FileInfo QML Type

FileInfo provides commonly used file system operations. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISExtras 1.1
Since: Esri.ArcGISExtras 1.0
Inherited By:




Detailed Description

FileInfo incorporates a QFileInfo and exposes its most useful properties.

Property Documentation

baseName : string

Returns the name of the file without the path, up to but not including the first dot (read-only).

created : date

Returns the date and time the file was created (read-only).

exists : bool

Returns true if the path exists (read-only).

fileName : string

Returns the name of the file without the path (read-only).

filePath : string

The file name, including the complete path, currently represented by this FileInfo.

folder : FileFolder

Returns the folder currently represented by this FileInfo (read-only).

isFile : bool

Returns true if the file system object pointed to by this FileInfo is a regular file or a symbolic link to a regular file (read-only).

Returns false if the file system object pointed to is something other than a file, such as a folder.

isFolder : bool

Returns true if the file pointed to by this FileInfo is a folder or a symbolic link to a folder (read-only).

Returns false if the file system object pointed to is something other than a folder, such as a file.

isNativePath : bool

Returns true if the path can be used directly with native APIs (read-only).

Returns false if the file is otherwise supported by a virtual file system inside Qt such as the Qt Resource System (read-only).

isReadable : bool

Returns true the user can read the file (read-only).

Returns true if this object points to a symbolic link or to a Windows shortcut (read-only).

isWritable : bool

Returns true if the user can write to the file (read-only).

lastModified : date

Returns the date and time the file was last modified (read-only).

path : string

Returns the file path without the file name (read-only).

If this FileInfo object has a path ending in a slash, the name of the file is considered empty and this function will return the entire path.

permissions : Permissions

Permissions flag for the file.

size : string

Returns the file size in bytes as a numeric string (read-only).

If the file does not exist or is not accessible, the value of this property is "0".

suffix : string

Returns the substring of the file name after and not including the last dot (read-only).

symLinkTarget : string

Returns the absolute path to the file or folder that a symlink (or Windows shortcut) points to, or an empty string if the object is not a symbolic link. (Read-only)

url : url

A URL representing the file.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when properties of this object changes.

Emitted when any of these properties change:

Note: The corresponding handler is onFilePathChanged.


Emitted when the permissions property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onPermissionsChanged.

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