ExifInfo QML Type

Supports reading Exchangeable Image File Format (Exif) metadata from image files. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISExtras 1.1
Since: Esri.ArcGISExtras 1.0





Detailed Description

Exif is a standard for embedding metadata into image, audio and related file types, widely used by digital cameras and other equipment. Exif image metadata include image tags, extended tags and GPS tags that correspond to various image attributes. The tags are well-known codes. You can read about the Exif standard at http://www.jeita.or.jp.

The following code logs to the console some Exif information from a file containing an image.

ExifInfo {
    id: exif1
    filePath: "C:/temp/sample.jpg"

    function logExifMetadata() {
                    "\nFile:              " + exif1.filePath +
                    "\nCreated:           " + exif1.created +
                    "\nIs Exif valid?     " + exif1.isExifValid +
                    "\nExif version:      " + exif1.extendedValue(0x9000) +
                    "\nCamera manuf:      " + exif1.imageValue(0x010F) +
                    "\nCamera model:      " + exif1.imageValue(0x0110) +
                    "\nGPS latitude:      " + exif1.gpsLatitude +
                    "\nGPS longitude:     " + exif1.gpsLongitude +
                    "\nGPS altitude:      " + exif1.gpsAltitude +
                    "\nGPS speed:         " + exif1.gpsValue(0x000D) +
                    "\nAll image tags:    " + exif1.imageTags +
                    "\nAll extended tags: " + exif1.extendedTags +
                    "\nAll GPS tags:      " + exif1.gpsTags);

Property Documentation

extendedTags : list<ExifExtendedTag>

Returns the list of all the extended tags in the image (read-only).

Examples of extended tags include ExifVersion, ExposureTime, SceneType and Contrast.

gpsAltitude : double

Returns the image's altitude (read-only).

The value of this property is NaN if the image is not valid or does not contain the GPS tag GpsAltitude.

gpsLatitude : double

Returns image's latitude in decimal degrees (read-only).

The value of this property is NaN if the image is not valid or does not contain the GPS tag GpsLatitude. Southern latitude is returned as a negative value.

gpsLongitude : double

Returns the image's longitude in decimal degrees (read-only).

The value of this property is NaN if the image is not valid or does not contain the GPS tag GpsLongitude. Western longitude is returned as a negative value.

gpsTags : list<GpsTag>

Returns the list of all the GPS tags in the image (read-only).

Examples of GPS tags include GpsLatitude, GpsLongitude, GpsMapDatum and GpsDateStamp.

imageTags : list<ImageTag>

Returns the list of all the image tags in the image (read-only).

Examples of image tags include ImageWidth, XResolution, Orientation and DateTime.

isExifValid : bool

Returns true if this Exif image is valid (read-only).

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the stored path to the image file changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onExifChanged.

Method Documentation

jsobject extendedValue(int extendedTag)

Returns the value associated with an extended tag extendedTag.

jsobject gpsValue(int gpsTag)

Returns the value associated with a GPS tag gpsTag.

jsobject imageValue(int imageTag)

Returns the value associated with an image tag imageTag.

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