Extract PBFs from httr2_response objects

Processes httr2_response objects that return FeatureCollection PBFs.


resp_body_pbf(resp, post_process = TRUE, use_sf = TRUE)

resps_data_pbf(resps, post_process = TRUE, use_sf = TRUE)



A response object.


default TRUE. Apply post_process_pbf() to the pbf body.


default TRUE. Whether or not to return an sf object.


a list of httr2_response objects such as created by httr2::req_perform_parallel()


A processed FeatureCollection pbf. Either a scalar integer, named list, data.frame, or an sf object if post-processing is applied.


Responses of type application/x-protobuf are automatically processed using process_pbf() with optional post-processing applied. Theses functions assume that the body of the responses are an Esri FeatureCollection protocol buffer.

Lists of responses

When running multiple requests in parallel using httr2::req_perform_parallel() the responses are returned as a list of responses. resps_data_pbf() processes the responses in a vectorized manner.

Results are post-processed by default and return sf objects if applicable. This may not be desirable if heterogeneous response types are expected. For example, if one list element contains a count result and another contains an object ID result.

See post_process_pbf() for more details.

Note: Knowledge Graph protocol buffers and other protobuf formats are not supported and will result in an error if used with these functions.


if (rlang::is_installed(c("httr2", "sf")) && interactive()) {
  base_url <- file.path(
    "arcgis", "rest", "services",
    "FeatureServer", "2", "query", fsep = "/"

  # create the base request
  req <- httr2::request(base_url)

  # fill query parameters
  req <- httr2::req_url_query(
    where = "1=1",
    outFeilds = "objectid",
    resultRecordCount = 1,
    f = "pbf"

  # make the request
  resp <- httr2::req_perform(req)

  # parse the request

  # simulate response from multi_req_perform
  resps <- list(resp, resp, resp)

  # process them all at once
#> Simple feature collection with 3 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -17291870 ymin: 2244237 xmax: -17263600 ymax: 2261306
#> Projected CRS: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
#>               NAME                       geometry
#> 1 Census Tract 201 POLYGON ((-17264972 2244291...
#> 2 Census Tract 201 POLYGON ((-17264972 2244291...
#> 3 Census Tract 201 POLYGON ((-17264972 2244291...

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