Sample theme

This sample contains the minimal required files to create a custom theme.

How to use the sample

Clone the sample repo and copy this theme's folder (within themes) to the client/your-extensions/themes folder of your Experience Builder installation.

How it works

When a custom theme is selected, the theme manager from the Jimu framework will read the custom variables in the variables.json and merge them with the default ones to create a new variables object at runtime. The variables object is then applied to the style modules (including the custom ones from style.ts) to dynamically generate CSS style sheets.

Override theme variables

The variables.json file in the sample theme folder contains all variables from the default theme, which can be overridden with different values.

A simple example:

  "colors": {
    "primary": "red"
  "typography": {
    "fontFamilyBase": "Impact, Arial",
    "fontSizeBase": "1rem"

NOTE: In order to have your theme customization to be reflected correct, please remove any unchanged variables from the demo variables.json file to avoid unneeded theme overrides.

Style Modules

Any custom CSS styles can be added inside of the style.ts file.

Global styles can be added to the globalStyles function and exported as a module with the name of "Global".

Styles for UI components can be added the same way: wrap the CSS in a function and export it as a module with the same name as the component. For example, the buttonStyles function is exported as "Button" in the sample style.ts file.

Uncomment the code inside of style.ts to see examples.


Themes support localization files to provide translation texts for different locales to use, such as _themeLabel used by the theme setting panel in the builder to display the name of the theme.

Register supported locales in the manifest.json as:

  "translatedLocales": [

Each locale needs to have a supporting translation file added under the /translations directory named as {locale}.js, except for "en", which has its file named default.ts.

For example, the "ar" locale should have an ar.js file in the /translations folder.

Then add and edit the text in each locale file, such as the _themeLabel string mentioned above.

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