Release notes for 100.15

This page provides details about enhancements in the 100.15 release of ArcGIS Runtime API for Java. It also lists deprecations, resolved issues, and known issues.


Issues Resolved

  • BUG-000159531 Memory leaks when adding/removing layers from a map or scene.
  • BUG-000160998 Significant reduction in performance if using a feature layer with more than 3000 polyline features and using the arrow marker style.
  • BUG-000161071 After rotating, an ArcGIS Runtime application crashes intermittently when an offline map, containing several feature layers that have a refreshInterval defined, is loaded.
  • Potential crash when executing multiple attribute rules simultaneously.
  • Arcade expressions that use a straight apostrophe (') fail to evaluate.
  • WMTS layers fail to load on some maps due to duplicate parameters.
  • Feature table fails to load if the feature service layer has a null extent.
  • A map that contains a lot of data and heavily uses labels may crash when rendering the labels.
  • Loading a locator task from an .mmpk may crash on certain devices.


Issues Resolved

  • BUG-000149324 Identifying a feature with a hidden field does not return popup.

  • BUG-000157495 Applying edits on a feature service fails to associate attachment to its feature when there is another layer in the service that does not have attachments enabled.

  • BUG-000158130 Updating SubtypeFeatureLayer.ScaleSymbols does not update its value.

  • BUG-000158132 Cloned SubtypeFeatureLayer does not retain values for the ScaleSymbols property.

  • If an Enterprise 11.1 feature service layer response erroneously excludes domain information, the app crashes without providing load errors or diagnostic information.

  • An app crashes when using a locator built with ArcGIS Pro 3.1 or later.

  • Attachments are not uploaded for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 hosted services with sync disabled.

  • A non-spatial table's formInfo json is not set in the unsupportedJSON dictionary when saving it to a portal item.

  • Deleting a parent feature in a simple relationship may clear the attributes of its child feature while applying edits in a ServiceGeodatabase.

  • Political boundaries are not displayed when a basemap is added to a scene view.

  • Upgrade Libtiff 4.5.1 to resolve some exposed security vulnerabilities.


Issues Resolved

  • BUG-000157449 Application crashes intermittently when an offline map including a basemap and 10 operational feature layers with refreshInterval is loaded.

  • BUG-000148794 Several features fail to render despite zooming in and panning when featureRequestMode is onInteractionCache and tilingMode is disabled.

  • BUG-000155484 SubtypeFeatureLayer pointing to service with labeling info fails to load.

  • BUG-000153386 Reference scale not honored for some symbols in a SubtypeFeatureLayer.

  • BUG-000156196 PictureMarkerSymbol causes a memory leak when a new instance is created outside of the map view.

  • BUG-000157983 Reduce CPU usage when SceneView idles.

  • Using service-level applyEdits() fails to delete features in some cases.

  • System tables in a service are not correctly identified.

  • System table edits are not sent with calls to ServiceGeodatabase.applyEditsAsync().

  • Magnifier image is distorted after MapView is resized.

  • PopUp elements fail to create from returned Arcade dictionary.

  • Upgrade Protobuf 3rd-party library to 3.21.12 to avoid security vulnerabilities.


Issues Resolved

  • BUG-000119969 Process memory leaks when adding and removing feature collection layers frequently.

  • BUG-000150574 Marker symbol rotation in feature collection not honored from webmaps.

  • BUG-000151826 Arcade expression shows inconsistent behavior in case sensitivity when Simple renderer and Dictionary renderer is used.

  • BUG-000152564 createTableAsync method of geodatabase ignores the vertical coordinate system of the table description.

  • BUG-000152913 Data (mmpk, tpk, etc.) cannot be opened in Runtime SDKs from external hard drives.
  • The results of Arcade expressions are incorrectly cached between features in Media popup elements.

  • Distinguish between null being returned from an immediate calculation attribute rule and an empty return value.

  • Updating LabelDef.Symbol.Color after changing LabelDefinition does not work on specific layers.

  • Map does not refresh after setting a feature layer's definition expression to "field_name is null" when tiling mode is disabled.

  • Projecting curved feature geometry from Web Mercator to WGS 84 causes a crash.

  • Location updates for floor-aware geotriggers do not work with all integer types used to represent floor information.

  • Updated RouteTrackerLocationDataSource to support asynchronous start and stop methods to be consistent with those used by IndoorsLocationDataSource.

  • Modified the timestamp calculation used by the Kalman filter in the positioning estimation of IndoorsLocationDataSource, improving its accuracy.

  • Fixed a buffer underflow bug in the floor estimator that caused occasional crashes in IndoorsLocationDataSource.

  • Unable to delete features from hosted feature layers that do not have GlobalIDs.

  • Contingent values validation logic doesn't match ArcGIS Pro if there are no contingencies defined for the current subtype.

  • A UtilityNetwork created with a URL not matching the case 'FeatureServer' fails to trace, get associations with extent, and query trace configs.

