
Represents a callable object created from a Raster Function Template(RFT) portal item. This object serves as a python function corresponding to the Raster Function Template.

Once an RFT class object has been created, a single question mark before, or after the RFT object will show help relative to it. The help document would display the parameters that were marked as public by the author of the RFT. (This is supported only in jupyter notebook and IPython environment.)

If any of the input values need to be given or overridden, the values maybe specified as inputs directly to the RFT object. RFT objects can only be called using keyword arguments. On calling the RFT object with the necessary input variables, it creates an output Imagery Layer with function chain applied on it.


Make sure that Raster rendering service is turned on, inorder to display the output dynamically.

Also, set the desired extent on the output Imagery Layer before viewing it


Sharing Raster Utilities To use RFT module using non admin accounts, the Raster Utilities Utility Service has to be shared by the owner of the utility to all users.

  1. Log in to ArcGIS Server Manager with an administrator account

  2. In the Services page, click the Utilities folder to view the utility services for the server

  3. Locate RasterUtilities Utility Service:
    1. Click the Sharing Properties icon

    2. In the Sharing Properties panel, select ArcGIS Enterprise.

    3. Click Save.

# Usage Example 1

rft_item_object = RFT(rft_item)
imagery_layer_output = rft_item_object(param1=<ImageryLayer object>, param2=<value>)
# In the above rft object, it is assumed that param1 represents the ImageryLayer input to the RFT.
imagery_layer_output #This would display a new ImageryLayer object with the RFT applied on it.
# Usage Example 2

# If the RFT is capable of working with an array of rasters

rft_item_object = RFT(rft_item)
imagery_layer_output = rft_item_object(param1=[<ImageryLayer object1>,<ScalarValue>,<ImageryLayer object2>], param2=<value>)
imagery_layer_output #This would display a new ImageryLayer object with the RFT applied on it.
class arcgis.raster.functions.RFT(raster_function_template, gis=None)




required, input portal raster function template item.


optional, GIS on which the RFT object is based on.


Converts the raster function template into a dictionary.




optional, GIS on which the RFT object is based on.



draw_graph(show_attributes=False, graph_size='14.25, 15.25')

Displays a structural representation of the function chain and it’s raster input values. If show_attributes is set to True, then the draw_graph function also displays the attributes of all the functions in the function chain, representing the rasters in a blue rectangular box, attributes in green rectangular box and the raster function names in yellow.




optional boolean. If True, the graph displayed includes all the attributes of the function and not only it’s function name and raster inputs Set to False by default, to display only he raster function name and the raster inputs to it.


optional string. Maximum width and height of drawing, in inches, seperated by a comma. If only a single number is given, this is used for both the width and the height. If defined and the drawing is larger than the given size, the drawing is uniformly scaled down so that it fits within the given size.



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