Extends L.
Access tiles from ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server to visualize and identify features. Copyright text from the service is added to map attribution automatically.
If you have published a Feature Service in your portal, it can be used to create a static set of tiles as well. You can find details about that process in the ArcGIS Online Help.
Your map service should be published using the Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere tiling scheme (WKID 102100/3857) and the default scale options used by Google Maps, Bing Maps and ArcGIS Online. Esri Leaflet does not officially support any other spatial reference for tile layers, however unofficial support maybe obtained though the the Proj4Leaflet plugin as shown in the projection samples.
Constructor | Description |
L.esri.tiledMapLayer(<Object> | The options parameter can accept the same options as L.tileLayer . The only required parameter is url . |
also accepts all L.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
url | String | Required: URL of the Map Service with a tile cache. | |
zoom | Number | 0.1 | If correct is enabled this controls the amount of tolerance for the difference at each scale level for remapping tile levels. |
proxy | String | false | URL of an ArcGIS API for JavaScript proxy or ArcGIS Resource Proxy to use for proxying requests. |
use | Boolean | true | Dictates if the service should use CORS when making GET requests. |
token | String | null | Will use this token to authenticate all calls to the service. |
inherits all methods from L.
Method | Returns | Description |
authenticate(<String> token) | this | Authenticates this service with a new token and runs any pending requests that required a token. |
metadata(<Function> callback, <Object> context) | this | Requests metadata about this Feature Layer. Callback will be called with
identify() | this | Returns a new L.esri.services.IdentifyFeatures object that can be used to identify features on this layer. Your callback function will be passed a GeoJSON FeatureCollection with the results or an error.
fires all L.
const contoursPane = map.createPane('contours')
contoursPane.style.zIndex = 400;
const contoursLayer = L.esri.tiledMapLayer({
url: "https://services3.arcgis.com/GVgbJbqm8hXASVYi/arcgis/rest/services/Santa_Monica_contours_(map_tiles)/MapServer/",
apiKey: accessToken,
pane: contoursPane