ArcGISMap class final

A map is a container for layers. Use a map together with an ArcGISMapViewController to display layers of geographic data in 2D.

ArcGISMap contains layers of mapping data and information such as basemaps, popups, renderers, and labels which define the map's capabilities. You can access ArcGISMap content directly or visualize the map in an ArcGISMapViewController.

In an MVC architecture, ArcGISMap represents the model and ArcGISMapViewController represents the view. ArcGISMap specifies how the geographic data is organized, and ArcGISMapViewController renders the data on the screen and allows users to interact with it.

A map can contain a basemap and one or more operational layers:

  • A basemap is a map layer that helps orient the user of the map. Typically it sits behind operational layers and shows roads and parcel boundaries to give context to operational layers. Basemaps can also contain layers which are drawn over the top operational layers such as label layers.
  • An operational layer provides content that is of unique interest to the app and the task at hand, such as data about earthquakes, traffic, or weather. Its content might change frequently.

You can create a map from an existing web map using its URL or PortalItem. Alternatively, you can get a map directly from a MobileMapPackage.maps collection. ArcGISMap properties will be hydrated when the map is loaded.

If you create a new map, the spatial reference of the first layer you add, which is typically the first layer in the Basemap, defines the spatial reference of the entire map,

See Maps 2D for more information about maps.

Mixed in types


ArcGISMap({SpatialReference? spatialReference})
Creates a map with the specified spatial reference.
ArcGISMap.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
ArcGISMap.fromJsonString(String jsonString)
ArcGISMap.withBasemap(Basemap basemap)
Creates a map with a Basemap.
ArcGISMap.withBasemapStyle(BasemapStyle basemapStyle)
Creates a map with a BasemapStyle.
ArcGISMap.withItem(Item item)
Creates a map with a portal item of type PortalItemType.webMap.


backgroundColor Color?
The background color of the map.
getter/setter pair
basemap Basemap?
The basemap for this map or scene.
getter/setter pairinherited
bookmarks List<Bookmark>
The collection of bookmarks defined for this map or scene.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initialViewpoint Viewpoint?
The initial viewpoint when the map or scene is first displayed.
getter/setter pairinherited
item Item?
The ArcGIS item associated with this map or scene.
getter/setter pairinherited
loadError ArcGISException?
The load error.
no setterinherited
loadSettings LoadSettings
The properties that control the default loading and rendering behavior of feature layers in this map or scene.
getter/setter pairinherited
loadStatus LoadStatus
The load status.
no setterinherited
maxExtent Envelope?
The extent that constrains the display to a specific region.
getter/setter pair
maxScale double
The maximum scale for the map.
getter/setter pair
minScale double
The minimum scale for the map.
getter/setter pair
offlineSettings OfflineSettings?
Offline settings configured by the author of an online web map (if appropriate).
no setter
onBasemapChanged Stream<Basemap?>
Callback invoked when the basemap changes.
no setterinherited
onLoadStatusChanged Stream<LoadStatus>
A stream that reports changes to the LoadStatus.
no setterinherited
operationalLayers List<Layer>
A collection of layers that can access geographic data from a file or a service.
no setterinherited
referenceScale double
The reference scale for the map.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
spatialReference SpatialReference?
The spatial reference for this map or scene.
no setterinherited
tables List<FeatureTable>
A collection of feature tables in the map or scene. Unlike GeoModel.operationalLayers, tables are not displayed by the GeoViewController.
no setterinherited
transportationNetworks List<TransportationNetworkDataset>
A collection of transportation network datasets defined for the map or scene.
no setterinherited
uri Uri?
The URI for the map.
no setter
version String
The version of the ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene when it is loaded. The version of a newly created ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene is empty.
no setterinherited


cancelLoad() → void
Cancels loading metadata for the object.
clone() GeoModel
Clones this instance of GeoModel and its members.
load() Future<void>
Loads the metadata for the object asynchronously.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
retryLoad() Future<void>
Loads or retries loading metadata for the object asynchronously.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Returns a JSON representation of this Object in the data type used by jsonDecode.
toJsonString() String
Returns a JSON representation of this Object as a String.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

withUri(Uri uri) ArcGISMap?
Creates a map with the URL to a web map.