursor object.
DataStatistics Esri Data Statistics object.
DddServerEnvironment 3D Server Environment (license) singleton object.
DENetworkDataset Network Dataset Data Element object.
DENetworkDatasetType Network Dataset Data Element Type object.
DifferenceCursor Esri Difference Cursor object.
DirectionsAttributeMapping A container for a directions attribute mapping.
DirectionsFieldMapping A container for a directions field mapping.
DirectionsLandmarkSource Directions source information for landmark source feature classes.
DocumentationInfo Provides access to DocumentationInfo object.
EdgeConnectivityRule Esri Edge-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object.
EdgeFeatureSource A container for describing a network dataset source whose edge elements are derived from line feature geometry.
EditorTrackingInfo EditorTrackingInfo co-class.
EnumAttachment .
EnumConflictClass Esri EnumConflictClass object.
EnumDatasetType Esri EnumDatasetType object.
EnumFeatureGeometry Esri enumerator for geometries of a feature class or selection set.
EnumFieldError Esri EnumFieldError object.
EnumIDs Esri EnumIDs object.
EnumInvalidObject Esri EnumInvalidObject object.
EnumTableVersionChanges Esri EnumTableVersionChanges object.
EnumVersionInfo EnumVersionInfo Object.
EnumXMLIndexTemplate XML Index Template Enumerator Object.
EvaluatedNetworkAttribute A container for describing a network dataset attribute and its evaluators.
Feature Esri Feature.
FeatureClass Esri Feature Class object.
FeatureClassDescription Esri Feature Class Description object.
FeatureCursor Esri Feature Cursor object.
FeatureDataConverter Converts a featuredataset to a Personal Geodatabase/Geodatabase featuredataset.
FeatureDatasetName Esri Feature Dataset Name object.
FeatureNameFields A container for describing street name fields used to generate directions.
FeatureQueryName Esri Feature Query Name object.
FGDCSynchronizationHelper FGDC Synchronization Helper.
FGDCSynchronizer Esri FGDC Synchronizer object.
FIDSet Esri FID Set object.
Field Esri Field object.
FieldChecker Checks for errors in Field Name.
FieldError Esri Field Error object.
FieldGroup Provides access to standard operations on field group objects.
Fields Esri Fields object.
FilterDefs An array of filter definition objects.
FullTextIndexDefinition Esri FullTextIndex Definition object.
GeoDatabaseHelper GeoDatabaseHelper object. Providing helper methods for GeoDatabase objects.
GeoDBDataTransfer Transfers data to/from GeoDatabases.
GeometricNetworkName Esri Geometric Network Name object.
GeometryDef Esri Geometry Definition object.
GeometryResultOptions Esri Geometry export options object.
GeometryServer Provides access to standard operations on geometric 'value' objects. The input geometries are never modified by these operations. Designed for use in building web services and web applications.
GlobalIDSet Global ID set object.
GPNetworkDatasetMembership The Network Dataset Membership object.
Index Esri Index object.
Indexes Esri Indices object.
InvalidObjectInfo Esri Invalid Object Info object.
ItemInfo Item Info coclass.
ItemInfos An array of ItemInfo objects.
JSONConverterGdb All-in-one JSON conversion for the GeoDatabase library. Supports all previous JSON interfaces in the GeoDatabase, namely IJSONSerializer, IJSONDeserializer, IExternalSerializerGdb, IExternalDeserializerGdb
JSONDeserializerGdb High-level object deserializer from JSON.
JSONSerializerGdb High-level object serializer into JSON coclass.
JunctionConnectivityRule Esri Junction-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object.
JunctionFeatureSource A container for describing a network dataset source whose junction elements are derived from point feature geometry.
MemoryRelationshipClass A relationship class object that is stored in memory.
MemoryRelationshipClassFactory Object used to create memory relationship class objects.
MemoryRelationshipClassName A name class that represents as in memory relationship class.
MetadataCopyHelper Metadata Copy Helper.
MetadataSynchronizer Esri Metadata Synchronizer object (singleton).
MosaicDatasetName The mosaic dataset name object.
Names An object to hold a collection of names.
NamesEnumerator Esri Name Enumerator object.
NetworkAttributeParameter A container for describing a network attribute parameter.
NetworkConstantEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from a constant value.
NetworkDatasetName A container for describing this network dataset's name properties.
NetworkDirections A container for describing and using network directions.
NetworkEdgeTrafficEvaluator A container for members in time dependent travel time evaluator.
NetworkElementSet Network elements set object.
NetworkFieldEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from object field attributes.
