ZipArchive QML Type

Reads Zip archive files. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISExtras 1.1
Since: Esri.ArcGISExtras 1.0




Detailed Description

This type simplifies reading Zip archive files by providing the most commonly used operations.

Property Documentation

Result : enumeration

Enumerates possible result codes for a Zip compressed archive extract operation.

The ZipArchive.Result can be one of:

Result.EndOfListOfFileEnd Of List Of File
Result.ErrNoErr No
Result.EndOfFileEnd Of File
Result.ParameterErrorParameter Error
Result.BadZipFileBad Zip File
Result.InternalErrorInternal Error
Result.CrcErrorCRC Error

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISExtras 1.0.

caseSensitive : bool

Whether names of the files in the archive are case-sensitive.

Set to true if file names are case-sensitive.

fileNames : list<string>

Returns a list of files in the archive (read-only).

The archive must be open, or this property is an empty list.

folderNames : list<string>

Returns a list of folders in the archive (read-only).

The archive must be open, or this property is an empty list.

isOpen : bool

Returns true if the archive is open (read-only).

path : string

The resolved path to the archive.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the caseSensitive property of this object changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onCaseSensitiveChanged.


Emitted when extraction is complete.

Note: The corresponding handler is onExtractCompleted.

extractError(string fileName, string outputFileName, ZipArchive.Result result)

Emitted when file extraction fails.

  • fileName The name of the file in the archive.
  • outputFileName The intended destination file.
  • result The ZipArchive.Result enumeration of the cause of the error.

Note: The corresponding handler is onExtractError.

extractProgress(string fileName, string outputFileName, double percent)

Emitted periodically during file extraction.

  • fileName The name of the file in the archive.
  • outputFileName The intended destination file.
  • percent Percent complete.

Note: The corresponding handler is onExtractProgress.


Emitted when the path property of this object changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onPathChanged.

Method Documentation

void close()

Close the archive.

bool exists(string fileName)

Gets whether a file exists in the archive.

Returns true if the archive is open and the file named fileName is in the archive; otherwise false.

bool extractAll(string outputPath)

Extracts all files from the archive.

  • outputPath The path to the destination folder.

Returns true if successful; otherwise false.

bool extractFile(string fileName, string outputFilePath)

Extracts a file from the archive.

  • fileName The name of the file in the archive.
  • outputFilePath The complete path and name of the destination file.

Returns true if successful; otherwise false. If the output file already exists, it will be overwritten.

ZipFileInfo fileInfo(string fileName)

Returns a ZipFileInfo object with information about a file in the archive.

Returns null if the archive is not open or the file fileName cannot be found in the archive.

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