What's new

Listed below are new and updated resources and operations added to the ArcGIS Notebook Server API's at each release.


New Notebook Server Administrator API Operations and Resources

  • Notebook webtools now support GPDataFile as an input or output parameter. GPDataFile can be specified as a URL to a file or as an itemId for a portal item.


New Notebook Server Administrator API Operations and Resources

  • The ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory now includes APIs for importing code snippets into a snippet library and for exporting a snippet library as *.py files.
  • The Create notebook preview operation allows administrators and notebook authors to create previews for notebooks and notebook snapshots.
  • The ArcGIS Notebook ServerMode and Update (mode) operations allow administrators to manage what changes can be made to your site. Your site can either be set to READ_ONLY or EDITABLE .


New Notebook Server Administrator API Operations and Resources

  • The Create folder operation allows you to create a folder in your /arcgis/home notebook workspace directory.


New Notebook Server Administrator API Operations and Resources

  • The Analyze Notebook operation validates sources in a saved notebook using the input and output parameters for publishing the notebook as a web tool.


New Notebook Server Administrator API Operations and Resources

  • ArcGIS Notebook Server allows you to publish a notebook as an asynchronous geoprocessing service that is shared as a web tool in the portal and supports the REST services API.

    • The Services resource is a container of services published on ArcGIS Notebook Server.
    • The Service resource represents services published to ArcGIS Notebook Server.
    • The Create Service operation creates a service when a JSON representation of the service is submitted to it.
    • The Types resource provides metadata and extensions that can be enabled on GPServer service types supported in ArcGIS Notebook Server.
    • The Delete operation will delete a service.

New Notebook Server REST Services API Operations and Resources

  • Geoprocessing services support multiple data types and can contain one or more tools that use input data from a client application, process it, and return output in the form of features, maps, reports, files, or services. You can author a notebook using ArcGIS Notebooks and share it as a web tool. A web tool published from ArcGIS Notebooks is shared as an asynchronous geoprocessing service.

    • The GP Service resource represents a geoprocessing service published using ArcGIS Notebook Server and provides information about the service.
    • The GP task resource represents a single task in a geoprocessing service published using ArcGIS Notebook Server and provides information about the task.
    • The GP job resource represents a job submitted using the submitJob operation and provides information about the job.
    • The Submit GP Job operation is performed on an asynchronous GP task resource and results in a GP job resource.
    • The Cancel GP Job operation is performed on an asynchronous GP job resource and results in the cancellation of a geoprocessing job.
    • The GP results resource represents a result parameter for a GP job and provides information about the result parameter, such as its name, data type, and value.
    • The GP inputs resource represents an input parameter for a GP job and provides information about the input parameter such as its name, data type, and value.


The sign-in page for the ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory now supports an improved experience for signing in using your portal user account.

New Operations and Resources

  • ArcGIS Notebooks Snapshots allow ArcGIS Notebooks authors to preserve up to five (configurable) point-in-time, full snapshots of a Notebook.

    • The Create Snapshot operation allows you to create a point-in-time, full snapshot of a notebook.
    • The List Snapshots operation allows you to list all snapshots associated with a notebook item.
    • The Delete Snapshot operation allows the owner of a notebook to delete one or more snapshots associated with that notebook item.
    • The Restore Snapshot operation allows for the restoring of a notebook snapshot for that notebook item.
    • The Download Notebook Snapshot operation allows for the downloading of a notebook snapshot. The snapshot is returned as a JSON representation of the notebook.
    • The Convert Snapshot to a Notebook operation allows the owner of a notebook to convert a snapshot to a new notebook item.
  • The ArcGIS Notebooks Data Access API allows a user to manage the files in their respective directory.

    • The List Files resource lists files that are located in the workspace directory (/arcgis/home) of the user making the request.
    • The Upload File operation allows uploading a single file to the workspace directory (/arcgis/home) of the user making the request. Large files (larger than 256 MB), can also be uploaded in parts from a client that has the ability to split files into smaller parts.
    • The Download File resource allows a user to download a file from their notebook workspace directory (/arcgis/home).
    • The Delete File operation allows a user to permanently remove a file from their notebook workspace directory (/arcgis/home).
  • New container resources and operations:

  • The deleteAll jobs operation will delete all completed or failed openNotebook or executeNotebook jobs.

Updated Operations and Resources

  • The register runtime operation no longer supports version as an input. A runtime version will be automatically assigned based on the version of the notebook server.

  • The licenses resource now allows you to return license information for each machine in a site with the byMachine parameter. This support was added to allow the viewing of licenses applied to individual machines in a multi-licensed site.

  • The jobs resource now defaults to returning 100 jobs with minimal detail provided.

    • The newly added detail request parameter will return the full details for a job when set to true .
    • The newly added num request parameter allows you to set the number of jobs returned.


New Operations and Resources

  • Cancel Job is performed on an asynchronous job resource. This operation results in the cancellation of the job.
  • The most recent statistics resource returns statistics, such as memory and disk utilization for machine that participate in the Notebook Serversite, as well as memory and CPU utilization for all containers.

Updated Operations and Resources

  • ArcGIS Notebook Server includes configuration properties that control some of its behaviors. The properties are available to all server objects and extensions through the server environment interface. The System Properties resource and Edit operation support the following new properties:

    • disableServiceDirectory : If true, HTML access to the REST Services Directory is disabled for ArcGIS Notebook Serverr.
    • jsapiCDN : Updates the default JSAPI URL used in a notebook by the ArcGIS API for Python and map widgets.
  • The query operation provides a way to aggregate, filter, and page through logs across the ArcGIS Notebook Server site.


New Operations and Resources

  • The Container Statistics resource returns the memory (mb) and CPU resources used by a container at the time the request is made.
  • The Execute Notebook operation allows administrators to automate notebook execution in their ArcGIS Notebook Server site.
  • The Validate Runtimes operation ensures that Docker images that are associated with the runtimes are installed on each machine of the Notebook Server site.

Updated Operations and Resources

  • ArcGIS Notebook Server includes configuration properties that control some of its behaviors. The properties are available to all server objects and extensions through the server environment interface. The System Properties resource and Edit operation support the following new properties:

    • diskSpaceThresholdGB : Indicates the threshold of remaining available disk space after which ArcGIS Notebook Server will start to log messages about low disk space. The default is 5 GB.
    • maxExecuteNotebookContainersPerNode : The maximum number of containers opened through the remote executeNotebook operation that can be simultaneously active per machine.
    • maxExecuteNotebookTimeMinutes : The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that a notebook run by the executeNotebook operation can take. If the notebook runs long, it will be terminated. The default value is 120 minutes (2 hours).


New Operations and Resources

  • The Health Check operation verifies that your ArcGIS Notebook Server site has been created, and that its Docker environment has been correctly configured.
  • The Import Site operation allows the administrator to restore a site configuration from a backup, which will have been created and exported by the exportSite operation as a ZIP file the .agssite file extension.
  • The Unregister operation removes an ArcGIS Notebook Server machine from the site.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
