
Since version: 1.12

The Velocity profile allows analysts to use expressions as input parameters to real-time and big data analytics tools. These expression parameters are used in selected tools to calculate field values, enrich features, detect incidents, buffer features, and more. This profile is only used in ArcGIS Velocity.


The following products implement this profile:

Spatial reference

The spatial reference of the expression's data source1 determines the execution context's spatial reference.

Time zone

The execution context's default time zone is UTC.

Profile variables

Variable NameTypeDescription
$featureFeatureIn analytic tools with single inputs, the feature being calculated, evaluated or operated upon.
$targetFeatureIn analytic tools with two inputs, the feature being evaluated for filtering or enrichment.
$joinFeatureIn analytic tools with two inputs, the feature supplying values for evaluation or enrichment of the target feature.
$analyticDictionaryTime values associated with the analytic such as start time, last end time, etc.

Function bundles

Core | Geometry | Track

Return types

Boolean | Date | Geometry | Number | Text

  1. Data sources for ArcGIS Velocity expressions come from real-time feeds.

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