Get map coordinates (class)

This widget demonstrates how to display the latitude/longitude, scale, and zoom level of the map. Step-by-step instructions for building this widget can be found in the ArcGIS for Developers Tutorials.

This widget is written as a Class-based component. The equivalent widget written as a React functional Component can be found here.

How to use the sample

Clone the sample repo and copy this widget's folder (within widgets) to the client/your-extensions/widgets folder of your Experience Builder installation.

How it works

Within widget.tsx, a reference to the Map object is acquired using the JimuMapViewComponent module. That reference is used in the activeViewChangeHandler function to create two watchers: one on when the extent changes, and one on when the pointer moves within the view:

// When the extent moves, update the state with all the updated values."extent", evt => {
  this.setState({ /* ... */ });

// When the pointer moves, take the pointer location and create a Point
// geometry out of it (`view.toMap(...)`), then update the state.
jmv.view.on("pointer-move", evt => {
  const point: Point = this.state.jimuMapView.view.toMap({
    x: evt.x,
    y: evt.y
  this.setState({ /* ... */ });

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