ArcGIS location services

Use ready-to-use ArcGIS location services to build mapping and spatial analysis applications. Learn about the service requests and required parameters in the API references below.

Basemap styles service

Access streets, satellite, and other basemap styles for maps and scenes.

Places service

Find business, place, and POI data near a location.

Geocoding service

Search for addresses, business, and places around the world.

Routing service

Get turn-by-turn directions and solve advanced routing problems.

GeoEnrichment service

Find facts and demographic information about a location or area.

Spatial analysis service

Process spatial datasets to discover relationships and patterns.

Elevation service

Generate elevation profiles and viewsheds

Hydrology service

Trace water flow and generate watersheds.

Geometry service

Create, compare, and modify geographic shapes.

Offline packaging service

Create and manage preplanned map areas for generating offline maps.

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