Server Namespace Contents

The Server library contains the objects used to obtain a connection to the ArcGIS Server. The connection is managed via the objects in this library, but objects from other libraries can be created by using functions on the server object.


Interface Description
IEnumServerDirectory Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerDirectories.
IEnumServerDirectoryInfo Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerDirectoryInfos.
IEnumServerMachine Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerMachines.
IEnumServerObjectConfiguration Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerObjectConfigurations.
IEnumServerObjectConfigurationInfo Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerObjectConfigurationInfos.
IEnumServerObjectExtensionType Provides access to members that enumerate through the registered server object extension types.
IEnumServerObjectExtensionTypeInfo Provides access to members that enumerate through the registered server object extension types.
IEnumServerObjectType Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerObjectTypes.
IEnumServerObjectTypeInfo Provides access to members that enumerate through ServerObjectTypeInfos.
IGISServerConnection Provides access to members that connect to a GIS server.
IGISServerConnection2 Provides access to methods that connect a specified user to an ArcGIS server.
IServer Provides access to members that connect to a GIS server.
IServer2 Provides access to methods that connect a specified user to an ArcGIS server.
IServerContext Provides access to members for managing a server context, and the objects running within that server context.
IServerDirectory Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a server directory to administrators.
IServerDirectoryInfo Provides access to properties of a server directory.
IServerDirectoryInfo2 Provides access to properties of a server directory.
IServerEnvironmentEx Provides access to Server configuration information.
IServerLog Provides access to members that query and retrieve log records.
IServerLogQuery Provides access to members that configure a query to the ArcGIS Server logs.
IServerMachine Provides access to properties of a server host machine for administrators.
IServerObject Provides access to properties of a map or geocode server object.
IServerObjectAdmin Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server.
IServerObjectAdmin2 Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server.
IServerObjectAdmin3 Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server.
IServerObjectAdmin4 Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server.
IServerObjectAdmin5 Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server.
IServerObjectAdmin6 Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server.
IServerObjectAdmin7 Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server.
IServerObjectAdmin8 Provides access to members that administer the ArcGIS server.
IServerObjectConfiguration Provides access to administrators to members that control the behavior and properties of a server object configuration.
IServerObjectConfigurationInfo Provides access to properties of a server object configuration.
IServerObjectConfigurationStatus Provides access to properties of a server object configuration's status to administrators.
IServerObjectExtension Provides access to the members that control a server object extension.
IServerObjectExtensionManager Provides access to members that help locate installed server object extensions.
IServerObjectExtensionType Provides access to properties, for administrators, of a server object extension type.
IServerObjectExtensionTypeInfo Provides access to the properties of a server object extentsion type.
IServerObjectHelper Provides access to a holder for a reference to a server object.
IServerObjectHelper2 Provides access to a holder for a reference to a server object.
IServerObjectManager Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager.
IServerObjectManager2 Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager for server object extensions.
IServerObjectManager3 Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager for server object extensions.
IServerObjectManager4 Provides access to properties and members of the ArcGIS server's server object manager.
IServerObjectType Provides access to methods, for administrators, that control the behavior and properties of a server object type.
IServerObjectTypeInfo Provides access to properties of a server object type.
IServiceCatalog Provides access to properties of an ArcGIS Server web service catalog.
IServiceCatalog2 Provides access to properties of an ArcGIS Server web service catalog.
IServiceCatalog3 Provides access to properties of an ArcGIS Server web service catalog.
IServiceDescription Provides access to members that control the properties of an ArcGIS Server web service description.
IServiceDescriptionArray Provides access to members that control the contents of web services description array.


Class Description
GISServerConnection The ServerConnection object for connecting to the GIS server and getting the ServerObjectManager and ServerObjectAdmin.


Enumeration Description
esriConfigurationStatus Server object configuration status.
esriServerDirectoryCleaningMode The server directory cleaning mode.
esriServerDirectoryType Server directory type.
esriServerIsolationLevel The server object configuration isolation level.
esriServiceCatalogMessageFormat The message formats supported by a web service catalog.
esriStartupType The startup type for a server object configuration.

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