NetworkFunctionEvaluator A container for describing a network evaluator function.
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory A container for defining global turn delay for a specified angle category and from, to, and cross road category.
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator for global turn delay whose values are specified by global turn delay settings.
NetworkScriptEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from VBScript expressions.
NetworkSourceDirections A container for describing how to generate directions for a network dataset source.
NetworkTransitEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator for transit whose values are specified by transit tables.
NetworkTravelMode A container for describing a travel mode in a network dataset.
NetworkTravelModeParameterValue A container for describing a travel mode attribute parameter value.
NetworkTravelModeType Network Travel Mode Type object.
ObjectClass Esri Object Class object.
ObjectClassEvents Helper coclass for working with the outbound interface on noncreatable object classes in VB.
ObjectClassName Esri Object Class Name object.
ObjectClassSchemaEvents Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound interface IObjectClassSchemaEvents in VB.
ObjectClassValidator Esri ObjectClassValidator object.
Objects The Objects CoClass.
OwnershipBasedAccessControl Ownership-based feature-level Access Control.
PathConnectivityItem Path Connectivity Item.
PlugInWorkspaceFactory Esri Plug-In Workspace Factory.
Pnt A 2D point for representing raster dimension and location in pixels.
QueryDef Esri Query Definition object.
QueryFilter Esri Query Filter object.
QueryTableName Esri Query table Name object.
RangeDomain Esri Range Domain object.
RasterBandName A container for name information about a raster band.
RasterCatalog A collection of raster datasets in a Geodatabase table.
RasterCatalogClassDescription Esri RasterCatalog Class Description.
RasterCatalogHelper A helper for RasterCatalog.
RasterDatasetName A container for name information about a raster dataset.
RasterDef Raster Column Definition Class.
RasterStorageDef Raster Value Storage Definition Class.
RasterValue The Raster Value Class.
Record Esri Record Object.
RecordArray Esri RecordArray object.
RecordNumberSet A collection of record numbers. Record number sets are used in selections with file based data.
RecordSet Esri Record Set object.
Relationship Esri Relationship object.
RelationshipClass Esri Relationship Class object.
RelationshipClassEvents Helper coclass for working with the outbound interface on noncreatable relationship classes in VB.
RelationshipClassName Esri Relationship Class Name object.
RelationshipRule Esri relationship rule object.
RelQueryCursor A cursor that is opened from a RelQueryTable.
RelQueryTable An object that joins two datasets based on common data values.
RelQueryTableFactory Object used to create join table objects.
RelQueryTableName A name class that represents a RelQueryTable.
RelQueryTableSelectionSet Esri RelQueryTable Selection object.
RowBuffer Esri Row Buffer object.
SelectionSet Esri Selection Set object.
SimpleDataConverter Convert a set of shape files into Access or SDE.
SimpleRelationship Esri Simple Relationship object.
SpatialFilter Esri Spatial Filter object.
SQLCheck Esri SQL check object.
Subcircuit Utility Network Subcircuit
Table Esri Table object.
TableName Esri Table Name object.
TableNameSet A set of table names.
TableQueryName Esri Table Query Name object.
TableSort Esri Table Sort object.
ThumbnailInfo Provides access to ThumbnailInfo object.
Tin The Esri TIN component.
TinDataElementFilter The Esri TinDataElementFilter component.
TinEdge The Esri TinEdge component.
TinEdgeArray The Esri TinEdgeArray component.
TinEdgeEnumerator The Esri TinEdgeEnumerator component.
TinEdgeTypeFilter The Esri TinEdgeTypeFilter component.
TinImporter The Esri TinImporter component.
TinName The Esri TinName component.
TinNativeType The Esri TinNativeType component.
TinNode The Esri TinNode component.
TinNodeArray The Esri TinNodeArray component.
TinNodeEnumerator The Esri TinNodeEnumerator component.
TinNodeSourceFilter The Esri TinNodeSourceFilter component.
TinPolygon The Esri TinPolygon component.
TinPolyline The Esri TinPolyline component.
TinSurfaceElement The Esri TinSurfaceElement component.
TinTriangle The Esri TinTriangle component.
TinTriangleArray The Esri TinTriangleArray component.
TinTriangleEnumerator The Esri TinTriangleEnumerator component.
TinTriangleFilter The Esri TinTriangleFilter component.
TinValueFilter The Esri TinValueFilter component.
TNTracerService Trace Network Tracer.
TopologyName Esri Topology Name object.
TopologyRule Esri Topology Rule object.
TraceFeatureObject Trace Feature Object.
