IPermissionsAdmin Interface

Provides administrative access to the Permissions Store.


IPermissionsAdmin provides methods to Allow and Deny operations on ArcGIS Server resources and to retrieve all principals with access to resources.

The IPermissionsAdmin interface can be obtained by a query interface with the IServerObjectAdmin interface.

A list of security model concepts is useful here.

  • User - An individual identified by a unique user name who wants to consume resources provided by ArcGIS Server. Users are stored within a User Store, which may be a database, the active directory on a Windows Server, or an LDAP sever. All authentication of users takes place in the web tier.
  • Role - A collection of users based on functional, departmental or classification groupings (e.g., Planners, Editors, Classified, Unclassified, etc.). A role can be assigned a permission to use or invoke operations on a resource. Roles are stored within a Role Store, which may be a database, the Active Directory on a Windows Server, or an LDAP server.
  • Principal - A term that denotes either a User or a Role.
  • Resource - An item or object that is to be secured. In a 9.3 ArcGIS Server, resources are web applications and GIS services and server folders containing GIS services.
  • Operation - An action or method that can be invoked on a secured resource. At 9.3, no distinction is made between operations, and the only valid value, "*", is used to denote all actions.
  • Permission - The ability of a role to use or invoke operations on a specific resource.

Permissions are assigned in a Continuous Inheritance model. A child resource inherits permissions from its parent resource and the child can be changed to differ from the parent. Changing the permission on the parent for a specific user/role restores inheritance to match the parent recursively; all children will be changed to match the parent.

When To Use

Use the IPermissionsAdmin interface when your application needs to set permissions on ArcGIS for Server GIS resources for specific principals.

If your application is connecting to the server only to retrieve information about the current state of permissions on ArcGIS for Server GIS resources, use the IPermissionsManager interface instead.


Name Description
Method AllowPermission Grants permission to the specified principal to perform the given operation on the indicated resource.
Method DenyPermission Revokes permission from the specified principal to perform the given operation on the indicated resource.
Method GetAllPrincipals Enumrates all princiapls in the Permissions Store.

IPermissionsAdmin.AllowPermission Method

Grants permission to the specified principal to perform the given operation on the indicated resource.

Public Sub AllowPermission ( _
    ByVal Principal As String, _
    ByVal resource As String, _
    ByVal operation As String _
public void AllowPermission (
    string Principal,
    string resource,
    string operation


When using role-based security in ArcGIS Server, security for resources (GIS Services and folders containing GIS Services) is managed by allowing or denying a principal permissions for all operations on a resource.

Use the AllowPermissions method to allow a principal access to perform any operation on a specified resource. Once the allow permission has been granted, it can be removed explicitly using the DenyPermissions method or implicitly through the continuous inheritance model.

IPermissionsAdmin.DenyPermission Method

Revokes permission from the specified principal to perform the given operation on the indicated resource.

Public Sub DenyPermission ( _
    ByVal Principal As String, _
    ByVal resource As String, _
    ByVal operation As String _
public void DenyPermission (
    string Principal,
    string resource,
    string operation


When using role-based security in ArcGIS Server, security for resources (GIS Services and folders containing GIS Services) is managed by allowing or denying a principal permissions for all operations on a resource.

Use the DenyPermissions method to deny a principal access to perform any operation on a specified resource. Once the permission has been revoked, it can be restored explicitly using the AllowPermissions method or implicitly through the continuous inheritance model.

IPermissionsAdmin.GetAllPrincipals Method

Enumrates all princiapls in the Permissions Store.

Public Function GetAllPrincipals ( _
) As IEnumBSTR
public IEnumBSTR GetAllPrincipals (


Use the GetAllPrincipals method to return an enumeration over all the principals with allow/deny rules in the ArcGIS Server security model.

Classes that implement IPermissionsAdmin

Classes Description
ServerObjectAdmin The ServerObjectAdmin object which administrates the GIS Server.


The following administration functionality of the ArcGIS Server is exposed by the methods of IPermissionsAdmin:

Administer role-based ArcGIS Server security:

  • Allow permissions on a resource
  • Deny permissions on a resource

Get information about the ArcGIS Security mode:

  • Get all principals that have any Allow/Deny rules on any resource

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