
The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt includes an open-source toolkit (in a GitHub repo) that provides:

  • Ready-made UI components - Use these to simplify your work and enrich your mapping and GIS applications.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) tools - Use these for viewing and interacting with your 3D spatial data in AR.

The toolkit includes:

  • ArcGISArView - A scene view that integrates with ARKit/ARCore features for augmented reality on mobile devices.
  • Authentication view dialog - A wrapper view that will automatically display the proper authentication view for any of the supported authentication types (OAuth, Token, HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, SAML, PKI).
  • Basemap gallery - Shows a list of available basemaps by using a Portal or using a user defined collection. User is able to select a basemap, setting it on the current Geomodel.
  • Callout - A view for displaying information at a geographic location.
  • Client certificate view dialog - A dialog for handling PKI authentication.
  • Compass - A control that indicates north, reacting to rotation changes of the map. It similar to a north arrow or compass rose on printed maps.
  • Coordinate conversion - A tool that helps convert coordinates from one coordinate system to another.
  • Floor filter - A tool that shows sites and facilities, and enables toggling the visibility of levels on floor-aware maps and scenes.
  • OAuth2View dialog - A dialog for handling OAuth authentication.
  • Overview map - An inset map that shows the current extent of an associated GeoView in the context of a larger area.
  • Popup view - A view that displays feature attributes and attachments.
  • Popup stack view - A view based on the Popup view that can show multiple Popups as flickable pages.
  • Scalebar - A tool that indicates the proportions of a map to the actual geographic area so users can visually gauge distances on a map view.
  • Search view - A tool that submits search queries and shows single or multiple results. Queries can be restricted to the current view extent.
  • Ssl handshake view dialog - A dialog for allowing/blocking SSL Handshake related issues.
  • Time slider - A control for changing the current time extent on a view using a slider that moves between the defined minimum and maximum time values.
  • User credentials view dialog - A generic dialog for handling username/password authentication.
  • Bookmarks view- A control that displays and navigates to bookmarks that have been authored in a map.


The repository contains three toolkit projects, each intended for use based on the ArcGIS Runtime SDK and the Qt application you're creating:

  • toolkitqml (for use with QML only apps)
  • toolkitcpp (for use with C++ apps which use a QtQuick UI)
  • toolkitwidgets (for use with C++ apps which use a QWidgets UI)

Set up the toolkit

You need to clone this repository locally to incorporate it into your own project. Instructions for importing the toolkit vary based on the ArcGIS Runtime SDK and the Qt application you're creating. See the repository readme file for detailed information:


Access ArcGIS location services

By default, the BasemapGalleryController and the SearchViewController components take advantage of geographically load-balanced ArcGIS location services. You can monitor service usage by using or . To use these components, by default, you must set an API key or authenticate an ArcGIS user. For more information about accessing services and content with an API key, see Get an access token.


Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.

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You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