TracePath Trace Path.
TraceResultSet Trace Result Set.
TrafficData A container for members in traffic data.
TrafficDataManager A class for creating/managing dynamic traffic files for dynamic traffic feeds.
TrafficFeedDirectory A container for members in traffic feed data.
TrafficFeedGPService A container for members in traffic feed data.
TransformGroup Esri TransformGroup object.
TransitData A container for transit data members.
TurnFeatureSource A container for describing a network dataset source whose elements are derived from turn feature geometry.
UNAsset UN Asset.
UNCircuitManagerService UN Circuit Manager Service.
UNCondition UN Condition.
UNFunction UN Function.
UNFunctionBarrier UN Function Barrier.
UnknownDatasetName Esri Unknown Dataset Name object.
UNLocation UN Location.
UNNearestNeighbor UN Nearest Neighbor.
UNOutputFilter UN Output Filter.
UNPropagator UN Propagator.
UNResultType UN Result Type.
UNResultTypeField UN Result Type Field.
UNSubnetworkManagerService UN Subnetwork Manager Service.
UNTraceConfiguration Utility Network Trace Configuration.
UNTracerService Utility Network Tracer.
UtilityNetworkName A container for describing this utility network's name properties.
VersionEvents Helper coclass for working with the outbound interface IVersionEvents.
VersionInfo VersionInfo Object.
Workspace Workspace Object.
WorkspaceEditEvents WorkspaceEditEvents Class.
WorkspaceEditEvents2 WorkspaceEditEvents2 Class.
WorkspaceExtension Workspace Extension Object.
WorkspaceFactory WorkspaceFactory Object.
WorkspaceHelper Esri Workspace Helper.
WorkspaceName Esri Workspace Name object.
WorkspaceProperty Workspace Property object.
XMLFilterDef Esri XML Filter Definition object.
XMLIndex XML Index Object.
XMLIndexTag XML Index Tag Object.
XMLIndexTags XML Index Tags Collection Object.
XMLIndexTemplate XML Index Template Object.
XmlPropertySet Esri XML PropertySet object.
XmlPropertySetEdit Esri XML PropertySet Edit object.
XYEvent2FieldsProperties Defines the fields needed for an xy event layer, requiring atleast X and Y fields.
XYEventSource XY event source object.
XYEventSourceName A name object that defines the objects needed to create an XY event layer.


Structure Description
tagesriTopologyParent A structure containing information about a feature that contributes geometry to a topology element.
tagFieldValue A structure containing the value of a field.


Enumeration Description
esriAssociationDeleteType Utility network association deletion behavior type for network features.
esriAssociationDirtyStatusFilter Dirty area status filter for association traversal.
esriAssociationErrorStatusFilter Error status filter for association traversal.
esriAssociationRoleType Utility network association role types for network features.
esriAssociationTraversalDirection Network association traversal direction for associations.
esriAssociationTraversalType Network association traversal types for associations.
esriAttachmentTableField Attachment Table Fields.
esriAttributionRuleEvent Specifies the edit event that will automatically run the attribution rule.
esriCircuitQueryLocationType Utility network circuit location type
esriCircuitQueryResultType Circuit query result type.
esriCircuitRecordType Utility network circuit record type
esriCircuitSectionRecordType Utility network circuit section record type
esriCircuitSectionRoleType Utility network circuit section role type
esriConditionType Condition type.
esriConfigurationKeywordType Configuration Keyword Types.
esriConflictDetectionType Conflict detection type.
esriConflictReportingType Conflict reporting type.
esriConflictResolutionType Conflict resolution type.
esriConnectionDBMS Underlying DBMS.
esriContingentValueType The type of contingent value.
esriCursorStats Cursor Stats.
esriDataChangeType Types of data changes.
esriDataConverterError Data converter error codes.
esriDatasetFileStatAccessMode Dataset File Based Statistics Access Modes.
esriDatasetFileStatTimeMode Dataset File Based Statistics Time Modes.
esriDatasetType Dataset Types.
esriDataStatType Type of statistic (for QueryDataStatistics requests).
esriDiagramAccessType Types of diagram access right level.
esriDiagramAggregationType Types of diagram aggregation.
esriDiagramConsistencyState Diagram consistency states.
esriDiagramExtendType Types of extend diagram operation.
esriDiagramFlagType Types of diagram flag.
esriDifferenceType Difference Types.
esriDirectionsFieldMappingType The type of directions field mapping.
esriDomainType Domain types.
esriDrawStyle Specifies the feature draw style.
