Statistics with output data source

An output data source can save data in a data source instance, this is called a client-side output data source.

How to use the sample

Clone the sample repo and copy this widget's folder (within widgets) to the client/your-extensions/widgets folder of your Experience Builder installation.

How it works

In setting.tsx, use DataSourceSelector to allow the user to select an origin data source. Next, declare the output data source inside onChange callback of DataSourceSelector.

// Let framework know which data source current widget is using and which data source current widget is the output.
  useDataSources: useDataSources
}, outputDsJsons)

Select a number field and some statistic functions, then save them in widget config.

<div className='my-2'>Please select a field.</div>
  // use this.props.onSettingChange to save the number field to config inside this callback
  selectedFields={this.props.config.numberField ? Immutable([this.props.config.numberField]) : null}
<div className='my-2'>Please select a statistic function.</div>
<MultiSelect fluid
  // use this.props.onSettingChange to save statistic functions to config inside this callback

In widget.tsx, use DataSourceComponent to create origin data source instance. Update the output data source's source records every time the user clicks the update output data source button.

<Button onClick={this.setSourceRecordsToOutputDs}>
  Update output data source

The main difference between this widget with the client-side-output is this widget's output data source uses a different schema with its origin data source.

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