arcgis.raster.utils module


arcgis.raster.utils.generate_direct_access_url(expiration=None, *, gis=None)

Function to get the direct access url for user’s rasterStore on ArcGIS Online.




Optional integer. Direct access URL expiration time in minutes. (The default is 1440 ie. 24 hours)


Keyword only parameter. Optional GIS . The GIS on which this function runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.


String. Direct Access URL


arcgis.raster.utils.upload_imagery_to_agol_userstore(files, direct_access_url=None, auto_renew=True, upload_properties=None, *, gis=None)

Uploads file/files to the user’s rasterstore on ArcGIS Online and returns the list of urls.

The list of urls can then be used with copy_raster() or create_image_collection() method to create imagery layers on ArcGIS Online.

For this functionality to work, Azure library packages for Python (Azure SDK for Python - azure-storage-blob: 12.1<= version <=12.17) needs to be pre-installed. Refer




Required. It can be a folder, list of files or single file that needs to be uploaded.


Optional string. The direct access url generated using generate_direct_access_url() . If not specified, the function would generate the direct access url internally which is valid for 1440 minutes.


Optional boolean. If set to True, function would continue uploading until the entire data is uploaded by auto renewing the direct access url. (The default is True)


Optional dictionary. upload_properties can be used to control specific upload parameters.

Available options:

  • maxUploadConcurrency: Optional integer. Maximum number of parallel connections to use for large uploads (when individual file/blob size exceeds 64MB). This is the max_concurrency parameter of the BlobClient.upload_blob() method. (The default is 6)

  • maxWorkerThreads: Optional integer. Maximum number of threads to execute asynchronously when uploading multiple files. This is the max_workers parameter of the ThreadPoolExecutor() class. (The default is None)

  • displayProgress: Optional boolean. If set to True, a progress bar will be displayed for tracking the progress of the uploads to user’s rasterstore. (The default is False)




Keyword only parameter. Optional GIS . The GIS on which this function runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.


List of file paths.

# Usage Example: Generates an expirable direct access url and uploads files to the user's raster store.

sas_url = generate_direct_access_url(expiration=180, gis=gis)

uploaded_imagery = upload_imagery_to_agol_userstore(files=r"/path/to/data", 

# Following snippet executes the copy_raster() function on the uploaded imagery to create imagery layer item on ArcGIS Online.

copy_raster_op = copy_raster(input_raster=uploaded_imagery,
                             raster_type_name="Raster Dataset",


arcgis.raster.utils.publish_hosted_imagery_layer(input_data, layer_configuration, tiles_only=False, raster_type_name=None, raster_type_params=None, source_mosaic=None, output_name=None, context=None, *, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)

The function can create hosted imagery layers in ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online from local raster datasets by uploading the data to the server. Multiple images are mosaicked into a single dataset to create one layer. A collection can also be created from multiple input rasters.




Required list. The list of input raster paths(s) to be added to the imagery layer being created.


You can also upload an existing mosaic dataset and create an imagery layer by specifying the mosaic dataset path as input to source_mosaic parameter. The input_data param can then be used to specify local raster dataset path(s) in the mosaic dataset.


Required String.

  • ONE_IMAGE: Uses a single, processed image or mosaics multiple images into a single dataset to create one layer. This option supports all common image formats and satellite products at various levels.

  • IMAGE_COLLECTION: Manages a collection of images using a single layer and mosaics images dynamically. Each image can be accessed independently. This option supports all common image formats and satellite products at various levels.


Optional boolean. If set to True, function will generate a tiles only layer otherwise will generate a dynamic imagery layer.

  • True - Provides imagery access as static tiles and associated metadata. Supports client-side processing and rendering. Can be used as an input to raster analysis.

  • False - Provides versatile dynamic imagery access capabilities. Supports on-demand server-side processing and dynamic mosaicking. Supports managing a collection of images. Can be used as an input to raster analysis.


Required string. The name of the raster type to use for adding data.

Choice list:

“Aerial”, “ASTER”, “DMCII”, “DubaiSat-2”, “GeoEye-1”, “GF-1 PMS”, “GF-1 WFV”,
“GF-2 PMS”, “GRIB”, “HDF”, “IKONOS”, “Jilin-1”, “KOMPSAT-2”, “KOMPSAT-3”,
“Landsat 1-5 MSS”, “Landsat 4-5 TM”, “Landsat 7 ETM+”, “Landsat 8”, “Landsat 9”,
“NetCDF”, “PlanetScope”, “Pleiades-1”, “Pleiades NEO”, “QuickBird”, “RapidEye”,
“Raster Dataset”, “ScannedAerial”, “Sentinel-2”, “SkySat”, “SPOT 5”, “SPOT 6”,
“SPOT 7”, “Superview-1”, “Tiled Imagery Layer”, “UAV/UAS”, “WordView-1”,
“WordView-2”, “WordView-3”, “WordView-4”, “ZY3-SASMAC”, “ZY3-CRESDA”

If an existing mosaic dataset is being published as a dynamic imagery layer using the source_mosaic_dataset parameter, the raster_type_name parameter can be set to None as it is not required.




