IAGSServerConnectionFactory3 Interface

Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information.


Name Description
Read/write property DefaultHttpTimeout The default timeout for http requests to the server (in seconds).
Method GetHostedServers Returns server object names for the hosted servers accessible to the user.
Method GetInServerConnectionName Returns a server connection name that can be used to connect to the server from within a server process. Fails if run outside a server process.
Method Open Opens the GIS server connection specified by the connection properties.
Method OpenFromFile Opens the server connection specified by the given file name.
Method ReadConnectionPropertiesFromFile The connection properties from the specified file.

IAGSServerConnectionFactory3.GetHostedServers Method

Returns server object names for the hosted servers accessible to the user.

IAGSServerConnectionFactory3.GetInServerConnectionName Method

Returns a server connection name that can be used to connect to the server from within a server process. Fails if run outside a server process.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IAGSServerConnectionFactory2 Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information.
IAGSServerConnectionFactory Provides access to members that create and open GIS server connections and supply server connection factory information.

Classes that implement IAGSServerConnectionFactory3

Classes Description
AGSServerConnectionFactory A factory object for ArcGIS Server Connections.

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