esriEditDataChangesType EditDataChangesType
esriEditSearchOption EditSearch Option.
esriElementType Types of network elements.
esriFeatureBinType Feature Binning Bin Type
esriFeatureElementType Feature element type options.
esriFeatureType Feature Types.
esriFGDBDatafileFormat File GeoDatabase Datafile Format.
esriFieldNameErrorType FieldName error description.
esriFieldType Field Types.
esriFlowDirection Direction of flow along an edge in a network.
esriGeodatabaseServerClassType GeodatabaseServerClass
esriGeoDatabaseServerMessageCode Geodatabase Message Codes for ArcGIS Server Logs.
esriGeodatabaseVersion Geodatabase Version.
esriGeometryStorage GeometryStorage
esriGPMessageSeverity Geoprocessing Message Severity.
esriGPMessageType Geoprocessing Message Type.
esriIdentifierType Types of SQL Identifiers.
esriIndexUpdateInfo Index update info.
esriJoinType Different types of joins.
esriJunctionConnectivityStatus Junction connectivity status.
esriLayoutBranchPlacementType Types of placement for the Main Line layout tree branches.
esriLayoutCoolingScheme .
esriLayoutDegreeOfFreedom Degree of freedom factor that limits the area used to move the diagram junctions during each Force Directed layout algorithm iteration.
esriLayoutEdgesType Types of display for the diagram edges.
esriLayoutGridMode .
esriLayoutHierarchicalType Types of hierarchical tree layout structure.
esriLayoutJunctionsPlacement Types of junctions placement for the Linear Dispatch layout.
esriLayoutMainRingType Types of main ring form for the Main Ring layout.
esriLayoutMarkCrossingPosition Position of the circular arc that will be placed at each location where diagram edges cross each other at right angles.
esriLayoutNumberOfDirection Number of directions options for the Angle Directed layout.
esriLayoutRepelFactorComputationMethod .
esriLayoutTreeDirection Directions used for the tree layouts.
esriLayoutVertexRemovalRule Vertex removal rules for the Compression layout.
esriLocatingError Error codes for locating operations.
esriLocatorQuery Types for locator query.
esriLocatorWorkspaceType Types for locator workspace.
esriLockType Locks Types.
esriMergePolicyType Merge policy types.
esriMetadataChangeType Reason for creation of dirty area.
esriMetadataSyncAction Metadata is created and properties are added to it based on these options.
esriNetworkAttributeAdjustmentType Adjustment type to be applied to the value of a network attribute.
esriNetworkAttributeDataType Data type of a network dataset attribute.
esriNetworkAttributeParameterUsageType Usage type of a network attribute parameter.
esriNetworkAttributeUnits Units of a network dataset attribute.
esriNetworkAttributeUsageType Usage type of a network dataset attribute.
esriNetworkDatasetState States to indicate whether a network dataset has been or needs to be built.
esriNetworkDatasetType Esri Network Dataset Type.
esriNetworkEdgeConnectivityPolicy Policy on how network edge elements connect to each other.
esriNetworkEdgeDirection The direction of a network edge element relative to the direction of its source object.
esriNetworkElementType Type of network element.
esriNetworkElevationModel The type of the network elevation model.
esriNetworkErrors Logical network error codes.
esriNetworkFeatureAncillaryRole NetworkFeature Ancillary Role types.
esriNetworkForwardStarBacktrack Policy on when to return the from-edge in the NetworkForwardStarAdjacencies object.
esriNetworkJunctionConnectivityPolicy Policy on how network junction element connect to edge elements.
esriNetworkRepairType Network repair type.
esriNetworkRoadCategory Network dataset road category.
esriNetworkSourceSupportedProperty Network source supported property.
esriNetworkSourceType Types of network dataset source.
esriNetworkTimeUsage The type of the network time usage.
esriNetworkTrafficSupport Level of traffic support.
esriNetworkTravelModeUnitsDomainType Travel mode domain.
esriNetworkTurnAngleCategory Network dataset turn angle category.
esriNetworkTurnParticipationType Participation of a network edge element within a turn.
esriNetworkTurnType The type of network turn.
esriNetworkValidationType Utility/trace network validation type.
esriNetworkVerificationType Network verification model.
esriPlaneReferenceType Esri Reference plane-type options.
esriRasterCompressionType Different methods to perform raster compression.
esriRasterizationType Esri TIN attribute type for rasterization.
esriRasterResamplingHint The raster resampling hints for selecting pyramid level.
esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeEnum Different methods to perform raster compression.
esriRasterTableTypeEnum The raster table types.
esriRasterWriteMode Raster write mode.
