
Extends L.esri.Service

A basic wrapper for speaking to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing services. You can find more information and the source code for this plugin here.


L.esri.GP.service(<Object>options)Creates a new Geoprocessing service.


urlStringnullThe url of the gp service you'd like to leverage.
pathString'execute'(Optional) The class is able to sniff out execute/submitJob operations from typical geoprocessing services, but setting 'path' can be helpful for SOEs and Network Analyst Services with custom operation names.
asyncBooleanfalse(Optional) Set 'async' to indicate whether a GP service with a custom operation name is synchronous or asynchronous.
asyncIntervalInteger1(Optional) Determines how often the application should check on jobs in progress.


Fires all L.esri.Service events. By default, the plugin assumes services are synchronous and that 'execute' is the appropriate path.


createTask()L.esri.GP.TaskReturns a Geoprocessing task.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
