Find places or search for an address

Find the location for an address or find the address of a selected location using the Geocoding service.


How to use the sample

This sample demonstrates the capability of the Geocoding service inside Unity. You can perform two kinds of operations with this sample, find a place and find an address.

  1. Open the Geocoding scene.
  2. Click on the ArcGISMap game object in the Hierarchy window.
  3. Set your API key in the Inspector window.
  4. Click play.
  5. To find a place, put a place name or address in the search bar and press Enter. For information about the type of locations that are supported by the Geocoding service, see the ArcGIS REST APIs documentation.
  6. To find an address of a place, drop the marker to your point of interest by clicking in the viewport while holding Shift, and you will see the address displayed above the marker.

Note: This sample is only set up to work with a mouse and a keyboard.

How it works

  1. Have an ArcGIS Map with the mesh colliders enabled in the scene
  2. Create a child game object under the ArcGIS Map and attach the geocoding script.
  3. The HTTPClient is used to query the Geocoding service.
  4. The findAddressCandidates operation is used for finding a place.
  5. The reverseGeocode operation is used for finding an address. The marker should have the ArcGIS Location component attached and its values will be used to query the address of the location.
  6. Place a marker using the Location Components Surface Placement mode set to OnTheGround for elevation at the queried position.


geocoding, reverse geocoding, address, locate, search

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