esriRelationshipSplitPolicy Relationship split policy options.
esriRelCardinality Relationship Cardinality.
esriRelClassCodeType Data type used for class mapping in multi-set relationships
esriRelClassKey Type of Class Key for multi-set Relationship Classes.
esriRelDirection Direction used when traversing in a multi-set Relationship
esriRelKeyRole Key role in the multi-set Relationship Class
esriRelKeyType Build mode for keys in mult-set Relationship Classes.
esriRelNotification Relationship Notification Direction.
esriRelRole Relationship Role.
esriRoadClass Classifications of edge elements in a street network.
esriRuleType ObjectClass Rule types.
esriSchemaLock Schema Locks.
esriSearchOrder Spatial Filter Search Order.
esriSelectionOption Selection Option.
esriSelectionType Selection Type.
esriServerCapability Server capability.
esriServiceResponseFormat REST response format.
esriSetOperation Set Operations.
esriSpatialRelEnum Queryable Spatial Relationships.
esriSplitModel Split model options
esriSplitPolicyType Split policy types.
esriSQLClauses SQL Clauses.
esriSQLDatetimeType SQL Date/Time types.
esriSQLFunctionName SQL Functions.
esriSQLInfo SQL Syntax Information.
esriSQLOperator SQL Operators.
esriSQLPredicates SQL Predicates.
esriSQLPrivilege SQL Privileges.
esriSQLSpecialCharacters SQL Special Characters.
esriSurfaceConversionType Esri TIN attribute type for polygonization.
esriSurfaceInterpolationType Esri TIN elevation interpolation methods.
esriTableComponents The components that make up an ArcSDE table.
esriTableNameErrorType TableName error description.
esriTierDefinition Tier definition.
esriTierTopologyType Tier topology type.
esriTinBoundType Esri TIN boundary-type options.
esriTinEdgeType Esri TIN edge-type options.
esriTinElementType Esri TIN element-type options.
esriTinError Esri TIN's error codes.
esriTinIgnoredElementType Esri Tin elements to be excluded from conflict detection.
esriTinNodeEditInfo Esri TIN node edit info.
esriTinNodeSourceType Esri TIN node source-type options.
esriTinQualification Esri TIN enumerator-criteria options.
esriTinSelectionType Esri TIN element-selection type options.
esriTinSurfaceType Esri TIN surface-type options.
esriTinTrianglePropertyType Esri TIN triangle property-type options.
esriTinVersion Esri Persisted TIN format options.
esriTopoConfiguration Topological configuration.
esriTopoDirection Arc Directions.
esriTopologyElementType Topology Element Types.
esriTopologyRuleType Types of topology rules.
esriTopologySelectionResultEnum Selection result options for topology elements.
esriTopologyState Topology States.
esriTopoSide Arc Sides.
esriTraceConfigurationMinimumStartingPoints Trace configuration minimum starting points.
esriTraceFunctionType Trace function type.
esriTraceLocationType Utility network trace location type.
esriTraceOperator Trace operator.
esriTracePropagatorFunctionType Trace propagator function type.
esriTransformType Geometry update type.
esriTraversabilityScope Traversability scope.
esriUpdateSubnetworkEditMode Update subnetwork edit mode.
esriUserTypeExtension User Type Extensions.
esriUtilityNetworkAssociationType Type of association relationship.
esriUtilityNetworkAttributeUsageType Utility network attribute usage type.
esriUtilityNetworkFeatureClassUsageType Utility network feature class usage type.
esriUtilityNetworkRuleType Type of rules.
esriUtilityNetworkTraceResultType Trace result type.
esriUtilityNetworkTraceType Utility network trace type.
esriUtilityNetworkTraversabilityModel Utility network traversability model.
esriVersionAccess Version Access Permissions.
esriVersioningModel Versioning model.
esriWorkspaceConnectionStatus Workspace Connection Status
esriWorkspacePropertyGroupType Workspace Property Groups.
esriWorkspacePropertyType Workspace Properties.
esriWorkspaceTablePropertyType Workspace table properties.
esriWorkspaceType Workspace types.
esriXMLIndexTagDataType XML Field Index Tag Data Types.
esriXMLIndexType XML Field Index Types.
esriXmlPropertyType Types of data that can be stored in metadata elements.
esriXmlSetPropertyAction Actions that can be taken when setting the value of an metadata element.
esriXYEventError XY Event Error Codes.
fdoError FDO Error Codes.
rstPixelType Supported raster pixel types.
rstResamplingTypes Different methods to perform raster resampling.

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