  • A direction maneuver is sometimes missing from the results when a route traverses a feature with a self-intersecting geometry.

  • Upgraded zlib library to 1.2.13 to address security vulnerability.

  • Upgraded Libtiff from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 to address security vulnerabilities.

  • Upgrade sqlite to version 3.39.2 to address vulnerability.




Line labeling improvements

At this release, labels on line features are kept in the visible extent when possible. This behavior is automatic (no additional API calls are required) unless repetition is being used along the line. If repetition is used then it is assumed that the author is deliberately controlling the approximate frequency of labels on the map in order to avoid clutter.

Line labels will also make more small local movements to avoid obstacle features or other labels. This applies to labels that use repetition and those that don't. For labels with repetition, this may affect the distance between repetitions.


Support for text symbol flip angle

ArcGIS Runtime now honors flip angle on a CIMTextSymbol. The flip angle property defines the angle at which rotated text is flipped (mirrored) in place. The property gets applied dynamically at rendering time and is not exposed via a public API. Angle is calculated in degrees from vertical. There are four different ways rotation can be applied to a symbol: map rotation, symbol rotation, geometry rotation, and marker rotation (defined on the respective symbol layer). Flip angle is not honored in 3D or if the text symbol's angle property is greater than 0.

Utility Network

Prevent subnetwork controller deletion

The utility network allows designating specific features as subnetwork controllers. Subnetwork controller features serve as network sources or sinks and form the starting points of a subnetwork. After a device or junction object has been assigned as a subnetwork controller, the feature cannot be deleted. Beginning with version 100.15, when attempting to delete a feature that is a subnetwork controller, ArcGIS Runtime will prevent its deletion.


Arcade improvements

At this release, ArcGIS Runtime supports Arcade 1.19, which has the following enhancements.

  • Support for while loops like the one shown below.
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
var count = 1
while (count < 10){
  count *= 2
  • Simplified Dictionary construction where the name of an entry is the same as the variable containing the value.
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
var hello = "Hello"
var name = "Arcade"
{hello, name} // Equivalent to {"hello":hello, "name":name}
  • A new ConvexHull function added to the set of geometry functions.
  • The FeatureSet constructor can now accept a dictionary.

For more information, see the Arcade documentation.

Enhanced support for attribute rules

ArcGIS Runtime 100.15 adds support for the following Arcade data functions for use with attribute rules:

  • GetFeatureSetInfo() returns metadata for the original source database and service (if applicable) of a feature set. This function was added in Arcade version 1.18.

  • NextSequenceValue() returns the next sequence value from the database sequence specified. This function executes locally when called from attribute rules running in stand-alone mobile geodatabases.


Utility Network Trace Toolkit Component

The Utility Network Trace Tool, now included in the ArcGIS Runtime for Java Toolkit, allows you to easily run a trace for any map that has been authored with trace configurations. To use the tool, select a trace configuration and click on the map to add a starting point. Run the trace, and the results will be displayed in the UI and on the map.

Toolkit Example App

The toolkit now contains an example app to demonstrate how to use the various components. A settings panel allows you to change some of the tool options to test out its capabilities.


Support for M1 based macOS platforms

From 100.15.0, the Java API includes the .dylib files needed to run Java desktop applications natively on M1-based Mac platforms as well as Intel. When starting an application, ArcGIS Runtime will automatically detect the chipset on the Mac platform and choose between Intel and M1 compiled libraries.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

100.15.0 adds support for the newest LTS release of Ubuntu - 22.04.

Projection engine updates

The following changes have been made to coordinate systems, map projections, and geographic transformations:

  • Several planetary satellites and extraterrestrial bodies had updated definitions added based on the IAU/IAG 2015 publication. Projected coordinate systems for Mars and the moon were also added.

  • The Luxembourg 1930 name was updated to LUREF which affected geographic and projected coordinate systems and several transformations.

  • Several edits were made to geographic transformations:

    • The name of MGI_1901_To_WGS_1984_12, 8688, was updated to MGI_1901_To_WGS_1984_16.
    • The rotation values were fixed in 9383, KSA-GRF17_To_WGS_1984_1, and 9472, DGN95_to_SRGI2013_1.
    • The transformation method was fixed in 1825, Hong_Kong_1980_To_WGS_1984_1.
    • The WKIDs and transformation methods were updated for CR05_to_CR-SIRGAS_1 and CR05_To_WGS_1984_2.
    • A rotation value was fixed in 8827, Camacupa_2015_To_RSAO13_1.
  • Many years ago, the EPSG registry ( deleted entries that had problems. They added corrected entries with new well-known IDs (WKID). This included a large group of geographic transformations where the ‘old’ WKIDs were in the 8xxx range. Esri kept the previous WKIDs in case someone was using them, but ‘code-changed’ the objects to use the official WKIDs. EPSG has started reusing the 8xxx numbers, although only a few objects so far have been affected. The code-change entries that used 8xxx (and which no longer exist in the EPSG registry) were removed at this release. This allows us to use the 8xxx values for new EPSG entries. Five GDA2020 transformations were affected and had been given Esri WKID numbers (108xxx). They now have code-change entries to their official EPSG WKID numbers. These are:

