
Extends L.esri.Layers.FeatureLayer

L.esri.Cluster.FeatureLayer provides integration for Feature Layers with the Leaflet.markercluster plugin. Because of the extra dependency on Leaflet.markercluster we do not include L.esri.Cluster.FeatureLayer in the default build of Esri Leaflet. You will also need to include your own copy of the Leaflet.markercluster plugin.

More information about Feature Layers can be found in the L.esri.FeatureLayer documentation. More information and the source code for this plugin can be found here.


L.esri.Cluster.featureLayer(<Object>options)You must pass a url to a Feature Layer in your options


urlStringRequired The URL to the Feature Layer .
pointToLayer(<GeoJSON Feature> feature, <LatLng> latlng)FunctionFunction that will be used for creating layers for GeoJSON points (if not specified, simple markers will be created).
style(<GeoJSON Feature> feature, <ILayer> layer)FunctionFunction that will be used to get style options for vector layers created for GeoJSON features.
onEachFeature(<GeoJSON Feature> feature, <ILayer> layer)Function
whereStringA server side expression that will be evaluated to filter features. By default this will include all features in a service.
fieldsArrayAn array of fieldnames to pull from the service. Includes all fields by default. You should always specify the name of the unique id for the service. Usually either 'FID' or 'OBJECTID'.
fromDateWhen paired with to defines the time range of features to display. Requires the Feature Layer to be time enabled.
toDateWhen paired with from defines the time range of features to display. Requires the Feature Layer to be time enabled.
timeFieldfalseThe name of the field to lookup the time of the feature. Can be an object like {start:'startTime', end:'endTime'} or a string like 'created'.
timeFilterMode'server' (default) or 'client'Determines where features are filtered by time. By default features will be filtered by the server. If set to 'client' all features are requested and filtered by the app before display.
simplifyFactorIntegerHow much to simplify polygons and polylines. More means better performance, and less means more accurate representation.
precisionIntegerHow many digits of precision to request from the server. Wikipedia has a great reference of digit precision to meters.
tokenStringIf you pass a token in your options it will be included in all requests to the service.
proxyStringURL of an ArcGIS API for JavaScript proxies or ArcGIS Resource Proxies to use for proxying POST requests.
useCorsBooleanIf this service should use CORS when making GET requests.

ClusteredFeatureLayer will also accept any options that can be passed to Leaflet.MarkerClusterGroup to customize the behavior and appearance of the clustering.


loading<LoadingEvent>Fires when new features start loading.
load<LoadEvent>Fires when all features in the current bounds of the map have loaded.
createfeature<CreateFeatureEvent>Fired when a feature from the Feature Layer is loaded for the first time.
removefeature<RemoveFeatureEvent>Fired when a feature on the layer is removed from the map.
addfeature<AddFeatureEvent>Fired when a previously removed feature is added back to the map.

L.esri.FeatureLayer also fires all L.esri.FeatureLayerService events.

In addition to these events L.esri.Cluster.FeatureLayer also fires the following Mouse Events click, dblclick, mouseover, mouseout, mousemove, and contextmenu, clusterclick, clusterdblclick, clustermouseover, clustermousemove, and clustercontextmenu as well as the following the Popup Events popupopen and popupclose.


setStyle(<PathOptions> style) setStyle(<Function> style)thisSets the given path options to each layer that has a setStyle method. Can also be a Function that will recive a layer argument and should return Path Options
resetStyle(<String or Integer> undefined)thisGiven the ID of a feature, reset that feature to the original style, useful for resetting style after hover events.
setStyle(<PathOptions> style) setStyle(<Function>style)this

Sets the given path options to each layer that has a setStyle method. Can also be a Function that will receive a feature argument and should return Path Options

    color: 'white'
featureLayer.setStyle(1, function(feature){
    return {
        weight: feature.properties.pixelWidth
eachFeature(<Function> fn, <Object> context)this

Calls the passed function against every feature. The function will be passed the layer that represents the feature.

getFeature(<String or Integer> undefinedid)LayerGiven the id of a Feature return the layer on the map that represents it. This will usually be a Leaflet vector layer like Polygon or Polygon, or a Leaflet Marker.
getWhere()StringReturns the current where setting
setWhere(<String> where, <Function> callback, <Object> context)thisSets the new where option and refreshes the layer to reflect the new where filter. Accepts an optional callback and function context.
getTimeRange()ArrayReturns the current time range as an array like [from, to]
setTimeRange(<Date> from, <Date> to, , <Function> callback, <Object> context)thisSets the current time filter applied to features. An optional callback is run upon completion if timeFilterMode is set to 'server'. Also accepts function context as the last argument.
authenticate(<String> token)thisAuthenticates this service with a new token and runs any pending requests that required a token.

Returns a new L.esri.Query object that can be used to query this layer. Your callback function will be passed a GeoJSON FeatureCollection with the results or an error.

    .where("Direction = 'WEST'")
    .run(function(error, featureCollection){
metadata(<Function> callback, <Object> context)this

Requests metadata about this Feature Layer. Callback will be called with error and metadata.

featureLayer.metadata(function(error, metadata){
addFeature(<GeoJSON Feature> feature, <Function> callback, <Object> context)this

Adds a new feature to the feature layer. this also adds the feature to the map if creation is successful.

  • Requires authentication as a user who has permission to edit the service in the portal or the user who created the service.
  • Requires the Create capability be enabled on the service. You can check if creation exists by checking the metadata of your service under capabilities in the metadata.
updateFeature(<GeoJSON Feature> feature, <Function> callback, <Object> context)this

Update the provided feature on the Feature Layer. This also updates the feature on the map.

  • Requires authentication as a user who has permission to edit the service in the portal or the user who created the service.
  • Requires the Update capability be enabled on the service. You can check if creation exists by checking the metadata of your service under capabilities in the metadata.
deleteFeature(<String or Integer> id, <Function> callback, <Object> context)this

Remove the feature with the provided id from the feature layer. This will also remove the feature from the map if it exists.

  • Requires authentication as a user who has permission to edit the service in the portal or the user who created the service.
  • Requires the Update capability be enabled on the service. You can check if creation exists by checking the metadata of your service under capabilities in the metadata.


Live sample here.

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./MarkerCluster.Default.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./MarkerCluster.css">
<script src="./leaflet.markercluster.js"></script>
var map = L.map('map').setView([45.53, -122.64], 16);

var url = 'https://services.arcgis.com/rOo16HdIMeOBI4Mb/arcgis/rest/services/stops/FeatureServer/0';

    url: url,
    // Cluster Options
    polygonOptions: {
    color: '#2d84c8'
    // Feature Layer Options
    pointToLayer: function (geojson, latlng) {
        return L.circleMarker(latlng, 10, {
        color: '#2D84C8'

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