Post process pbf results

Applies post-processing to the results of process_pbf()


post_process_pbf(x, use_sf = TRUE)



an object as returned by process_pbf() or read_pbf()


default TRUE. Whether or not to return an sf object.


An object of class data.frame, sf, or a scalar integer vector.

See process_pbf() for more details.


If x is a list object, the results will be row-binded. This is appropriate if each element in the list is a data.frame or a feature result with geometry. However, if each element is not the same, the post-processing will error. If you cannot be certain that all elements that you will be post processing will be the same, post-process each list element independently.


tbl_fp <- system.file("small-table.pbf", package = "arcpbf")
fc_fp <- system.file("small-points.pbf", package = "arcpbf")

# table feature collection
fc <- read_pbf(tbl_fp)
#>   OBJECTID       Adoption_Service_Provider  DBA       city                state
#> 1        1 A Family in Bloom Adoption, LLC <NA>    Boulder             Colorado
#> 2        2     A Love Beyond Borders, Inc. <NA>     Denver             Colorado
#> 3        3                  Adopolis, Inc. <NA> Washington District of Columbia
#>    Accreditation_or_Approval_Statu Accredited_Approvedto_Provide
#> 1 Accredited/Approved – In Process         Incoming and Outgoing
#> 2                         Approved                      Incoming
#> 3                       Accredited                      Incoming
#>                                           full_address
#> 1           Adoption Service Provider,Boulder,Colorado
#> 2      A Family in Bloom Adoption, LLC,Denver,Colorado
#> 3 A Love Beyond Borders, Inc.,Washington,Washington DC

# feature collection with geometry
fc <- read_pbf(fc_fp)
#> Simple feature collection with 2 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -17298700 ymin: 2216212 xmax: -17260020 ymax: 2261306
#> Projected CRS: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
#>          County                       geometry
#> 1 Hawaii County POLYGON ((-17264972 2244291...
#> 2 Hawaii County POLYGON ((-17264972 2244291...

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