Optional dict. Additional raster_type specific parameters.

The process of add rasters can be controlled by specifying additional raster type arguments.

The raster type parameters argument is a dictionary.

The dictionary can contain productType, processingTemplate, pansharpenType, Filter, pansharpenWeights, ConstantZ, dem, zoffset, CorrectGeoid, ZFactor, StretchType, ScaleFactor, ValidRange

Please check the table below (Supported Raster Types), for more details about the product types, processing templates, pansharpen weights for each raster type.

  • Possible values for pansharpenType - [“Mean”, “IHS”, “Brovey”, “Esri”, “Mean”, “Gram-Schmidt”]

  • Possible values for filter - [None, “Sharpen”, “SharpenMore”]

  • Value for StretchType dictionary can be as follows:

    • “None”

    • “MinMax; <min>; <max>”

    • “PercentMinMax; <MinPercent>; <MaxPercent>”

    • “StdDev; <NumberOfStandardDeviation>”

    Example: {“StretchType”: “MinMax; <min>; <max>”}

  • Value for ValidRange dictionary can be as follows:

    • “<MaskMinValue>, <MaskMaxValue>”

    Example: {“ValidRange”: “10, 200”}


{“productType”:”All”,”processingTemplate”:”Pansharpen”, “pansharpenType”:”Gram-Schmidt”,”filter”:”SharpenMore”, “pansharpenWeights”:”0.85 0.7 0.35 1”,”constantZ”:-9999}


Optional string. Path to the existing mosaic dataset to be published as a hosted dynamic imagery layer.

To publish an existing mosaic dataset, specify the path to the input data of the mosaic in the input_rasters parameter. The data will be uploaded to ArcGIS Online.

raster_type_name parameter can be set to None as it is not required to publish an imagery layer from a mosaic dataset.


Option available only on ArcGIS online




Optional String. If not provided, an Image Service is created by the method and used as the output raster.

You can pass in an existing Image Service Item from your GIS to use that instead.

Alternatively, you can pass in the name of the output Image Service that should be created by this method to be used as the output for the tool. A RuntimeError is raised if a service by that name already exists


context contains additional settings that affect task execution.

context parameter overwrites values set through arcgis.env parameter

This function has the following settings:

  • Output Spatial Reference (outSR): The output raster will be projected into the output spatial reference.


    {“outSR”: {spatial reference}}

  • Upload Properties (upload_properties): upload_properties key can be used to control specific upload parameters when trying to create hosted imagery layers in ArcGIS Online from local raster datasets.

    Available options:

    • maxUploadConcurrency: Optional integer. Maximum number of parallel connections to use for large uploads (when individual file/blob size exceeds 64MB). This is the max_concurrency parameter of the BlobClient.upload_blob() method. (The default is 6)

    • maxWorkerThreads: Optional integer. Maximum number of threads to execute asynchronously when uploading multiple files. This is the max_workers parameter of the ThreadPoolExecutor() class. (The default is None)

    • displayProgress: Optional boolean. If set to True, a progress bar will be displayed for tracking the progress of the uploads to user’s rasterstore. (The default is False)


    {“upload_properties”: {“maxUploadConcurrency”:8,

The context parameter can also be used to specify whether to build footprints, pixel value that represents the NoData, resamplingMethod etc.




To define NoData values for ONE_IMAGE case when the input is a single raster, use the following: {“noData”: “1 255;2 0;3 255”}


Keyword only parameter. Optional GIS . The GIS on which this function runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.


Imagery layer item


arcgis.raster.utils.get_stac_info(stac_url, verbose=False)

Retrieves information from a STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog) URL.

This function fetches and parses information from a given STAC URL. It supports STAC Catalogs, Collections, Items, and ItemCollections. The information is returned in a dictionary format.




Required string. The URL of the STAC resource to fetch information from.


Optional boolean. If set to True, detailed information is returned. If set to False, only essential information is returned. (The default is False)


This helper method assists users in gathering STAC information, which can then be used to better understand what to pass or query when using the following methods:


Dictionary containing the parsed information from the STAC URL.

# Example 1: Fetching detailed information from a STAC API (Planetary Computer)
stac_info = get_stac_info("", verbose=True)

# Example 2: Fetching essential information from a STAC Collection (Landsat C2-L2 collection on Planetary Computer)
stac_info = get_stac_info("", verbose=False)

# Example 3: Fetching essential information from a STAC Item (NAIP data on Planetary Computer)
stac_info = get_stac_info("")

# Example 4: Fetching detailed information from an ItemCollection (NAIP data on Earth Search)
stac_info = get_stac_info("", verbose=True)

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