IAGSServerConnection2 Interface

Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information.


Name Description
Read/write property FullName The AGSServerConnectionName object assiated with the GIS server connection.
Method GetFolders Returns an enumeration of folder names beneath the specified folder.
Read/write property Name The name of the connection.
Read-only property ServerObjectNames The ServerObjectNames in the GIS server.
Read-only property ServerObjectNamesEx The ServerObjectNames in the GIS server folder.

IAGSServerConnection2.GetFolders Method

Returns an enumeration of folder names beneath the specified folder.

IAGSServerConnection2.ServerObjectNamesEx Property

The ServerObjectNames in the GIS server folder.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IAGSServerConnection Provides access to members that have information about the GIS server connection..

Classes that implement IAGSServerConnection2

Classes Description
AGSServerConnection The AGSServerConnection object for connecting to the GIS server and getting the ServerObjectManager and ServerObjectAdmin.

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