Visualize 3DObject ID's

Get the ID for individual buildings in a scene.

Image of HitTest

How to use the sample (SampleViewer)

  1. The SampleViewer Scene should open by default, if it is not open, click the SampleViewer scene to open it.
  2. Click play.
  3. Using the UI, enter an APIKey in the input field to the top left.
  4. Open the Samples drop down, and click HitTest to open the level.
  5. While holding shift, click a building. The building's ID's will show up on a 3D UI Component.

How to use the sample (HitTest Scene)

  1. Open the HitTest scene.
  2. Click on the ArcGISMap GameObject and set your API key in the Inspector window.
  3. Click play.
  4. While holding shift, click a building. The building's ID's will show up on a 3D UI Component.

How it works

  1. Create an ArcGIS Map.
  2. Attach an ArcGIS Camera component to the active camera.
  3. Create a new Gameobject and call it SampleArcGISRaycast.
  4. Attach the ArcGISRaycast script to the SampleArcGISRaycast GameObject.
  5. Enter your APIKey in the APIMapCreator.
  6. Hit play. Once the scene is running hold shift and click a building. The building's ID's will show up on a 3D UI Component.

About the data

Building models for New York are loaded from a 3D object scene layer hosted by Esri.

Elevation data is loaded from the Terrain 3D elevation layer hosted by Esri.


raycast, visibility

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