Process a FeatureCollection PBF

Process a pbf from a raw vector or a list of raw vectors.





either a raw vector or a list of raw vectors containing a FeatureCollection pbf


  • For count results, a scalar integer.

  • For object ID results a data.frame with one column.

  • For pbfs that contain geometries, a list of 3 elements:

    • attributes is a data.frame of the fields of the FeatureCollection

    • geometry is an sfc object without a computed bounding box or coordinate reference system set

    • sr is a named list of the spatial reference of the feature collection

Important: Use post_process_pbf() to convert to an sf object with a computed bounding box and CRS.


There are three types of PBF FeatureCollection responses that may be returned.

Feature Result

In the case the PBF is a FeatureResult and use_sf = FALSE, a data.frame is returned with the spatial reference stored in the crs attribute. Otherwise an sf object is returned.

Count Result

The PBF can also return a count result, for example if the query parameter returnCountOnly is set to true. In this case, a scalar integer vector is returned.

Object ID Result

In the case that the query parameter returnIdsOnly is true, a data.frame is returned containing the object IDs and the column name set to the object ID field name in the feature service.


count_fp <- system.file("count.pbf", package = "arcpbf")
oid_fp <- system.file("ids.pbf", package = "arcpbf")
tbl_fp <- system.file("small-table.pbf", package = "arcpbf")
fc_fp <- system.file("small-points.pbf", package = "arcpbf")

# count response
count_raw <- open_pbf(count_fp)
#> [1] 3143

# object id response
oid_raw <- open_pbf(oid_fp)
#> 1        1
#> 2        2
#> 3        3

# table feature collection
tbl_raw <- open_pbf(tbl_fp)
#>   OBJECTID       Adoption_Service_Provider  DBA       city                state
#> 1        1 A Family in Bloom Adoption, LLC <NA>    Boulder             Colorado
#> 2        2     A Love Beyond Borders, Inc. <NA>     Denver             Colorado
#> 3        3                  Adopolis, Inc. <NA> Washington District of Columbia
#>    Accreditation_or_Approval_Statu Accredited_Approvedto_Provide
#> 1 Accredited/Approved – In Process         Incoming and Outgoing
#> 2                         Approved                      Incoming
#> 3                       Accredited                      Incoming
#>                                           full_address
#> 1           Adoption Service Provider,Boulder,Colorado
#> 2      A Family in Bloom Adoption, LLC,Denver,Colorado
#> 3 A Love Beyond Borders, Inc.,Washington,Washington DC

# feature collection with geometry 
fc_raw <- open_pbf(fc_fp)
#> $attributes
#>          County
#> 1 Hawaii County
#> 2 Hawaii County
#> $geometry
#> Geometry set for 2 features 
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: NA ymin: NA xmax: NA ymax: NA
#> CRS:           NA
#> POLYGON ((-17264972 2244291, -17264988 2244297,...
#> POLYGON ((-17264972 2244291, -17264967 2244286,...
#> $sr
#> $sr$wkt
#> [1] NA
#> $sr$wkid
#> [1] 102100
#> $sr$latest_wkid
#> [1] 3857
#> $sr$vcs_wkid
#> [1] NA
#> $sr$latest_vcs_wkid
#> [1] NA

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