    • GDA_1994_To_GDA2020_1, 108060 to 8048
    • GDA_1994_To_GDA2020_NTv2_2_Conformal_and_Distortion, 108447 to 8447
    • GDA_1994_To_GDA2020_NTv2_3_Conformal, 108446 to 8446
    • GDA_1994_To_GDA2020_NTv2_4_Christmas, 108444 to 8444
    • GDA_1994_To_GDA2020_NTv2_5_Cocos_Keeling, 108445 to 8445
  • Several new vertical transformations based on geoids, quasi-geoids, or other conversion grids are available. You can use them to transform to or between gravity-related vertical coordinate systems for the following areas: Belgium, Estonia (geoid file distributed by AlphaGIS, Estonian distributor), Italy (EVRF 2019), Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland, Tasmania (Australia), Ukraine (EVRF 2019), and United Kingdom (HS2-VRF).

  • Projection mathematics for the Hotine oblique Mercator projection and the Rectified skew orthomorphic projection have been modified to fix an issue with ±90° azimuth cases. This is expected to cause about 4 cm offset in the center of the Swiss projected coordinate systems (affected WKIDs are: 2056, 21780, 21781 and 21782). The projection algorithm has been added as a new variant to the Hotine oblique Mercator projection.

Local Server

ArcGIS Runtime Local Server SDK 100.15 is an incremental compatibility release that provides support for geoprocessing and map packages created with ArcGIS Pro 2.9.x. This release supports the ArcGIS toolbox format (.atbx file extension), which represents the next generation of geoprocessing toolbox, tool, script, and model storage. Using ArcGIS Pro, you can create toolsets, add new model and script tools, change properties, and copy tools from legacy toolboxes (.tbx file) into the new toolbox format. For more information see Create a toolbox.

Breaking API changes

There are no breaking changes with this release.

Behavior changes

  • Layers imported from ArcGIS Pro 3.0 that specify labels be offset to the Left or the Right of a line feature (following its digitization direction), will now have that positioning respected rather than defaulting to Above and Below the line feature on the screen.
  • Horizontal labels offset from a line feature are now positioned so that their closest point is at the expected offset from the line feature. This was not previously correct in all cases, especially when the map was rotated.
  • Labels are no longer lost when elevation changes.


API deprecations

There are no API deprecations with this release.

OS and framework deprecations

  • Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL7) is deprecated. The last release to support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL7) is version 100.15. A minimum of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL8) will be required at the next release.

  • Support for Ubuntu 18 is deprecated. The last release to support Ubuntu 18 is version 100.15. A minimum of Ubuntu 20 will be required at the next release.

  • The last release to support JavaFX 11 is version 100.15. JavaFX 17 will be required at the next release.

To learn more about the future of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Java, see ArcGIS Runtime in 2022 and beyond blog.

Issues resolved

Issues addressed in this release are listed below.

  • Question on Esri Community WMTS layer fails to load with "Invalid argument: tile info origin must have a spatial reference"
  • Question on Esri Community Changing Opacity of a Surface without Basemap doesn't update on screen
  • BUG-000134159: Ordering fields by OrderByFields.Add(orderBy1) in a mobile map package (.mmpk) with 40,000 features fails with an error.
  • BUG-000148570: The 2D MapView flickers when displaying the mobile map package data using FeatureRenderingMode.Dynamic or FeatureRenderingMode.Automatic.
  • BUG-000149335: The zoom and pan tools built in ArcGIS Runtime SDK 100.14 result in white tiles.
  • BUG-000149425: Mobile geodatabase is returning a "No Data" error even though there is data in the mobile geodatabase.
  • BUG-000149646: Geotriggers do not create fences for all features from a paged Service Feature Table.
  • BUG-000149978: Add/update/delete feature operations that trigger attribute rules whose Arcade expression uses the Domain function will fail to evaluate in Runtime with an "Arcade expression is invalid" error message.

Known issues

There are no known issues or limitations for this release.

Changes in samples

New samples


  • Updated samples from JavaFX version 11 to JavaFX version 17. JavaFX 17 supports both Java JDK 11 and 17, and therefore supports users who have already switched from Java 11 to 17. This also fixes a font bug where Oracle JDK 17 users would see a font issue (unreadable UI) with JavaFX 11.
  • Updated samples utilizing toolkit to the newly-released version of the Java SDK Toolkit.
  • Renamed Generate Geodatabase -> Generate geodatabase replica from feature service to better differentiate geodatabase samples.
  • Updated CQL JSON queries in Query with CQL filters to use the latest CQL2-JSON format.
  • Added reset button to Cut geometry and Clip geometry.
  • Removed deprecated code references introduced in ArcGIS Runtime API for Java v100.15.0.
  • Added Google Analytics telemetry to the sample viewer.

Bug fixes

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